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">The Sunday Times</A>
November 7 1999 MIDDLE EAST
Scroll names Jesus as sect member

Matthew Kalman Jerusalem

SINCE their discovery almost half a century ago, the Dead Sea scrolls have
fascinated biblical scholars. The mystery surrounding them has deepened,
however, with claims that a hitherto unknown scroll, which threatens to
challenge the originality of Christian theology, was spirited out of the Holy
Land and ended up in the hands of Benedictine monks, who tried to suppress
its contents.
According to a bizarre tale that has unfolded over the past few weeks in
Israel, the so-called Angel scroll was found by a Bedouin tribesman in Jordan
in the late 1960s on the eastern shore opposite the Qumran caves, where the
Dead Sea scrolls made famous by the late Professor Yigael Yadin were
discovered in ancient pottery jars several years earlier. The Bedouin is then
said to have sold it to an antiquities dealer in the Jordanian capital,
As news of the find circulated, scholars began frantic talks to buy the
scroll through an intermediary, an international arms dealer identified only
as Ziyad H.
It was then that a German Benedictine monk - named as Matheus Gunther, which
is believed to be a pseudonym - became involved. Armed with huge sums of
Benedictine money, he allegedly negotiated for a year and was finally allowed
a 3mm fragment of the scroll.
Finally, in 1981, the deal was completed and the scroll, bearing 1,000 lines
of mixed text, was smuggled out of Jordan to a Benedictine monastery
somewhere near the German-
Austrian border, to be studied by a team of monks who had taken a vow of
Gunther died in 1996, but is said to have bequeathed his notes and a copy of
the text to an Israeli friend known as Steve Daniels. For the past three
years, Daniels has been allegedly preparing it for publication, together with
two other Israelis who knew the monk.
According to the two Israelis - one of whom spoke to The Sunday Times on
condition of anonymity - the text contradicts the official origins of
Christianity and is so explosive that church authorities decided to suppress
it. Gunther could not bear to see it left mouldering in the vaults, they
claimed, and he decided that his vow of silence should be broken after his
"I saw in this scroll the crowning achievement of my scholarly work and of my
religious mission," the monk wrote in his notes, some of which were shown to
the Jerusalem Report, a leading Israeli news magazine. "I promised that I
would not carry to my grave the secrets of this remarkable scroll."
The text, said to have been carbon-dated to the 1st century, supposedly
describes a religious vision experienced at Ein Elgatain, a desert encampment
on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, by Yeshua ben Padiah, who was taken by
an angel, Panameia, through the gates of a palace and into the heavens.
Yeshua is Hebrew for Jesus.
It is said to mirror the teachings of Jesus to such an extent that it calls
their originality into question. Many of the ideas described in the scroll
imply that Jesus was heavily influenced by, or even a member of, the Essenes
sect widely credited with writing the Dead Sea scrolls.
Scholars who have studied excerpts from a computerised transcript are divided
over the text's authenticity, however.
To give a definitive answer, they say they must first see the original - or
at least a photograph.
"If it is the real thing, we'll be talking about something phenomenally
important to understanding the background of Christianity and Jewish
mysticism," said Professor Stephen Pfann of the University of the Holy Land,
an expert on the scrolls. "I haven't yet seen anything that discredits it in
such a way that I would put it outside the realms of possibility."
Pfann, who has translated some of the text into English, said that Yeshua's
vision contained many concepts similar to the other Dead Sea scrolls. It is
dated some 100 years later, however, indicating it was written during, or
shortly after, Jesus's lifetime.
Many scholars are still unconvinced. "The text itself is very queer. There is
Hebrew with Aramaic words," said Magen Broshi, former curator of the
Jerusalem museum that holds the Dead Sea scrolls. "The whole thing is so
strange and I think, if I were about to commit a forgery, this is what I
would have done."
Another problem authenticating the story has been tracing Gunther's origins.
Father Bargil Pixner, a Benedictine monk and scholar in Israel, said he never
knew of any such monk and was "very sceptical" about the story.
In favour of the monk's account, however, is the supposed content of the
Angel scroll. The text is said to contain embalming recipes for resurrection
and the use of herbs and stones for healing, practices attributed to the
Essenes by the Jewish historian Josephus.
Other phrases often associated with the mystic sect recur in the scroll, such
as the "children of light", a term used by the Essenes for those endowed with
the power of God, and the contrasting "children of darkness".
It also uses the word "el" for God, and Pfann has said grammar and spellings
throughout the text are similar to those in the acknowledged Dead Sea
He said he had even found a complete phrase in the Angel scroll that he had
been trying to reconstruct for years from other documents. "This new
discovery may well prove to be an important witness or missing link to the
connection between Qumran, early Christianity and early Judaism during the
1st century," Pfann concluded.
Next page: Euro-watchdog reveals Brussels has spent £3 billion in error

Next: Euro-watchdog reveals Brussels has spent £3 billion in error  Copyright
1999 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times Newspapers' stand
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All My Relations.
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