-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 92 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Your Official
--League of Non-Voters letter
--Voting For Chief Prison Guard
--Electoral College myths, third-party truths
--Killing union activists
--World Bank Head Speaks On Demonstrations
--Naked Surveillance
Linked stories:
        *Would Clinton ban release of the Pentagon Papers?
        *ACLU joints fight over 'vote-buying' Internet site
        *The Medium Is the Voting Booth
        *Kurzweil: Rooting for the Machine
        *Ethiopia's Haile Selassie reburied
Begin stories:
Your Official

Congratulations On Your Recent Purchase

Dear  Special Interest,

Congratulations on the purchase of your genuine Government Official(TM). With
regular maintenance your Government Official (TM) should  provide you with
a lifetime
of sweetheart deals, insider information,  preferential legislation and
other fine services.

Before you begin using your product, we would appreciate it if you would
take the time to fill out this customer service card.  This information
will not be sold to any other party, and will be used solely to aid us
in better fulfilling your future needs in political influence.

1.  Which of our fine products did you buy?
*  __ President
*  __ Vice-President
*  __  Senator
*  __ Congressman
*  __ Governor
*  __ Cabinet  Secretary - Commerce
*  __ Cabinet Secretary - Other
*  __ Other Elected Official (please specify)_________
*  __ Other Appointed Official (please specify)________

2.  How did you hear about your Government Official (TM)?  (Please check
all that apply)
*  __ TV  ad
*  __ Magazine/newspaper ad
*  __ Shared jail cell  with
*  __ Former partner of
*  __ Unindicted co-conspirator  with
*  __ Procured for
*  __ Related to
*  __  Recommended by lobbyist
*  __ Recommended by organized crime  figure
*  __ Frequently mentioned in conspiracy theories (on Internet)
*  __ Frequently  mentioned in conspiracy theories  (elsewhere)
*  __ Spoke at fundraiser at my temple
*  __  Solicited bribe from me
*  __ Attempted to seduce me

3.  How  do you expect to use your Government Official (TM)?  (Please
check all that apply)
*  __ Obtain lucrative government contracts
*  __  Have my prejudices turned into law
*  __ Obtain diplomatic  concessions
*  __ Obtain trade concessions
*  __ Have embargo  lifted from own nation/ally
*  __ Have embargo imposed on enemy/rival nation/ religious infidels
*  __ Obtain  patronage job for self/spouse/mistress
*  __ Forestall military action  against self/allies
*  __ Instigate military action against internal
enemies/aggressors/targets for future conquest
*  __ Impede criminal/civil investigation of self/associates/spouse
*  __ Obtain  pardon for self/associates/spouse
*  __ Inflict punitive legislation on class enemies/rivals/hated ethnic
*  __ Inflict punitive regulation on business competitors/environmental
exploiters/capitalist pigs

4.  What factors influenced your  purchase?
(Please check all that apply)
*  __ Performance of  currently owned model
*  __ Reputation
*  __ Price
*  __  Appearance
*  __ Party affiliation
*  __ Professed beliefs of  Government Official (TM)
*  __ Actual beliefs of Government Official  (TM)
*  __ Orders from boss/superior officer/foreign government
*   __ Blackmail
*  __ Celebrity endorsement

5.  Is this product  intended as a replacement for a currently owned
Government Official  (TM)?  ______
If you answered "yes," please indicate your reason(s) for changing
*  __ Excessive operating/maintenance costs.
*   __ Needs have grown beyond capacity of current model.
*  __ Defect in  current model:
*  __ Dead
*  __ Senile
*  __  Indicted
*  __ Convicted
*  __ Impeached
*  __ Resigned  in disgrace
*  __ Switched parties/beliefs
*  __ Out bribed by competing interest

Thank you for taking your valuable time.  Always remember in choosing a
Government Official (TM) you have chosen the best politician money can buy.

League of Non-Voters letter


Those who encourage voting are not encouraging greater involvement and
positive results for the community at large; they are encouraging people to
let someone else do something for the community. Voting for someone is
related to a desire that the candidate will do something. This does not
encourage the voter to actually do anything besides checking a box or
punching a card. It promotes less involvement with society in spite of the
good intentions that may inspire people to vote.

Voicing an opinion cannot be done in the secrecy of an election polling
booth. There is probably no better way to insure no one will know what your
opinion is. The status quo is perpetuated by repetitive action; it can only
be maintained -- it cannot be changed -- by continuing to perform the same
action, such as voting for politicians. The long-term effect of directing
change through political elections is to conglomerate differing views into
an increasingly narrow corridor of alternatives, until the choices become
practically indistinguishable.

