Note: forwarded message attached.


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--- Begin Message ---
I am asking a thousand people to post this to websites, to activists and
politicians, and to send the gist of it to very newspaper letters editor in
your region.  I have a Gandhi-style plan to shake out the truth and
peacefully recapture hope for worthwhile future and you are now part of that
plan.  It's your call, Charlie Brown:   Yes-man Milquetoast? or Paul Revere?

Once the truth about the lies breaks through peacefully, the repairs can at
long last be made by us all.

With warm regard to a thousand strangers from your fellow countryman,

Dick Eastman
223 S. 64th Ave.
Yakima, Washington

"Michael Rivero," the journalist behind , has
comments on a post concerning the  11/12 crash of AA-587:

Mike Rivero's letter:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Eastman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I am convinced that no one was knowingly on a
> WTC suicide mission. The 4 planes were all taken
> over by remote control on 9-11-10 after the
> hijackings were begun.

I agree but I doubt remote control was needed. The same
thing could be accomplished by a hidden program inside the
aircraft flight directors. Tell the hijackers to fly the planes
back and forth over Manhatten so that they are seen and
videographed, then as soon as the planes' GPS systems
detect they are in the right area the flight director takes over and
flies the planes into the targets, before the hijackers
realize what is going on and can stop it.

Had remote control been used, there would have been too much
time for people on radios, aircraft cabin phones, or even cell phones
to get the message out that the planes were flying themselves. It had
to happen in the space of a few seconds.

  And, having the aircraft under the control of the flight directors at
the end explains the extremely high proficiency the pilots appeared
to have in those final extreme maneuvers.


Hello Mike,

On page 3A of Friday's (11/16) USA Today there is an article by reporter
Alan Levin which tells  us everything we need to know:

1.  A sudden swing of the rudder, far beyond the normal range, caused the
   of  the Airbus A300 to tear off.

2.  The "aviation experts"  report that the plane flew through turbulence
      from another aircraft twice.  But they don't say how they know this
     unusual turbuleence was there.  I think they are merely deducing its
     existence from the behavior of the plane, and they are doing that
     they are not permitted to reach the more reasonable conclusion.  (If
     the "experts" want to appeal to catastrophe-theoretic mathematics,
     which says that a butterfly's wing flap can, through nonlinear complex
     causation, result in a hurricane a year later, it is obvious they are
     grasping and covering their failure with spurious appeals to the
     totally inapplicable science.

3. But wait!  What are they using "turbulence" to explain?

   "According to the flight data ...  It then began a series of unusual
   movements that slammed passengers back and forth."

  There you have it, Mike.  It all began when the rudder began a
successession of extreme right-left-right-left-right etc. swings, i.e.,
yawing, but then slamming against the yaw with an opposite force -- the same
thing you would do if you were trying to break a piece of loose metal
sticking out of a wall, i.e., push back and forth until the molecular
bondings are sufficiently broken and it comes off in your hand.  The
vertical fin finally just tore off.

4. When the rudder was gone, the remote sabateur began playing with the
flaps, ailerons and elevators:

   "At one point it turned 10 degrees to the left in one second.."

Then we come to this:

"Finally the jet banked to the left, even though data indicate the pilots
were trying to move it the opposite direction."

This sounds too much like the EgyptAir pilots where were trying to do one
thing in the cockpit while the plane was being made to do something entirely
different by override controls elsewhere.

Finally the phantom controllers decided to end the game:

"The nose dropped down, then the recording ended, said Marion Blakey,
chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)."

Yes, of course, the NTSB.  This is the same investigative agency that
insisted that the Egyptian co-pilot suddenly decided to commit suicide while
the pilot was visiting the toilet -- a story that the voice recordings does
not support (when the pilot got back both were trying to save the plane,
both were discussing the fact that the plane was not responding to controls.
It looks like Marion Blakey is complicit and whoever manages her.)

Then, exactly as in the EgyptAir crash, the voice recorder clicked off --
the evesdropping remote controller didn't need to hear any more and didn't
want us to hear any more.  Both the planes power and the self-contained
battery gave out -- exactly as with the New York to Cairo Egypt Air flight
on 11/31/99.

