-Caveat Lector-


IMF austerity sparks upheavals
Social unrest topples Argentina’s president
By Rafael Azul
21 December 2001

President Fernando de la Rua fled the Casa Rosada, Argentina’s
presidential palace, aboard a helicopter December 20 after a day of
violent clashes between riot police and thousands of workers and youth who
defied a state of siege to protest the government’s economic austerity

De la Rua, who was elected in October 1999, resigned after the opposition
Peronist party refused to join him in a government of national unity.
Instead, legislators called for the president to be placed on trial for
mishandling the country’s desperate economic and social crisis.

As the day wore on and the political crisis deepened, the chiefs of the
armed forces convened their own meeting to consider their “duty to uphold
the constitution,” a task they fulfilled a quarter century ago through the
murder, torture and “disappearance” of tens of thousands of Argentine
working and middle class people.

At least five people were killed in the clashes that rocked the area
around the Plaza de Mayo throughout the day. Police used water cannon,
rubber bullets and cavalry charges against the crowds of workers,
unemployed and students who poured into the center of the capital from
midnight onwards. Nationwide, the social unrest claimed at least 21 lives.

De la Rua’s announcement the night before of a 30-day state of siege—an
illegal measure specifically barred by the Argentine constitution while
the Congress is in session—provoked spontaneous demonstrations throughout
the country, with working class and middle class people pouring into the
streets banging pots and chanting defiant slogans against the government.

Both wings of the General Workers Confederation (CGT) called for a general
strike of indefinite duration as long as the state of siege remains in

Rioting and the looting of supermarkets began in the provincial capital of
Rosario December 14 and continued to spread across the country, reaching
virtually every region. Residents of the “villas de miseria,” the
shantytown slums that have sprung up around Buenos Aires and other cities,
were joined by newly impoverished members of a once relatively comfortable
middle class in breaking into stores and seizing meat, vegetables, cooking
oil and other necessities. In some areas crowds stood peacefully outside
of stores begging for food, while in others angry mobs marched shouting,
“We want to eat.”

In the city of Cordoba, crowds of workers, including many public
employees, laid siege to the municipal building, breaking out its windows
and setting the structure on fire before troops moved against them.

The De la Rua government initially reacted by denying that there was any
real social unrest and promising $7 million in food relief, a pittance in
a country where working people have seen their real income drop by 20
percent during the last three-and-a-half years. The International Monetary
Fund-mandated $7 billion cut in the 2002 budget, almost 20 percent, plus
government interference on bank withdrawals pushed workers and the
unemployed over the brink. Many were left without the means to buy food
and supermarkets became the battleground of the class struggle.

“This is what we must do to put a slice of bread on our table. We are not
asking for handouts, we want to work, to earn our own wages,” said the
wife of an unemployed worker. In addition to the death toll, hundreds were
wounded in the social unrest and the police arrested thousands of

The political crisis spun swiftly out of control in the 24 hours before De
la Rua’s ouster. Economics Minister Domingo Cavallo, who won the trust of
Wall Street as a central banker under the Argentine military dictatorship
and later served as a minister in the Peronist government, resigned
Wednesday night.

Protesters in the Plaza de Mayo cheered and honked their car horns as news
swept through the city of the resignation of the man who had served as the
architect of the most recent austerity measures. At 11 p.m. that night
President De la Rua declared the state of siege, a measure that gives the
police broad powers to impose curfews and carry out arrests.

The speech, which proposed no solutions, was infused with the hated
language of the former military regime, blaming the mass unrest on “groups
that are enemies of order who seek to sow discord and violence.” Anger
over the speech sent people streaming into the Plaza de Mayo. Thirty-five
thousand federal police agents were mobilized on Wednesday night to
enforce the state of siege in the capital.

On Thursday afternoon De la Rua again took to the airwaves. This time he
invited the Peronist opposition to form a government of national unity to
resolve the debt crisis. Peronist leaders rebuffed the offer, leaving De
la Rua no political alternative but to resign. At around 6 p.m. Buenos
Aires time, 19 hours after declaring a state of siege, De la Rua announced
his intention to resign.

With the vice presidency vacant, the next in line for the presidency is
Senate chief Ramon Puerta, a Peronist, who said on Thursday he would only
remain in the job for 48 hours. The Peronist Party is itself badly divided
and utterly complicit in the economic policies that have devastated the
lives of millions of Argentines. The former Peronist president, Carlos
Menem, has been indicted on charges of massive corruption. It was he who
turned the country into Washington’s closest ally during the last decade,
introducing the dollar-to-peso convertibility that has helped strangle
Argentina’s economy.

The Peronists in Congress as well as the party’s provincial governors gave
their support to granting extraordinary powers to both Carvallo and De la
Rua to carry out their economic austerity plans.

Austerity measures introduced by both De la Rua and his Peronist
predecessors have created a country in which fully 10 percent of the
Argentine population is forced to survive on less than two dollars a day,
an historically unprecedented level of poverty. The official unemployment
figures of 18.5 percent obscure the millions of underemployed. By some
estimates, 5.5 million Argentines, two-thirds of the labor force, are
either unemployed or underemployed and 15 million live under the official
level of poverty (out of a population of 36 million.) The Financial Times
reports that every day 2,000 people drop below the official poverty line
of $470 a month for a family of four.

For the first time since the debt crisis began, Argentina may have
defaulted on debt payments due last Friday. In addition, the flagships of
Argentine industry—companies such as steel giant Acindar, and Industrias
Metalurgicas Pescarmona SA (IMPSA), Argentina’s biggest overseas power
plant builder—announced that they are also defaulting on their debts.
Other corporate falling dominoes include Orfila wineries, steelmaker
Sideco, and the Fargo bakeries.

The Argentine peso is widely expected to fall. The Central Bank is fast
running out of hard currency reserves to sustain the peso-to-dollar
convertibility. The forward market for peso—what foreign currency traders
think the peso will be worth next year—is now at 1.7 per dollar, a
70-percent discount from current prices.

A drastic devaluation would wreck the Buenos Aires government’s economic
program and the ability of private companies to pay their dollar
denominated debts. There was no immediate reaction from world currency and
stock markets. While US Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill and President Bush
signaled no change in the official US stand that Argentina work with the
IMF to find a way out of the crisis, US officials are watching
developments closely.

For its part, the International Monetary Fund arrogantly refused to take
any responsibility for the Argentine crisis, according to Thomas Dawson,
director of Foreign Relations for the IMF. Leading IMF official Anne
Krueger officially indicated no change in the IMF position that the
Argentine government slash its 2002 budget and achieve political
consensus. As Argentines die on the streets, Krueger cynically lectured
reporters that an IMF bailout of $10 billion next year would not have
helped Argentina.

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