Copyright Joel Skousen. Quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief. Website:
After hearing the following exchange on the news, I’m not enthusiastic
about president-elect Bush’s ability to halt or reverse the present erosion
of constitutional liberty. When asked what he would do as president if
faced with congressional legislation that was clearly unconstitutional, his
response was, "How would I know if it was unconstitutional?" Well, it just
so happens that the president is sworn to uphold the Constitution. He
should at least have a sense of what is constitutional and what is not.
Otherwise the Justice Department, which works for the Executive department,
won’t tackle constitutional issues in defense of original intent.
During the campaign the Bush advisory team was composed almost exclusively
of old-guard, CFR and NWO globalists. The New American even published a
dramatic series of photographs taken at a little-publicized press
conference in 1999 in which George W. was surrounded and endorsed by the
entire Kissinger team including Kissinger himself, George Schultz, and
Brent Scowcroft. These three global controllers are still actively engaged
in jet-setting around the world intervening in other nations’ affairs.
Major heads of states or their foreign ministers almost always pay a visit
to one or more of the Kissinger team when they come to Washington on
official business.
If that weren’t bad enough, Bush still has on his team insiders like
Richard Armitage and C. Boyden Gray who have formerly served as "black
side" operatives
with the CIA under George Bush Sr. Interestingly enough,
it seems that the Bush transition team has become sensitized to all the
discontent brewing within the hard-core conservative wing of the Republican
Party and has dumped plans to give these obvious insiders the high
appointments they were promised. Armitage, who wanted the position of Sec.
of Defense has been denied any public position so far. I wouldn’t be
surprised, however, if he shows up as a Deputy Undersecretary in the
Defense Department. Let’s take a hard look at the background of the other
Bush nominees for cabinet and advisor positions. It’s a mixed bag of a few
conservatives tasked with overseeing totally socialist programs and
globalist insiders masquerading as conservatives.
Rice (CFR) served on the National Security Council during the former Bush
administration. Her mentor was none other than Brent Scowcroft. She has
been carefully groomed for eventual leadership in the traditional way--by
being named to a series of prestige building jobs that have kept her in the
limelight for a return to service (Hoover Institution, World Federalist
Society, Provost of Stanford University). By the way, if you track where
up-and-coming people are placed within the "private" sector you can also
track which companies and organizations are controlled by the CFR-globalist
leadership. In fact, the National Security Council itself is staffed
exclusively by advisors trained by and taking orders from the CFR and
Kissinger Associates. These are the people who direct and influence the
president in critical foreign policy issues.
Colin Powell has a long history of being a military yes-man to the Powers
That Be (PTB). As Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations in the
Americal Division in Vietnam he was responsible for the initial
investigation that covered up the facts surrounding the My Lai massacre. He
was clearly responding to pressure from up the chain of command when he
denied the claims of witness Tom Glen. He was rewarded for his "loyalty" by
being given leave from the Army to pursue an MBA at George Washington in
1971 and was selected in 1972 as a White House fellow--a post reserved for
those who show "future promise" to the PTB. He then joined the Pentagon as
a military aide to Sec. of Defense Casper Weinburger. In that capacity he
was directly involved in the transfer of weapons to Iran, via Israel, as
part of the Iran-Contra scandal. Being part of this secret CIA operation,
he was a natural choice to join the National Security Council in 1987. In
1989 he leap-frogged over numerous other senior officers in the military,
who had greater military prowess, to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
He presided over the outrageous invasion of Panama which was a cover for
the CIA take-down of Panama’s Manuel Noriega, the CIA’s drug and
money-laundering bagman who, according to CIA defectors, was taking a much
bigger cut of the drug profits than he was allowed. Many innocent civilians
and soldiers (US included) were killed in this trumped-up war. Powell could
not have been oblivious to the phony rationale for this invasion.
