by Sherman H. Skolnick 07/23/01

His fortune was ostensibly based on fraud. And his daughter ended up running
the major espionage propaganda trumpet in the U.S. Capitol.

By 1912, it was evident that America was needed in Europe's upcoming and
expected World War One. Basically, European-based ruling families foisted
upon the American people a PRIVATE central bank, calling it by the misleading
term of the FEDERAL RESERVE, as if it were a U.S. Government entity. The
purpose was to suck huge money out of the growing, industrial U.S. to finance
Europe's periodic killing fields, which were not part of any national purpose
of the United States.

Re-elected President in 1916 as an alleged "peace" candidate, Woodrow Wilson,
a professorial stooge for Wall Street, just a few weeks after being
inaugurated in 1917, shoved American doughboys into Europe's own bloodbath.
War music such as "Over There", was used to mold and pump up American opinion
to favor WAR IN EUROPE. To help finance Europe's War, the U.S. sold through
out America, as if it were "patriotic", war certificates called Liberty
Bonds. A key figure in the sales was a Wall Street pirate, Eugene Meyer.

Meyer was later apparently rightly accused but never criminally prosecuted
for having reportedly embezzled tens of millions of dollars from the Liberty
Bond issues under his supervision. Cynics often note how big-time criminals
are rewarded instead of jailed. Meyer became a Governor of the Federal
Reserve, a ruling class device to instigate wars and depressions for
high-level profits. Meyer went on in the early 1930s, to organize the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation,a highly corrupt entity used to rescue
certain failing banks [who secretly rewarded certain RFC insiders with bank
stock] while ignoring other failing banks who did not pay off insiders. [A
case in point being the Continental Bank of Chicago, now merged with Bank of
America, owned principally by the Rothschilds, the Jesuits, and more
recently, the Japanese mafia, the Yazuka. Continental almost went under in

Meyer also went on to become the first President of the World Bank, accused
by some as a trick for exploiting non-industrialized nations.

So, with his reputed massive funds embezzled from the Liberty Bond issues,
Meyer found it easy, in the depths of the Great Depression, in 1933, to buy
the Washington Post at a bankruptcy sale. Likewise in the Depression, Meyer's
daughter Katharine, was trained at Rockefeller's University of Chicago. In
the 1930s, key figures at the Teutonic-structured university and its
adjoining hospitals were pro-Hitler [as to the hospitals, I have personal
knowledge]. While other Chicagoans, including unpaid or unemployed teachers,
ate out of garbage cans, the students at the pro-Nazi University came and
went as if nothing important economic was happening.

Meyer, purportedly a Jew, married to a Lutheran, acted more like the German
Jews that favored the Nazis. As to Katharine and her siblings, "The children
were brought up in the traditions of St. John's Episcopal Church in
Washington, the church of presidents, where the Meyers--Mr. Meyer was Jewish,
his wife Lutheran--had their own pew." New York Times, July 18, 2001.

Meyer came out of the so-called "investment bankers", and bond houses of Wall
St. Those high up in those firms retain their Jewish surnames, but have not
been followers of Judaism for several generations, having been converted to
other religions. The public is seldom reminded of this. See the book "The New
Crowd The Changing of the Jewish Guard on Wall Street", by Judith Ramsey
Ehrlich, Barry J. Rehfeld, Little Brown & Co., 1989.

Katharine married Philip J. Graham, a lawyer, who went on to run his
father-in-law's business the Washington Post. In 1963, a few months before
the political assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Philip Graham
either committed suicide or was murdered. Various explanations of his demise
leave much to be considered. [Was there ever an adequate explanation by the
Washington Post how Washington, D.C., had their entire phone system shut down
during the JFK murder?] By 1963, already a long-time adjunct and front of the
American CIA, the Washington Post, like the rest of the monopoly press,
trumpeted the "lone assassin" explanation quickly planted by the espionage

In 1972, Katharine Graham as boss-lady of the Post, did at least two
noteworthy acts [1] Under her control, the Post covered up the poison murder
of the sinister dictator of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. And [2] under her
control and on behalf of the American CIA, the Post was the orginator of most
if not virtually all the stories about the alleged break-in at the Watergate
Hotel, owned at the time by the Pope. The Post ran no stories pointing out as
some European authors have, that the whole event was set-up by double-agents,
like James McCord, long-time CIA official in charge of their physical
security, to finger Nixon. Most every sizeable press, TV, and radio outlet
merely repeated what the Post printed about "Watergate".

