-Caveat Lector-

Replies to Glick's 'On Winning Hearts and Minds'

From: Chuck0

<barf> Glick has some interesting things to say, but I think he fails to
see the big picture. I think Shawn Ewald's account is much more
perceptive and insightful. It seems that Glick wants to pin some blame
on the Black Bloc, for an ulterior reason that isn't clear to me. What
is instructive is the reaction of the local residents to the police
brutality and the DIY "Wall of Shame."

They fought back, like most working people choose to do in similar

Others engaged in nonviolent mutual aid, sharing water hoses or their
houses as temporary refuges from the gas. There was a *diversity* of
responses, none of which had to be created via "training workshops" or
protest camps. It was an organic resistance, which the world leaders
hadn't counted on. What fools they were to locate a summit on "free
trade" in a working class community. All of their scare tactics about
the black bloc didn't work, although they seem to work on the pacifists
and professional Leftists.

What Dave Dellinger does is very admirable. If Glick and the others who
adhere to a strict nonviolence code want to set an example, they should
take some risks and sit their bodies down in front of the capitalist
machine. I'd love to wake up one morning and hear that 15,000 nonviolent
pacifists had blocked the entrances to the Pentagon or some military
base. Until that happens, I'm going to dismiss [Glick's] criticisms ... as
cheap words. Make it happen.



Dear Ted,

My name is Victoria Collier, I'm the editor of

I read with much appreciation your article about the need to examine
non-violence and its role in the rising People's movement -- anti-corporate
fascism, anti-globalism, pro-freedom, pro-democracy. There is no name for
this movement, but it is growing quickly and spreading like a wild fire.
The words that we use to fan the flames will very much affect the direction
in which this fire burns, and what it burns! I agree with your views
completely and hope that your words of peace and responsibility make the
necessary rounds and are absorbed by activists who are currently refilling
their molotov cocktails.

Being effective is everything. Perhaps the People's movement initially drew
international attention because of the violence in Seattle where the police
were seen by many as the bad guys. But I think the cause has already
suffered considerably due to the continuing and now uninteresting media
coverage of the ubiquitous black-clad stone throwers. To the majority of
people who only watch the major Networks for their news, the protests are
now as predictably violent and uncannily similar in appearance to the
endless skirmishes on the Gaza strip. The danger of this is obvious. The
only hope to change the flow of this tendency toward violence lies with
people like yourself and your ability to articulate respectfully the need
for awareness of greater consequences, and a grasp of the big picture.

I'd like to respond to a specific and extremely important, largely
overlooked aspect of this movement that you mentioned in your article.

You wrote:
 >Personally, I don't see "non-violence," non-violence alone, as a
 >potentially winning strategy. There is much more that we have to be
 >about, including the formation of an alternative to the Democrats and
 >Republicans, one which runs independent candidates and is grounded in
 >and accountable to grassroots, broadly-based social movements.

Please take a moment to check out the website I listed above. There is
information that you, as an effective spokesperson for many, should know as
you continue on with the battle, and I am assuming at this point that you
are unaware of it, as so many are.

I believe, due to many years as a political activist and organizer involved
with our elections system, that at the moment what you have stated above is
an IMPOSSIBILITY. Running independent candidates grounded in accountable
grass roots, broadly based social movements is an exercise in futility.
Why? Because over the past thirty years, our elections system, from
beginning to end, has been slowly taken over by private corporate
interests, and they now control every aspect of the process, including the
actual machinery used to count the votes. There is a wide body of
information about this, and a rising movement opposing the corporate
take-over of the elections, specifically the computerized vote count, but
it is rising parallel to the anti-globalization movement. They have not yet
branched out to reach each other. That will have to happen, inevitably, if
we are really going to create the changes we need.

At the moment I am one of the main spokespeople for this movement because
my father and uncle wrote the most important book on this topic, "Votescam:
The Stealing of America." Votescam was published 1992 and immediately
banned by the major book chains, which you will no doubt recognize as a
sign of its importance! Nevertheless it has been widely circulated by word
of mouth and has sold tens of thousands of copies, and demand for the book
is growing, I am excited to report. It documents the corporate take-over of
our voting system and the rise of unverifiable, riggable computerized
voting and how it is easily used to control elections for the benefit of
those already in power. It also documents the rise of Voter News Service,
the highly secretive and protected major media consortium that is
drastically more powerful than most people understand. The media and the
computer are now the two greatest threats to democracy and I state again
that the time is coming when this understanding will have to be grasped and
then voiced by the millions who are opposed to global corporate hegemony.

