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State Terrorism Contracts for Halliburton

    by VARIOUS

13 July 2002 This supplements the New York Times report today on Defense Department contracts by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/13/business/13HALL.html[Excerpt]

In Tough Times, a Company Finds Profits in Terror War

WASHINGTON, July 12 — The Halliburton Company, the Dallas oil services company bedeviled lately by an array of accounting and business issues, is benefiting very directly from the United States efforts to combat terrorism.

>From building cells for detainees at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba to feeding American troops in Uzbekistan, the Pentagon is increasingly relying on a unit of Halliburton called KBR, sometimes referred to as Kellogg Brown & Root.

Although the unit has been building projects all over the world for the federal government for decades, the attacks of Sept. 11 have led to significant additional business. KBR is the exclusive logistics supplier for both the Navy and the Army, providing services like cooking, construction, power generation and fuel transportation.

The contract recently won from the Army is for 10 years and has no lid on costs, the only logistical arrangement by the Army without an estimated cost.

The government business has been well timed for Halliburton, whose stock price has tumbled almost two-thirds in the last year because of concerns about its asbestos liabilities, sagging profits in its energy business and an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into its accounting practices back when Vice President Dick Cheney ran the company. The government contracts, which the company said Mr. Cheney played no role in helping Halliburton win, either while he led the company or after he left, offer the prospect of a long and steady cash flow that impresses financial analysts. ...

Mr. Cheney played no role, either as vice president or as chief executive at Halliburton, in helping KBR win government contracts, company officials said.

In a written statement, the company said that Mr. Cheney "steadfastly refused" to market KBR's services to the United States government in the five years he served as chief executive. Mr. Cheney concentrated on the company's energy business, company officials said, though he was regularly briefed on the company's Pentagon contracts. Mr. Cheney sold Halliburton stock, worth more than $20 million, before he became vice president. After he took office, he donated his remaining stock options to charity.

Like other military contractors, KBR has numerous former Pentagon officials who know the government contracts system in its management ranks, including a former military aide to Mr. Cheney when he was defense secretary. The senior vice president responsible for KBR's Pentagon contracts is a retired four-star admiral, Joe Lopez, who was Mr. Cheney's military aide at the Pentagon in the early 1990's. Halliburton said Mr. Lopez was hired in 1999 after a suggestion from Mr. Cheney.

"Brown & Root had the upper hand with the Pentagon because they knew the process like the back of their hand," said T. C. McIntosh, a Pentagon criminal investigator who last year examined some of the company's Army contracts in the 1990's. He said he found that a contractor "gets away with what they can get away with."

Listings were obtained from the Department of Defense website search feature -- http://www.defenselink.mil/search/news.html -- for the subcategory of "contracts" and the search terms "KBR," "Kellog Brown & Root," "Halliburton," "Kellogg," "Brown & Root," and "Brown and Root." Most came from the last term.

The archive covers the period late-1994 through July 12, 2002.
A single entry on November 29, 1995 linked Halliburton to Brown and Root.



March 20, 1995


Brown & Root, Gaithersburg, Maryland, was awarded on March 17, 1995, an increment (appropriation number and dollar value will be issued with each delivery order) as part of a $10,000,000 cost plus fixed fee/firm fixed price contract to perform hazardous toxic and radioactive waste services. Work will be performed at various Department of Defense sites, and is expected to be completed by March 18, 2000. There was a broad agency announcement in the Commerce Business Daily on April 26, 1994, and 5 bids were received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Alabama (DACA01-95-D-0017).



March 31, 1995


Brown and Root Environmental, a division of Brown and Root, Inc., Houston, Texas, is being awarded $654,860 (six-month base period) indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, cost-plus-award-fee contract for a Comprehensive Long-Term Environment Action, Navy (C.L.E.A.N.). The total contract amount is not-to-exceed $250,000,0000. Work will be performed at various locations throughout the United States, and will include environmental engineering services in support of all Navy environmental programs. The contract performance period is not-to-exceed ten years. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured under Brooks Bill procedures whereby the five most qualified companies were selected by a selection committee and cost was negotiated with the top rated company. The Southern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, North Charleston, South Carolina, is the contracting activity (N62467-94-D-0888).