Levin has more on this:

"Later in the recording, data about the rudder became 'unreliable,' Blakely
said, possibly indicating the moment when the tail shook loose.  Shortly
afterward, an even more intense sideways movment was recorded.  Within 2.5
seconds, the jet began spiraling to the left, and the recorder stopped...."

Oh, wow! In other words, Mike:  'If the data doesn't fit the pre-determined
conclusion, just throw it out.'

The "experts" claim some kind of metal fatigue on the "composite-materials"
alloy in the tail assembly, and so the Federal Aviation Administration will
now require new inspections to make sure that turbulence from nearby
Japanese flights will not tear off any more tails.  [Yet, from another
article on the same page, we learn that the National Transporation Safety
Board doesn't know what it is talking about.  " 'The board has no real
expert in composite materials,' says Greg Feith, a former NTSB investigator
who handled hundreds of of incidents and accidents during more than 20 years
with the safety board."   And from an other article we learn that Marion
Blakey is now to her job, being "a career Washington bureaucrat and
lobbyist" (for whom?) she is getting her "on the job training" with total
authority of these critical investigations -- and newsgroup hecklers  have
called you unqualified, Mike, when you were right all along about the
missile that brought down  TWA ###.  And little Marion gets closure and will
probaly have her story told in Readers Digest.  The establishment gets
closure.  The phantom saboteur remains scott free and unintimidated by Maion
Blakey. (Ever been in a bureaucracy with lots to hide, Mike?  I have.)

Unwilling to draw the forbidden conclusion Blakey claims that the data
recorder simply does not indicate what caused the jet's tail to break apart
or the craft to suddenly enter  a steep dive, or to send its engines flying
off.  Yet isn't it obvious?  Consider:

The "phantom" (i.e., remote) controller  first started controlling the
rudder, back and force, continuous extreme stresses on the tail, force in
one direction followed by force in the opposite direction, until the tail
fell off.  Then they played with the ailerons for a while and then they put
the plane into a dive.  And while the plane was diving at full throttle,
they put the flaps and ailerons both down putting such drag on the plane
that the engines, still pulling hard,  just snapped the bracking of the
engine pods.

The article even quotes NTSB's deputy chief admitting that the turbulence
waves encountered were "relatively minor" --  in other words, they are
grasping at straws, Mike, at catastrophic butterflies!

Clearly it was just was coincidence that the puffs of turbulence from the
nearest plane were sensed by the recorders when, as

"the data suggests .. the jets rudder, a panel at the rear of the veritcal
tail fin that pilots use to turn the jet's nose right and left, began moving
dramatically after the second [puff of turbulence]."

Yet the story reveals multiple slams from the rudder in different directions

" 'This is really slamming things around sideways," said John Purvis, a
former accident investigator with Boeing.
   The movement of a rudder is one of the few things that can trigger such a
force on a jet."

Now read carefully this next paragraph from Levin's story --  see the spin
and look for the source:

"It is possible that pilots made the rudder move intentionally or by
Once source familiar with the investigation said that preliminary evidence
from the data recorder suggest that one of the pilots pushed the pedels that
control the rudder.
But aviation experts say they doubted that pilots would do such a thing.  At
that point in the flight, pilots rarely move the rudder at all, they said."
[Mike, I must say that Alan Levin is a fine reporter and it shows here  --
Levin  didn't contradict the unnamed source who was trying to put official
spin on the story -- but Levin did balance it with some objective reporting
of his further investigative digging.  Cudos to Alan Levin!]


Levin ends his story with this account of the history of another A300
episode with unaccountalbe rudder problems. Tell me if this doesn't sound
like a
test run of the saboteur's remote control-capture system:

"The rudder on an A300 owned by American Airlines moved several times during
a flight in 1999, causing the jet to move 'side to side' as it prepared to
land in Miami, according to a report by the NTSB.  The rudder movements were
'extreme,' the report said, but the pilots landed safely....

"The NYSB has yet to determine what caused the rudder problem in 1999.  It's
unclear whether such a malfunction could have caused the problem on Flight

Come again?  What malfunction?  No malfunction has been identified, no
explanation given for either plane.  All that this new information does is
discount the turbulence theory and the pilot error theory.

(I'm going to share our letters.  Hope you do the same.)

You are the man who, by your example, showed me the possibilites of
newsgroups, a few years back and I have never thanked you.

