Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Selling out justice
Geoff Metcalf interviews Clinton
impeachment prosecutor David Schippers


By Geoff Metcalf
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

A lifelong Democrat who voted for Clinton both times, attorney David
Schippers was chosen to prosecute President Clinton during the congressional
impeachment process. Though the former Chicago prosecutor thought he had seen
everything -- treachery, double crosses, sellouts -- what Schippers saw
behind the scenes during the impeachment beat them all. What he witnessed
--from both sides of the aisle -- compelled him to write "Sellout: The Inside
Story of President Clinton's Impeachment," available at WorldNetDaily's
online store.
WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk show host Geoff Metcalf recently
interviewed Schippers about his explosive new book.

Metcalf's radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10
p.m. Eastern time.


Question: I thought I knew everything bad that went on in the impeachment. I
knew it was a lot more form than substance, but it had to be beyond
frustrating for you.

Answer: It was. It was really terrible. I was a citizen coming out of Chicago
who really had no political experience whatsoever, but I happened to find
myself right in the middle of what they were doing, just kind of watching how
the Senate and House of Representatives operates when nobody is looking.

Q: This really wasn't a partisan thing, one way or the other. Far from being
a witch-hunt by the Republicans, it was more of a GOP soft-pedaled dog and
pony show.

A: The Republican leadership in the Senate cut our legs off right from the
beginning. We fully expected to have ourselves at least some kind of a trial,
an opportunity to put on our witnesses, an opportunity to show our evidence,
not only for the Senate, but for the American people. But, right from the
beginning, there was just no way they could do it.

Q: Who was the GOP senator who said, "You're not going to dump this garbage
on us"? I thought that was their job?

A: That was Trent Lott, right after the House had impeached the president on
two counts. It was the first meeting with the Republican majority, with the
majority leader. It was Trent Lott himself who was to decide what the
procedures would be. The House managers and I were higher than a kite. We
thought: this is great; we are going to be meeting with the majority leader.
He's our friend. We'll find out what the procedures are, how much time we'll
have to put on our case. And then when that line came out, it was like
someone had hit everybody in the face with a brick.

Q: You say one senator said, "I don't care if you can prove that [Clinton]
raped a woman and then stood up and shot her dead ..."

A: "... you are not going to get 67 votes." That was Sen. Stevens from
Alaska. My assistant and I were both sitting on the couch at the back of the
room and, when that came out, I looked at him and he just looked at me as if
to say, "Are we really hearing this?" This was either the next day or two
days after they all took that oath "to do equal and impartial justice."

Q: There was such an abundance of damning, compelling evidence against him,
beyond the abuse of power under the color of authority and perjury. How many
people just didn't even want to look at, say, the Juanita Broaddrick

A: The Juanita Broaddrick evidence was a little bit different because we had
no intention of putting that in as part of the impeachment evidence. The
evidence we had seen so far had shown that she was in no way influenced by
the White House to lie. So that was off the table in the Senate. But there
was all kinds of other evidence -- all kinds of stuff showing a massive
conspiracy to obstruct justice and to use any means necessary to do so.

I'll tell you what happened. In the House -- let's start with the committee
itself: of the 16 Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee whose
job it was to determine whether or not there was sufficient evidence to have
an inquiry -- and remember, all 16 voted against the inquiry -- five never
went near the evidence. Five never looked at one word of evidence. In the
House itself, we had about 65 members come over -- and they were all members
of the Republican majority. In the Senate -- nobody! Not one senator. Not one

We had one Republican senator say, "Why should we be wasting our time reading
this stuff when you've already read it?" Well, hey there, how about if you're
a juror?

Q: It is also compounded because they didn't allow you to submit any

A: That's right! They didn't allow us to put any evidence in. And then Sen.
Specter comes out and votes, "Not proved." Well how the heck are you going to
prove a case if they're not going to let you put in any evidence?

The problem was not with all the senators, but with the leadership. They were
the ones who were most outspoken. The most outspoken person on the committee
against impeachment was Barney Frank. Barney Frank never looked at a word of
evidence. He never bothered to come over there. He just sat over in the
Judiciary telling everyone there was no evidence to impeach. Of course there
wasn't if you don't want to look at it.

Q: It has been pretty clearly demonstrated so far that not only the
president, but a lot of people around the president, lied under oath. That's
perjury. Is anything ever going happen with any of these people?

