3/18/01 by Sherman H. Skolnick

Some continue to assert that George W. Bush is a tainted president, that took
the seat of power under circumstances they call BUSHFRAUD. Some go even
further, and proclaim that the Elder Bush and sons Jeb and George W. are part
of a "fascist coup". Others call the final hours of the Clinton
Administration as PARDONGATE. Thus referring to a foul smell going up from
some of more than 170 presidential pardons and commutations Clinton entered
at the last moments of his apparent Constitutional authority.

A profound consideration of the events and players involved show there are
links between Pardongate and Bushfraud. Some of the players and events

===HUGH RODHAM, brother of the former First Lady HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON
elected in 2000 as a Senator from New York. Hillary is accused of taking
massive benefits, if not actual bribes, to arrange to set loose a group of
Hassidic Jews who swindled the federal government of some 30 million dollars
with a fake village development. Available to federal grand juries looking
into possible corruption by Clinton as president, are audio tapes, and other
evidence, directly implicating Hillary as reputed "bag lady" for her husband;
evidence which may become the basis of a federal criminal indictment of her,
and naming Bill as an unindicted co-conspirator, for receiving financial
benefits and emoluments as a bribe or inducement to get her husband, then
president, to pardon the culprits.

As a Miami lawyer, Hugh Rodham seems to specialize in defending if not
actually arranging the affairs of sizeable dope traffickers. He is reportedly
very knowledgeable on cocaine trafficking from Colombia involving the dope
cartels as well as more recently, the activities of the Russian mafiya
combined with those illicit enterprises, all jointly with international
criminal MARC RICH, likewise pardoned by Clinton. Rodham seemed to prosper
during the some 15 years JANET RENO was a south Florida state prosecutor who
somehow did not see fit to run after dopers. A Florida attorney, Jack
Thompson, ran unsuccessfully to unseat Reno in 1988 as state prosecutor. The
monopoly press, he contends, failed to report or act on his evidence and
witnesses showing Reno was subject to blackmail because she cavorted with
lesbian prostitutes and that she is a fallen down drunk who assisted known
criminals. His offer of testimony and evidence was likewise rebuffed by the
U.S. Senate Committee in 1993 that ratified Reno's appointment to head the
U.S. Justice Department.

Those in a position to know proclaim the acts and doings of Hugh Rodham and
Janet Reno were interwoven with JEB BUSH who became Florida Governor.
[Corruption knows no political party.] For a period starting about 1977, with
his latino wife, Jeb was stationed in Venezuela where he headed or played a
key role in the branch of Texas Commerce Bank, owned in great part by his
father, George Herbert Walker Bush and his circle of oil-soaked confederates.
Only rarely mentioned in the monopoly press is that a sizeable portion of the
dope money coming back to the Colombian cartels is transacted through
next-door Venezuela.

From that point, Jeb reportedly became interwoven with laundering the funds
of dope kingpins disguised often as huge real estate projects, some of which
went under, damaging innocent investors. Jeb was also the eyes and ears on
occasion of the American CIA in Venezuela. In its most direct role, the CIA
acts as the petroleum police in foreign oilfields. Such as for the
Rockefeller Family who own and dominate most oil production in Venezuela. In
a rare documentary, CBS' "60 Minutes" Program once showed how apparently
corrupt CIA officials together with those of the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration in Venezuela, participated in large shipments of cocaine to
the U.S., supposedly to study how the dope cartel operates [as if they did
not really know].

A former espionage undercover operative who says he did business with Jeb
has numerous details in his book and on his website: http//

Upon receiving two hundred thousand dollars as a fee, Hugh Rodham arranged
with his brother-in-law, William Rockefeller Clinton, to commute the jail
sentence of CARLOS VIGNALI, who had served just six years of a 15-year
sentence for being the top dog in a drug ring that distributed 800 lbs. of
cocaine. The jail-bird's father, Horacio, a wealthy Los Angeles parking lot
owner, donates to political campaigns. The younger Vignali is reportedly very
well-informed about the dope from Colombia smuggled across Canada and
entering across the border to Montana.