With gratitude,

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.

In the above reference is made to this letter:

From:  Dick Eastman
Subject: The sabotage of New York-Cario flight EgyptAir flight 990,
      on 11-31, 1999.

 The hijackers, never suspecting a suicide mission,  were "stung," by (CIA?,
Mossad?, renegade Mossad?, Mafia?) infiltrators posing as al Qu'eda field
leaders on a mission under orders from bin Ladin.  It was infiltrators of al
Qu'eda who gave the long-waiting Qu'eda moles the right activation passwords
and a set instructions to set a  hijacking in motion  -- but later, when the
ordered hijacking was underway  the infiltrator handlers on the ground
(offshore?, in an AWAC?)took remote control of the planes,  turning them
into cruise missiles.  (The infiltrators were most likely Mossad and not CIA
because the the Israeli government has told us that the U.S. has no
infiltrators in Central Asia and is dependent upon Mossad for all of its
on-the-ground intelligence there.

I am convinced that no one was knowingly on a WTC suicide mission. The
4 planes were all taken over by remote control on 9-11-10 after the
hijackings were begun.

The FBI has uncovered letters of the hijack suspects indicating that they
were expecting to be arrested following the hijacking, that the hijacking
was understood by the "set-up" hijackers to be a relatively harmless
operation to draw attention to some cause.

But the hijackers themselves were being misled as part of a grand
counter-espionage sabotage frame-up sting.  They were not aware that they
were taking orders from Mossad agents and not Qu'eda  (some even suggest
that the bin Laden himself may be a double agent in his own organization,
based on his prior CIA ties and the current economic ties of his family with
both Presidents Bush.

Crashbombing by Remote Control

And this was not to be the first time that a passenger jet was crashed by
sabotage --

EgyptAir 990 was crashed in a "test" for the WTC operation,  on Halloween
morning, 11/31/99.

On November 31, two years ago, , EgyptAir flight 990, a giant Boeing 767
took off from New York's JFK Airport bound for Cairo Egypt with 100
Americans and 87 Egyptians aboard.

The takeoff had been successful and routine, but at one half hour into the
flight, at 1:48:30  ----at a moment when the pilot left the controls for a
trip to the toilet  and the co-pilot was left in the cockpit alone -- an
English voice can be heard on the black box recorder saying "control it"
(the co-pilot was Egyptian and had not been speaking English with the pilot
that morning) -- when suddenly, one must conclude,  control of the plane
taken from him,i.e., the cockpit controls were bing overridden.  -- After
some seconds the co-pilot, reacting to his losse of control to a phantom
controller, says,
"I'm trusting you Jehovah" (or "I'm in your hands, Jehovah") --"Tawakkalt

The co-pilot then attempted to disengaged the auto-pilot to restore control.
Control was not restored.  The co-pilot again reacted with this prayer
exclamation as the elevators dropped putting the plane into a dive.  After
sixteen seconds of this dive the Captain returned to the cockpit asking
"What happening?  Whats happening?"  Now captain and co-pilot were
presumably working to pull out of the dive, but the controls were not
responding and now the throttles turned up to full forward  -- at which
point the co-pilot cut the fuel lines.  Then by phantom control  the right
and left elevators each moved all the way in the opposite directions and the
ailerons on both wings both went fully up.    The pilot cried "Get away in
the engines!  Shut the engines!"  To which the co-pilot
replied,  "It's shut."  The last words are those of the captain frantically
instructing "Pull!  Let's pull!  Let's pull!"  At this point something shut
off the instrument recorders (or they were later erased).

The American investigation said that the co-pilot committed suicide, with
the Egypt AIr and the Egyptian government insisiting that that is an
impossible interpretation of the audio message.  The Egyptians -- who
understand the language -- insist that that is an impossible interpretation
of last moments of conversation recorded or of the earlier conversation at
takeoff, and that the co-pilot gave no evidence of emotional instability.
Statement:  Frame-up/Cover-up Explanation of the WTC Crashbombings

Here is evidence supplied by the Head of Security of the WTC on network
television indicating that the FBI floors (the  23rd and 24th floors) of the
North Tower -- 60 floors below the crashbombing impact -- had been
devestated and reduced to debris before the collapse of that tower, and that
this same  Head of Security himself dug through rubble that had pinned down
two people to get those trapped persons out (they were saved, btw.)    These
floors were, thus bombed sometime between the ariel crashbombing of the
building and its total collapse.  Most likely it was bombed so that FBI
agents working there would not be able or interested in removing critical
files and evidence that the people behind the sabotage wanted  destroyed.

