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Are We Really So Far Removed From Dark Days Of World War II?

Orlando Sentinel
4-15-99 Charley Reese

Are we really so far removed from dark days of World War II?

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on April 15, 1999.

Let me tell you about something that happened back in the dark days of
World War II.

The German army, in 1941, stood astride of Europe, having defeated or
compelled the surrender of every nation. From the borders of Russia to
the Atlantic, from the English Channel and North Sea to the
Mediterranean, the German war machine stood victorious.

It is no surprise then that when that machine rolled into Yugoslavia,
the government surrendered. There was no chance to win a fight. Croatia
became an enthusiastic fascist state and set up its own concentration
camps to slaughter Jews and Serbs. Albania had joined the fascists and
sent a division into Kosovo, where, at that time, Serbs were a huge
majority. About 140,000 Serbs were killed.

The Bosnian Muslims, including their present leader, enthusiastically
formed a Waffen SS Division.

So what did the Serbs do? Well, that's the magic. Within a few days
after the Yugoslavian government surrendered, the Serb people rose up,
overthrew that government and told Hitler's legions in effect, "No,
hell, we don't surrender."

This is one of the noblest examples of human courage in history. Here
was a people hopelessly outnumbered who nevertheless preferred to die
than to surrender. More than a million did die, but they fought the
Germans so fiercely that the German invasion of the Soviet Union was
delayed. Hitler later blamed his defeat by the Russians on this delay.

It is shameful, in my opinion, that the United States, in its postwar
decline, led by sleazy people, is attacking the Serbs, who fought with
us as allies, to assist people who fought against us as Nazi allies.

And it is moronic that people in Washington supposed that the Serbs, who
defied the German war machine, would collapse and tremble at the feet of
someone whose ill-planned, poorly thought-out campaign has already led
to a human disaster for the very people he said it was designed to save.

And make no mistake, this president, famous for his bad judgment, by
rejecting any compromise is committing the United States to ground war
in the Balkans. The idea that this man, who spoke of loathing the U.S.
military and who cowardly avoided the draft, is now willing to put
American troops into war against a former ally is really disgusting.

Clinton is going to discover, like Hitler, that he can occupy Serbia but
that he cannot subdue the Serbian people.

The American people should wake up and decide how many of their sons and
daughters they wish to sacrifice for the sake of Albania, once a fascist
state, once the most Stalinist of the communist states and currently the
most corrupt and incompetent of the former communist states.

When Clinton sends troops into Yugo-slavia it will be pointless to talk
about an exit strategy. There won't be one. There isn't even one for the
American troops stuck in Bosnia. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
officials have said they will be there at least another five years.

Americans should also remember that not one single European leader in
1914 intended to start a world war. They simply found themselves trapped
in a chain of actions and reactions and ended up in a situation not a
single one of them had intended or wanted.

Clinton, accustomed to cheap, small-state hustling, is clearly out of
his depth. He is playing a dangerous game and isn't sane enough to
realize just how dangerous it is. Beware of God's ironic sense of humor.
The century started with a world war ignited in the Balkans.

Let's pray it doesn't end the same way.

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