Thanks for the reply!  Will be following him closely.
As things stand now, I would vote for him, but only
as a Reform candidate.

Considering how he talks against the CFR, the Trilats,
and the Bilderbergers, why would you think that ?
He has promised to get all of the one-worlders
out of the USA.

Bard wrote:
> Mark, My only problem with PJB is that if elected, will he surround
> with the CFR and TC traitors?
> Personnaly, I need some "sign" that he will clean house and remove that
> influence from the conduct of our affairs once and for all.  I may be
> incorrect on this, but it seems to me that Reagan campaigned for the WH
> claiming he would remove them, but lo and behold look what happened.
> Bard

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