issuing a public order for the enemy's leader's
assassination is not conducive to mission success -
such thing require is great to incite
more palestinian fury however

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A  "Between The Lines" nationally syndicated radio newsmagazine analysis
of Sharon's order to liquidate Hamas leader suggests  it was calculated
to trigger an escalating cycle of violence.  ,a  weekly column featuring progressive
viewpoints on national and international issues under-reported in major


For release Dec. 17, 2001

     Israel's Assassination of Militant Palestinian Leaders Provoked
     Latest Series of Suicide Bombings

     * Analysis of Sharon's order to liquidate Hamas leader suggests it
     was calculated to trigger an escalating cycle of violence

     Weeks of escalating violence in the Middle East claimed the lives
     of two young boys ages 2 and 13 years old on Dec. 10 after
     Israeli helicopters fired missiles at a car carrying a man they
     accused of planning terrorist attacks. The target of the
     assassination, Muhammad Sidir, who Israelis say was a local
     leader of the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad, was wounded in the
     assault along with his uncle and five others.

     Israel stepped up its attacks on Yasir Arafat's governing authority
     and individuals it suspects of engaging in terrorism after three
     suicide bomb attacks killed 26 Israeli civilians on Dec. 1 and 2.
     Contributing to the cycle of violence was the Nov. 23 Israeli
     assassination of a leader of the militant group Hamas and the
     deaths of five Palestinian boys killed by a bomb planted by the
     Israeli Army on Nov. 22. Despite Arafat's arrest of more than 150
     Palestinians thought to be connected with terror attacks, Israeli
     and U.S. officials demanded that he do more to dismantle Hamas
     and Islamic Jihad.

     Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Rabbi Arthur Waskow,
     director of Philadelphia's Shalom Center, who examines the
     connection between the Israeli government's policy of
     assassination and what many believe to be the predictable
     intensification of violence, now stretching into 14 months of

     Rabbi Arthur Waskow: I was recently reading an article that was
     published in a quite conservative Israeli newspaper, the mass
     circulation daily Yediot Ahronot which is not a left or even a left
     of center paper -- it's right of center. (The paper's) major military
     and security analyst (Alex Fishman,) who has spent years and
     years and years close to, listening to and working with high
     officials in the Israeli army and intelligence operations wrote just
     a couple of weekends ago a front page article which said that
     the -- whatever you want to call it -- liquidation, assassination,
     targeted killing of a Hamas leader by the Sharon government, as
     everybody and the people who did it knew, would trigger the
     suicide bombings in Jerusalem and in Haifa. The Israeli
     government knew perfectly well that's what it was going to

     He writes in fact that whoever gave a green light to this act of
     liquidation -- and we know it had to be Sharon -- knew full well
     he is thereby shattering in one blow, now listen to this, the
     gentlemen's agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian
     Authority. Under that agreement Hamas was to avoid suicide
     bombings inside the Green line (Israel's pre-1967 border.) So
     Hamas in fact had made a deal, and the Israelis knew they had
     made a deal with Arafat and the Palestinian Authority to stop
     such bombings. Then came the attack, the killing of the Hamas
     leader and of course the deal was off. And the Israeli government
     knew that perfectly well.

     In fact one would have to either think that Sharon is abysmally
     stupid or that he is deliberately choosing a series of actions
     which then inspire disgusting actions by ultra-nationalist
     Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and so on.

     So it's like a conspiracy of "warniks" you might say, a conspiracy
     of right-wingers -- both Palestinian and Israeli -- who act in such
     ways as to make it impossible to get peace.

     Now why are they doing that? Are they just abysmally stupid? I
     think they're abysmally stupid in the long run, in that each one
     thinks they're going to win something out of this. Sharon thinks
     that if there can be provoked more and more and more violence
     that Israel will win full control over the West Bank, that the
     Palestinians will end up in a kind of civil war between themselves
     and end up totally exhausted, demoralized, many of them leaving,
     the leadership probably leaving, many of them killed by each
     other or by Israeli action. And then Israel can establish what
     Sharon has wanted for 30 years, full control over the West Bank.

     Now what does Hamas think it's going to get out of stirring more
     and more war and preventing a peace settlement? Hamas in the
     long run wants the mirror image of what Sharon wants. Hamas in
     the long run wants the shattering of the state of Israel and they
     think in the long run if this can be kept up, the Israeli citizens of
     Palestinian origin will become more and more radicalized and
     alienated from the state of Israel and that Muslims and Arabs
     elsewhere will finally, finally rise up.

     Now, I think both those predictions are crazy; the result is much
     more likely to be an incredible bloodbath including, very possibly
     sometime down the line, a nuclear bloodbath in the Middle East.
     But I think each of those right-wing groups thinks it can win what
     it still fantasizes as total victory -- "the shattering of the
     Palestinian people," "the shattering of Israel." They still think can
     win if they prevent a peace settlement.

     Between The Lines: Rabbi Waskow, when it comes to Ariel Sharon
     and his government, do you think he as the head of state of
     Israel is capable of making peace with the Palestinians?

     Rabbi Arthur Waskow: His whole life history suggests not. His
     whole life history suggests that he has taken every opportunity
     he's had to attack, to roll back, to suppress the possibility of a
     Palestinian state alongside Israel, at peace with Israel on the
     West Bank. (In the past) he would say the Palestinians should all
     move to Jordan and they should overthrow King Hussein and that
     should be the Palestinian state, but leave the West Bank for
     Israel. He led the invasion of Lebanon in 1980, when there were
     the first major signs of a kind of non-violent version of the
     Intifada; what later became the Intifada was beginning to happen
     in the West Bank and Gaza. He wanted to shatter the
     infrastructure of Palestinian nationalism, which he thought he
     could do by attacking the PLO's strongholds in southern Lebanon.
     That was the basic reason for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon,
     that he was trying to "do-in" the Palestinian structure before it
     could become, even non-violently, an effective resistance.

     I mean it's not just Lebanon, it's not just the Sabra and Shatila
     massacres, but his whole history. I do not think there is any
     reason to expect that he would move in a decent direction.

     Contact the Shalom Center at (215) 844-8494 or visit their Web
     site at

     See related links and listen to an excerpt of this interview in a
     RealAudio segment or in MP3 on our Web site at:

     for the week ending 12/21/01.


     Scott Harris is the executive producer of Between The Lines. This
     interview excerpt was featured on the award-winning, syndicated
     weekly radio newsmagazine, Between The Lines, for the week
     ending Dec. 21, 2001.

     To subscribe to Between The Lines Q&A, e-mail

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