[Our interviews with middle-level members of the Rockefeller Family together
with other data convinces us Bill Clinton is the illegitimate great grandson
of old John D. Rockefeller, founder of the infamous Standard Oil Trust.]

===MARC RACICOT, his term as Montana Governor ended January, 2001.
Knowledeable law enforcement personnel as well as several crusading
journalists have contended Racicot has reportedly been directly implicated in
the massive dope, from Red China and Colombia, coming across the border from
Canada. Side-kick of Bill and Roger Clinton, Ollie North and the Elder Bush,
namely Barry Seal, up to the time Seal was murdered by the American CIA and
the DEA to shut him up, arranged the dope traffic from Canada through
Montana. This was an alternative to coming in through the southern states,
such as at Mena, Arkansas, which had become too well known. A former
undercover government operative involved in the Montana operations, described

"An aircraft departs Colombia, flies to the Bahamas to rest and refuel, and
then, when a weather window opens, continues the flight to Nova Scotia or
Quebec. Again, rest and refuel. Then continue to a US-Canadian border landing
strip." The former operative goes on to detail the acts and doings of FBI
Senior Agent Terry Nelson, of southern Florida FBI office, who has business
and relatives near the U.S., Montana-Canada border "Nelson not only recruits
the law enforcement officials and politicians he needs, he can also supply
data from the law enforcement arena such as the DEA NADDIS computer, Customs
TECS II, EPIC, FBI, and others involved in ongoing investigations. Nelson
then provides this intelligence to his drug contacts. This helps obstruct any
investigation and diffuse potential problems. Terry Nelson, a senior agent of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, continues to provide his valuable
services to drug cartels and others who will pay his fee, out of his FBI
office in southern Florida." Excerpts from "DRUGGING AMERICA" by Rodney
Stich, page 297, and page 294 as to Barry Seal, chapter on "Montana Drug
Gateway". 1999, Diabolo Western Press, P.O. Box 5, Alamo, California 94507.

Other contend that the Clinton White House blocked Canadian law enforcement
from serving an arrest warrant on Nelson when he was in the area.

During the Presidential election turmoil in Florida, November and December,
2000, then Montana Governor Marc Racicot was the trusted "hatchet man" for
George W. and Jeb Bush. Racicot was trusted because he was reportedly part of
the Bush family's worldwide laundering of hundreds of billions of dollars of
illicit dealings through 25 secret Bush accounts worldwide. [Visit our
website series, with attached documents, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush

Racicot together with operatives linked to Florida Senior FBI Agent Terry
Nelson, jointly with Hugh Rodham, reportedly arranged to convey financial
benefits and emoluments to top DEMOCRAT officials in southern
Florida---called by some straight out bribes---to arrange for the DEMOCRATS
to arbitrarily stop the recount of ballots. This done to prevent Albert Gore,
Jr., from winning Florida's essential Electoral College vote and hence the
U.S. Presidency, after Gore had already won the national popular vote by a
plurality of more than six hundred thousand votes. The funds for the
financial benefits, or bribes, were made available through Marc Rich and his
cronies in the Russian mafiya which have joined forces with the Colombian
dope cartels.

===ROGER CLINTON reportedly solicited and received a two hundred thousand
dollar pardongate bribe from the family of a convict in federal prison on
fraud charges. The bribe was reportedly shared by Roger with brother Bill, at
the time President, who did NOT grant the pardon. An "honorable" crooked
politician sells his office, and supplies services, as he is paid. A stupid
crook takes the bribe and reneges. Part of the Roger Clinton pardongate was
the ostensible smuggling of dope into the U.S. from Southwest Red China,
disguised as commodities. Roger Clinton and his cronies apparently laundered
the proceeds through two Chicago commodity brokers known to be fronting for
the Red Chinese dope trade, called "China White". See the reportedly related
stories on our website as to Rahm Emanuel, former Clinton White House Senior
Advisor, more recently Managing Director of Wasserstein Perella & Co.,
reputed experts on laundering illicit Asian dealings. Also, REFCO-LFG
Division, (Richard Friedman & Co.), a Chicago-based brokerage.