July 20, 1995


Brown & Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded an increment (appropriation number and dollar value will be issued with each delivery order) as part of a $6,000,000 potential value) firm fixed price/indefinite quantity contract for a broad range of maintenance, repair, and minor construction work on real property. Work will be performed at Fort Benning, Georgia (95%), and Reserve Centers in Georgia, Florida and Alabama (5%), and is expected to be completed by July 19, 1996. There were 46 bids solicited on March 8, 1995, and 15 bids received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah, Georgia (DACA21-95-D-0025).



September 22, 1995


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $5,189,181 Cost Plus Award Fee contract for FY1996 operation and maintenance of Atlas, Tital and Delta launch facilities at Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida. The work will be performed at Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida. Contract is expected to be completed September 2000. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 123 firms solicited and 4 proposals received. Solicitation began April 1995 and negotiations were complete August 1995. The 45th Contracting Squadron, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida is the contracting activity (F08650-95/C-0073)



November 29, 1995


Brown & Root, Civil Division of Halliburton International, Inc., Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $31,531,912 cost plus fixed fee contract for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Silo dismantlement for Kazakstan. Work will be performed in Kazakstan, and is expected to be completed by December 31, 1998. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 270 bids solicited on May 3, 1995, and 9 bids received. The contracting activity is the Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, D.C. (DNA001-95-C-0216)



December 1, 1995


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, was awarded on November 13, 1995, a $5,378,101 modification to a cost plus award fee contract toprovide and install a temporary 1,000 person base camp to support the U.S. Air Force adjacent to Aviano Air Base, Aviano, Italy. The temporary base campconsists of billeting, showers, latrines, kitchen, dining facilities, self service laundry, recreation facilities, administration and office facilities with appropriate arrangements for water, sewer, gas and electrical. Work will be performed in Aviano, Italy, and is expected to be completed by December 18,1995. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 37 bids solicited on September 27, 1995, and 4 bids received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia (DACA78-92-C-0066).



December 14, 1995


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, was awarded on December 13, 1995, a $66,473,894 modification to a cost plus award fee contract to perform the following services, based on an estimated 15,500 U.S. troop personnel: Perform management and administrative augmentation, base camp operations, laundry operations, Class I operations, food service operations, Class III operations, Class II, IIIP, IV, VI operations, maintenance operations, APOD operations in Port au Prince, transportation services, MSR maintenance, SPOD operations in Port au Prince, rest stops, airfield taxiway report in Port au Prince, MWR services, connection of 23 buildings within the light industrial compound to the commercial electrical grid, install a means of transferring to auxiliary source of power to prevent loss of electrical powerin the event of unreliable commercial source. Work will be performed in Haiti. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Therewere 37 bids solicited on March 15, 1995, and 4 bids received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia(DACA78-92-C-0066).



February 20, 1996


DynCorp, Reston, Virginia, and Brown & Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas (a joint venture), is being awarded an increment (appropriation number and dollar value will be issued with each task order) as part of an estimated $50,088,484 (includes four options) time and materials with award fee contract for base operations, logistical and other support services Haiti, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Work will be performed outside the continental United States, in the areas of the Caribbean or Central or South America, from March 1, 1996 through February 28, 1997. There were 36 bids solicited on December 7, 1995, and four bids received. The contracting activity is the Directorate of Contracting, Fort McPherson, Georgia (DAKF11-96-D-0006).



