Security hole in Netscape browser infects almost 1,000 computers

By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 8, 2000 8:58 a.m. EDT - Security experts warned Internet users
Monday about a security hole in Netscape's Web browser that has already
infected almost 1,000 computers.

Once a computer is infected, a hacker can click through the victim's
computer and see, run and delete files on the target computer. The method,
dubbed "Brown Orifice" in a reference to the popular hacker tool
BackOrifice, has been making the rounds of computer security mailing lists
and bulletin boards over the weekend.

Netscape has not yet made a remedy available, but are working on the

"Netscape takes all security issues very seriously," said Netscape
spokesman Andrew Weinstein, "We're working to quickly evaluate and
address this concern."

The person who posted the code also posted a sample bit of computer
code on his Web site that can be modified for more malicious purposes
and a list of some of the users who have been infected.

This list is being used by other hackers, said computer security expert
Chris Rouland of Internet Security Systems, making those infected
computers open to anyone who wants to click through their wide-open hard

"As of (Monday) morning," Rouland said, "965 people have it loaded."

It's common practice to make dangerous code public so security
professionals can better prepare themselves to defend against the code.
ISS said information about the security hole had also appeared on several
popular Web sites such as Slashdot, an online community of users of the
Linux operating system.

"It can be assumed that knowledge of the exploit, its source code, and
variations are widespread," ISS said in a press release.

However, there is still no remedy available from Netscape. Atlanta-based
ISS, which analyzed the security hole, advises Netscape users to disable
the Java programming language in their browser. Netscape, owned by
America Online, suggested the same temporary workaround.

Both ISS and Netscape officials noted that business users, because they're
protected by the company's network firewall, are not vulnerable.

Rouland said Brown Orifice is especially dangerous because it's easy to
modify and can be changed into a self-copying virus form - as opposed to
the current infection method, where a victim visits a Web site that includes
the malicious code.

"The bar's been lowered for any script-kiddie to modify this code and make
it even more malicious," Rouland said.

Netscape Communicator versions 4.74 and earlier are affected, Rouland
said. Microsoft Internet Explorer users and users of the Mozilla prerelease
version of the new Netscape browser 6.0 are not vulnerable to this

Rouland noted that Microsoft users who have switched to Netscape - a
company whose history includes the earliest Web browsers - after the
recent stream of Microsoft-related security holes in Internet Explorer and
the Outlook and Outlook Express e-mail programs are finding that no
computer programs are without problems.

Also Monday, another security expert pointed out a security hole in
Microsoft's Word and Excel products that can let a hacker take over the
victim's computer. Microsoft officials said they are working on the issue.

"The vendor-changing strategy obviously doesn't work," he said. "Security
coding practices are being ignored by even one of the Internet's oldest

Steve Wingate

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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