by Sherman H. Skolnick 08/9/01

We called it the Watergate Plane Crash. As our private investigation
continued, the National Transportation Safety Board, N.T.S.B., set public
hearings for February, 1973. Conducted in a large meeting hall in one of the
very large motels near O'Hare Airport, Chicago. They started with the witness
list. After some of the witnesses testified, we were able to interview some
of them in the hallway.

One witness was a former four-motor military bomber pilot with loads of
aircraft and air-tower experience. Retired from the military, he worked for a
firm that supplied materials for the paving of parking lots. By a strange
coincidence (or on purpose?) someone at his firm told him to measure the
parking lot starting at 2 p.m., Friday afternoon, December 8, 1972, which
turned out to be right under the in-coming flight path of United Air Lines
Flight 553. He observed some things which fit in with our probe that it was

With his help and that of others including witnesses, we compiled a list of
details showing that the NTSB panel were carefully evading from going into. I
went home and began quickly putting together a lawsuit against the Safety
Board for covering up airplane sabotage. We filed the lawsuit in Cook County
Circuit Court and arranged with the County Sheriff to have one of his
deputies accompany us as we together went to the NTSB hearings in session. I
had prepared over a hundred copies of the lawsuit, all suitably stamped with
the Clerk's Office markings just like the original filed copy. The deputy
sheriff had a copy of the lawsuit together with a summons commanding the NTSB
officials to appear in court.

As we arrived, the Safety Board panel was already proceeding with testimony.
"How do you want me to do this" the deputy sheriff whispered to me. I
instructed him, "Go right up to the stage on which the Safety Board panel of
five is sitting. Do not wait for a recess. Serve the papers, as provided by
law, on the woman in the middle, the Chairperson." That is what he did. As he
approached her with the court papers, she asked him "What is this?" He
politely answered, "It is for you, ma'm." The minute the Safety panel boss
looked at the court papers, she was alarmed. She abruptly recessed the
hearing. Most of those in the large meeting room spilled out into the
hallway.There we handed out copies of the lawsuit to whosoever seemed
interested. The Safety Board's general counsel came up to me, "I have to have
a private talk with you away from this crowd, Mr. Skolnick."

We went down the hall to be alone. "How much do you want?" he barked at me.
"If it is within reason, we'll take care of it today. It'll be cheaper than
litigating this. You have to sign an agreement not to further divulge any of

I must have had an angry look on my face when I responded. "Hey, where did
you get the idea that my charges of sabotage are a shake-down?" And I began
hollaring, "Listen you mouthpiece, your job is to show up in court to answer
our charges. I AM NOT FOR SALE. Go back to the panel and tell them. SKOLNICK
IS NOT FOR SALE! You're not going to buy me like some crooked judge."

Thereafter another lawyer sat down and talked to me in the motel restaurant.
"Mr. Skolnick, I represent the families of those who died in that crash. We
have pending claims against United Air Lines. Your assertions of air sabotage
tend to let United Air Lines off the hook. Please for the sake of these
families, drop your lawsuit. You are undermining our multi-million dollar
claims and that is not fair."

I responded, "Are you saying I should also be part of this cover up? Our
motto is, 'Let the truth be told, though the Heavens crumble'. Do you realize
that United Air Lines is part of covering up the sabotage of one of their own
planes? One of Nixon's closest pals is the head of United Air Lines. The
cover up included Mrs. E. Howard Hunt's documents showing Nixon was part of
an FBI/CIA plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. You want me to shut
up about all that? No way. I am sorry."

The lawyer took a narrow view as if he did not understand any of that. As if
he were suddenly stupid. "I do not want to know anything about all that. I
simply want to push our claims against United Air Lines. Can we somehow make
it up to you?" He said. Miffed, I replied, "Hey, hey, don't start offering me
a piece of your deal in return for my silence."

In Chicago my discussions about air sabotage and the Watergate Plane Crash
caused some student groups to invite me to speak at their college or
university. As a result, persons showed up at such meetings who later spoke
to me privately.

"Here. Look at my credentials. I drive an ambulance for one of the hospitals.
On the afternoon of the crash, I was sent to the crash zone. Hey, but get
this. They did not allow me to approach the burning airplane. I was on a
mission of mercy and these strange types stopped me. There were about 150 to
200 of them. They refused to show me their credentials." That is what one
eyewitness told me. He continued, "Friends of mine in the fire and police
departments told me also they were not allowed to approach the airplane.
These apparent federal types were there on location ahead of both the fire
and police."

After the crash, we made public statements that 200 FBI and Defense
Intelligence Agency, DIA, operatives, refusing to show their credentials, had
taken over the crash zone, coincident with the crash or even shortly BEFORE.
We were called "liar". Then, on June 13, 1973, Chairman John Reed, of the
National Transportation Safety Board, told the House Government Activities
Subcommittee, that he sent a letter to the FBI, that (a) never in living
memory had the FBI acted as in the Flight 553 crash. Reed said 50 FBI agents
came into the crash zone shortly after the crash; (b) one FBI agent proceeded
into Midway Control Tower and took over the tape relating to Flight 553,
without asking permission; (c) before the N.T.S.B. investigation could do so,
the FBI conducted 26 interviews, including of surviving flight attendants.
The FBI interviews were completed within 20 hours of the crash.

For 6 months, they claimed we were "liars" when we said 200 FBI and DIA
agents were in the crash site concident with the crash. Thereafter, the FBI
admitted that 50 were there.