Mrs. Graham was in a position to know full well that Bob Woodward, with
virtually no journalism background, had been a courier to the White House for
CIA and others in the espionage community, incuding the military. Some
authors contend, naming names, that some thirty admirals and generals planted
the Watergate details on Woodward, an intelligence operative from a young
age. It was the military way of getting rid of Richard M. Nixon, accused by
them of treason in Viet Nam, without blowing out his brains in an open car
like JFK. See "Silent Coup The Removal of the President", by Len Colodny,
Robert Gettlin, St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1991.

Hence, some contend that Bob Woodward and his Watergate book and articles,
have been a mammoth fraud blindly repeated as valid by the liars and whores
of the press.

Bob Woodward was the son of Du Page County Chief Judge Alfred Woodward. [Du
Page is the county adjoining Cook County, site of Chicago.] It was strange to
find out that Alfred Woodward had a long history of espionage, being an
operative of BOTH Army and Naval Intelligence [supposedly that does not

In 1973, Chief Judge Woodward had assigned to himself one of the most
important but unpublicized cases in America. It involved a huge money laundry
masquerading as a financial empire/insurance company. "The Equity Funding"
scandal. The Chief Judge put himself in charge of hundreds of millions of
dollars of monies and assets of this swindle machine. Among the creditors
were teachers pension funds from around the nation. Also creditors into
millions of dollars was Chief Watergate investigator Leon Jaworski and Nixon
White House aide Bob Erlichman and his family. Ahead of most all of the other
creditors, Chief Judge Woodward arbitrarily and corruptly paid out mostly in
full to Jaworski and Erlichman. Teachers and other pension funds received
almost nothing by Chief Judge Woodward's lawless orders.

Court records, by law, are in the custody and control of the Chief Clerk of
the Court. Despite that, Chief Judge Woodward kept the Equity Funding files
in his office, locked up in one of his file cabinets. He denied access to
these "public records". One day in 1973, I showed up in his office demanding
that I be permitted access to the court files he kept concealed there. I
informed the Chief Judge I was going to sue him for unlawfully concealing
public court records. He threatened to have me arrested for "contempt of
court" inside his office. He realized, however, that would cause publicity of
the very cases he was trying to keep secret. As a result of the stand-off, I
obtained copies of the rare and revealing files. They support my contention
that the Equity Funding mess was one of several secret methods of laundering
funds by the Nixon White House for their dirty tricks against dissidents and

In later years, members of our group brought a federal court lawsuit against
Judge Woodward and several other Du Page County judges. They were charged
with, outside of court, engaging in satanic rituals in part linked reportedly
to a hospital owned and operated by the Judges. As shown in federal court,
the judges directed their rituals to misuse and brutalize small children, the
parents of whom were among those accusing Judge Woodward and the judges as
defendants in the federal suit. As a signal to insiders, on a key meeting
date, one of the satantic ritual judges would put a purple flower on their
judicial bench, according to the federal court pleadings. A Chicago federal
judge, contending he had no time to consider such matters, refused to
consider the facts and put the case arbitrarily out of court.

Following the notoriety of the "Watergate Affair", Katharine Graham
repeatedly sent Bob Woodward to the Chicago-area for press conferences. And I
came to each one as a reporter. When Woodward showed up, he pointed to me and
shouted, "The press conference will not proceed until that man in the
wheelchair is removed." There was no basis to force my removal. I had not
even said hello to anyone. I was permitted to remain, however, when I told
the security police I would sue for false arrest if they removed me, without
any basis in law or fact, upon the orders of Bob Woodward as sent by
Katharine Graham.

