-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/25/99) --  Republican  senators pushing the impeachment
trial of Bill Clinton may be getting "cold  feet,"  according  to
Sherman  H.  Skolnick,  chairman  of the public interest research
group, Citizens' Committee To Clean Up The Courts (CCCUC).

In  an  alarming  development,  several  Republican  senators are
secretly being blackmailed to back down from a  vigorous  pursuit
of justice in the impeachment trial, according to Skolnick.

Several  sources  have contacted the Chicago-based head of CCCUC.
Based on their information, Skolnick reports that....

....    Senator  Orrin  Hatch  (R.,  Utah)  reportedly  is  under
investigation in  connection  with  the  developing International
Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  scandal.   The  IOC  scandal  recently
erupted in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is burgeoning out from  that
locale.   Hatch,  himself  from  Utah,  has reportedly been under
investigation by the IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) in
relation to the Olympic scandal.  According to Skolnick, "The IRS
Criminal Investigation Division has  uncovered details tending to
show involvement by Hatch with bribery in the IOC scandal in Salt
Lake City, Utah."  The IRS's CID has reportedly made  a  referral
to  the  U.S.  Justice  Department in which they are recommending
further  investigation   and/or   prosecution   by   the  Justice
Department of Senator Hatch.  Based on reports from his  sources,
Skolnick  believes that Hatch and/or his staff have recently been
made aware of this new problem facing the senator.

....  Senator John McCain  (R.,  Arizona)  is  also,  reportedly,
being  influenced  by  the  possibility  of  an  erupting scandal
connected  to  him.   Hustler  magazine  publisher  Larry  Flynt,
Skolnick  believes,  has  evidence  showing  that  McCain,  after
returning from a  harsh  P.O.W.  experience  in  Vietnam, raped a
female  soldier.   Although  McCain  was  recovering   from   his
traumatic  P.O.W.  experience and was therefore, arguably, not in
full possession of his best  senses,  such evidence of rape, were
it to surface, would greatly damage McCain's career in  politics.
Furthermore,  according  to  Skolnick's sources, McCain's father,
then an  Admiral,  paid  for  a  subsequent  abortion provided to
McCain's alleged rape victim.

....   Senator  Robert Byrd (D., West Virginia) may also be under
the   secret   influence   of   potential   blackmail.    Michael
Riconosciuto, interviewed extensively by Skolnick in the past, at
that time contended that  Byrd's  chief-of-staff and someone else
connected to Byrd's office were in some way involved in the death
of Danny Casolaro.  Casolaro, a journalist and author, died under
suspicious  circumstances  in  Martinsburg,  West  Virginia,   in
1991.   Casolaro  had  been  investigating  what  he called, "The
Octopus":   a  vast,  secret  network  involving  banks, computer
espionage, spy agencies and major political figures.

....  As previously  reported  by  this  news  service,  Skolnick
charges  that  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has caused faxes
and memos to be sent  to  some  members of Congress, letting them
know that the Clinton team is  aware  of  unflattering  financial
details to which some in Congress are connected.

....  As previously reported by this news service, intriguing and
tantalizing connections exist between the  Clinton  White  House,
private  investigator  Terry Lenzner, and Hustler publisher Larry
Flynt. ["Dots Connected Between Clinton, Flynt," CNNS, 1/22/99.]

But if the U.S. Senate does,  due to potential blackmail or other
reasons,  send  the  Clinton  impeachment  trial  to  a  "burying
ground," the damage already inflicted on the  Clinton  presidency
is irreparable.  A weakened president is apparently not palatable
to  many members of Clinton's own party, the Democrats.  For that
reason, contrary to  perception,  some  Democrats may be secretly
working to undermine the Clinton presidency and  force  him  from
office.   Research and paperwork in the Paula Jones case may have
been  secretly  handled  by  a  tight-knit  group  of  high-power
attorneys in Philadelphia, The  Federalist Society.  Belonging to
the  Federalist  Society  are  Ken   Starr   and   Robert   Bork,
Republicans.  But many Democrats also belong to that elite lawyer

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Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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