April 15, 1996


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $14,624,275 modification to a cost plus award fee contract for a level of effort negotiated and definitized for continuation of support to US Forces in Haiti during the time period October 1, 1995 through April 30, 1996. The following statement of work includes but is not limited to US base camp operations, waste management operations, heavy equipment operations, A/C services, reefer services, small equipment and generator maintenance, transportation services, MHE operation, water and POL delivery, processing, loading of planes, unloading of planes, stevedoring services, washrack operations, port control and container documentation, equipment retrograde, central receiving supply point for break out cargo, rations and drinking water as supplement to rations provided by the US, food service dining facilities, MWR services and vehicle maintenance. (NOTE: Contract administration was delegated to DCMCI. Since October 1, 1995, funds have been allocated to the contract to allow DCMCI's ACO's in Haiti to issue Task Orders. There are no funds allocated with this award.) Work will be performed in Haiti, and is expected to be completed by April 30, 1996. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 37 bids solicited on March 20, 1996, and 4 bids received. The contracting activity is the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia (DACA78-92-C-0066).



April 19, 1996


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded amodification to a cost plus award fee contract for establishment of an estimated cost for the definitization of task orders issued by the ACOs in Haiti. (Since April 10, 1995, funds have been allocated to the contract to allow task orders to be carried out. There are no funds allocated with this award.) These task orders were issued for continuation of support to U.S. Forces remaining in Haiti under the United Nations Mission, commencing April 10 and continuing through September 30, 1995. The following statement of work includes but is not limited to U.S. base camp maintenance services and support, airfield operations, transportation services, incinerator services, waste management operations, heavy equipment operations, air conditioning services, reefer services, small equipment and generator maintenance, transportation services, MHE Operation, water and POL delivery, processing, loading of planes, unloading of planes, stevedoring services, washrack operations, port control and container documentation, central receiving supply point for break-out cargo, rations and drinking water as supplement to rations provided by the UN, food service dining facilities, MWR services and vehicle maintenance. Each task order was negotiated and definitized by the ACOs in Haiti. There were 37 bids solicited and four bids received. Work was carried out in Haiti with a completion date of September 30, 1995. The contracting activity is the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia (DACA78-92-C-0066).

Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a modification to a cost plus award fee contract for establishment of an estimated cost for the definitization of task orders issued by the ACOs inHaiti. (Since July 1, 1995, funds have been allocated to the contract to allow task orders to be carried out. There are nofunds allocated with this award.) These task orders were issued to provide logistical support to the UN in accordance with the Letter of Assist signed between the UN and the U.S. Government for U.S. support to the United Nations mission in Haiti during the "Bridge Period", or until the UN was able to award contracts for logistical support of troops in the country of Haiti. The performance period for this modification is July 1 through September 23, 1995.The following statement of work includes but is not limited to U.S. base camp maintenance services and support, airfield operations, transportation services, incinerator services, waste management operations, heavy equipment operations, air conditioning services, reefer services, small equipment and generator maintenance, transportation services, MHE Operation, water and POL delivery,processing, loading of planes, unloading of planes, stevedoring services, washrack operations, port control and container documentation, central receiving supply point for break-out cargo, and vehicle maintenance. Each task order was negotiated and definitized by the ACOs in Haiti. Work was performed in Haiti with a completion date of September 30, 1995. There were 37 bids solicited and four bids received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia (DACA78-92-C-0066).



June 3, 1996


Brown & Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded $15,000,000 as part of a $75,000,000 (cumulative total with 4 option years at $15,000,000 per year) firm fixed price job order contract for construction repair requirements for a basewide construction effort. The contract is for a broad range of maintenance repair and minor construction work on real property at the following Army installations: Fort Richardson, Fort Wainwright, Fort Greely, Black Rapids, Kotzebue, Bethel, Nome, Whittier, Haines, Tok, and Seward, Alaska. Work is expected to be completed in June of 2001. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 20 bids solicited on February 12, 1996, and four bids received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska (DACA85-96-D-0008).



June 10, 1996


Brown and Root Environmental, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $75,000,000 (Program Maximum) firm fixed price contract to provide for environmental remediation activities at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The program is valued at UP TO $75,000,000 to be SHARED by four contractors. Currently, only $25,000 has been obligated to each of the four. As requirements are identified, task orders will be competed among the four contractors. The work will be performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Contract is expected to be completed September 1996. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 70 firms solicited and 13 proposals received. Solicitation began December 1995, and negotiations were complete May 1996. Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (F33601-96/DW 007).