By encouraging people not to vote, the League of Non-Voters is not just
undermining one of the most important powers that citizens possess; the
League is attempting to undermine the ONLY power that individuals possess as
political entities. In essence, nothing is being undermined at all; instead,
it is being revealed that the "government by the consent of the governed"
continues to rule with or without the consent of the governed. It
is apathetic to ignore this or allow it to continue unchallenged.

The alternative to voting is for each individual to recognize and take
responsibility for her own actions, and for families and neighbors to take
responsibility for their own actions. The fatal error of society is to see
problems and look to politicians for their solutions; this is a negation of
responsibility that breeds isolationism, social separation, and the
disintegration of communities. A vote for change is a hope that someone else
will make something change. It is a request that someone else take
care of the weak, the poor, the homeless, so the voter does not have to be
burdened with the responsibility or the heavy conscience. It is harmful to

It is harmful to the individual as well, because self-ownership is given up
when private decisions are turned over to the majority of voters. If you
admit that decisions regarding your own body can be protected by elected
officials or their appointees, you have effectively negated your right to
privacy and the principle that only the individual can choose what to do
with her own body. Those decisions become "public property," subject to
popular opinion and dependent upon the honor of politicians.

The refusal to vote is the most profound vote a person can make. It is a
vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the wisdom of politicians. It is a vote that they
keep their politics to themselves.

Dewaine McBride, Organizer
The League of Non-Voters, Tucson

Voting For Chief Prison Guard

by Robin Banks, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So there were these prisoners, and they found out that the prison was
planning to let them vote for Chief Prison Guard.

One of the guards was, relatively speaking, a nice guy -- son of a
retired prison guard, even. I mean, he would still throw you in the hole for
minor infractions, and he believed in 3 am shakedowns for drugs like all the
other guards, but sometimes he was polite to you and if you needed to go
to the infirmary, then he would let you go, most of the time. This nice
guard turned a blind eye to the institutional racism and injustice in the
prison, just like all the other guards, but hey what can you expect? At least
he lets some prisoners go to the infirmary every now and then. Many
prisoners supported this guard.

Of course, the other guy running for Chief Prison Guard was a maniac
(and, oddly enough, also son of another retired prison guard), but he had a
down-home approach to things that sort of appealed to quite a few
prisoners, especially the white ones. This particular candidate had made
a point of using plenty of code words to describe his distaste for the
nonwhite prisoners, and he worked with and tolerated plenty of openly
racist guards, but to make up for it he spoke passable Spanish and made
a few Hispanic prisoners into trustees. In terms of policy, he was hard as
nails, but shucks, he had such a winning grin and was known to crack a
few dirty jokes with prisoners when he was in a good mood. So some prisoners
were going to vote for him.

 From out of nowhere came this other guy who wasn't even a prison guard. He
was some type of reform-oriented bureaucrat who wanted to change the
prison system. He would give all the prisoners bigger cages and longer chains,
and the 3 am shakedowns would be moved to 9 pm, right before lights out, so
that prisoners would not have to be rudely awakened. He proposed letting
prisoners go to the infirmary at will without paying for medication, and
he wanted to raise everyone's commissary allowance and get people more time
in the yard, which the two other candidates for Chief completely opposed.
He wanted to clean up the filthy bathrooms, allow more time in the showers,
and even institute a program where inmates could easily file complaints
against guards. Wow! He sounded like a dream candidate for Chief Prison

There was quite a bit of controversy over the three-way race for Chief
Prison Guard. Supporters of the first candidate were very upset with
supporters of the third candidate. They argued that the reformist
bureaucrat wouldn't get any votes because most people in the prison
didn't even know about him -- prison officials wouldn't let any information get
through. They argued that a vote for this dreamy third candidate was a
wasted vote, and that the first candidate, the nice guy with the
infirmary-reform program, was the best.

Supporters of the second candidate, made up mostly of members of the
Aryan Brotherhood and other white prison gangs, were thrilled about the split
vote. They even pretended to be supporters of the third candidate, the
reformist bureaucrat, so as to better divide the potential votes.

Controversy reigned. Fights often broke out in the yard between
prisoners arguing over which person was better suited for Chief Prison Guard.

One day, a few weeks before the big secret ballot, one of the older
prisoners who was usually kept in isolation spoke up in the yard.