Bob Woodward evidently was fearful I would raise a question about the
Watergate/Equity Funding mess, and about his father the Chief Judge. Bob
Woodward suspected that I knew about the details that later showed up in the
book "Silent Coup". At the press conferences, I was specifically forbidden to
ask any questions.

A month after Nixon was re-elected President in 1972, there was a plane crash
near Chicago's Midway Airport. Twelve Watergate figures died in the sabotaged
crash, including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the purported Watergate
burglar. She was carrying two million dollars in her luggage which she placed
on a separate first class seat next to her. This was Nixon White House "hush
money" given to her by her husband reportedly blackmailing Nixon with
documents showing Tricky Dick had been implicated in the murder of President
Kennedy. The FBI had 150 of their agents already waiting near the airport for
the plane to arrive. They apparently were going to arrest her for
blackmailing Nixon. The plane pancaked short of the airport. In violation of
law, the FBI cordoned off the crash site forbidding local fire, police, and
hospital ambulances from approaching the smouldering United Air Lines plane.

In the months after the crash, based on our private investigations, I did
radio talk shows all over the U.S. {I decided to withhold until months later,
that we had "liberated" the entire National Transportation Safety Board file
showing sabotage, some 1300 documents and photographs.] Reportedly on behalf
of the American CIA, her bosses, Katharine Graham sent to Chicago to
interview me her supposed crackajack reporter Ronald Kessler. After an
interview of only a few minutes, he said he wanted to be driven back to
O'Hare Airport to return to Washington. Kessler wrote a two-part front page
series in the Post condemning and heckling me. {How could he know my position
if he only spent a few minutes interviewing me?] Well-wishers, however, from
all over North America called me, stating "Sherman, you must really have
something for the Post to have you on the front page twice, heckling you for
your investigations of the Watergate plane crash."

Ronald Kessler, in various books he has written, claims to be a CIA expert.
Here are some of his books "Escape from the CIA", Pocket Books, N.Y., 1991.
"Inside the CIA", Pocket Books, N.Y., 1992. "Inside The White House", Pocket
Books, N.Y., 1995. "Moscow Station", Scribners, N.Y., 1989. "Spy vs. Spy",
Scribners, N.Y., 1988. "The Spy in the Russian Club", Scribners, N.Y., 1990.

The original edition of a book pointing out Katharine Graham and the
Washingon Post's connections to the American CIA was suppressed. "Katharine
The Great Katharine Graham and Her Washington Post Empire", by Deborah Davis,
hardcover, 1991, Institute of Media Analysis, Inc.

The Washington Post, like others in the monopoly press, have several
reporters who specialize in whitewashing espionage agency matters. Their
specialty often is showing up late at night to interview an eyewitness in
political assassination events. One such Washington Post reporter showed up
after midnight to interview such a witness. An hour after the reporter left,
the eyewitness was found murdered. Are some such reporters "pilot fish" for
assassins? Why does this happen again and again over the years? A few
examples Nuclear whistle blower Karen Silkwood was on the way to meeting a
mass media reporter. She was planning to show documents of misuse of
dangerous plutonium at the plant she was working. She was murdered on the way
to the reporter. In the Clinton era, an eyewitness uncovered secret
incriminating documents he remembered accidentally leaving in a car that
ended up in the junk yard. Shortly after a monopoly press reporter
interviewed him, he was murdered.

In the many decades Katharine Graham headed the Washington Post, no one
seemed ever able to ask her about any of the foregoing. It is quite proper to

Cynics find it interesting, that accidentally or otherwise, Katharine Graham
fell on a sidewalk and broke her head. To some, an appropriate way to croak
for someone as sinister as she was.

Stay tuned.

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