-Caveat Lector-

by Jim Keith


Since the move had been covert and the southerners desired to keep their own
friends in place among the northern elite, plans were quietly laid to
facilitate a successful southern effort in the event of overt action; stores
were replenished, training of mercenaries upgraded, and to culminate, the
Order of Knights Hospitallers of St. John - an order of
warrior-monks/provisioners -was founded, in AD 1070.

The northern clique being engaged, since earlier in that same century, in
one of their many in-fights for superiority, the southern clique had breath
space to consolidate their own lines until about AD 1080, at which time the
first full-scale small war took place between the two cliques, ending any
possibility of willful merger between the two elites. That it was Gregory
VII, in establishing (at the behest of the southern clique) the most
sweeping of Papal temporal powers, that initiated this attack by the north,
is immaterial; the southern clique had known for some time that the Muslim
mercenaries who sacked their coasts were in the employ of the north, which
by AD 1100 was being more and more dominated by the
Prussian/Bavarian/Zionist clique. Nonetheless, a concordat of sorts was
reached when Muslims not in European employ began taking advantage of the
factional in-fighting, and it was to a relatively united Europe that Urban
II promoted the First Crusade. It was at this time that the Order of Knights
Templars was founded, much a duplication of the Order of Hospitallers, but
less concerned with provisioning as with actual warfare.

That both orders served as bankers to much of the European elite, both
northern and southern cliques, led to struggles between the two groups,
which were to have dire consequences at a later date. There were, as yet,
some factions of the southern clique still true at heart to the precepts of
the Faith, rather than the power thereo{ and these factions saw their
opportunity in the power struggle between the Welf Family and the
Hohenstauffens, also called the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, respectively,
beginning in AD 1125. With the victory of the northern-sympathizing
Hohenstauffen clan, the balance of power began a slow but inexorable shift
to the northern clique, becoming ever more heavily dominated by the North
German/Zionist faction. The shift, however, was not immediately apparent to
the southern clique, who found themselves receiving a rather rude awakening
in AD 1154, when a northern candidate, one Nicholas Breakspear, became Pope
Adrian IV; almost immediately he gave Ireland as a gift to his mentor, Henry
II of England, which has resulted in nearly a millennium of domination of
the only northern ally of the southern clique.

The threat of a pincer movement set aside, the northern clique proceeded to
reinaugurate their original policy of covert whittling at the power of the
south, now invested very heavily in the Roman and Frankish aristocratic
factions. Regular sacrifice of Jewish commoners, under the direction of the
Zionist elite, was instituted to propitiate the deities still covertly
worshiped by the elite of the northern clique, now merged into the Zionist
deity (which had never been the same God worshiped by the Jewish commoners,
as examination of coins and other artifacts of the Third Temple Period will
clearly show). These regular sacrifices date to approximately 1190, and
following quick on the heels of this, comes the escalation of northern
preparations for outright struggle against the south; the Order of Teutonic
Knights and the Livonian Brothers of the Sword, precursors to the later
Prussian Orders, date to the period AD 1190 - 1210. With the Hospitallers
and Knights Templars engaged in a war of attrition that killed nearly as
many of their number as their battles against the Muslims, and the
Dominicans fully engaged, from AD 1208, in pitched battle with nonconformist
southern sub-cliques and covert actions in England, the Teutonic Knights and
their cohorts had a clear field to engage as they would; upon absorbing the
Livonian Brothers of the Sword in 1237, they were nearly unstoppable.

Their early success they attributed to a massive propitiative sacrifice of
European children, in AD 1212. This affair, which began with the promotion
of what was called the "Children's Crusade", drained an untold number of
Europe's youngest into the clutches of the Teutons; a massive number were
indeed slaughtered in ritual sacrifice, and perhaps twice that number were
sold into slavery to the Muslims. Once again. the 'prayers' of the
Teutonic/Zionist clique appeared to have been answered, as with their defeat
at the hands of the Mongols in AD 1256, survivors of the Order of Assassins,
the Ishmaelis, of Hasan I Sabah, began trickling into Europe, seeking
sanctuary among the similarly-inclined Teutonic/Zionist clique. With the
addition of these well-trained and fearless - nay, nearly suicidal -
Assassins, the Teutonic/Zionist Clique achieved the force necessary to
assume complete control of the northern clique, as well as a special force
to supplement the actions of their still-active Muslim shocktroops.

Edward I of England, upon learning the full extent of the practices of the
Teutons/Zionists, was so sickened that he expelled all Jews from England in
1290, rather than ailow what he considered an abomination to occur on his
soil. Indeed, as knowledge of the practice crept through the subcliques of
the south, one by one they either expelled the Jews (as did France in AD
1306) or else forced their conversion to Christianity, in the mistaken
belief that this made them unacceptable for the sacrificial rite. A word or
two, I believe, regarding the sacrificial rite of the Zionists, as well as
the similar rite of the Teutons, is in order: I must warn you that the rites
as I know them are distasteful in the extreme, and that I would not
recommend the following as good reading for the squeamish. It must be
remembered throughout this description, that modern Jewry is, for the most
part ignorant of the rites of the Zionists, who posit that they alone (as
proper Zionist Jews) are true Jewry, and all others who claim Judaism are