"All this talk of voting for chief prison guard ... what nonsense! Can't
you see that after the election we'll all still be in prison?! We need
to talk about uniting, about forming a prisoner's union, about getting rid
of the gangs and internecine warfare and rising up against the REAL enemy
- - - the prison guards!"

The other inmates laughed at him.

"You crazy, old man ... we GOTTA vote for SOMEBODY!"

"Don't you see, the first guy is MUCH better than the second guy, AND
he's got a real chance of winning!"

"No, we gotta vote for the best candidate, not the lesser of two evils!"

And so on.

The old prisoner listened for a few minutes and shook his head in disgust.
He shouted to be heard above the din: "This vote is a fraud! Why do we
consider it an honor to pick a new slavemaster for ourselves? We should
be rejecting this prison system altogether and standing up against it!
Brothers, if we unite, they cannot stop us!"

Again, the other prisoners laughed, this time even harder.

"Unite? In prison? We'll all be killed!"

"I ain't uniting with those pro-bureaucrat fools!"

"Come on, this is reality, this is prison, what are you gonna do about it?"

The older prisoner turned away, muttering to himself, "Well, I ain't
voting. Nobody can force me to participate in my own enslavement."

Electoral College myths, third-party truths


By Zoh Hieronimus

One thinks of myths as story telling about our past. The Electoral College
myth however is a modern day example of political and media fabrication. It
does not represent the story of freedom and representative law making -- nor
the intent of our nation's founders.

Despite various claims that the Electoral College vote is based on the
popular vote in all 50 states, it is not. Designed by our Founders to
operate in such a fashion, in fact, of the 538 electoral college votes, only
257 represent votes from states that require their electorates to vote for
the popular winner decided in the state's general election. There are
actually 281 Electoral College votes that are not predicated on the popular
vote at all. While it is assumed each party's delegates do vote for their
party's candidates, they are not obligated to do so according to the
election laws of half of the states in the union.

These electors have the freedom, based on their state's perversion of the
process, to vote for whomever they choose. Meaning, the popular vote can
count for nothing at all in more than 50 percent of the Electoral College
votes that will be cast. This means that half of the people voting in these
states who think their vote will determine the outcome of the presidential
race are misinformed.

What is interesting about the Electoral College is that, of the seven states
with more than 20 electoral votes, only California (with its 54 electoral
votes) and Ohio (with 21) are compelled by law to vote on the
"winner-takes-all" formula. That's just 75 votes. The other big states --
Florida, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas -- have a total of 135
electoral votes and none of these states require their delegates to vote
along party line or winner-takes-all. This means that, given the 270
required electoral votes to win the presidency, even if a candidate locks up
the popular vote, the Electoral College could conceivably vote the other

Historically, delegates were expected to vote based on the popular vote.
And, as for deadlocks, take for instance the remedy in Maryland: if after
electors are still stumped after two additional run-off votes, delegates are
at liberty to vote their own will, regardless of the majority vote in the
state. This is to prevent a deadlock and assure proper counting. At the
federal level, an electoral deadlock is settled with the House of
Representatives electing the president, the Senate voting for the vice
president, both under special voting rules.

What this means for third-party runs for president is that, if you want your
party to win, campaigns should focus a lot of effort on those states that
require their delegates to vote according to the poplar winner takes all.
Only those states that compel electors to vote based on the popular vote can
assure a party's victory in terms of the Electoral College vote. They are:
Alabama (with nine votes), Alaska (three), Arkansas (six), California (54),
Colorado (eight), Connecticut (eight), District of Columbia (three),
Delaware (three), Hawaii (four), Maine (four), Maryland (10), Michigan (18),
Montana (three), Nevada (four), New Mexico (five), North Carolina (14), Ohio
(21) Oklahoma (eight), Oregon (seven), South Carolina (eight), Tennessee
(11) Utah (five), Vermont (three), Virginia (13) Washington (11), Wisconsin
(11) and Wyoming (three).

However, if you add them up, that's only 257 Electoral College votes that
are, by state law, cast according to the popular vote. That leaves 281 votes
that can be cast based solely on the desire of the elector as individuals.

So much for winner-takes-all and lawful representative voting.

