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Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
March 16, 2001
Dr. Ron Paul has the cure!
I take great pleasure in my job as a columnist and editorial director of
  what could be more enjoyable than the life of a pundit, sitting around commenting
  on the wicked ways of the world? But sometimes, especially lately, it becomes
  downright depressing: every day, disaster looms, and every week the same patterns
recur. It's as if mankind has lost its collective memory, because the War Party
  keeps pulling the same scams – and getting away with it! A story in today's
  [Thursday's] London Telegraph is a metaphor for this ongoing process:
  unlock the secrets of selective amnesia," the headline announces –
  and there you have it in a nutshell.

It seems that
  the old Freudian concept of "repression" of unwanted memories has been given
  a boost by two scientists at Oregon University, who have apparently reproduced
  the repression process under laboratory conditions. Roger Highfield, Telegraph 
science editor, writes: "More than a century after Freud suggested the existence
  of a repression mechanism that pushes unwanted memories into the unconscious,
  scientists now have hard evidence to explain how that mechanism works." People
  who want to forget invariably succeed in forgetting – although why
  we needed a laboratory experiment to "prove" the obvious seems yet another indication
  of the absurdity of empiricism and science-worship. Be that as it may, however,
  in the experiment, the subjects deliberately tried to forget certain words –
  and were unable to recall them later, even when offered money for the correct
  answer. According to Highfield, "This is the clearest demonstration of a direct
  connection between people's efforts to control awareness of a specific unwanted
  memory and their later ability to recall it." Understanding what the article
  calls "selective amnesia" could help victims of child abuse, or post-traumatic 
stress disorder. Taking apart this mechanism and revealing how human beings
  can direct their attention will, perhaps, help us diagnose and deal with
  the effects of age and disease, including schizophrenia and attention deficit
  disorder. Perhaps, someday, this line of research will also reveal how "selective
  amnesia" plays a major part in spreading another disease: the plague of war.

As news that Albanian
  terrorists are sparking yet another Balkan war grabs today's headlines, does anybody 
recall what got
  us into the last one? It was newspaper headlines charging the Serbs with "genocide":
  it was CNN's Christiane Amanpour "reporting" as fact the propaganda put out
  by her husband, James Rubin, then Madeleine Albright's ephebic Igor. It was
  NATO's machinery of lies acting in tandem with the Western "news" media that fueled 
such popular support as the War Party managed to attract. You'll recall
  – that is, if you aren't suffering from some kind of self-imposed "amnesia"
  – that the initial reason given for the bombing campaign was the "massacre"
  at Racak, in which dozens of supposedly unarmed Kosovar civilians were reportedly
  slaughtered by units of the Serbian military. As
  Mark Ames and Matt Taibbi put it in The eXile,
"Years from
  now, when the war in Serbia is over and the dust has settled, historians will
  point to January 15, 1999 as the day the American Death Star became fully 
  That was the date on which an American diplomat named William Walker brought
  his OSCE war crimes verification team to a tiny Kosovar village called Racak
  to investigate an alleged Serb massacre of ethnic Albanian peasants. After a
  brief review of the town's 40-odd bullet-ridden corpses, Walker searched out
  the nearest television camera and essentially fired the starting gun for the
Standing before
  the television cameras, Walker announced: "From what I saw, I do not hesitate
  to describe the crime as a massacre, a crime against humanity. Nor do I hesitate
  to accuse the government security forces of responsibility." It was a
  brazen lie, of course, and the
  truth is now coming to light. There was no Racak "massacre" – evidence
  unearthed by Finnish
  forensic experts indicates that the bodies found at Racak, according
  to the forensic report, were likely killed in combat, and that the "atrocities"
  reported were faked. In the European media, the mythology that got us into the
  Kosovo war has been thoroughly debunked: a
  recent report on German television exposes the lies of the NATO-crats as
  part of a sophisticated propaganda campaign to manufacture atrocity stories
  and whip up the public into a warlike frenzy.
