Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Remembering D-Day

By Chuck Baldwin

June 6, 2000

On this date fifty-six years ago, the invasion of France by Allied Forces
began under the code name, "Operation Overlord." More than 5,000 ships and
1,200 transport planes carried more than one quarter of a million men into
the greatest military invasion in the history of the world. By July 1, over
one million soldiers had landed. 50 infantry divisions and 10 tank
divisions of Hitler’s best met them. At stake were the fate of the war in
Europe and the fate of freedom for the world.

It was the German Field Marshal, Erwin Pommel, who predicted that, "For the
Allies, as well as Germany, it will be the longest day." How right he was!
By the end of that day over 2,500 allied soldiers and sailors had slipped
into eternity. No one knows how many Germans did the same. The end of that
day also brought a great victory for the allied forces and the beginning of
the end for Nazi Germany.

The Pathfinders and Paratroopers arrived first. It was Brig. Gen. James
"Jumpin' Jim" Gavin who warned his troops, "When you land in Normandy you
will have only one friend: God." So, in the pre-dawn darkness of 6 June
20,000 Paratroopers descended into occupied France.

Eisenhower was more worried about the airborne operation than any other
part of the invasion. His fears were warranted. Of the 120 Pathfinders only
38 landed on their targets. It is believed that Pvt. Leonard Devorchak was
the first American killed on D-Day. Some of the Paratroopers fell into
swollen swamps, others into the channel itself and with heavy-weighted
equipment on their backs, drowned - some in less than two feet of water.
Some were carried by brisk winds into the occupied town of Ste.

As fate would have it, a villa had caught fire in the Town Square, and
about 100 inhabitants were busy passing buckets, trying to put out the
fire. Some of our brave Paratroopers landed screaming in the middle of that
blazing inferno. Others were machine-gunned to death as they descended into
the heavily armed village. Our men were strewn and scattered over miles of
enemy territory, enlisted men without officers and officers with no men to
lead. Numbered in the latter group was Major General Maxwell Taylor. He
found himself with a plethora of officers, but only three enlisted men. He
told them, "Never have so few been commanded by so many." If confusion and
disarray prevailed among our Paratroopers, however, it was even more in
evidence among the German defenders. They still had no idea that the
invasion had begun.

As dawn broke, the allied armada descended upon the beaches of Normandy.
The names of those beaches have been indelibly carved into our minds:
Sword, June, Gold, Omaha and Utah. Under the command of General Montgomery,
the British 2nd Army attacked Sword, June and Gold. The American 1st Army
stormed Utah and Omaha.

The resolve of the infantry soldiers was unmistakable. On the H.M.S. Empire
Anvil, Cpl. Michael Kurtz said to his squad, "As soon as we're spotted
we'll catch enemy fire. If you make it, okay. If you don't, it's a good
place to die. Now let's go." One free Frenchman numbered among that gallant
group said, "We shall die on the sands of our dear France, but we will not
turn back." Such was the commitment and dedication of those brave men.

With heavy artillery from innumerable Naval guns and with the strafing of
formation after formation of more than 11,000 Air Force and Navy planes,
the invasion began. Perhaps the worst was at Omaha Beach. "Bloody Omaha"
they called it.

General Omar Bradley was concerned about Omaha Beach. He knew his 1st
Infantry Division was attacking some of Germany’s most battle-proven
divisions, the tough 352nd. Like Eisenhower's concern for the Paratroopers,
Bradley's fears were justified. Landing craft were blown apart as they came
in. German mortar and machine-gun fire were omnipresent. Misfortune piled
upon misfortune. Many soldiers landed in the wrong sectors. Demolition
engineers, who were supposed to blow paths through the beach obstacles,
were egregiously behind schedule. As a result, demolition teams were
running into invading infantrymen. Many assault troops were taking shelter
behind the very obstacles the engineers were trying to blow up!

During those initial moments it was as if time stood still and Armageddon
had begun. Bodies and parts of bodies were floating on the water, and yes,
flying through the air! Every wave of the sea regurgitated more bodies,
more blood, more ruined equipment. The young medics’ accounts of this
awesome spectacle are incredible.

