The Times of London is running a story this morning about al-Qaeda cells operating inside the US.  Well,sort of.  Here is the quote.

“Thousands of FBI agents have rounded up more than 1,300 suspects across America since September 11, but they have failed to find asingle al-Qaeda cell operating in the United States.

“Tom Ridge, the Director of Homeland Security, admitted yesterday that he suspected that there were active cells in the US, but he could not explain why none had been caught.”

Aha.  I see.  Let me get this straight.  Afew days after the 9/11 attacks, the FBI had the names of the terrorists on the planes, even though none of those names were on the passenger lists.  They had found a pristine passport belonging to one of these men—after it dropped out of an airliner????--a few blocks from the WTC.

However, despite THAT miraculous job of pinpointing the terrorists’ identities, the FBI can’t find an al-Qaeda cell in the US.

1.   There aren’t any such cells in the US.  
2.  Or there are, but they are being protected, for future launched operations, so that more repressive measures against the Bill of Rights can be taken soon.

Works for me.

A hell of a job this Ridge has.  Nice salary, huge budget.  Sits at his desk working out new color codes to represent various levels of potential-terrorist-threat warnings.

“This is a lime green.  Lime green means duck at the sound of car backfires and don’t eat the shellfish.  That is all.”

And by the way.  How does al-Qaeda end up being spelled al-Qaeda?  The last time I looked, Arabic is not an Anglo alphabet.  So the sound of al-Qaeda would turn out to be AL-KI-DA or AL-KEYE-DA or AL-KAYE-DA or AL-KY-DA in English.  A small point, no doubt.  But it’s interesting when Anglo translations of terms from languages with other alphabets are done to make these terms seem very weird and alien and off the wall.

Instead of phonetically obvious.  “You see, these people are so different from the rest of us, we have to make their words seem out of whack too.”

Try the spelling on Duke’s basketball coach sometime.  SHA-SHEV-SKI, which is the best phonetic translation, turns out to be something like Kryzsxlpasavsxchkaei.  This engineering job was not done by Eastern Europeans.

So where is Al Kyda, and where is Al living?  In a rooming house in Indiana?  At the Plaza in NY?  Is he smoking cigars from Cuba?  Is he eating sturgeon at the Carnegie deli?  HeyTom.  Stop playing with those crayons on your desk.             

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