The report, first
  broadcast on the ARD public channel on February 8, contrasts the statements
  of German government officials in the period leading up to NATO intervention
  with OSCE reports from on the scene in Kosovo: while German "Green" foreign
  minister Joschka Fischer, the ex-ultra-left
  "revolutionary" thug, and his Social Democratic coalition partners were
  claiming that a "humanitarian catastrophe" was taking place, the OSCE March
  1999 report cited "39 deaths in all of Kosovo – before the NATO bombers
"There must never
  be another Auschwitz!" This was Fischer's slogan, along with all the other formerly
  antiwar, anti-interventionist lefties who supported the Kosovo adventure, in
  Germany and internationally. Since the Serbs were supposedly the 21st century 
equivalent of the Nazis, it was necessary to come up with the right
  imagery – the key to enlisting left-liberals in the fight against Serbian
  "racism." To support this thesis, the government looked for "evidence" of 
  camps" run by the Serbs. Just as the fight against Hitler was the "good war,"
  so the war against Slobodan Milosevic was equally righteous – or so the
  argument went. The War Party soon came up with their "evidence" – allegations
  that a "concentration camp" had been set up in the Pristina soccer stadium.
  Except, as it turns out, there never was any such thing: ARD's investigative
  reporters went to Pristina, and asked eyewitnesses about the alleged concentration
  camp. Shaban Kelmendi, a Kosovar politician whose house is right next door to
  the stadium, said on camera: "There was not one single prisoner or hostage held
  there at that time. The stadium was always used only as a landing field for
German officials
  had also claimed that, on January 29, 1999, Serbian authorities carried out
  a "massacre" of unarmed citizens in the small town of Rugovo in southern Kosovo:
  the German government even released photos of the alleged atrocities, and the
  next day they were splashed across the front pages as newspapers screamed with the 
headline: "THIS IS WHY WE ARE AT WAR!" But was it? Our German reporters
  cite a secret report of the German defense ministry: 'Confidential-for official
  use only. Twenty-four Kosovar Albanians and one Serb policeman were killed in
  Rugovo on January 29, 1999 during a battle." While publicly claiming that the
  Serbs were committing "genocide," the German government had access to secret
  reports that came much closer to the truth: prewar Kosovo was the scene of a
  civil war, with the Yugoslav military responding to heavily-armed rebels carrying 
out terrorist acts increasingly directed at civilians.
The whole rationale
  for war in the Balkans has long since fallen apart: but the same American news
  media that reported lies as fact has yet to acknowledge misleading the public,
  never mind correcting their error – if, indeed, it was an error instead
  of a deliberate policy. Here is proof positive that "selective amnesia" has
  reached epidemic proportions among journalists in the English-speaking world:
  the problem is, there doesn't seem to be any cure.
Now that the interventionist
  chickens are coming home to roost – not only in "liberated" Kosovo, but
  in Macedonia and throughout the region – the governments of virtually all
  the NATO countries are publicly trying to distance themselves from the unfolding
  disaster. The US has just
  announced the withdrawal of 750 troops – from Bosnia – and this
  is being reported by CBS News as part
  of a larger plan to withdraw all or most of our troops from the Bosnian
  confederation. No word yet on withdrawals from Kosovo – or any additions to the 450 
or so US troops in wartorn Macedonia. The effort to disguise this
  shift in forces as a "withdrawal" is White House spin that cleverly recognizes
  the stubbornly anti-interventionist sentiment of the American people –
  and most especially among voters who represent the GOP's base. But how long
  can the Bush administration get away with straddling the Balkan fence?