It was on these floors that the entire accumulation of evidence and
investigation briefs on two highly important cases (and all New York
financial investigation cases) were being stored.  Two of these involve some
of the most powerful and secretive people in the world:

:  1) the case against Mobil Oil and James Giffen on illegal oil swaps
between Iran and Kazakhstan (at that time before a New York grand jury as
described in great detail by Seymore Hersh in the July 9 New Yorker
magazine); and,

2) even more important,  the evidence in the investigation  of gold price
fixing stemming from charges brought against Alan Greenspan, Morgan &
Comapy, Goldman Sachs.  (see below for full reconstruction of this crime  --
that is now all but confirmed by this revelation of a bomb devestating the
FBI floors of the North Tower before the tower collapsed.)

Here is how this critical piece of information became known:

At noon I received a phone call from New England from Steve.  He was
reviewing recorded footage of  NBC coverage of the destruction of the WTC,
NBC's program "48 Hours."

Steve has reviewed the footage many times and taken detailed notes.

After  South Tower collapsed, men went up to the 22nd floor
of the WTC and "dug" someone out of the "rubble" he
found there.  {It is known that these floors contained the New York
FBI offices  -- Peter Jennings actually did a two-day network news
story on the effects of the destroyed evidence and files on American
financial crime investigations around the world.]

The 48 Hours anchor was interviewing the Head of Security of the WTC about
the evacuation who had received a call, after the South tower was down, from
the Port Authority's Command Center on the 22nd floor  asking for rescue.
The Head of Security himself travelled to that floor in the company of a NY
Fireman  where they found the offices devestated to the point where they had
to "tunnel through debris" to "dig out"  the two or three Port Authority
workers who were trapped there.

All of this happened 73 floors below crashbombing impact.

The man who called me about this -- Steve from Main -- said that
he had received a copy detailing the evidence for a terror frame-up
from one of the hundreds of people pester with my posts each day
( whose name I recall from my address book)  --  and that he had
been reviewing  three lists of occupants of the WTC.

He gave the sites for two different listings of WTC tower occupants,
which I copied as follows:
tenants by floor and sq footage;  and
occupation my tenancy.

He noticed from these that listings were given for all floors
EXCEPT  floors 23 and 24, immediately above the location
of the call for "digging out" rescue  --  indicating that the debris
had fallen down from a destructive event occuring on the floor
directly above.

Steve left off with this statement (which I am not able now to
confirm or disconfirm):   "The Murrah Building in Oaklahoma
City was where all of the records of the Waco Seige were
being kept.  I think this is their MO."  Meaning their modus
operandi  -- i.e.,  their distinctive pattern of crime.

Here is the post that prompted Steve's phone call:

    Below I  present what I think are incontrovertable reasons for
that the WTC/Pentagon crashbombings were a frame-up designed to benefit
members of, at least, these four groups:

1) people profiting from the opium trade of the Northern Alliance druglords
and the money-laundering through global investment channels that the opium
trade and the derivative heroin trade supports;

2) people seeking control of the $6 trillion worth of oil and natural gas in
Central Asia;

3) people seeking to win back support to increasingly unpopular Sharonist
policies in Israel; and

4) people arraigned before a grand jury on charges of fixing gold prices,
illegal involvement in oil swaps between Kazakhstan and (sanctioned) Iran,
and bribery in cases where all incriminating documentary evidence was
stored in FBI files and data banks in one of the twin towers of the WTC.

All four of these groups have fluid secret channels of communication through
networked integration of banking, politics, the CIA and Mossad connections.
The fact is if one of these groups was complicit the other three would have
to be also.

Here are three independently developed arguments.