You are absolutely correct, we cannot fight them with violence. We are
out-gunned, and besides, that's not what we're here for. We're here to
create a sane and livable and beautiful world. And it is my opinion that we
must deal with reality, and not with fantasy. Though a utopian anarchist
society with no government and no boundaries just might be the best thing
for all life on earth, I cannot see it happening no matter how far I
stretch my imagination. There are 6 billion people in the world and unless
those numbers are drastically reduced by means I would not like to
contemplate, this planet is going to be dealing with governments and
boundaries for along time to come. What I can see is taking back our
currently existing democratic system from the criminals who have
infiltrated and harnessed it. And there is only one way to do this-- get
them out of office. And there is only one way to do that-- through elections.

As you might've noticed, we have not been able to do that for a long time.
No matter how angry and outraged the citizen become, no matter how
blatantly the politicians lie and cheat and steal, no matter how flagrantly
they sell our national sovereignty to global financiers and undermine the
foundations of the country and our economic and social infrastructure--
they just keep getting back into office to do it again! And we are told
it's OUR fault! Someone keeps voting for them, right? Well, not
necessarily. It is not, in fact, the citizens who are controlling the vote
count. It is private, unaccountable corporations who program the voting
software. Not even the elections supervisors can read the code. It has been
this way for a long time, getting progressively worse over 30 years.

Citizens have lost their Constitutional right to a fair and verifiable vote
count and they have largely not even noticed. Most people assume there is
some kind of accountability in the voting process. But the signs are
clear--voter turn-out has fallen in direct proportion to the rise of
computerized voting. And the feeling that new people with new thoughts can
make any headway in Washington is functionally dead. That fact is, American
government is dead. There is a foul, rotting smell about it. And yet we
continue to pump billions of our taxes into the hulking corpse to keep the
illusion alive. Why? Because most of us are not ready for a revolution. We
can't afford one, and besides, we are not all anarchists. Many people in
this country still think the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
documents that one should not dismiss so lightly. Many people fought and
died to sustain this country. They do not want to fight and die to tear it

We have but one hope, and that is to take back our vote. Until we control
the mechanism of democracy, until we are in the drivers seat,  we will
never be able to steer this country away from the cliff it is speeding toward.

I too have been to the protests, and I have spent years fighting for
environmental issues and human rights causes. I am completely aware of what
we stand to lose if we don't win. I have also spent years in the battle for
citizen control over the democratic process and I know that we are just a
few chess moves away from losing that battle already. There are over 400
bills moving through the states right now to push standardization of the
computerized vote count down the throats of millions of Americans who
simply don't know what they are about to lose.

I write this in hope that you will take the time to learn more about it.
The information in Votescam is vital to any well informed social movement.
I am happy to talk with you about it at any time.

Thank you again for your great article!

Victoria Collier


From: Norma J. F. Harrison

I hope we're clear that Glick is either an agent or a washed up
ex-something who wants us all to make nicey and put up with the
impossible.  He also wants us to find fault with ourselves.

If Gandhi had not gotten in the way of the uprising in India 40 years
earlier, the movement would have kicked the British out at a savings of
perhaps 8 million lives.

Glick is ruining his shrinking IPPN and related efforts.

Black block, all of us, keep it up.  We're doing great as well as we can.



From: Bagelhole1

Like you mention in your article, violence is what the agent provocateurs do.
We should learn from that.

Another point, how do we convince millions, etc? The answer is we need to
make our movement very compelling and nonviolent of course. I have a
suggestion for future nonviolence trainings: first, let me say, I resent
nonviolence trainings because they are very superficial and not really
helpful. Its like trying to learn a martial art in one lesson. I suggest it
would be much more purposeful if instead at a nonviolence training everyone
closed their eyes and started making sounds with the instruction try to
harmonize, make it musical. I've had this experience twice.  Once, at the
Nevada Peace Test in a sweatlodge with Corbin H. the great Indian activist
and leader, he had everyone doing that for hours in the heat and it sounded
so beautiful the whole time, that it was magical and a bonding experience
that is extremely compelling to participate in and all people would be warmly
acknowledged as they joined, I should hope. And the other time at BurningMan
about 6 years ago. We were riding in my 14' aluminum stepvan about 40 people
inside and the roof filled also. The playa is a flat circle, 20 miles in
diameter with nothing growing on it, anyway, I asked everyone to sing and
they did singing like that all the way to the hot springs. Its very
compelling you might imagine.

Also, I suggest that there be along with everything else a proactive
grassroots focus, like building a low-tech infrastructure to backup the
vulnerable hightech infrastructure; like growing your own food, etc., we are
aware of a cutting edge method called "vertical aquaponics" at
www.bagelhole.org about sharing information about low-tech sustainable

Most Originally,
Mofwoofoo Woofuaza


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