The Roger and Bill Clinton dope trafficking proceeds are laundered as
currency and commodity deals on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the
Chicago Board of Trade. Bill as President often visited the Merc, as the
fountain of illicit funds. Alleged President George W. Bush follows the
pattern of his crony, Bill Clinton, and shortly after being inaugurated,
George W. likewise came to the fountain of money, the Merc, to put the arm on

Several Federal Grand Juries have testimony available,or already under
subpoena, and in some instances, as of the date of this posting, already
heard, showing the following among other things

(1) Roger Clinton may be indicted for various federal criminal offenses
along with Tony and Hugh Rodham, and Hillary Rodham Clinton as part of
details of pardongate. Facing being named in this as unindicted
co-conspirators are William Rockefeller Clinton, commonly called William
Jefferson Clinton, and his close crony, George W. Bush.

(2) Testimony and evidence related to the foregoing include the acts and
doings, of pardongate offenses overlapping onto election fraud, of former
Montana Governor Marc Racicot; Florida Senior FBI Agent Terry Nelson and
confederates; and Florida Governor Jeb Bush;and super criminal Marc Rich.

(3) To avoid federal criminal indictment, or being named as unindicted
co-conspirators, some of the foregoing persons have given testimony or are
offering testimony against some of the others.

Reporters of all three major news networks have already interviewed or have
sought to interview various witnesses as to the foregoing, including those
available to testify or have already testified agfainst Roger Clinton. All
the Chief Judges in charge of the Federal grand Juries, so far as is now
known, have NOT entered a "gag order" preventing witnesses from being
interviewed by the press. Despite that, the George Bush 2nd White House has
ordered the American Gestapo, the FBI, to severely threaten and harass
network reporters and executives; the FBI claiming that the media people are
supposedly "obstructing justice", for example, by interviewing witnesses
fingering Roger Clinton wherein brother Bill along with crony George W. Bush
would be named as unindicted co-conspirators along with Marc Racicot and
international criminal Marc Rich.

An official of one of the news networks confided to us that he and his
associates are fearful for their lives, in view of the severe threats by the
FBI at the behest of the Bush White House. All three major networks have so
far embargoed video and audio tapes of interviews as to both pardongate and
Bushfraud. The FBI, according to the official, and confirmed by his
associates, has threatened network reporters, TV and Radio crew members, as
well as news managers, producers, and supervisors.

[Key sources and eyewitnesses have confided in us, knowing that we have a 40
year absolute policy against divulging sources and witnesses of our data. In
40 years, as the head of our research and investigative group, I have been
jailed some 8 times, wheelchair and all, for "contempt of court", for
absolutely refusing to divulge witnesses and sources to state and federal
authorities publicly accused by us of high-level corruption. In each
instance, after being falsely and unlawfully jailed, I was later vindicated,
and the judges involved were themselves sent to prison for bribery, tax
evasion, and other crimes, as I had publicly accused them to their face.
[Visit our website for the four decade background of our work.]

As part of a much lesser mess, reporters of Newsweek and Time Magazine have
reportedly compiled sufficient sources and records to show that Florida
Governor Jeb Bush and alleged President George W. Bush are part of a
sex-triangle with Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris who played a
key role in what some call Bushfraud. She was an instrumental player by which
Al Gore, Jr., was kept from being certified as the winner of the Florida
election and hence, kept from having the Electoral College vote of Florida,
Bush stealing thus the U.S. Presidential Election 2000.

Like in the infamous 1876 Election that I have earlier written about, Gore
won the presidential election, as did Samuel Tilden, but like Tilden, there
has been a failure to inaugurate Gore as the President of the United States.

Although both magazines have reportedly corroborated my story about Jeb
Bush-George W. Bush-Katherine Harris, with her also as the reputed "bag lady"
in fixing the election, the oil and dope soaked monopoly press are too
"chicken" and have too many financial hang-ups to so far go with the
Katherine Harris story.

Network officials and reporters have confided to us that the details in this
report are known by them to be substantially correct. BUT, the press is
reluctant to undermine George W. Bush at a time of impending financial
meltdown. More coming. Stay tuned.

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