I. Best guess origins of the WTC/Pentagon crashbombing

Mossad and the CIA were supporting traffick in
 Afgan-opium-derived  heroin -- devoting public resources
 to protect and assist the suppliers and distributors of the
multi-trillion-dollar money-laundered drug revenue deposits
backing the global investments of American and Britsih elite
finance.  The Afgan Northern Alliance druglords grow 70
 to 90 percent of the worlds opium, the prime ingredient of
heroin  The opium which is moved across  the small
China-Afgan boarder for processing and distribution by the
giant People's Liberation Army, that amazing
transnational corporation, Triad drug cartel-and military
super military establishment all in one. Against the tremendous-
stake interests this giant outlaw network, the morally
conservative  Taliban had been erradicating Afgan opium production,
supressing supply to druglords and the drug-revenue flow money-
laundering establishment  bankers and global investors alike.

Thus "crisis" became the initial motivation of a renegade group of CIA
and/or Mossad in seeking ways to defeat Afganistan's Talibanist  government.
(Nothing absurd so far, right?)

Next, the Russian and Kazakh mafias have criminal ties to U.S. executive
James Giffen in Kazakhstan  --  a man under investigation by a New York
grand jury in the months before September 11
for illegal involvement in an oil swaps between Kazakhstan
and (sanctioned) Iran  (source:  the Aug. 9 New Yorker Magazine
for a full account of this by Seymore Hershe -- and all of the
evidence for this crime was being  kept at the WTC on the 20th through
25th floor of one of the twin towers where the FBI had its
New York Offices.  And James Giffen is the key man everyone has
 to go through to get any oil agreement with Kazakhstan --
including any pipelines built that would traverse Afganistan.
(There is $6 trillion dollars worth of oil and gas in Central Asia.)
 Giffen certainly understood -- if he did not originate the idea --
that if he couldcan get operatives (even "captured" vengeful Islamic
activists whose rage could be shaped and directed  to use of terror)
to destroy the FBI offices in the WTC building and the documentation
evidence it contained, then he would be escape grand jury indictment
--  and, as an powerful added benefit, the (framed) Taliban would get
replaced with a regime in Afganistan that would permit a pipeline to be
built -- preferably a Northern Alliance druglord government that would
harmonize with Giffen's own unethical (murderous) entrepreneural style.
(See the New Yorker artlical for details of Giffen's history.)

(So far this super-crime scheme involves only a small group of people--
Russian Mafia and perhaps a Giffen - renegade CIA or a  Giffen
"dark-side" Mossad link.  But other, even more powerful players
may have had involvement -- certainly they stood to gain
tremendously if the crashbomb frame-up were successfully accomplished.
(Prior to September 11 charges had been brought against
Alan Greenspan (forgive me -- in a previous post I said "Milton Friedman"
 instead of Greenspan -- Friedman is a great and honest and honorable
academic scholar and Nobel Prize winner  -- who, very superficially,
looks like Greenspan)
-- at any rate, Alan Greenspan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan & Co. and other
powerful American financial figures and instiutions had charges brought
against them -- reportedly a very well-documented case --over the fixing
of gold prices -- with evidence for that case too stored by the FBI
on the FBI floors of the WTC!  These parties would not only profit
heavily from the "carrot" of both oil and drug monies circulating through
thier great
financial instiutions, but they also would gain from avoding the "stick"
of one of the most threatening lawsuits ever to confront the U.S. financial
establishment (realize what a guilty verdict in this case would mean to
these leading financial families and to the Establishment in general!) --
these parties would welcome predictable and certainly substantial
benefits from the the destruction of the evidence in the WTC
and of some of the witnesses and researchers on the case as well.)

Notice that so far we have powerful men with powerful incentives
who characteristically operate in secret and under the protection
of wealth, status and power  -- both the carrot ($2 trillion in annual
drug revenues funneled through the banking system -- which has
funded much of the proceeds to fund the development of the
Princeling-Triad dictatorship in China, btw, --  (The communist government
has been in the opium business since the 1930's  --  Mao pioneered the
model later followed by Peru's Shining Path and Colombia's Maoist
F.A.R.C. narco-terrorists.  And Zhou Enlai devised the plan in the 1950's
of weakening American society through a drug invasion.)

"China white" heroin distributed by the People's Liberation Army,
made from Afgan opium  links all banker and oilman to the corrupt
and renegade the secret state agencies, CIA, FBI, and Mossad
--  renegade agents of either agency may have seen this opportunity
for mutual gain and found the way -- having profiles of each of the
players -- to propose the crashbombing frame-up as the best "solution"
to each of players most troublesome problems, while making enormous
profits besides.

