By Fritz Springmeier

Summer Solstice brought us headlines from the CIA controlled ABC Houston
channel named ABC13 about a shocking murder (or sacrifice?) of 5 children by
their mother Andrea Pia Yates.

On June 20, 2001, a thin woman with glasses and long brown hair at the
tree-filled 900 block of Beachcomber Lane, in Clear Lake, TX called the
Houston police to her nice upper middle class Spanish-style home so that she
could show them that she had just murdered her five children. Three years
previous to this almost to the day (June18, 1999), this same mother had
attempted suicide with an overdose. She was an ex-nurse and a mother in her
late 30_s who home-schooled her children and took them on excursions. Her
children were named after major biblical figures Mary (mother of Jesus),
Noah, John, Paul and Luke.

Andrea's husband Russell worked nearby at NASA's Johnson Space Center. He
rushed home, but was blocked by police from going into his home. Soon
psychologists from NASA arrived to deal with the father of the dead children.

Andrea's mother A.D. Kennedy and her brother Pat Kennedy are supportive of
her after her arrest. Her husband is supportive of her too. He is quoted as
saying while pointing to Andrea's picture, "The woman here is not the woman
who killed my children." The explanation for this bizarre new moon crime is
that she was suffering from postpartum depression.

Flowers or donations for the memorial can be dropped off at 907 El Dorado,
Clear Lake Flowers. Oh, compassionate Heavenly Father, there are many who
mourn and hurt from this difficult event, receive the pain and confusion of
those who need help. Help us to gain some wisdom from this sad event.

The world is again confronted with a bizarre tragedy, this time a loving
peaceful mother killing her sweet children. The neighbors are shocked. Her
family is shocked. They are quoted as continuing to say that Andrea is a
beautiful person. The world is shocked. And we are told that this is the
result of postpartum depression. Her lawyer is rumored to want to protect her
using "insanity" as a defense. He stated on a show that Andrea thought her
neighbor was an alien.

The only one who seems to be saying "I told you so" is a well known occult
psychic and Cabalist named Sollog. Sollog has been predicting "lines of
tragedy". His earlier line of tragedy was locations just south of the 35th
degree of latitude, and included the school stabbings near Osaka, Japan, the
disco bombing in Tel Aviv, and the multiple school shootings in San Diego, CA.

His more recent line of tragedy was to be tragedies just south of the 30th
degree of latitude, and in line with this prediction have come the bizarre
mass murder of the Nepalese royal family in Katmandu, Dale Earnhardt's death
at Daytona Beach, FL, the 31 Allison, TX flood victims, and now the 5 child
murders in Clear Lake. Of course, skeptics says Sollog's repeatedly accurate
predictions are an unlucky coincidence. Viewers of Fritz Lang's diabolical
1960 German movie "1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse" might conclude that there might
be something more sinister behind the accuracy of Sollog's predictions. It is
fair to ask, is there something more sinister to the murder of these
children? Certainly, the police in Lang's movie did when confronted with
bizarre murders.

The deaths of these five children certainly fits in well with several agendas
that are currently being openly pushed by Big Brother. There are going to be
two conflicting theories arising. One is that our governing authorities would
never be behind something so heinous. The other is that the murder of these
children fits in perfectly with Big Brother's campaign to enact current
legislation that would give states custody of the majority of children within
their jurisdictions. There have been a flood of stories recently that raise
serious questions as to whether any parents are fit to raise their own

Fine, even if we are to admit that the murder helps the current campaign to
strip parents of their legal rights in regards to children, that doesn't mean
that our government would have the means to be involved in this murder. The
idea of our government being involved seems far-fetched to those who haven't
kept up with learning about the mind-control capabilities of our government.

However, for those who have studied the mind-control of our government
(especially what is documented and exposed in the three books that this
reporter has written), they will see that the murder of five children by a
mother is a classic example of mind-control. All the clues point to an
occult-tainted mind-controlled murder. NASA is involved in mind-control. The
behavior of the mother smacks of mind-control. Her confession was described
as 'zombie-like'.

There have certainly been Yates that have been prominent in the occult world.
Francis A. Yates is an occult authority. Giles Fonda Yates was a 33rd degree
Freemason and the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rites
Supreme Council. While this has no direct bearing on this story, it does
enhance the question, what kind of groups was this Yates' family historically
associated with? Her maiden name was Kennedy.

If one studies authoritative works on witchcraft, for instance, The Witches
Way, p.269, you will learn that one of the advantages of witchcraft is that
it is flexible in when it celebrates events. The Summer Solstice can be
celebrated on several days. How appropriate for occultists that they can wake
up and read about a mother sacrificing her children on June 21. Once again we
have a murder that smacks of occultism, of mind-control and fits in with an
agenda of those wanting to create an occult dictatorship over the world. Are
we willing to honestly investigate this crime, or will we just passively
accept the changes it will create in parents' rights?

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