-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IUFO: FWD: (SW) Stonehenge and Boscombe Down [new subject]
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 14:10:10 -0700
From: "Terry W. Colvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ITT/CSA - Camp Doha, Kuwait

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Obligatory UASR:  The connection between Aurora, other black project
aircraft, triangular-shaped UFOs, and other phenomena are intertwined.


Stonehenge and Boscombe Down are firmly connected in my mind because we
drove by the former to get to the latter for a special tour.  As we went
by Stonehenge we got our first look at the Lightning that we got to
in the pattern at Boscombe Down.  We also got to see British Army troops
out on exercises, complete with all sorts of hardware, including a team
camouflage with some sort of smallish rocket launcher or similar weapon
tucked into the hedge right beside the pull-out where we stopped to
out exactly where we were.  We all dealt with this rather uncomfortable
situation by mutually ignoring each other except for one fellow who came
over and took our AA map back to the team for a few minutes, returning
with the route carefully marked, all with a minimum of conversation. (I
should mention that we also invariably ended up in West Germany, going
from Frankfurt-am-Main to Braunschweig and back, just in time for Autumn
Reforger and the BAOR equivalent, both of which brought the autobahns to
slow crawl all along the route.)

The arrangement between Boscombe Down and the Empire Test Pilot School
essentially identical to the arrangement between the Air Force Flight
Center and the USAF Test Pilot School or Naval Air Warfare Center and
USN Test Pilot School.  I didn't think there was any other way to do it,
as no self-respecting organization would rely on students to do their
flying.  I certainly didn't meant to imply that ETPS was anything more
than a tenant organization.

Mary Shafer  DoD #0362 KotFR
"Some days it don't come easy/And some days it don't come hard
Some days it don't come at all/And these are the days that never

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Steve Apthorpe wrote:
> Machrianish, and [really] Mary.
> One thing that has always puzzled me is about sightings at Machrianish
> [sp].  Yes it is remote and secure, but certainly not in the same sense
> as Groom Lake.  As regards 'Aurora' type aircraft (it may have
> originated as an erroneous name from a budget listing, but it has now
> come to signify 'black, hypersonic programs.') there would be no
> operational reason to land outside of CONUS, let alone the
> considerations of security and ground support.
> Having said that, there have been suggestions that 'Senior Citizen' is a
> special ops transport (possibly V/STOL), and would therefore operate in
> the field.  Machrianish is/was a spec ops base (I think SEALs, possibly
> those who protect(ed) Holy Loch) so it is at least feasible that a Spec
> Ops transport may have been tested at Machrianish.  (I'm not saying it
> was tested there, I'm not even saying 'Senior Citizen' exists/ed, I'm
> just saying it is a more logical explanation of rumoured activity at
> Machrianish).
> >  Mary wrote:
> >  That's Boscombe Down, home of the Empire Test Pilot School  ...
> Correct, however the Empire Test Pilots School (ETPS) only train test
> pilots they do not perform any of the testing flying at Boscombe Down,
> DRA [or whatever they are calling A&AEE these days, I lost track after
> emigrating], have their own test pilots.
> >  ...  It's not very far from Stonehenge, by the way.
> Hmmm, yes Stonehenge is about 2 miles west of the airfield, but why did
> you connect the two?  (can't remember any Druid flight trials in recent
> times).  I sincerely hope that you are not eluding to the 'infamous' [ie
> 'It didn't happen, sorry to disappoint the 'true believers''] crash of
> 1994 [yes I do know a bit more, which I can post if appropriate].  If
> this is your inference, I hope your tongue was planted firmly in your
> cheek as you were typing, or I'll expect you to be posting support for
> that bilge from Mr 'Stealth came from the aliens' Craddock ;-)  Mind
> you, it was your lot [ie NASA] who faked the moon landings, as we all
> now know to be 'fact'....;^)
> Steve
Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
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