A: I would sincerely hope so. You're right. There was perjury. There was
subordination of perjury. There was witness tampering. There was witness
intimidation. This was an ongoing thing and it was all calculated. Remember,
after the election, we were limited to the Jones case and, for all practical
purposes, to the Lewinsky matter. Even then, we showed that there was this
conspiracy to obstruct justice solely to make sure that Miss Jones could not
get any kind of a hearing on her case for what William Jefferson Clinton did
as a human being, a person, not as the president.

Q: In the back of the book, you have a number of documents. What about this
handwritten note from the president himself?

A: That note is presented by the president in the deposition in the Jones
case to contradict an account of a meeting that was given by Dolly Browning.
Dolly Browning and the president, for all practical purposes, had really
grown up together. They had a meeting at the 25th anniversary of their high
school reunion. Dolly Browning gave an account of what was said and why it
was said. The president then gave a diametrically opposed account. He just
contradicted her on every single thing.

Then he produced this handwritten document, that is in his own handwriting,
and he claimed that shortly after that meeting, because he was so afraid of
what Dolly Browning might do -- the same line he used with Monica Lewinsky
before the dress appeared and the same line he used with Kathleen Wiley -- he
said he sat down and drafted up these notes of exactly what was said. That's
bad enough. Then he took the next step and had one of his White House aides
on the back of the same note write that she was standing immediately behind
Dolly and the president while this conversation took place, that she stood
there so she could hear every word and that the president's account is
exactly true. They were sitting in front of a four-foot square pillar. And we
had proof of that.

Q: That's their story and their sticking to it. It reminds one of the joke:
"You lie ... and I'll swear to it in court."

A: There is another subordination of perjury. There's another case of witness
tampering right there.

Q: Could you speak briefly to how Clinton keeps women quiet?

A: There's really two ways. One is, of course, by rewarding them. The other
way is by vicious attacks. Remember when Paula Jones decided to file her
lawsuit and one of his minions said, "Well, you drag a 10-dollar bill through
a trailer park ..."?

Q: That was Jim Carville.

A: That's right. Remember the original attacks on Monica?

Q: She was an obsessed stalker.

A: Yes. She was stalking him, and he was trying his best and he didn't do
anything wrong. He fed that elaborate lie to Sidney Blumenthal.

Q: Then he gets on national television and points his finger at the camera
and says, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman."

A: And then he had to sit down and start redefining the word sex. But if you
look in his testimony and the testimony of his people like Chester Bowls and
Podesta, he specifically said he had nothing to do with her. And they asked
if that included oral sex and he said, "Yeah that's right. I had nothing like
that." All those later definitions were just things concocted to try to
explain the lies in the deposition.

Q: There's the prospect of intimidation, too. We have heard in the Kathleen
Willey case and with Linda Tripp -- inevitably, someone is going to get some
kind of cryptic little note somewhere. Maybe it's a copy of the "mysterious
death list" floating around on the Internet.

A: Or a woman will come out of her house and someone will be sitting in a car
just looking at her, not doing anything, just looking at her. She goes to the
store and there's that same person. I worked for five years in Chicago
against the outfit, the syndicate. And they didn't have to go and beat people
up or kill them. All they had to do was let it be known, "I'm from the
syndicate," and people would cave like accordions.

In the Lewinsky case, had that dress not turned up, today the story would be
that she was a stalker, that she was a little bit nuts, that she was trying
to shake him down. Remember, that was the original thing -- If you don't have
sex with me, I'll tell people you had sex with me. That's exactly the same
thing that he used with Dolly Browning and the same thing that he used with
every other woman there.

Q: I interviewed Susan Schmidt after her book, "Truth at Any Cost," about Ken
Starr came out, and she revealed that Starr basically tipped his hand to the
administration on the DNA thing. He basically warned them.

A: I asked Ken Starr and Bob Vitman specifically. I said, I'm an old
prosecutor, guys, and I'm telling you something. If you had leaked that the
dress came back clean, [Clinton] would have gone into that grand jury and
done a one-act play and you would have had him. You know why they didn't do

Q: No, I don't.

A: Here's what they said: We figured we had to let him know because it was
being done inside the Justice Department, and we didn't trust the Justice
Department not to give it to him anyhow.