As such, it is easy to see the Electoral College as but another part of the
corruption the legislators of the two parties have created to maintain
control. There are many Americans who don't believe a vote for Ralph Nader
of the Green Party or Harry Browne of the Libertarian party is a vote for
George Bush. Or that a vote for Pat Buchanan of the Reform Party is a vote
for Al Gore. Instead they are simply votes for other men and women that can
assure us that third parties stay on the ballots in each of the 50 states of
the union, where the two-party monopoly has done its best to obstruct third
parties from forming and having a seat at the table.

That's why, in fact, a vote for a third party may be the most important vote
to cast of all.

Voting for third party candidates is the only way to assure a third party's
existence in the next general and state elections in each state. While the
presidential candidates will find winning more than a Herculean task,
regardless of electoral votes, if candidates do not get 5 percent of the
popular vote in their state, they do not qualify under current federal law
for matching funds and, in most states, would not qualify as a viable state
party -- blocking candidates to run for state office, the only seat of power
where meaningful change can come from today.

Some of us can think outside the box that the media and political class tell
us is the example of freedom and choice we want to spread around the world,
but the two-party monopolists have created artificial standards for
third-party challengers -- requirements that have no relationship to the
rule of law but every sign of being nothing more than inventions to prevent
the citizens from having the choices they need, a real alternative at the
ballot box.

Killing union activists

The Southern California Teamster,
page 5, October 18, 2000:

BRUSSELS, Belgium (PAI) -- Standing up for workers' rights is dangerous
work. Last year alone, at least 140 trade unionists worldwide were
killed or committed suicide after being threatened because of their
union activism, reports the International Confederation of Free Trade

   And that's not all. The survey, which examines 113 countries, states
that nearly 3,000 people were arrested, 1,500 were injured, beaten or
tortured and at least 5,800 were harassed for engaging in legitimate
trade union activities in 1999 alone.

   The report also found widespread government repression of workers
during job actions last year. It notes 80 out of the 113 countries
surveyed restricted workers' right to strike. And police violence
toward strikers led to workers' deaths and injuries on the picket

World Bank Head Speaks On Demonstrations

From: UN Wire
November 1, 2000

  James Wolfensohn remembers when he was a student and he and his
  generation demonstrated against US economic dominance in his native
  Australia. But as president of the World Bank, Wolfensohn has a slightly
  different view of the recent, and surprising, upsurge in youthful street
  protests against his and other international organizations that at times
  have turned ugly.        Seattle took many people by surprise.
  Protesters succeeded in delaying speeches by foreign ministers at the
  World Trade Organization talks. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan had to
  scratch his speech altogether because he couldn't get into the
  conference hall. Wolfensohn says he warned WTO head Michael Moore that
  if he were more concerned about the plight of poor countries, as the
  World Bank is, he wouldn't have had such a mess in the streets. After
  street protests almost disrupted the recent World Bank and IMF meetings
  in Prague, Wolfensohn says Moore came back to him and asked, "What was
  that you said to me in Seattle?"

  "Middle class kids in my generation used to come out to protest and now
  we have another series of protests," Wolfensohn told UN Wire in an
  interview. "I don't resent that at all, I'm glad they are interested. If
  it's for debate and real discussion, no problem. What hurts me is when
  they are throwing Molotov cocktails or hurt  the police, or close down
  the very meetings that are dealing with the very issues they are
  concerned with. Our big concerns were AIDS, corruption and good
  governance, and people outside were complaining that no one was
  concerned  about AIDS, corruption and good governance. They were
  subjects on our agenda, not because of the people outside, but because
  they are central to our agenda. They've got our attention. It's
  important to have a dialogue. But all I'm looking for is dialogue," he

  Wolfensohn said only a partnership between national governments,
  multilateral organizations (such as the World Bank), civil society
  (including nongovernmental organizations and peaceful protesters) and
  the private sector can reduce or  eliminate poverty. He doesn't deny
  that global corporations have immense power and therefore immense
  responsibility. But he sees their efforts to make a profit in developing
  countries, through the use of local labor markets and resources, as well
  as investment in developing countries currency and debt markets, as
  positive for developing world peoples.

  "I remember when I was a student in Australia in the '50s and was
  complaining about US investment in Australia. We weren't exactly a
  country in deep poverty, though it wasn't as developed as it is now, an
  I was angry because I thought the Americans were coming in to buy up
  Australian resources. As I grew older and  little wiser, I saw that the
  simple fact is that Australia developed as a consequence of overseas
  investment and bought back many of those companies. In fact, the
  industrial revolution in Australia was caused by a transfer of resources
  and technology. As I get around the world to talk to African, Asian and
  Latin American leaders, all of them are eager to bring about a transfer
  of technology and money. The reason is not to rape the people, but to
  create jobs."