Note that the Bush's are tied to both the CIA and oil and, through
Mena Arkansas drug smuggling and through the Iran-Contra
drugs and arms deals etc. (drugworld investigator Daniel Hopsicker,
as well as Noam Chomsky and many others have exposed this
thoroughly --  at least in the broad strokes necessary to support
this reconstruction of the crime.)
(THe facts of the drug connections are known to everyone from
the Russians, to the John Birchers, to Wired Magazine, Harpers,
New Yorker, the Village Voice, the Nation, and  Rolling  Stone
Magazine, all having explored the drug - Establishment connections
in great detail.)

Which brings us to Ariel Sharon.  His hard-head policy of
retaliation regardless of collateral damage and his provocation
at the mosque cost him dearly in world opinion.  In fact the
Bush administration was very close to making initiating a major
policy shift -- obviously known to Sharon from the greatest intelligence
organization in the world -- Bush was planning the  the
recognition/sponsorhip of a seperate Palestinian state.  (Also
war crime charges had been brought against Sharon in international
court, further putting his hard-line policy against the Palestinians
in unfavorable light.

Mindful of Ariel Sharon's self-made hard spot, it is entirely
possible that the same CIA or Mossad mastermind that thought of
the crashbombing frame-up plan in the first place decided to take
the risk of telling Sharon about the plan, offering it as a solution
to the trapped old "freedom fighter's" problems as well.  If the
U.S. could be made to think that the hated Osama bin Laden --
that Islamic fundametnalism itself -- is responsible for destroying
 twin towers of the WTC and the American government itself,
then, Sharon would certainly grasp, American opinion woudl
radically swing to an extremely  hard line against all Moslem
and Arab entities not securely under their thumb, and most
particularly, from Sharon's viewpoint, against Palestinians.

No profile of Sharon gives any indication that he would not
close on such a deal, such a serving of his higher good, his
prime directive.

And that is all that was needed to carry off this operation.

The getting and conditioning/deceiving of hijackers is an easy affair.
 Mossad has infiltrated bin Ladin's forces in Central Asia and the Mideast
 -- but it is a radically decentralized organization (as it must be to
remain viable)
and so it was an easy matter for this "dark-side" Mossad, with Sharon's
clandestine approval, to trick some very angry and vengeful Arabs into
thinking they were doing bin Ladens or some other anti-Zionist or anti-
Globalization radicals to agree to hijack the four planes. Millions in the
world hated the America and the globalization that the World Trade Center
represents. These recruited hijackers need not have been Arabs -- there
are Croats, Serbs, Latin Americans, and Iranians and any number
of other victim-pool people who could have volunteered to conduct
 the hijacking -- possibly without fully understanding the end result of
the mission --   they need not have "signed on" for a suicide bombing.
(Many aviation experts on the net are describing a system built
into commercial airliners for taking over control of flight from the
ground, a system developed to combat terrorism. It  is possible
that the course of the plane's flight  was taken over by this system
 installed to thwart hijackers (detailed in several reports
on the web.)  But if the crashes were not effected in this way,
psychological-control methods, wholly sufficient for the job, were
also available.  The technology of behavoir control is further
advanced than the popular press has made people aware.
Skilled psy op agents can get subjects angry enough and
convinced enough of the justice and good effects of "acts'
represented as serving their 'cause" to be willing to undertake
even suicidal missions.  (Activist Alan Yu has researched this
technology as have other researchers from a broad spectrum
of political orientation.)

And this is all that is needed to conduct the terror act.

But then what?

When the crashes take place -- word merely has to be
put out by those involved (the CIA, Mossad, Sharon
and those complicit in the Bush Administration,
(based on his behavior, my money is on Paul Wolfowitz)
to push the theme that bin Ladin was responsible and that
this aggressive war to overthrow the Taliban is the only
immediate appropriate reaction  --  since, the spin goes,
the Afgans are responsible for "harboring" bin Laden and
that "harboring is exactly the same as terrorism" and that
for that reason the entire Afgan government must be
terminated (must be "ended as a state" to use Wolfowitz's
revealing phrasing of September 12.)