July 3, 1996


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $10,237,298 firm-fixed-price, indefinite quantity contract to provide managerial, engineering, administrative and direct labor personnel, materials, and equipment necessary to perform base operation support at the Naval Air Facility, El Centro, California, and Camp Billy Mechan, Niland, California. This contract contains options which, if exercised, will bring the cumulative value of the contract to $51,152,956. Work will be performed in El Centro, California, and is expected to be completed in July 2001. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with 166 proposals solicited and six offers received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest Division, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N68711-93-D-1127).



September 13, 1996


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $7,836,331 face value increase to a cost plus award fee contract to provide for FY 1997 spaceport operation and maintenance at Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida, including mission control operations, operation group support, and logistics. Contract is expected to be completed September 1997. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The 45 Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (F08650-95/C-0073, P0014). McDonnell Douglas Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri, is being awarded a $86,000,000 face value increase to a firm fixed price contract to provide for FY1997 Contractor Technical Support Directed Manning Personnel in support of operation and maintenance of the F-15S aircraft. Contract is expected to be completed December 1997. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (F09603-94/C-0958, P000030).



September 24, 1996


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a definitization of an unpriced change order for an estimated target amount of $470,689,343 against an estimated $672,097,709 cost plus award fee logistics civil augmentation program contract to provide a full range of logistics and construction support to the U.S. Army combat forces in Hungary, Bosnia and Croatia for “Operation Joint Endeavor”. Logistical support such as temporary troop housing, laundry service, transportation, road repair, water services, equipment maintenance, hazerdous materials and environmental services, food service, and mail route operations, etc. Work will be performed at various theater locations including but not limited to an Intermediate Support Base (ISB) located in and around the vicinity of Kaposvar, Hungary (30%), Staging and Material Support Area(s) in Croatia (5%), the Area of Operations (AO) at various locations throughout Bosnia (50%), and at Brown and Root Services Corporation home office, Houston, Texas (15%), and is expected to be completed by November 26, 1996. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Virginia (DACA78-92-C-0066).



May 15, 1997


Brown and Root Services Corp., Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $48,174,833 increment as part of a $270,450,167 indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity with cost plus award fee task orders issued against basic contract for sustainment of logistical support services for the U.S. Forces in the countries of Hungary, Bosnia and Croatia. This is a follow-on to the Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program (LOGCAP). Work will be performed in Croatia and Bosnia (60%), Hungary (30%), and Houston, Texas (10%), and is expected to be completed by May 27, 1999. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This is a sole source contract initiated on March 18, 1997. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Va. (DACA78-97-D-0001).



September 26, 1997


Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded $200,000 as part of a not-to-exceed $50,000,000 indefinite delivery type contract for an open-ended type of construction and repair work and will be performed on an as-needed basis. This contract is for the base year plus four option years. Work will be performed in Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Tennessee, and is expected to be completed by Sept. 26, 1998. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 138 bids solicited on March 24, 1997, and nine bids were received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville, Ky. (DACA27-97-D-0027).


Brown and Root Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, is being awarded an $8,688,371 face value increase to a cost-plus-award-fee contract to provide for FY 1998 spaceport operation and maintenance at Cape Canaveral Air Station, Fla., including mission control operations, operation group support, and logistics. The work will be performed at Cape Canaveral Air Station, Fla. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The work is expected to be completed September 1998. The 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB, Fla., is the contracting activity (F08650-95/C-0073, P00040).



November 4, 1997


Brown and Root Services Corp., Houston, Texas, is being awarded $140,000 as part of a $35,000,000 (total if all options are exercised) indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, fixed-price contract to provide a broad range of maintenance, minor construction, and repair on real property at installations located within the geographic boundaries of the state of California, with an expected completion date of Nov. 3, 2002. Each task order will be funded by the federal agency that requests work, to be issued under individual task orders. Of the total contract funds, $140,000 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 39 bids solicited on July 28, 1997, and three bids were received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento, Calif. (DACA05-98-D-0009).



