Sun Oct 21 00:07:13 2001

By Fritz Springmeier

It is seldom that half a dozen people send me the same article. Obviously
Eastman’s article hit a positive chord with some readers. After reading his
article it is clear that his article will seriously mislead people. It is
based upon some false premises, and its conclusion doesn’t go anywhere near
explaining what is going on.
Eastman claims to have solved the 9-11 attack. He has reduced the attack to
the explanation that renegade factions of the CIA and Mossad were dealing in
opium in Afghanistan. The attack was designed to prevent the Taliban from
cutting off their opium. Wall Street quietly went along because the banks will
gain from all the drug and oil money that will continue to flow. Sharon of the
Israelis is then theorized to have joined in order to solve all his problems
with the Moslems. Finally he adds this theory about the news media, “The news
media is exhorted to be patriotic and exemplary ‘wartime correspondents’ and
set about selling the blaming of bin Ladin [sic] and advocating war and
overthrow in Afganistan [sic] –because they have been deceitfully led to
believe they really know who bombed the buildings…”
What is wrong with Eastman’s theories? First, it is clear from reading his
article, (and I read it several times to make sure I understood) that he
subscribes to the theory that the CIA and Mossad are good guys but
unfortunately have renegade factions that misbehave. This is totally wrong.
Historically, both agencies were set up dirty from the start by the elite. CIC
Army intelligence distrusted the CIA from its beginning with good reasons.
Victor Ostrovsky’s By Way of Deception is a good introduction to understand
the entire Mossad is corrupt—not a few renegades. Ostrovsky’s book is just the
starting point of the corruption.
Next, it is clear that Eastman thinks the establishment news media are simply
being deceived by the government and trying to be patriotic. Our news media is
owned and controlled by the power elite. The news media is not patriotic and
will never be, unless one considers support for a global tyrannical
socialistic New World Order to be patriotic. Nor have they been deceived. They
are the deceivers. They have repeatedly squashed their reporters from
reporting on things that would expose the truth about the 9-11 tragedy. You
will notice that our press did not properly investigate the Gulf of Tonkin
incident (which started the Vietnam War). Now it is known to have been a U.S.
government hoax, now that the Vietnam War is over. They have the people to
investigate this tragedy—they don’t want to, and several reporters who have
tried have been given rough treatment by their superiors.
Eastman totally misses the real significance of what is happening. This is
not some project to make money for some rich men and some renegade spooks.
This war is to social engineer the world to ask for the “all-powerful” (not
counting Almighty God) one-world government they want to bring in. Obviously
Eastman is not aware (or chooses to ignore) of their written plans to bring in
three world wars in order to progressively take us into stronger world
governments. The First World War gave us the League of Nations. The Second
World War gave us the United Nations. Their third world war will give us the
last and ultimate Global Government.
I research and expose the world’s elite. Some people seem to think that all
that motivates these people is money. These people are motivated by bigger
lusts than money. These are the people who make the money, loan us the money
they make, and tell us what that money is going to be worth. The world’s elite
could not spend their money—if they tried to spend it, they would simply
reinvest it. These people have more money than they can use. Money is not
their primary motive. Power is their motive. They are motivated by the desire
for incredible power. They want to be gods over us and to step on us and grind
us like little ants so that their sadistic minds can feel even more godlike.
I am not dreaming this up, I am reporting to people how they think (and even
talk), and if you could be in their satanic cabals, you would get to hear for
yourself how these sadistic power hungry men (and women) lust to cause large
scale pain just for their perverted egos. People misuse the Bible. They quote
the verse “the love of money is the root of all evil.” There was no money in
the Garden of Eden. Satan didn’t tempt people with money. He tempted them with
the power to be gods.
Some of these powerful bloodlines got it into their heads that they were gods
thousands of years ago, and those bloodlines are still around, treating us no
better than they did when the slaves built the pyramids. When the Bible says
there is nothing new under the sun—these bloodlines are certainly not new. The
Rothschilds trace themselves back to Nimrod, who used slaves for his building
projects, and loved to make war.
If you think the WTC attack was just to make a few billion dollars from
Afghanistan, guess again. The stakes are much higher. The United States
entered W.W. II on a similar type sneak attack, which used planes. W.W. II was
an expensive war to humanity. Oh yes, I’ve heard people who didn’t fight in
the war say how wonderful the war was, so many great things came from it. But
anyone who suffered in that war or fought in the front lines knows
differently. Over 20 million Allied and Axis fighting men were killed. How
many more suffered wounds to their bodies and minds? Over 20 million Russians
(civilians and military) died in the war. Several of the major combatant
countries lost many millions of people dead, not to mention the enormous
suffering and huge debts all these countries incurred to the international
bankers. What if all the money that got spent on bombers and bombs during that
war had been put into schools and improving third world agriculture? Where
would the world be if instead of destruction all that energy had been put into
A third world war involves much bigger things than drug profits in Afghanistan
(or even oil and drug profits). The powerful world elite know exactly what
they are doing. Their stakes are incredibly high, and the profits in
Afghanistan will be real nice to certain people, but they are relatively no
more important than Czech steel works were for the Nazis going into W.W. II.
Our leaders have unleashed a script for world war that may well continue to
escalate. Let’s not be in denial about the tragedy that is unfolding. W.W.I
was not about the archduke getting assassinated. (If that was the reason for
the war, what logic does it make to kill tens of millions of men because some
royal heir got shot?) W.W. II was not about Czechoslovakia, nor is W.W. III
going to be about the Taliban. If this thing continues to escalate, -- and no
one seems to be stopping that agenda, it will unleash forces all over this
When Neville Chamberlain dealt with Hitler, he was able to convince people
that peace was on hand because they didn’t see the bigger picture. People, the
bigger picture is that a third world war has been planned for a long time.
Both bin Laden and the American press has called this a third world war. I
wish they were wrong. But I still have a duty to drag people out of their
limited understanding. This war is not about Afghanistan, nor is it about bin

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