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Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:40:31 EDT
Subject: SNET: Don't Ask The UN,,,,,,,,

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Don't ask the U.N.
By Henry Lamb

Saturday, September 7, 2002


The United States should not ask the U.N. Security Council for permission to
remove Saddam – or anything else.


If there is sufficient evidence that Saddam has, or will have in the
foreseeable future, weapons of mass destruction, then the United States
should do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens.


Neither the United Nations, nor any other member of the Security Council, is
the target of Saddam's venom. The United States and Israel are his targets.
Israel delayed Saddam's nuclear program with a pre-emptive strike in 1981. It
may be time to do it again.


Two issues must be resolved: "sufficient" evidence, and the U.N.


The president should immediately ask Congress to adopt a joint resolution
authorizing him to prevent Iraq from acquiring weapons of mass destruction,
when the appropriate congressional committees – in closed session – concur
that the evidence is sufficient.


If action against Iraq is initiated, the U.N. Security Council should learn
about it when everyone else does.


Those who say we should get U.N. approval first already believe that the U.N.
is a superior authority to our government, or they believe that we should
appease our European allies who do.


If we ask the Security Council for permission to defend our national
security, then we are admitting that the U.N. is a superior authority. Even
if our motive is to appease our allies, the result is the same. The United
States of America must never allow any government, anywhere, to dictate our
actions – especially in matters of national security.


President Bush continues to be the target of scathing criticism for
withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol, and from the International Criminal
Court, and for not attending the fiasco in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Those are among his most noble actions as president.


Nelson Mandela drew thunderous ovations when he told the Johannesburg crowd
that no nation has the right to take the law into their own hands. He is
wrong. Dead wrong. Every nation has the right, and the responsibility to
protect its citizens without asking permission from anyone.


Richard Holbrook, former weapons inspector who was kicked out of Iraq, says
we should first ask the U.N. Security Council for its approval to remove
Saddam … and if they say no, do it anyway. The gesture is supposed to put us
in a better light with our European allies. Hogwash.


If action needs to be taken in Iraq to protect American citizens, then the
action must be taken. Our real allies will support our decision – others will
not. The U.N. can do whatever it wants to do.


The United States should not withdraw from the international community, but
it should certainly not acquiesce to the drumbeat of criticism from
anti-capitalist one-worlders.


The United States should continue to ignore those U.N. demands that erode our
sovereignty and deplete our treasury, only to further empower and enrich the
anti-American, global-governance machine.


The United States should step out of the U.N. quagmire, which produces little
more than global conferences in exotic places – at taxpayers' expense – as a
reward for obedient delegates who agree to grandiose verbiage in documents
designed to become international law.


The United States should help any nation that wants to climb out of poverty –
not by pouring money into the U.N.'s sustainable (read: managed) development
schemes, but by helping those nations discover the principles of freedom –
private property, free markets, representative democracy, individual
achievement and responsibility.


In recent years, the United Nations has shed its disguise as a forum for
sovereign nations to discuss and debate their differences. It has now
declared its intention to become the world government its creators envisioned
more than a half-century ago.


Those who believe the United States should ask the U.N. for permission to do
anything, are affirming the world government the U.N. aspires to be.


Our president is not one of these people.


His most outspoken opponents, the media and, certainly, the European Union
and the developing world are all eager to see the U.N. assume the role of
dictator of the global village. For the president to resist the continuing
barrage of criticism and political pressure, he will need more backbone than
we've seen in an American president in decades.


He will need the support of all Americans who believe the U.S. Constitution
still trumps the U.N. Charter.



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