September 25, 1998


Brown & Root Services Corp., Houston, Texas, is being awarded $4,506,395 (base year total), as part of a $24,216,313 cost-plus-award-fee contract for non-personal services for the multifunctional logistics functions at Fort Huachuca, to include transportation, maintenance and supply and service functions. Work will be performed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2003. This award is subject to availability of funds. There were 53 bids solicited on Feb. 13, 1998, and eight bids were received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Army Training & Doctrine Command, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. (DABT63-98-C-0060).



February 19, 1999


Brown & Root Services Division of Kellogg, Brown & Root Inc., Houston, Texas, is being awarded $10,000,000 as part of an estimated maximum $180,000,000 (base year total) indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, cost-plus-award-fee contract with an estimated maximum cumulative total of $900,000,000, if all options are exercised. This contract is for sustainment of logistical support services such as operation and maintenance of temporary troop housing and facilities, temporary construction, laundry service operations, transportation services, road repair and maintenance, food services, water production, refueling operations, fire fighting, and railhead operations for the United States and sustainment forces in the Balkans region. Work will be performed in Bosnia (85%), Hungary (14.5%), and Croatia (.5%), and is expected to be completed by May 27, 2004 (with all options exercised). Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 18 bids solicited on Oct. 9, 1998, and two bids were received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Va., is the contracting activity (DACA78-99-D-0003).



June 13, 2000


Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded $500,000 as part of a not-to-exceed $70,000,000 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the establishment of temporary expansion facilities to augment existing Immigration and Naturalization Service facilities in the event of a significant influx of undocumented aliens into the United States. Work will be performed in the continental United States, all United States territories, commonwealths, possessions, and protectorates, and is expected to be completed by June 13, 2001. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There was an announcement on the World Wide Web on Nov. 26, 1999, and two bids were received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas, is the contracting activity (DACW63-00-D-0013).



June 29, 2000


Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded a maximum estimated $75,000,000 cost-plus-award-fee, indefinite-quantity/indefinite-delivery order contract with a guaranteed minimum of $100,000 for emergency construction capabilities. The total contract amount is not to exceed $300,000,000 (base year plus four option years). Work will be performed at worldwide locations, to be determined, when task orders are awarded. Work is expected to be complete by June 2001. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with 44 proposals solicited and three offers received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-00-D-0005).



August 22, 2000


Brown & Root Services, Arlington, Va., is being awarded a $10,000,000 increment as part of an $81,801,109 (base year total) cost-plus-award-fee contract, with a cumulative total of $283,880,764, if all options are exercised. The contractor will analyze, plan, develop, integrate, manage, and ensure successful completion of the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program's Integrated Liquid-fuel Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Project. Through the Integrated Liquid-fuel ICBM Project, CTR will assist the Russian Federation (RF) to: 1) eliminate and dismantle SS-18 ICBM Silos; 2) eliminate and dismantle SS-17 ICBMs, SS-18 ICBMs, and SS-19 ICBMs and their launch canisters; 3) dispose of liquid rocket fuel; and 4) provide other support as necessary to assist the RF to effectively and efficiently eliminate and dismantle the liquid-fuel ICBM launchers and missiles required by the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) Treaties. Work will be performed in Moscow, Russia (98%), and Arlington, Va. (2%), and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2009. Of the total contract funds, $10,000,000 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were 38 bids solicited on Oct. 13, 1999, and three bids were received. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Dulles, Va., is the contracting activity (DTRA01-00-C-0101).



September 5, 2000


Brown & Root Services, Houston, Texas, is being awarded $200,000 as part of a $50,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for quick response to construction for design, build and service projects associated with military, civil and other programs for the Louisville District Corps of Engineers. Project design will be a small portion of this contract. The work may consist of, but is not limited to building demolition; debris removal; structural repairs; renovations; sitework

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