The selective
  amnesia that afflicts our politicians, who not only forget their own campaign
  promises but also expect us to forget them, is mirrored by our governing elites
  in the media, academia, and among intellectuals in general: these people apparently
  have no trouble repressing all politically incorrect thoughts and memories within
  themselves. They are, after all, well-paid to apply the same methods to the
  general public: and they are very good at it. It looks like the more we understand
  "selective amnesia," the more incurable it sounds. As one of those Oregon University
  scientists told the Telegraph:
  this type of forgetting is more likely to occur when people are continuously
  confronted with reminders of the memory they are trying to avoid. This is contrary
  to intuition, which says that seeing reminders a lot ought to make your memory
  better. When reminders are inescapable, people must learn to adapt their internal
  thought patterns whenever they confront the reminder if they are to have any
  hope of avoiding the unwanted memory."
The more we remind
  them of the truth, the more they ignore it: if this is the operative principle,
  then no wonder I'm depressed today! After all, as editorial director of Antiwar.com,
  it is my job to confront the War Party on a daily basis with the evidence exposing
  their lies. But it seems the more I confront them, the less chance there is going to 
be any admission of error (let alone guilt). We can excoriate the "mainstream"
  news media all we want for allowing itself to be turned into a conduit of government
  propaganda, but the process will continue unto eternity. Arguing with the very
  elites that made an immoral and incredibly destructive war possible in the first 
place is only valuable insofar as it exposes the truth to ordinary people. But,
  even then, so what? Most people did not support the Kosovo war, which is one
  reason why it ended so abruptly: Clinton's poll numbers were dropping as a direct
  result of the escalating conflict, just as Bush's will sink like a stone if
  our new President allows himself to get suckered into another Balkan intervention,
  this time in Macedonia. So who cares if ordinary people supported or opposed
  the war? It happened anyway, didn't it?
Well, now we have
  a solution to that problem – a problem caused by the usurpation of the
  power to send troops overseas, which has historically belonged to Congress.
  At least, that's what the Constitution says. Of course, that hasn't been the
  case ever since Harry Truman sent American troops to Korea to fight the Commies
  without bothering to inform the elected representatives of the people. They
  are still there. In Vietnam, too, the machinations of four Presidents –
  Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Nixon – trumped congressional opposition, 
and got us snarled in a trap of our own making: another unwinnable
  land war in Asia. Today, on account of Truman's usurpation, the President has
  the power to send American troops overseas at a moment's notice: to the Balkans,
  the Middle East, or Timbuctu, if he so chooses – but
  not if congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) has his way.
Rep. Paul has
  introduced a measure in the House of Representatives to "fulfill the intent
  of the framers of the Constitution" that Congress alone has the legal authority
  to send US troops into battle: the "Constitutional War Powers Resolution of
  2001," or H.J.R. 27. It is co-sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA): last session,
  a similar but broader bill which included limitations on domestic presidential
  powers garnered 40 co-sponsors. Passage of this bill would stop a president
  from sending armed forces into battle or imminent hostilities without an outright 
congressional declaration of war, unless the U.S. was directly attacked. The
  bill would also forbid funding unlawful war activity and facilitate lawsuits
  to enjoin unlawful actions. The great thing about this bill is that it is 
  the text of the legislation reads that the bill, if passed, would apply to "the
  deployment of elements of the Armed Forces before, on, or after the date of
  the enactment of this joint resolution."
The Bush administration
  is constantly telling us that they are engaging in a "wide-ranging review" of
  our various overseas missions and military entanglements, and that such a step
  is necessary if we are to devise a coherent and comprehensive strategy for the
  post-cold war world and come up with a defense budget that makes sense. Well, then, 
the passage of H.J.R. 27 should go a long way toward accelerating that
  process, of forcing each deployment to justify itself in terms of its actual
  value to US national security. Surely, then, Team Bush realizes that Rep. Paul
  is only going along with the program (as stated), and that the least they can
  do is support his efforts. [Sarcasm off]
If Team Bush is
  not about to jump on this particular bandwagon, perhaps they will be forced
  to jump out of the way before being caught under its wheels. Opposition to the
  Kosovo war was centered not on the Left side of the spectrum, but within the
  Republican camp in Congress. This reflected grassroots sentiments among GOP 
rank-&-file activists who never swallowed the war propaganda of the pro-Clinton
  liberal media in the first place. If a grassroots movement can be generated
  at the local level on behalf of the "Constitutional War Powers Resolution"/H.J.R.
