Six Of Safest US Cities Are
In One County - Why?
By Neal Boortz
Reprinted by permission of

According to recent FBI crime statistics, six of the nation's 25 safest
cities are located in one county. That would be Orange County in California.
Political types like to say that this is because there's a high employment

Yeah, employment. What they don't want to tell you is that Orange County is
one of the few places in California where you can actually get a permit to
use a firearm to protect yourself. Go north, to Los Angeles. There you'll
see that the crime rate is going up by almost 8 percent in the last year.
Try to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon in L.A. Right - only if
you're a celebrity.

We know that armed victims are at the top of the "fear list" with predators.
Travel across the Orange County line into L.A. County and the chances of
finding an armed victim go down. Simple as that.

Another Life Saved by an Evil, Evil Gun

Click on the link below and you'll see the headline "Tennessee man shot to
death at truck stop." It doesn't tell the entire story. A more appropriate
headline would be "Murdering scumbag gets what he deserves."

On Monday, 38-year-old Alisha Cox of Nashville was at home with her mother.
Someone broke into the home. It was Cox's former boyfriend. He was armed
with a gun. He shot Cox's mother to death and dragged Cox out of the house.
He put her in his truck, tied her up, and drove off.

They stopped at a truck stop in Whitfield County to pick up food and drinks.
Alisha Cox freed herself from her bonds, found her kidnapper's pistol, and
got out of the truck.

The kidnapper confronted her and made an aggressive move. Cox chased the man
across the parking lot with his gun. She shot the S.O.B. in the side of the
head. Then, when he hit the ground, witnesses say she shot him twice in the
back for good measure.

Police say Cox acted in self-defense. Charges are pending.

Would Alisha Cox have sent her kidnapper running for his life at that truck
stop if she hadn't been armed? Would she have succeeded in escaping from the
man who'd killed her mother earlier in the day? Would anyone have come to
her aid in time? Alisha Cox didn't know where she would end up. She knew she
had to act. With that gun in her hand, she gained her freedom - and removed
another predator from the gene pool.

Where would Alisha Cox be today if she hadn't been armed with her
kidnapper's gun?


Freedom or Security?

Are you willing to allow the Imperial Federal Government to peer through
your clothing to scan you for weapons?

Sources at the National Institute of Standards and Technology say that by
the end of the year, they hope to have a working prototype of a device that
uses electromagnetic waves to look through clothing and detect concealed
weapons - guns, knives, maybe even plastic explosives. The device would be
effective at distances of up to 50 feet. The device's creators envision
mounting it on police vehicles driven through unruly crowds to spot
individuals with weapons.

There's also research in the works to create a similar device that could
peer through walls.

Does anyone else see how dangerous this new technology could be? Your
privacy will disappear. Your Fourth Amendment rights will be trampled on,
all in the name of safer streets and the battle against domestic terrorism.

It sounds nice for law enforcement officials to insist that they'll only use
it in a manner consistent with the Constitution. But we all know those
promises are worthless when it comes to a government that's engaged in an
insane war on drugs - not to mention a covert, but no less insane, war on
your right to own firearms.

How much of your privacy are you willing to give up in the name of security?

Hitlary Clinton: Attack Dog

It's taken just five months, but Hillary Clinton, the junior senator from
New York, is now the Democratic Party's top attack dog. She's opposed just
about every proposal the Bush administration has made - everything from tax
cuts to environmental regulations.

Case in point: A news conference last week. The news conference was called
so that Senate Democrats could bash Bush some more over his budget and
tax-cut plan. The New York Post reports that five senators participated.
Four of those senators possessed experience ranging from 12 to 24 years.

The fifth senator? Hillary Clinton, in her first Senate term with just five
months under her belt. She's just 97th in Seniority - but she's right up
there in the top five when it comes to camera face planting and attacking
George W. Bush.

She can deny it until she's blue in the face, but Hillary Clinton wants to
be president of the United States. Playing Senate attack dog is a good way
to get that all-important "face time" on television and raise your profile
among Democratic voters. She's setting the stage for a presidential run - if
not in 2004, then definitely in 2008.

Heaven help us.

Six Of Safest US Cities Are In One County - Why.url

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