How is that possible? The Chicago Fire and Police Department people responded
in a couple of minutes. The FBI and DIA headquarters is downtown Chicago.
Even if they immediately after the crash took a helicopter, they could not
have arrived, as they somehow did, AHEAD OF THE FIRE AND POLICE. We took up
this angle with a member of Congress who quizzed the FBI about this. Back
came a letter that the FBI had apparently been surveilling the plane and had
jurisdiction because of what they termed federal statutes relating to "Air
Piracy". This was in a letter signed by the Acting Director of FBI [this was
about a year after Director J. Edgar Hoover had been poison murdered in his
home, May, 1972, just as the Watergate matter was about to occur].

FBI having jurisdiction because of AIR PIRACY? Did someone on the plane,
radio the FBI that someone else on that plane was either trying to steal Mrs.
Hunt's two million dollars of "hush money", in negotiables, she and her
husband got from the Nixon White House. Was someone trying to steal her
baggage enroute to Chicago; containing documents proving Nixon was part of a
FBI/CIA plot to assassinate President Kennedy? Mrs. Hunt, worried about her
valuables, bought a separate first class seat right near her on which she
piled her luggage. So AIR PIRACY was one way the FBI had of trying to explain
away why upwards of 150 of their agents were already waiting in or near
Midway Airport that afternoon, for the in-coming flight with the Watergate

>From various sources we found out that the FBI and the DIA were under Nixon
White House "national security" orders to arrest Mrs. Hunt and others on the
plane for being part of a plot to blackmail Nixon. That is how and why the
FBI/DIA was already there ahead of the local authorities.

A Chicago Fire Department official we interviewed told us, "Nobody explained
to us how and why the FBI was able to keep us out of the crash site. The
plane had pancaked on top of one or more residences and was smoldering."

In an interview, a supervisory offical of the Chicago Police Department
informed us, "I was told to assemble my men in Marquette Park which is
several blocks away from where the plane crashed. We were forbidden by our
brass from approaching the crash site. The higher ups said it was upon orders
of the FBI and the DIA and the White House. Someone mumbled something to me
about 'national security' ".

Saturday, the day after the crash, parts of the airplane fuselage were
quickly buried in a city dump. An official of the city department told us,
"The orders came from the top. Someone of authority did not want parts of
flight 553 to be examined at all. We came with heavy equipment, a special
select crew, pledged to silence, and buried deep parts of the plane in a city
dump. I am in trouble if you ever use my name."

A few months after the crash, at a United Air Lines company meeting, one of
their stewardesses got up and began loudly complaining the company bosses
were covering up sabotage in the Flight 553 crash near Midway Airport. She
was quickly hooted down. Security people shoved her out of the meeting.
Later, she was fired.

So the air sabotage cover up pieces were one by one falling to place. On
Decemnber 9, 1972, one day after the crash, Nixon White House aide Egil (Bud)
Krogh, Jr., also involved in the Ellsberg burglary caper, was appointed
Undersecretary of Transportation, supervising the National Transportation
Safety Board and The Federal Aviation Administration, F.A.A., the two
agencies supposedly going to "investigate" the crash of Flight 553.

On December 19, 1972, White House deputy assistant to Nixon, and secretary to
the Cabinet, Alexander P. Butterfield, was appointed as the new head of the
FAA. Butterfield, an air officer for 20 years, was also CIA aviation liason.
(See, for example, Jack Anderson's column, Chicago Daily News, 5/8/73.)
During the Senate Watergate Committee hearings, summer of 1973, Butterfield
as a witness suddenly blurted out that Nixon had everything occurring in or
near the Oval Office taped. These tapes, which Nixon originally refused to
disclose, became the subject of a U.S. Supreme Court decision against Nixon,
as well as part of the Nixon impeachment matters resulting in ihis
resignation, August, 1974.

Dwight L. Chapin, Nixon's appointment secretary, became, five weeks after the
crash, a top executive of United Air Lines. Chapin reportedly had no prior
business experience. At the original NTSB crash hearings in February, 1973,
he reportedly threatened media people with reprisals if they mentioned
sabotage; reprisals such as using Clay Whitehead, Nixon's communications
czar, to seek the break-up of the networks on anti-trust charges. Remember-
in the 1970s, the Rockefelles were the largest stockholder of UAL, Inc.,
parent of United Air Lines. Further, in the 1970s, the Rockfellers owned all
three major news networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC. To an extent even now, the
Rockefelles still have a heavy presence in the ownership of the major

Even before the crash, Herbert W. Kalmbach, Nixon's personal attorney, was
the lawyer for United Air Lines and Marriot Corp., which at the time had an
airplane in-flight food catering service.

So, if I was right about Flight 553 and United Air Lines, at the time,
largest air carrier in the U.S., they could have lost their certificate to
fly. The Rockefellers orchestrated the media against our investigation. This
was long before the era of internet, long bbefore TV on the web through video
streaming, long before more open-minded radio talk shows, and many years
before public access Cable TV used by some like us to get around the press
whores. [Our one hour weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides",
cablecast within Chicago, reaches some 400,000 viewers each week, on a public
access Cable TV system that is the largest in the U.S. Portions of our show,
on video streaming, are on our website.] The latest technology and changes
like that, for the moment, help the underdogs tell the awful truth. Such as
about a forbidden subject, "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage".

More parts of this coming. Stay tuned.

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