Sgt. Alfred Eigenberg told of seeing a soldier whose leg was "laid open
from the knee to the pelvis as neatly as though a surgeon had done it with
a scalpel." The wound was so deep that Eigenberg could see the femoral
artery pulsing. The young medic did the only thing he knew to do. He folded
the nearly sliced halves of the man's leg together and carefully closed the
wound with safety pins.

Over at Utah Beach it was a different story. Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt,
the 57-year-old son of the former President, and the only general to land
with first-wave troops, studied to determine why his forces had met with so
little resistance. He quickly figured it out. They had landed in the wrong
place! 30,000 troops and 3,500 vehicles were right behind him. If a
corrective decision was not made immediately, a major defeat was imminent.
Roosevelt turned to his battalion commanders and said, "We're going to
start the war from here." He subsequently took his 4th Infantry Division
and drove inland, taking out German positions wherever they found them.

On the beaches of Sword, June and Gold, the British and Canadians were
landing. These troops encountered less resistance than did the Americans on
Omaha. They would make D-Day's greatest advances, but they failed to
capture their principal objective: the city of Caen. There they encountered
the plucky 21st Panzer Division, who held on to the town for the next 5

By mid-morning it was obvious the Allies would succeed, and by nightfall
more than 150,000 allied troops were ashore with thousands more on their
way. Germany surrendered less than a year later.

In all historical incidents, especially those of major significance, there
are stories behind the stories. Nowhere is this more in evidence than in
the stories of great battles.

We are familiar with the story of that dastardly winter in 1775 when
Washington's troops were starving and freezing. It looked as if our valiant
struggle for independence was about to crumble. Washington's response was
to cross the Delaware River and attack a far superior, fresher,
better-equipped, better-fed, better-conditioned enemy. The rest is

What you may not recall is that when Washington's troops began crossing the
Delaware the adversarial guards sent a word of warning to the Hessian
general that an attack had begun. Washington would have certainly been
defeated had the commander responded to that message. The general was in
the middle of a huge victory party, however. Being handed the warning,
therefore, he simply wadded it up and put it in his pocket without even
reading it.

It is very interesting that June 6 is not only the date of the D-Day
invasion, it is also the birthday of Mrs. Erwin Rommel. Because of this,
the great commander had left Normandy and returned to Germany to be with
his wife. He was sure the weather was too inclement for an attack. Rommel
left Normandy on June 4. On June 5 Allied Chief Meteorologist, Capt. J.M.
Staff of the Royal Air Force told General Eisenhower that there would be
twenty-four hours of relief in the weather - just twenty-four hours.
Eisenhower deliberated his decision for about five minutes. Slowly he said,
"I am quite positive we must give the order. I don't like it, but there it
is. I don't see how we can do anything else."

What did Washington and Eisenhower have in common? Did Washington know that
the enemy Commander would discard the warning of his attack? Did Eisenhower
know Rommel would be gone from the battlefront? What caused that
twenty-four hour clearing in the weather the same day Rommel was home for
his wife's birthday? What is the thread that binds so much of our country's
history together?

President Lincoln may have said it best. During those dark days of the
Civil War, an aide said the President, "I sure hope God is on our side."
Mr. Lincoln replied, "I am not at all concerned about that for I know that
God is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and
prayer that I and this nation be on God's side."

When our troops crossed the Delaware River, we were fighting for liberty.
When our forces landed on the Normandy coast, we were fighting for liberty.
When the flag was hoisted over Iwo Jima, we were fighting for liberty. When
we sent our young men to the icy mountains of Korea, the steamy jungles of
Vietnam and the desert sands of Iraq, we were fighting for freedom.

When men fight for liberty, God fights with them! In our National Anthem,
the inspired pen of Francis Scott Key asks the question, "Oh say, does that
Star-Spangled Banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the
brave?" Thanks to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen of
D-Day, Old Glory still waves!

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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