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Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 15:28:16 -0700
Subject: SNET: GLOBAL Governance is GLOBAL Socialism.....Questions?

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Global governance is global socialism
By Henry Lamb web posted August 7, 2000

Global governance is a creation of the International Socialist Party, and
particularly, of Willy Brandt, former Chair of Socialist International.
Brandt invited 30 world leaders to a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden on April
22, 1991. Among the guests were Ingvar Carlsson, then Prime Minister of
Sweden, and Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, and Chair of
the 1987 U.N. Commission on Environment and Development.

The meeting was reported in the EcoSocialist Review ,
Summer 1991, a publication of the Democratic Socialists of America. The
meeting report says:

 "The 28 proposals concurred upon represent a shot-across-the-bow of
George Bush's New World Order, and [makes] clear that now is the time to
press for the subordination of national sovereignty to democratic

 The final recommendation in this report called for the creation of an
Independent Commission on Global Governance. Willy Brandt first secured
the blessing of, and funding from, Butrous- Butrous Ghali, then U.N.
Secretary General, and proceeded to appoint 28 members to his Commission
on Global Governance (CGG). Ignvar Carlsson and Shridath Ramphal, past
president of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, where
named co-chairs.

 The CGG worked for three years and published its 410-page report in 1995.
Titled Our Global Neighborhood  the report set forth very
specific recommendations to achieve the socialists' vision of global

 As is now common practice, a network of NGOs (non-government
organizations) was created to advance the report's agenda. The NGOs
fashioned the CGG recommendations into a smaller, easy-to-read "Charter
for Global Democracy ." The Charter consolidated
the CGG recommendations into 12 principles for restructuring and
empowering the United Nations to implement global governance.

 Simultaneously, Maurice Strong, a member of the Commission on Global
Governance, was named Executive Coordinator for U.N. Reform, and put in
charge  of restructuring
the U.N. in preparation for the new role the U.N. expects to perform in
the 21st century.

 To make legal this transformation from "...national sovereignty to
democratic transnationalism," the U.N. has scheduled a series of meetings
under the banner "Millennium Assembly and Summit," which will take place September 6-9, 2000,
in New York. The Assembly is the regular meeting of the 55thsession of the
U.N. General Assembly. A part of this session will be devoted to what is
called the "Millennium Summit." In addition to the official delegates to
the U.N., the heads of state from as many as 160 nations are expected to
be in attendance.

 The U.N. delegates and heads of state will receive mountains of
documents, including a report from the newly
created NGO Millennium Forum, an assembly of representatives from "civil
society," which will urge the delegates and heads of state to adopt the
recommendations their report contains. Not surprisingly, their report
contains essentially the same principles advanced in the Charter for
Global Democracy, albeit, with more words, and in "kinder, gentler"

 The delegates and heads of state will also receive a report from the
Secretary General which, in even more words, says the same things advanced
by the NGO report. Kofi Annan's report discusses why the U.N. must have
independent sources of revenue, why there must be a U.N. standing army,
why there must be changes within the U.N. Security Council, and why each
of the CGG's recommendations must be implemented.

 The delegates and heads of state are most likely to be asked to adopt a
declaration which sets forth all these recommendations as goals to be
achieved in order to improve global governance. The declaration is also
likely to call for the creation of a new, official, Commission to
implement the recommendations they have adopted.

 When all the official delegates to the U.N., and the heads of state from
160 nations adopt such a declaration, the U.N. will have a mandate to move
forward rapidly with the plans that have been under development for many
years. This document does not have to be reviewed or approved by Congress.
America can be committed to support the document by the signature of a
bureaucrat appointed by the President.

 No, the U.N. will not suddenly be in control of all national governments
when the declaration is adopted. In fact, the world will appear pretty
much the same for some time after the Millennium Assembly adjourns. But it
will not be the same. The U.N. will have the authority to move forward
with the implementation of global governance. It will take several years
to implement most of the elements, but the Millennium Assembly is seen to
be the point beyond which there is no turning back. The declaration and
authorities which are expected to flow from this meeting will set the U.N.
on a direct course to continue consolidating its power into a central
bureaucracy, while claiming to reform, decentralize, democratize, and put
decision-making closer to the people.