  Wolfensohn says he's at the bank, where he has been president since
  1995, because he's dedicated to poverty eradication. The World Bank has
  loaned more than $300 billion in its existence. And it is trying now to
  battle corruption in developing world governments.

  Wolfensohn said people in the streets of Prague, where the World Bank
  and International Monetary Fund held their annual meeting last month,
  criticized "everything and nothing and some were there just to destroy."
  He says the protests reflect great uncertainty about how decisions are
  being made without the involvement of the masses. "It's positive if it's
  a questioning of the direction and about involvement," he says, "but I
  am concerned about those without information jumping to conclusions
  trying to close us down, or to destroy us."

  It's difficult to convince the protesters he is not one of the big bad
  capitalists, says Wolfensohn, and he says the Internet Age can spread
  dissent as never before. "You can organize revolution very fast, but the
  thing they are criticizing, globalization, is actually one of their
  biggest tools." He says the bank has to explain the complexities of
  development and poverty and show that such problems can't be solved
  overnight. "You can't answer these problems on a barricade or in a sound
  bite," he says.

Naked Surveillance


by Russell Madden

Unbeknownst to Oregon resident Danny Kyllo, a police officer searched his
home-even though the officer had not yet served Kyllo a search warrant nor
even entered the man's house. What the cop did do in the never-ending War
on People (aka "the War on Drugs") was point a thermal imager at Kyllo's

The imager revealed that the suspect's domicile was radiating heat more
than usual for such a structure. "Ah-ha!" the sterling upholder of the law
thought, "Grow lights!" After combining this initial search with other
evidence, a search warrant was issued. Lo and behold, the stalwart officers
discovered that the hapless Mr. Kyllo had committed the no-no of growing
marijuana plants.

Naturally, Mr. Kyllo took exception to this common practice of law
enforcement. Using this thermal information from his home without first
obtaining a warrant constituted an "unreasonable search" and thus violated
Mr. Kyllo's Fourth Amendment guaranteed rights against unlawful searches.
As such, any evidence obtained in this endeavor should be suppressed
and not be available in any criminal proceedings initiated against him.

Seems clear enough, right?

The district court said, no, no, the use of a thermal imaging device does
not constitute a search, despite the fact that the officer was seeking to
obtain information about the conditions inside Mr. Kyllo's home without his
permission and without a valid warrant. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
agreed that no search relevant to the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution

This ruling has now been appealed to the Supreme Court. The Nine in Black
have decided to examine this practice and issue a ruling on whether thermal
imaging (at least if conducted from a police car rather than an airplane) is
to be permitted.

We can only wish Mr. Kyllo good luck in his fight.

Peeping Toms of the State

Even though the average person would be arrested for voyeurism if he engaged
in such "Peeping Tom" behavior, this is hardly the only example of agents of
the State hoping to catch a glimpse of the "naked truth" about you.

Going on a plane ride? New imaging devices are available that can reveal the
"real you" beneath your clothing, and in embarrassing detail. In the name of
fighting "terrorism" and "gun nuts," the security folks who boringly process
harried travelers may soon be better able than your closest acquaintances to
assess the extent of your middle-age spread or the facts about your physique
your clothes attempt to disguise or enhance.

Even if you are not one of the fortunate few who currently face this
invisible groping, you may be lucky enough to experience a real hands-on
search, especially if you match some arcane "profile" based on your sex,
race, or ethnic background. No warrants, of course. Mere suspicion suffices.
Stripped naked, prodded and poked, perhaps even detained while the
upstanding defenders of your freedom wait to examine what you deposit in the
toilet, you will no doubt accept unreservedly that such workers are merely
"doing their jobs." Who cares that ninety-percent of those detained are sent
away, innocent of any ill intent to violate the laws of this country? "Oops.
Sorry." (Actually, I doubt your examiners will apologize.)

Now don't you feel ever so much safer as you wing your way through the
friendly skies?

Maybe you believe that merely walking sedately down the street will not
attract any undue attention. After all, as Obi Wan Kenobi told Han Solo, you
prefer to avoid "Imperial entanglements." Be watchful, however, if you
exercise your right to carry a weapon in self-defense. You may someday
become the random target of officers wielding sensitive metal detectors
that reveal your dirty little secret to their probing instruments. If the
lovely ladies of the Million Mom March have their way, no appeal to the
Second Amendment will protect you (let alone the Fourth Amendment).
You will be judged an evil purveyor of "gun violence" merely because
you own - let alone bear! - such a instrument of death and destruction.
When the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism, and the slowly brewing
War on Guns merge someday into one gigantic War on Everything That
They Don't Approve Of, your only hope will be to cower in the safety of
your basement.