  27, it could very well snowball and force the administration into taking a public
  position, much as the Eisenhower administration was forced to take a position
  on the Bricker Amendment.
  The Bricker amendment to the Constitution – introduced in 1952 – which
  failed to pass Congress by 2 votes, would have forbidden any foreign treaty
  from overriding the US Constitution – preserving our national sovereignty
  not only against the UN (the chief manifestation of globalism at the time) but
  also against such future threats as NATO, NAFTA, and the International Criminal
  Court. Of course, Eisenhower and his gang bitterly opposed Bricker, just as
  the Bushies will no doubt oppose the Constitutional War Powers Resolution –
  and for the same reasons.
In arguing against
  Bricker, the Eisenhower administration averred that it would unduly restrict
  the power of the President to conduct foreign policy. Bricker's supporters argued
  that nothing less than the sovereignty of the country was at stake, and that,
  in any case, the President had no such exclusive power. The latter lost, but
  only narrowly. On its behalf, the Bricker Amendment mobilized a long list of
  supporters and endorsers: not only the American Legion, and the Veterans of
  Foreign Wars, but every conservative activist organization of any consequence.
  All were united in a mighty crusade to save America from globalist bureaucrats
  – because, in their mind's eye, they could see Carla Del Ponte, or, at
  least, imagine her. What is needed is a similar upsurge of support on behalf
  of Ron Paul's heroic effort to restore the Constitution and rein in the War
  Party. The selective amnesia of our politicians, and their media amen corner,
  will not be cured by simply analyzing the problem: these people need shock
  therapy. They need to be reminded, and forcefully, that truth does matter, that law 
must matter, and that ordinary people take the Constitution
  seriously – even if in Washington they consider it a dead letter. The Bricker
  Amendment was the last gasp of the Old Right – the anti-globalist, 
anti-interventionist conservative movement of the 1940s and 1950s – before the cold 
war began.
  Now that the cold war is over, the growing movement to pass H.J.R. 27 and restore
  constitutional principles to American foreign policy could be the first sign
  of the Old Right's return.
I started out
  complaining about being depressed, but by the time I reached the last paragraph
  I managed to talk myself out of it: this is what they call therapeutic journalism
  – but, since I'm not Jonah Goldberg, this column isn't all about me. Here,
  at last, is a reason for my readers to be optimistic: here, finally, is an action 
one can take on behalf peace and liberty. Already, a spontaneous movement is
  rising up in support of Rep. Paul's effort: the War
  and Law League (WALL), a San Francisco-based organization (with which I
  have no affiliation and only a perfunctory knowledge) is making waves on behalf
  of the Paul resolution. It isn't only libertarians who are in the vanguard of
  this burgeoning movement: mainline peace activists and WALL organizers are making
  a concerted effort to build what is truly a grassroots phenomenon. So just don't
  sit there reading this column: you have a voice. Use it. Get on the phone
  with your representatives in Congress, and let them know how you feel about House 
Joint Resolution 27, otherwise known as the Constitutional War Powers
  Resolution of 2001. Email them and ask why they haven't agreed to co-sponsor
  such a worthy cause – and do it now. There's but one cure for despair,
  and that is action.
Selective amnesia
  has reached epidemic proportions among the elites in government and the media:
  not only do they seem unable to recall the lies they told, they also can't seem
  to remember what the Constitution says about the issue of war and peace. However,
  Dr. Paul – and, yes, he is a medical doctor – seems to have
  developed a powerful treatment if not the cure: a good dose of constitutional
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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