-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.hackworth.com/28jun99.html">David H. Hackworth</A>
David H. Hackworht
June 28, 1999


During NATO's air campaign against Yugoslavia, millions of folks around
the world got a daily television fix on how NATO air power was smashing
the Serbian Army. Silver-tongued spinmeister Dr. Jamie Shea said things
such as "We're knocking the stuffing out of Milosevic," and, NATO "is
conducting the most accurate bombing campaign in history."

The statistics he presented at the end of the fight were awesome: NATO
pilots flew more than 35,000 sorties: 96.6 percent of their bombs hit
their targets: 60 percent of Serb artillery and 40 percent of Serb tanks
were damaged or destroyed; the Serb Army in Kosovo was battle-rattled
after taking thousands of casualties and deserted their bunkers like
post-Monica White House staffers.

Now that NATO has troops on the ground in Kosovo along with a few
tell-it-like-it-is reporters, it should have been an easy task to match
the briefing stats with the burned tank hulks and white crosses. But
this hasn't been the case. So far, the grunts and scribes have found
only a dozen destroyed vehicles and guns, no military cemeteries, no
signs that Serb units were pummeled.

Something's wrong. This insane demolition job cost American taxpayers
billions of bucks, so where's the Mother of All Army Junkyards? The Serb
generals couldn't have swept that kind of reported battle destruction
into a foxhole before scooting back to Belgrade. Blown-up 50-ton tanks,
miles of twisted artillery barrels and 5,000 graves don't just disappear
with the wave of a general's baton.

Yet the body counters have found only the shot up carcasses of three
1960s- model tanks, a lot of blown-up army buildings clearly vacated
before the bombs fell, and carpet-bombed forested areas that look like
cyclones twisted through them.

Ten battle-damaged tanks were observed heading north when the Serbian
army pulled out along with 254 combat-ready tanks, thousands of
missiles, cannons, armored vehicles, trucks and 60,000 defiant, smartly
dressed and well-equipped troops -- exactly 50 percent more grunts than
the spinners said were deployed in Serbia's Kosovo province in the first

For sure, Kosovo was not a Desert Storm. Remember the miles and miles of
knocked out gear along the "Highway of Death"? No such battle damage has
been found in Kosovo, where, unlike the Gulf War, the vast majority of
bombs used were the expensive smart stuff, not the dumb old iron bombs
that flattened Saddam's white-flag-waving army.

Robert Fisk, a friend of mine who's a British reporter for the
Independent, writes, "Yugoslav military sources report that more than
half the 600 -- Serb soldiers -- who died in Serbia were killed in
guerrilla fighting with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) rather than by
NATO bombing." While recently on the ground in Kosovo, after travelling
more than 400 miles through that war-torn province, Fisk saw none of the
death and destruction cited by the Allied briefers. He said a Serb
military source told him that, "Only 132 members of the armed forces
were killed in NATO attacks.

General Nebojsa Pavkovic, the commander of the Yugoslav Third Army, has
given a different figure: 169 soldiers killed in Kosovo under NATO
assault and 299 wounded."

The high figure of 169 Serb KIA is a long stretch from Dr. Shea's
"5,000." Like the wild body-count numbers of the Vietnam War, somebody
clearly got it wrong.

I don't think our pilots lied and kicked up the count. More than likely
they were duped by clever Serbian bait-and-switch artists -- the subject
of next week's column. It's almost impossible to accurately tell what's
been hit when you're zipping along at 500 MPH and firing at 15,000 feet.

When the dust clears, I believe we'll find that Dr. Shea -- he has a PHD
from Oxford, probably in Doublespeak -- and his companions-in-spin in
the U.S. State Department and Pentagon, James Rubin and Ken Bacon,
respectively, did what all propagandists do: lie, vilify, stretch the
truth like a taffy candy to deceive friend and foe alike.

The moral to the story is that modern spin doctors from Nazi Dr.
Goebbles to NATO's Dr. Shea have less credibility than a used car
salesman who hasn't closed a deal in a month. The public should believe
nothing when the cannons and spinmeisters toot.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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