I could not figure it out, to be honest with you. I asked him specifically,
and that was the answer I got. That they just didn't trust the Justice
Department not to leak it to them anyhow.

Q: Some folks were really jazzed when they heard Henry Hyde said you were
going to head up an investigation of the Justice Department, and then they
were crushed when they heard you packed up and went back home.

A: It wasn't my idea to pack up and go home. Once the impeachment was voted,
that really ended my time as far as the counsel for the House Judiciary
Committee. Then I became the chief counsel for the managers and that was a
totally different job. As soon as the managers disbanded, so did I. I had to
go home. My job was over. We left a lot of things out there that could be and
should be still investigated.

Q: I was really surprised when I read in WorldNetDaily Monday, before I had a
chance to read your book, this whole vote scam deal.

A: The Citizenship USA?

Q: Yeah. How is Al Gore going to defend against that?

A: I have no idea, but he'll figure out a way. When we started our
investigation of the Justice Department, there hadn't been an oversight
investigation in years and years and years, so Hyde said, "Look around; see
what you can find." For the first couple of weeks, what we actually did was
look around and see what might bear some kind of interest in our
investigation. When we came up with this Citizenship USA stuff and some of
those e-mails out of the vice presidents office, we thought, "Well, let's
take a look at it."

Q: What did you find?

A: We suddenly ran into a brick wall over at Justice. They didn't want to
give us anything. We got the same old line -- "Oh, this old stuff? Why are
you going over this?" That started to pique our interest. If there wasn't
something there to hide, why not give it to us? Then we got information that
they were planning to do the same thing this year, in 2000.

What they did was an absolute, unbelievable disgrace. Sixty thousand people
became citizens of the United States who had felony records -- and the felony
records had been found by the FBI and sent out and should have been in their
files. There were thousands of them that were just thrown in boxes. They
wanted to get these million votes in five key states, and they put such
pressure on the Immigration and Naturalization Service to cut all their
safeguards, cut their plan. They said get rid of stupid rules.

Q: And they even knew (INS Commissioner) Doris Meissner wouldn't play along
with it.

A: Doris Meissner said right off the bat, "You know, people are going to say
this is a ploy to win the election."

But then they come back with an e-mail saying, this is how we can get around
that. I understand someone asked the INS about it and they said that there
was no evidence that there was any interference of any kind by the White
House or by anybody up there. They said, "We investigated." In other words,
we investigated ourselves and we found that we are clean.

Q: The fox guarding the henhouse. I got an e-mail from a reader who said,
"I'm an INS examiner who had first-hand knowledge that we were under
tremendous pressure to naturalize as many new citizens as possible prior to
Oct. 1."

A: Prior to the deadline for registering to vote.

Q: In fact, she wrote about interviewing "one woman who failed her
citizenship test, answered one question out of 10 correctly. They are
supposed to be rescheduled to be examined in two months. That's mandated by
statute." This woman was naturalized in three days just prior to Oct. 1.

A: And after this, they started a new plan that was going to be in effect for

Q: David, you didn't come to the party as a virgin. You've been around the

A: I've been around a long time, and I've been around Chicago politics for a
long time, which is pretty tough politics.

Q: At what point did you have your epiphany and realize this was intended to
be all form over substance and you were just supposed to be there to play a

A: The first shot was when Trent Lott made the statement we mentioned earlier
-- "You're not going to dump this garbage on us."

He's talking to the people who just had impeached the president. These were
people who were told when we came out of committee that there were 60
Republicans who were going to vote against impeachment. We turned every one
of them around by showing them the evidence. I think right up until the
meeting with the six Republican senators, right after they all took the oath,
we still hoped that we could convince them. We knew the Democrats were
diametrically opposed to us, but we also knew it only took 51 votes to
provide each witness, and the Republicans had 55.

When they took the oath, I was over in the Ford building with all of my staff
and we were watching it on television. I'm not ashamed to say that I had
tears in my eyes watching them taking the oath. I remember turning to the
staff and saying, "Here it is guys, the United States of America. I hope the
whole world is watching, because when they take that oath, there are no
longer Democrats and Republicans; there are only statesmen, citizens,
honorable men and women who are going to vote their conscience."

Q: If only that were true and you weren't subjected to the cruel reality

A: Right -- and everybody laughed at me.