 Americans are often misled by terms such as "democratic
transnationalism." In America, the "democratic" process means that any
American may advance any policy proposal to any appropriate body of
elected officials, and advocate for that policy as widely as possible,
until,. ultimately, the elected officials vote publicly on the proposal,
which will be adopted or rejected.

 At the United Nations, the "democratic" process has an entirely different
meaning. To "democratize" at the U.N., means that government has decided
to allow certain individuals to participate in some of the discussions
relating to a particular policy proposal. Only those individuals known to
be in support of the government's position are allowed to participate, and
only to the extent the government believes necessary to support its claim
of expanded democratic  participation.

 To be accredited by the U.N., which is the first requirement for
participation, an NGO must declare allegiance to the aims of the U.N. and
have at least two years of activity which demonstrates that allegiance.
Once NGOs are accredited, they are allotted only limited time, if any, to
address the delegates at a particular meeting. Not all NGOs are allotted
time. The U.N. chooses which NGOs may speak, and the U.N. chooses which
NGOs' reports will be submitted to the delegates.

 Literature which opposes the U.N. position is often not allowed to be
distributed at U.N. meetings. This is what the U.N. calls expanding
democracy. At the U.N., policy decisions are made by non-elected
bureaucrats - official delegates designated by member governments. The
vast majority of these member governments depend upon the U.N. for
financial assistance in one form or another, and the expenses of their
delegates to the U.N. meetings are paid by the U.N. It is not reasonable
to expect that these delegates will oppose the policies recommended by the

 The policy recommendations developed by the socialist-dominated
Commission on Global Governance, which now have evolved into the
declaration to be adopted by the world leaders, are nothing short of
classic socialist policy. For example, one recommendation calls for
centralized control of environmental policy by declaring the "global
commons" to be under the "trusteeship" of the U.N. Trusteeship Council.
Incidentally, the "global commons" is defined to be "outer space, the
atmosphere, non-territorial seas, and the related environment that
supports human life." The concept of "sustainable development," is a
product of Gro Harlem Brundtland's 1987 Commission on Environment and
Development, and is the cornerstone of the economic recommendations to be
adopted in New York.

 Sustainable development, is government- managed development - a socialist
principle. Sustainable communities are government-managed communities - a
socialist principle. Sustainable forests means government-managed forests
- a socialist principle.

 The objectives of global governance   are no different from the
objectives of Stalin's Soviet Union; the methods of achievement, however,
are quite different. Stalin tried to enforce his principles of global
governance with force; the U.N. is using a whole new strategy to
accomplish the same thing.

 The favorite new technique is to create the perception that a crisis,
such as global warming, exists which can only be solved by "international
cooperation." The U.N. then creates a control mechanism - which it
controls - to bring about a solution to the problem. Whether or not the
problem is real is of little consequence to the U.N., it is the control
mechanism that is important.

 Another favorite new technique is to create the perception that a
particular policy proposal has overwhelming public support. By funding
NGOs and charging them with the responsibility of "elevating public
awareness," NGOs litter newspaper op-ed pages, protest in the streets, and
conduct public meetings in neighborhoods around the country, all singing
the same, well- orchestrated song. The Sierra Club has been particularly
effective in promoting the no-logging policy that is largely responsible
for the wildfires sweeping the West.

 NGOs, too, have been engaged to promote the socialist idea of global
governance. The NGO Millennium Forum is an excellent example of how only
carefully selected individuals from carefully selected NGOs were allowed
to participate in the Forum and in the development of the document that
the delegates to the U.N. Millennium Assembly will see.

 The delegates will be told that this document represents the wishes of
"civil society" - the democratic process in action. Sadly, few Americans
will even know that the Millennium Assembly and Summit occurred. A similar
event took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Few American were even aware
of it. Today, however, they are feeling the consequences through policies
adopted in 1992, now being implemented by the agencies of the federal
government, often without Congressional approval or even awareness.
 It will take a few years for Americans to begin to feel the consequences
of the policies being adopted by the Millennium Assembly. When rolling
blackouts occur across the country as the result of the U.N. management of
energy, Americans will wonder how this happened. As more and more
industries close shop in America and move to China, Mexico and Brazil -
Americans will wonder why this is happening. As the U.N. takes control of
the global economic throttle, and America's wealth is deliberately
redistributed to the developing nations - Americans then, may wake up and
demand that somebody do something. By then, it may be too late.

 Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental
Conservation Organization, and
chairman of Sovereignty International

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