-Caveat Lector-


      News/Current Events News Keywords: CRISIS
      Source: Daily Review of Ontology
      Published: June 18, 1999 Author: Rafun Rymark

 Reality Begins to Stutter

                 Tempers Flare Over Reality Stutter

      "I'm not among those who see all ontologists as envy ridden
      twits, but they, as a breed, have been extremely reluctant
      to recognize the important work done by other scientists to
      substantiate, quantify, and publicize this horrid little
      stuttering of reality." ........Sir Arthur Reynolds.......

 Saturday, June 19, 1999.  In the three years since Professor
 Morgan Mughouse of Bristol startled ontologists worldwide with the
 publication of his first paper on the detection of irregularities
 in the flow of reality, few outside the ontological community have
 taken the quickly evolving crisis seriously.  But according to
 attendees at the seventy-fourth annual convention of the World
 Association of Consulting Ontologists, most governments around the
 world are now swiftly, if quietly, mobilizing to solve the problem.
 Unfortunately, no one is quite sure what solving the problem might
 mean, nor even who might be best qualified to attempt a solution.

 Thus, the appointment by Mr. Blair of Sir Arthur Reynolds, former
 advisor to the queen on astronomical affairs, to head Britain's
 effort dismayed many at the conference.  "What's an astronomer know
 about reality?" asked Dr. S.L. Winthon in his opening address to
 the convention.  "Their entire discipline is bounded within
 reality."  Winthon warned that, "Mr. Blair, with this appointment,
 guarantees that Britain will play no significant role in the
 world's effort to solve this ontological crisis; and let none here
 forget that this must be understood and dealt with as an
 ontological crisis."

 Mughouse, who's seminal work on graphing the flow of reality led to
 the discovery of the increasing "stutter" in that flow, was
 equally, though more civilly irate.  "I've never met an astronomer
 capable of looking at reality sideways," he told the conference,
 "nor is it likely that we've time to train one to do so."

 But Sir Arthur, who did not attend the conference, strongly
 defended the necessity of someone from outside the field of
 ontology heading the commission: "Ontology has always been seen by
 other scientists as a specialized field, and as such has attracted
 those of a peculiar mindset, which, though broad in conceptual
 range, severely limits working contact with scientists in other
 disciplines.  I'm not among those who see all ontologists as envy
 ridden twits, but they, as a breed, have been extremely reluctant
 to recognize the important work done by other scientists to
 substantiate, quantify, and publicize this horrid little stuttering
 of reality.  Without Enoch's statistical work on the exponential
 increase in coincidence, or Stratford's detailed studies on the
 success of political doubletalk, no one outside of the field of
 ontology would even be aware of the seriousness of our situation."

 Delegates from a few other nations also expressed concern with
 their own governments' attempts to deal with the crisis.  Two
 German professors, who preferred to remain anonymous, bemoaned
 Germany's stated position that the problem must be seen as a defect
 in the way time flows, rather than the way reality flows through
 time.  "Time is not the problem; reality is the problem," said one.
 "Yes, reality," added the other.  "Reality and the Swiss."

 Maurice Du Pomp, from the Paris Institute, insisted that although
 France, because of its more sophisticated linquistic traditions,
 was uniquely qualified to lead any battle against defects in
 reality, Chirac was not putting sufficient pressure on the
 Americans to help fund such a battle.  But American delegates
 doubted that any such funding would soon come from the U.S.

 "No one in Congress, the White House, or the press will even
 listen to us," said one.  "I'm not sure any of them give a damn
 about reality."

 I'm not entirely unsure why this issue has not been more prominent
 here lately...

 1 Posted on 06/19/1999 11:22:07 PDT by frankm


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