Q: I remember several years ago someone telling me the difference between the
House of Representatives and the Senate. I was told, "The House is a
collection of 'politicians,' but we here in the Senate are 'statesmen.'" It
was a crock then and it's a crock now.

A: It's a crock -- and I'll tell you what's even worse. The guys in the
Senate were arrogant. They treated those managers who were from the other
house of Congress -- the People's House -- as though they were second-class
citizens, telling them, "Why are you talking to the gallery? You should be
talking to us." Or sending word back that "we heard one of you slipped and
used the word 'sex.' You're not allowed to use that word in the Senate." Come
on! They said that we were not going to have a circus like in the House. Well
let me tell you something: the system worked in the House. That circus is the
way it's supposed to be. They sat down and they argued and they debated the
facts; they debated the articles; they voted two up and two down. That's the
way it's supposed to work.

Q: I didn't realize that no one in the Senate had even looked at the

A: They weren't interested. They didn't even say to one of their aides,
"Contact Schippers or contact someone over at the House and find out just
what they're talking about in this evidence." What kind of evidence would
they be bringing in? They didn't care. Nobody asked us about witnesses. They
just said, "No witnesses." The epiphany was when we met with those six
senators when Sen. Stevens made that statement. We were begging them to go to
bat for us, BEGGING them. Henry Hyde was literally begging them to allow us
to put on a case, but they were adamant: No way!

I remember Sen. Stevens saying, "We have important things to do. We have the
people's business to do." And Jim Rogan from California looked at them and
said, "Senator, what's more important than the trial of the President of the
United States?"

Q: And what was the statesman's response?

A: They don't answer when they get a question like that. They just ignore
you. I think Ed Bryant from Tennessee, a very quiet gentlemanly man, just
quietly said, "Come on, Senator. You don't do anything until March anyhow."

Q: What did happen after the trial in the Senate?

A: The day after the trial in the Senate, the Senate immediately rushed to do
the American people's business. You know what they did? They took a two-week
vacation. That's what they did. If they'd given us those two weeks and let us
put on evidence, Clinton wouldn't be in office today.

Q: You mention in Chapter 9 about Ken Starr on the stand. Give us a summary
of what happened on that Nov. 19?

A: I had only met Ken Starr once before then, and I met him for five minutes
before the hearings. I shook his hand. He took that stand and was subjected
to the most vicious, vilifying, unfair assault. It was humiliating, and the
man took it with a smile on his face. He didn't lose his temper; he didn't
lose his dignity. He went on for hours and hours and hours being pilloried by
those Democrats and by the president's people. It got on toward 10 o'clock at
night and everybody had had their say. They were all running out of gas and
Henry Hyde had given me a half an hour. So I figured, here's what I've got to
do: I've got to let the American people see what kind of a guy this really
is. So we did it. I went on for about 40 minutes, at the end of which
everybody in the room stood up and gave Ken Starr a standing ovation. Now the
Democrats will tell you that the Republicans started it and that his friends
started it. That is not true. I was watching.

Q: Who did start the applause?

A: I'll tell you who started the ovation -- the Capitol Police in the room.
That's who started the ovation, and then it went on from there. Let me tell
you, the people, the PEOPLE, were with us all the way. Everybody we talked to
was with us all the way. The polls were against us and I don't know where the
heck they were polling. Every person I've run into has said, "You did your
best. God bless you." When we were walking out of the Senate chambers after
being clobbered by the Senate, we walked along the corridor. The police --
the Capitol Police, probably the best police force in the United States --
were saying to us quietly (you know they couldn't do it publicly), they were
saying, "Thank you. You've done your best. We appreciate what you've done for
us." THAT's the American people.

Q: I get the impression the attitude of the Senate was: "OK, that's over. Now
let's move on to the next thing." There are no consequences for what they did
or didn't do?

A: None whatever.

Q: Do these guys in the Clinton administration manufacture stuff just as they
see fit and then really expect everyone to buy it?

A: We had a saying among ourselves. We would always say, "These guys lie when
they don't have to lie, just so they'll be in practice when it comes time to

Q: Well, they sure got plenty of practice.