Then to cap his career in the Joint Chiefs, Powell presided over the NWO
operations of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. While Powell is credited for
being a brilliant strategist, military friends have told me it was really
his top-notch staff of Marine generals at Central Command headquarters that
did the actually planning and execution. Besides, no one can be considered
a brilliant leader who failed to blow the whistle on Russia’s double
dealing during the war (although our "ally" Russia made almost daily
resupply flights into Iraq to assist Hussein), and who allowed bad,
experimental vaccines
to be administered to our troops, without their
consent, which resulted in the immune system devastation termed, the Gulf
War Syndrome
. Powell also acquiesced to higher authority and failed to
prosecute the war to a final conclusion, allowing Saddam Hussein to stay in
power. Due to his failure to permanently end the conflict, the Gulf region
festers today, as intended. Forget all the hype about what a great Sec. of
State Powell is going to be--Colin Powell is a CFR yes-man who will
continue the same pattern of global intervention that has characterized
every administration since FDR.
Rumsfield (age 68) is an old team player with vast experience in the
political trenches. Rumsfield was Sec. of Defense 25 years ago in the Ford
administration. He failed to challenge the Soviet’s extensive cheating on
treaties during his watch, so he clearly is a controlled entity. He has a
reputation for being one of the insiders’ top head hunters, so he knows who
is a reliable globalist and who is not. Rumor has it that he is demanding
to pick his own people at Defense. We will be watching who he picks.
Rumsfield has been positioning himself as more conservative in recent
years--as insiders usually do when getting ready to take a public position
in a Republican administration. He signed the letter along with other
former secretaries of defense criticizing Gore’s secret deal with the
Russians over weapons transfers to Iran. He also came down hard on the
Clinton administration for security lapses in the Department of Energy. But
talk is cheap. I’m predicting he will continue the current military
exchanges with both Russia and China. He was also head of Nixon’s wage and
price control program, so he’s no fiscal conservative. Rumsfield was
ambassador to NATO and served as the Middle East envoy under Reagan and put
adverse pressure on Israeli PM Begin to make territorial concessions to the
Arab powers after the invasion of Israel in 1973. By the way, VP Dick
Cheney was Rumsfield’s deputy Chief of Staff under President Ford and later
succeeded Rumsfield as Chief of Staff. In short, Rumsfield is a nominal
Republican, but his greatest allegiance is to the insiders who secretly run
the US.
The Treasury spot is always reserved for reliable insiders due to the heavy
amount of manipulation that takes place in world and national financial
affairs. For the first time in many years, the president-elect has selected
someone who doesn’t come directly out of the major government-connected
Wall Street brokerage houses (like Goldman Sachs), which collude with
government on a regular basis to keep the markets propped up. I suspect
O’Neill is going to be the fall guy to be sacrificed when the economy goes
down. Mr. O'Neill comes out of one of the big multi-national corporations,
Alcoa, noted for its ability to do major buy-outs of other aluminum
interests around the world without running into government interference. In
the past two years alone, it has absorbed Alumix of Italy, Inespal of Spain
and Alumax of the US into its empire. O’Neill is a reliable number-cruncher
and manager type. He did government service in the VA and later served as
director of the Office of Management and Budget during the Nixon
administration. His ties to globalist insiders are telling. He has been a
director of Lucent Technologies (a true insider-run corporation with close
government ties), the Rand Corporation (a far leftist, pro-Soviet think
tank), and the National Academy of Social Insurance (a liberal, pro-Social
Security organization with a mission to derail the privatization of SS)
Mineta (another of the old liberals, aged 69, who should have been let out
to pasture long ago) is a former Democratic California congressman who is
the current Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton. He has consistently
thwarted any attempt to uncover the mysterious facts surrounding the death
of his predecessor, Commerce chief Ron Brown. It’s no wonder. According to
Judicial Watch, "Mineta participated in the 1994 Clinton Commerce trade
mission to Indonesia, which involved John Huang and many others implicated
in the Chinagate scandal, such as Charlie Trie, James Riady, and Mark
Grobmyer." Mineta was also reported to have been a Clinton emissary to the
family of Wen Ho Lee during an "active" federal espionage investigation of
Lee at Los Alamos, as part of an effort to allow China to secretly acquire
sensitive US technology.

