-Caveat Lector- THE HOFFMAN WIRE
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History


Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Israel for the elephants  

A victory for Bush would allow Sharon to continue with his limited plan.
John Kerry might want a larger withdrawal. Therefore, Sharon is praying
for Bush to win.

by Ya'akov Ahimeir

Maariv (Israeli newspaper) 21 July, 2004

It is strange how much Israel, which was built on socialist foundation,
has become a Republican stronghold, from the perspective of many Israeli
prime ministers.

The first was Yitzhak Rabin. During his first term as prime minister, he
admired President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger. The first
American president that Menachem Begin met was Democratic Jimmy Carter.
Begin compared him to Jabotinsky, which is not a insignificant
comparison coming from someone who, in his youth, headed the Beitar
movement in Poland.

Although Carter created Camp David, Begin found that he had more a
common language with Republican Ronald Reagan, who was angered by the
bombing of the Iraqi reactor, but nothing more. The elder Bush caused a
lot of trouble for Yitzhak Shamir and his explicit intervention in the
Israeli election facilitated Rabin's second election. Now Sharon is
praying for the younger Bush to beat John Kerry, the Democratic

Why Bush? I will attempt to answer on his behalf, without being privy to
his inner thoughts. I can image Sharon saying to himself, "I already
know Bush Jr. He rubber stamps our policy. I have not evacuated the
illegal outposts, despite my promise, and his advisor Condoleezza Rice
commented on it but nothing more.

This Texan president understands the language of power and because of
him, Israel does not have a problem on its eastern front. If we were to
bomb the Iranians' nuclear complex, he would understand. After he, too,
invaded a country where weapons of mass destruction are yet to be found,
which might, heaven forefend, cost him his second term.

Even if delegates at the Democratic Convention in Boston promise that
Kerry will move the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, who would
believe them? There have been promises in the past and the lot on
Allenby Street in Jerusalem, that is designated for the embassy, is
still sprouting thistle. Indeed, even though some Israelis fly a small
"Stars and Stripes" on Independence Day (Israel's; not the 4th of July),
we relate to promises (theirs and ours) with a reasonable degree of

If Kerry is elected, and there is an excellent chance that he will be, a
high-level envoy (perhaps Clinton, himself) will come to the region and
hamper implementation of what Sharon considers the "limited plan":
evacuation of four settlements in Samaria and Gush Katif. President
Kerry might not be satisfied with a finger. He might want the whole
hand, not just Kadim but also Ma'ale Adumim. Therefore, Sharon is a

It should be noted that despite the love affair between Bush and Sharon,
a majority of American Jewry will continue to vote for the Democrats.
The sky will not fall. There will not be a spilt between Israel's
"Republican" government, even if it includes Shimon Peres, and American

However, part of the puzzle remains to unsolved (sic). If Bush is
re-elected, will his romance with Sharon continue? No one knows. As of
now, we know: we are walking down the republican path, that path of
elephants, in the jungle.


The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians
by Michael Hoffman and Moshe Lieberman

A Book Banned by Left and Right Alike. Get it here:



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