The frame-up has all sorts of collateral benefits for the
perpetrators.  Now the perpetrators can tell the unsuspecting
that bin Ladin's guilt has been established beyond doubt --
that for the sake of the security and safety of Israel and
the United States that it is necessary that the impression of
an "open and shut case" must be spun.    (The  news media
is exhorted to be patriotic and exemplary "wartime correspondents"
and sets about selling the blaming of  bin Ladin and advocating
war and overthrow in Afganistan --  because they have been
deceitfully led to  believe they  really know who bombed the
buildings; and among the elite of the news publishers,
they "know" it is in the best interests of Israel and Wall Street
that this be the response, that this be the spin.

And Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair each benefit enormously, politically.

And trillions of dollars are enough to subdue and supress
criticism of the investigation  --  after all, who would know better than
the CIA and Mossad exactly who is responsible?  (The fact has
been reported -- in a different context, of course --  that the U.S.
intelligence receives all of its ground intelligence from Central Asia
through Mossad's network of infiltrator spies -- in other words,
whatever "proofs" the U.S. has (and has shown Tony Blair and NATO)
has come exclusively through Sharon via Mossad.  The "evidence"
so-called, thus, is no counterweight to this reconstruction of the crime.
The "evidence" comes exclusively from the prime "frame-up" suspect.

Has Mossad done this kind of thing before?  Remember
the USS Liberty, an American ship with flag flying,
deliberatly attacked and sunk (in multiple attack waves)
with efforts to kill every saior abord -- either to destroy
information that the ship may have intercepted or to
frame Arab states to gain the support of American
public opinion.  (There are other cases involving the
blowing up of a disco dance nightclub, again to frame
targeted enemies -- a case actually brought to light
by the non-renegade "good side" Mossad.

The coverup apparently has unlimited resources.  Two
Mossad men caught red handed days after the WTC
crashbombings, were carryhing explosive charges and
detonation controls  in the government chambers of the
Mexican legislature?  Apparently big bribes have been,
because these men have been set free.

One surmises that appeals are made to the bodey man
of a "destabalizing international crisis" is the truth were
to get out.  This is ancient cloak of deviant ruling elites.

How many readers -- even if they strongly suspect that
this reconstruction fits the facts -- would not deny the
conclusion anyway because of fear of what this fact would
do to Israel's reputation and thus to her security and survival?

Yet this view may be wrong.  If   Israeli's on the "good side"
were to arrest Sharon and chase down the renegades of
the Mossad "dark side" and bring them to justice --
tensions in the Mideast would dissolve, and good-faith
restored  --  good faith that will never return to the world
as long as the greatest terror frame-up in history is not
corrected by justice and the truth.

Also, if this reconstruction is valid, then that certainly
raises the liklihood that Ariel Sharon was also the
man who gave the order for the murder of Yhitzak Rabin.
Israel's greatest peacmaker (if that title does not go to
Began for his treaty with Sadat.)

Conviction of Sharon would mean that the warmongering
"take-no-prisoners" school of Zionism would at last be
discredited and that the humanitarian way of Rabin
could again be given another chance --  with
the Palestinians gaining restored faith in Israel to be
fair and just after seeing Sharon removed and brought
to justice.

I know that at this point you are poised to throw the
usual tomatoes and call me a "loon" and a "nazi" --  but
I know that those who call me those names are themselves
fearful that this analysis may be right..  (ANd I forgive
you in advance for having to through those tomatoes
out of loyalty and not knowing what else to do in your

It is a rotten world all around -- but my advice is
to seek the truth wherever it leads and then to enforce
justice  -- justice against the real authors of the Sept 11 terror,
whoever they may be  -- to go after  Sharon just as strenuously
as you were recently ready to hunt down bin Laden.

And of course, the United States has a similar house cleaning
of its topmost shelves of power and influence -- a job that we
have been putting off since the 1870's. (How the entire world will
benefit from that job!)

(And I should make this clearer:  The media are not silent because
they are conmplicit in the terror -- they are silent because they
are "yes men" who "know where their bread is buttered" and they
are not about to jump up and say "Sharon did it" until they see
others in their postions doing so.  This is consitent with today's
"Dilbert" world of Establishment-monopolized organizations.
Only an earth shaking event, like the exposing of the Establishment's
role in the WTC terror, will shake down this system.)

Now, let's discuss this intelligently.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
--- End Message ---

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