A: And the unfortunate thing is the media -- I'm talking about the mainstream
media -- fall for it every time. They sit there and they take whatever is
given to them and run with it. I can't believe the reporters really believe
some of that stuff. But they turn it in and the next thing you know, there it
is in the paper or on the TV.

Q: Someone sent me an e-mail asking if you have a good tax attorney?

A: The beauty of it is, I'm so broke it doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll be in
for it, the anti-Clinton audit.

Q: As a prosecutor in Chicago you had a lot of experience with organized
crime. Do you see any comparisons between the method of operation of
intimidation and the parsing of words? What comparisons can you see between
the way the mob functioned in Chicago in your backyard and what you
experienced during the impeachment?

A: There were a lot of parallels. There were an awful lot. But the
intimidation was one of the most dominant. The ability to just change facts
whenever they want. But there is one big difference -- and I mean this --
among the outfit (mob) people.

Q: There is more honor?

A: Exactly! They at least have a code of honor. For five years, I hammered
those guys, me and my gang. And not once was there the suggestion that they
would go after my family or anyone like that or try to destroy me personally.
There was kind of an unholy agreement -- if I caught 'em, I caught 'em, as
long as I did it fair.

Q: You're just doing a job.

A: Yes. That's how they felt. But with this gang, they don't care whether
you're doing your job or not. They'll come after you.

Q: You have a chapter on something I've spent a decade talking about and a
lot more during the Clinton administration: abuse of power, specifically
abuse of power under the color of authority. They've just about elevated this
to an art form, haven't they?

A: Yeah, and I'll tell you, that was one of the big disappointments. I
thought the abuse of power was going to be our strongest article. I really
did, going into the Senate. With abuse of power, we could have brought in
that Citizenship USA stuff. We could have brought in a lot of other things.
There was abuse of the office of president. It was used constantly to
intimidate and to do other things.

Unfortunately, in the House committee, an amendment that was voted on by the
GOP effectively emasculated that article, so going into the House it was a
giveaway. We knew we couldn't win that one. There was a lot of discussion.
They asked me, "If you had your choice, which would you take? Would you take
the perjury in the deposition, or the obstruction of justice?" I originally
said I wanted them both because we need the evidence. The perjury in the
deposition I thought was much stronger.

But I said, "If we have to have a choice, I want the obstruction of justice,
because all the other material could be brought in under that." We were
looking forward to a trial, so we got the obstruction of justice and lost the
one on the deposition perjury. But even under obstruction of justice, we
could have brought the perjury in. We could have brought the whole thing in
because it was all part of the same scheme. It was all part of the same

Q: We teach our kids that there are consequences to actions. You do good
things, you get rewarded. You do bad things, you get punished. It seems as
if, especially with this current administration, that the whole paradigm has
just been flushed down the toilet.

A: It seems as if the people who have been doing the bad are getting the
rewards and the people who come out and try to do the right thing are getting
hurt. That's what I've seen. What really bothered me were the attacks on
these women, the women who are telling the truth --what they did with Monica
and Dolly Browning and Juanita Broaddrick and those other women.

Q: I heard there were a hundred Jane Does.

A: But did you notice how few have come out? They are terrified. Juanita
Broaddrick, the only reason she didn't come out earlier was because she was
afraid that they would trash her, which of course they did.

Q: Do you think the FBI files and the product of Filegate have anything to do
with the way Congress voted and the Republicans folded like a house of cards?

A: My honest opinion is that we reaped the whirlwind of Filegate in the
Senate of the United States. Otherwise, the attitude of some senators is
completely inexplicable. I have no hard evidence of that. But my opinion is
that when they outed Speaker Livingston, THAT was the message: "Not only do
we have this stuff, but we will use it."

Q: You are not the Lone Ranger in that assessment. A lot of people feel the
reason this alleged Republican leadership doesn't have the guts to lead and
do anything is because they are being intimidated by this sword of Damocles
hanging over their heads.

A: One of the things that bothered the heck out of us in the House was that
Newt Gingrich would tell us one thing then he'd meet with Gephardt and, the
next thing you know, he'd do exactly the opposite. For example, we didn't
want to release any of that garbage that came out at the beginning. Gephardt
wanted it out and so did Gingrich and therefore, it came out. And I think it
did infinite harm to our cause because the media picked up immediately on the
sex aspect of it, and the public from that time on looked upon it as only sex
and not gross abuse of power.

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