(Darn. I forgot. That thermal imager thing...)

We already have school officials stripping little girls to their underwear
searching for stolen goods. What new excuses will the guardians of our youth
dream up tomorrow to justify their violations of our children's bodies and
privacy? Regardless, those who will one day mature into our national leaders
will be well-conditioned for the world of the future.

Chip Implants to Save the Children

Chip implants that today track the locations of pets and valuable livestock
are already being touted as the next wave of convenience and safety for
humans. The first widespread appeals to apply this technology to people may
be directed to - yes - the children. How could you possibly object to
anything that might ensure a teeny-tiny additional margin of safety for your
precious offspring? Why, you have been fingerprinting your progeny, have you
not? No matter that the real risk of them being abducted is minuscule. Every
precaution must be taken. Why, not agreeing to chip implantation might be
construed as uncaring and cruel. Child abuse? You wouldn't want to be
accused of that, now would you? Besides, simply think of an implant as an
extension of the national identification - oh, excuse me - the social
security number you obtained for your children. Why, I bet the State could
be convinced to offer you a tax credit if you comply! Maybe your insurance
rates would drop, too!

No more lost children! What a glorious Utopia! No longer need you worry
about exercising your parental authority and responsibility. Just as the
State has relieved you of the bothersome necessity of obtaining child care,
choosing your child's education, worrying whether or not to vaccinate them
against obscure diseases, purchasing their health care, evaluating their
toys for safety, deciding whether to buckle up your children or place them
in car seats, so, too, will your beneficent guardian angels ensure that you
can let your kids run wild.

Nor will you be able (or allowed?) to resist the siren call of this GPS
linked little companion. At present, the authorities can only track your
position via your cell phone. (For your own good, of course. How else do you
expect the good folks manning the 911 phones to find you? What? You didn't
ask to "benefit" from this loss of your anonymity. No problem! No need for
thanks, either.) In addition to the implant linking you into this global
web, it will soon be able to monitor your vital signs. Skyrocketing blood
pressure? Heart attack? Gasping for breath? Help is quick at hand.

You will also no longer be pestered by the hassle of passwords or swipe
cards or even fingerprints or retinal scanners. Your micro-buddy can handle
all those mundane requirements of life for you.

Throw in complete tracking of your purchases, jobs, medical history, emails,
phone calls, and travels and there won't be anything about you that those
who "feel your pain" won't know. You will stand before them revealed in all
your naked glory - either literally or figuratively - any time they so
desire. With knowledge comes power. With power comes control. With control

Well, the politicos and their minions don't want you to take that final
mental step. Doing that would reveal that the Emperor has no clothes.
Realize that fact - that their "compassion" and their "caring" and their
"concerns" for "justice" are nonexistent - and you will laugh.

So, let's all open our eyes and take a good hard look at those who hope to
leave us naked and helpless before them. While we still can, let's strip
them of the drug (power) they lust after most, and laugh good and loud and
long at their naked ambition.

Linked stories:
Would Clinton ban release of the Pentagon Papers?

The whistle-blower who helped end the Vietnam War  discusses the
greatest threat ever to free speech and a free press. By Daniel Ellsberg

ACLU joints fight over 'vote-buying' Internet site
    The American Civil Liberties Union has joined the defense of
    Vote-auction.com, a Web site that seeks to link people selling
    their votes with eager buyers. (11/2/00)

  The Medium Is the Voting Booth
  About 200 members of the U.S. military will be able to cast their
votes on Tuesday over the Internet in a closely watched pilot program.

  Kurzweil: Rooting for the Machine
  Inventor and author Raymond Kurzweil, a persistent thorn in Bill Joy's
side, tells a nanotech conference that by the end of the century,
machines will be far smarter than any human. And he wishes it were
sooner than that.
Ethiopia's Haile Selassie reburied
Ethiopia's late Emperor Haile Selassie has been reburied in an
elaborate ceremony 25 years after his death. Ethiopia's royal
family-in-exile and dozens of Rastafarians who believe Selassie
to be God joined thousands of ordinary Ethiopians in honouring him.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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