Indeed, to investigate the history of this religion (done so admirably by
Benjamin Freedman in his tome, "Facts Are Facts") is to discover that modern
rank-and-file Jewry has no real connexion to historical Judaism, but are in
fact pawns in a much larger and more vicious game than they realize. To
begin, then: the rite of consecration of the Kohen (ritual/sacri ficial
priest) and that of normative ritual sacrifice are very nearly identical.
The Kohen-elect is made to enter a pit beneath the grating that is beside
the altar of sacrifice, also called the altar of holocaust (shoah, in the
Hebrew), which is described at chapter 27 of Exodus, in the first part. The
altar grating is placed over the pit (actually more an encircling trench),
and the sacrificial victim is brought to the altar. The preferred victim is
a young boy of Jewish blood; young girls are useable, especially when supply
is high, but boys are the preferred victim.

 Most 'Jewish' parents during the Templar periods (the times during which a
properly-con secrated temple stood at Jerusalem) were required to redeem
their children with an offering (see chapter 12 of Leviticus); at these
time, the children of the destitute (who could not offer the prescribed
ransom) were used - in modem times, any so-called 'Jewish' child may be
kidnapped & used for the sacrifice, or for the ordination, though for the
sin offering a Gentile child may be used. The child, preferably an infant or
toddler (but any child up to the age of thineen being acceptable, if
virginal), is stood upon the grating over the head of the Kohen-elect, nude,
facing northward; the child's head is grasped firmly by the officiating
priest (or by him and his assistant, should the child be older & put up a
fight), and the child's throat is then slit to open the jugular vein. Some
of the blood is made to splatter against the eastern face of the altar
itself, while the rest spatters through the grating to bathe the
Kohen-elect, who drinks a mouthful of the blood as it pours over him.

The officiating Kohen then wets his fingers with the screaming innocent's
blood and, walking counter-clockwise around the altar, traces certain arcane
sigils upon the altar's horns with the blood; then, arriving back at the
child's position, he takes a mouthful of the spurting blood. The Kohen-elect
is helped out from under the grating & joins the assisting Kohens at the
child's side, and all are liberally mouth-sprayed with the child's blood by
the officiating Kohen, thus sealing the new Kohen as a member of the

The child, weak from loss of blood but still very much alive, is butchered;
the internal fatty tissue, the liver, and the kidneys are set aside to be
burnt, and the Kohens feast on what they want of the rest, burning tlie
unused Portions before sunset, according to Levitical law. This is also the
basic procedure for the regular ritual sacrifice, with the exceptions being
that in regular sacrifice, the blood spills uninterrupted through the
grating, to renew the consecration of the sill on which the temple or
killing-floor rests, and that the mouth-spraying of the child's blood is
omitted. Similarities between the Jewish and Teutonic rituals are close; the
parallels suggest, perhaps, a common origin for certain practices, perhaps
deriving from central Asia via the Khazars. in the Teutonic rite, the altar
is generally an unhewn dolmen, and the pit and its attendant grating are
absent. The priest to be consecrated in this rite merely lies, nude, on the
ground at the eastern face of the stone altar (the eastern face of the altar
being sacred to both the Zionists and the Teutons), and the victim -a child
of either gender between the ages of seven and twelve, virginal -is brought
to him.

The child is forced down upon the priest~lect in a kneeling position,
straddling the elect's hips, at which time sexual penetration (notably
absent in the Zionist rite) is achieved, anally for a young boy, vaginally
for a young girl. The child's head is faced east, as in the Zionist rite,
and the jugular is opened, showering the priest-elect with blood, some of
which is ingested. The child is then penetrated sexually by the attending
priests until such time as death occurs. In both rites, the bathing in and
ingestion of the blood of the child is required for proper consecration, and
in the Teutonic rite (as in the Zionist), the body of the child is eaten. In
the everyday ritual of sacrifice in the Teutonic rite, no priest-elect lies
before the dolmen; instead, the child is penetrated by each of the priests
in turn, according to rank or seniority (depending on which of two rites is
being followed; I am unclear as to the exact distinction between the two,
other than this particular difference of practice).
The Order of Knights Templars - who operated extensively in the north - had
been influenced heavily by the Teutonic/Zionist cult.

 The northern houses of the Templars had indeed adopted several practices
from the northern clique, including the Zionist practice of consulting
preserved oracular heads for augury. The southern houses of the Templars in
combination with the Hospitallers, approached French king Philippe Iv with a
list of charges, substantiated by eyewitness testimony of a number of the
southern Templars, and acting on this information Philippe issued an order
of arrest in September of 1307. The order was finally suppressed through all
Europe (except Scotland), and the Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, was burned
at the stake in 1314. Those Templars remaining in the south were absorbed
into the order of Hospitallers, while those in hiding in Scotland became the
nucleus of the Priory of Zion, turning their considerable talents and
remaining wealth over to the service of the Teutonic/Zionist clique. The
southern clique, now dominated by an uneasy alliance of the French and Roman
aristocracies, began exhibiting signs of paranoia very early in this stage
of the crisis.

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