Evans was Bush’s campaign chairman and is supported by arch-liberal
democrats such as Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia and Daniel
K. Inouye of Hawaii. This bi-partisan enthusiasm is due to Evans’
committment to continue trading with nations hostile to US interests like
China and Russia. Evans is a longtime banking and oil industry executive
and is a reliable globalist cheerleader for unlimited international trade.
Mr. Evans pledged there will be "no more important role for the Commerce
Department" than to promote US exports and enforce existing trade
agreements. "No sector of the US economy operates in isolation from the
global economy." These are the identical sentiments of president-elect Bush
who stated that America’s biggest threat was its "isolationist tendency."
No, Mr. Bush, the biggest threat is from loss of constitutional sovereignty.
Ashcroft is clearly the most conservative of Bush’s appointees. His
nomination as Attorney General is particularly puzzling since the Justice
Department under Janet Reno has become the direct controller of the dark-
side operations of all federal agencies with police power. To put a strong
conservative into a position to discover these dark-side operations and
block the normal round of cover-ups doesn’t make sense--unless, perhaps,
the PTB plan on derailing Ashcroft’s nomination. The left is already
gearing up for a major protest of Ashcroft’s nomination. In other words,
Ashcroft’s nomination may be a bone thrown to conservatives. If he is
sustained by the Senate, then I predict that government "black operations"
will go deeper underground. There is some evidence to support this view. It
may be the reason Bush has decided to retain FBI director Louis Freeh. Due
to the many cover-ups that occurred under Freeh’s watch at FBI, he is
clearly an operator for the dark-side of government and would be in a good
position to ensure those operations continue without alerting Ashcroft to
the specifics. Look for Bush to nominate a new CIA director who will also
shield Ashcroft from "black-ops."
Mel Martinez is a mildly conservative Cuban refugee and Republican team
player (who won’t buck the PTB). His appointment was one of several
"pay-offs" to keep the support of the Hispanic community. A lawyer by
training, he is stepping down as the Orange County (Orlando, Florida area)
executive and Chairman of Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s "Growth Management
Study Commission." He has proven to be a competent and honest
administrator, so we should see a curtailment of the massive corruption
presently going on in HUD. However, I don’t expect him to try and to undo
any of the bad socialist housing policy underlying the legislative mandate
for HUD.
Chavez is another legitimate Hispanic conservative who has earned the
hatred of the left for opposing affirmative action and bilingual education.
The left is gearing up to derail her appointment as well. They are focusing
on her inter-cultural marriage to a Jew, Christopher Gersten, and the
rearing of her three sons as Jews, decrying all of this as if she were a
"traitor to her people." Funny how the left lauds multi-cultural
relationships of almost any kind--but somehow conservatives don’t qualify
for praise. This is supreme, but predictable hypocrisy.
This former Republican Senator of Michigan was head of the Senate
Immigration Reform committee. He favors open US borders and was honored
recently by the radical Marxist Hispanic organization National Council of
La Raza
for his proposals. He takes pride in compromises that put him in
favor with the liberals and media--making him a prime candidate for future
leadership in the CFR community.
EPA DIRECTOR: Christine Todd Whitman
Whitman is Bush’s political pay-off to the feminist lobby. She is
pro-abortion and a staunch supporter of the leftist "anti-urban sprawl"
movement. Look to her to use her EPA authority to make it more difficult to
develop land outside of major cities. There is a nationwide movement going
on to attempt to implant an "Oregon solution" (Urban Growth Boundaries) on
the whole US. I lived in Oregon as they implemented this "local control"
fiasco. It wasn’t local control at all--but a systematic top-down planning
system based upon "goals" that opened up every small town in Oregon to
environmentalist lawsuits if they chose any solution that deviated from
official state goals. Don’t let this happen in your state.
Paige is former Houston school district superintendent and is touted as a
conservative. This is false. No o

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