-Caveat Lector-

Greetings CTRL Group,

This is our first post to the group (great site by the way). So I would like
to take a moment to introduce myself and our purpose. It was my dream to be
a television journalist. I made that dream come true. Unfortunately in my
dreams I reported the truth. In the real world I was not allowed to do so. I
admit I was extremely naive. When I saw the lies first hand, and how we
candy coated everything according to 'their' script I literally became ill.
When they killed Princess Dianna, I had to quit. My paychecks were signed
with blood. So I made a website, formed an organization, and in the spirit
of Diana and my many other murdered heros, decided to save the world the
only way I knew how (or at least die trying). The following letter is a
little example of our humble project, some weeks are better than others. We
have found ourselves on the trail uncovering the biggest conspiracy of all
time. Each week we use our inside contacts developed working the news
business trying to uncover more of the lies. I am sure we will learn a lot
ourselves from CTRL members in the coming months. As most on this list have
already learned, the truth is stranger than fiction, much stranger. It's
time to wake America up! Be aware. Be very aware.

Love & Peace B2U All,
Notice: This e-mail is sent in full compliance of federal e-mail regulations
& is fully protected under Good Samaritan Act of 1998. This is your personal
issue of the Millennium Resource Report(tm), published weekly to over
90,000. This is not spam. Removal instructions are included at the bottom of
this e-mail. This is Not a Hoax! This is Not a Cult! . . .This is NEWS U CAN

Surviving The Millennium 101: A Crash Course with Human Destiny

>From the practical to the paranoid, the history behind the hysteria -
News U Can Use 4 this the 27th Day of August 1999 A.D.

126 Days B4 the BIG 2000!

~~~~~~~~~Millennium Milestones~~~~~~~~~~~~
August 31 - Moon Close to Jupiter
September 6 - Labor Day
September 7 - Moon By Venus
September 8 - National Power Grid Y2K Tests Begin
September 9 - New Moon
September 9 - 9/9/99 (Expected Y2K Failures)
September 11 - Rosh Hashanah - Tishri2 #5760 (J)
September 12 - Diocletan New Year #1716
September 12 - Moon Passes Through Virgo
September 13 - Feast of Gedalya (J)
September 14 - Byzantine New Year #7508
September 14 - Grecian New Year #2311
September 16 - Independence Day Mexico
September 17 - Moon Close to Mars
September 20 - Yom Kippur (J)
September 21 - Mabon Sabbat (W)
September 23 - Autumnal Equinox 11:31 UTC
September 23 - Enter Libra
September 25 -Full Moon
September 25 - Sukkot (J)
September 27 - Moon Close to Saturn & Jupiter
(C) = Christian; (I) = Islam, (J) = Jewish,
(H) = Hindu (W) Wiccan, (B) = Bhuddist

"Progress is measured by the benefit of change."
Slogan painted on transgenic agricultural company tractors & sprayers

Healing Our World By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
When most of us think of radioactive waste, we usually think of sealed
containers, carefully buried in deep pits in the ground in some remotely
located storage facility. Yet because of government callousness and
corporate greed, millions of pounds of radioactive metal are already being
sold to make all kinds of consumer goods including knives, forks, belt
buckles, zippers, eyeglasses, dental fillings and intrauterine devices. The
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of Energy (DOE) and
metal industry representatives such as Alcoa/Reynold would like to see
relaxed standards that would allow companies to recycle millions more pounds
of low-level radioactive material by raising the current acceptable levels
of radiation exposure for individuals. The Environmental Protection Agency
is leading the move. (There is no question radiation is fatal to Humans, the
NRC which set the maximum level exposure limits, is now under pressure from
big business raising the bar.) Click below for Full Story!

FREE Photo Greetings!

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PHOTO greetings at Zing.com! Send animated cards starring you or
choose from thousands of photos. Tons of funny, cute, cool
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New Product Fights Electromagnetic Field Radiation, Saves Lives
Recycled radioactive consumer products, cell phones, power lines, computer
screens. This is the world in which modern consumers exist. To think your
body is immune or unaffected by these levels of radiation continuously
emitted from cell phones, computer screens, and now silverware and
eyeglasses is to discount the scientific Newtonian principles of action and
reaction. It is to believe big business over common sense, science, and
logic. The electrochemical balance of the Human body is adversely affected
by these invisible and silent radiation fields. The body of scientific
evidence attributing tumors, cancers, and deaths to electromagnetic field
radiation is growing everyday. The statistics are alarming! New
breakthroughs in EMF radiation pollution control have advanced Human
understanding of this problem helping researchers develop products designed
to protect consumers against the increasing environmental threats of EMF
radiation. Electroshield of North America has been a leader in the fight
against this invisible killer. ESNA has made special arrangements with this
publication offering the first 5,000 customers who order an EMF pollution
neutralizer 20% discount on unit model E2000 or E2000P. If you are
interested in learning more about EMF and your health and are ready to take
action to protect your family and employee's health, please follow the link
below. These products may very well save your life! Discount offer ends at
customer 5,000 or September 5, 1999. ACT NOW!

Science Standards Turn Kansas Student Into Creationist
>From what I read in the media, 'educated' Kansans for the most part are
embarrassed and ashamed over the recently modified science standards
de-emphasizing evolutionary theory in Kansas public schools. Their argument
is based on science, they say. We have heard from the politicians. We have
heard from the scientists, the educators, the text book publishers, and the
administrators. As a 1990 graduate of the Kansas public education system,
please take a moment to listen to me. Click below 4 Full Story!

News U Can Use - Exclusive Video Footage Of President Nixon
Some leaders in United States history have had the courage and bravery to
accept responsibility for their personal shortcomings and bad judgments.
President Richard Nixon was such a leader. Although demonized in the history
books and mass media, Nixon's vision and presidency is a model of democratic
leadership in action. Zygote Media Networks in association with Online
Offline Entertainment Group, have acquired and made publicly available this
exclusive behind the scenes video footage of Nixon minutes before his
infamous resignation speech. This never before seen clip shot during Nixon's
most vulnerable and humiliating moment in life, is both candid and
revealing. Click below for clip.

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Biblical scholar Greg Postel Shares His Dates of Destiny!
I've been "watching" for several years. My anticipation has produced errors
before; I've never claimed "thus saith the L-rd". At one point I was VERY
convinced that the 1993 Oslo accords were the start... but at this point I
think it (Oslo) is merely the covenant that WILL BE confirmed shortly. Very
possibly this September. I've had conversations with at least five
researchers who believe this Fall (Tishri 1) will see the onset of the
tribulation. The reasons appear sound. The closer we get to the end, the
more clearly we can see it coming. Below are several reasons why I think the
fall of 1999 will see the start of the great tribulation (birth pangs of the
Messiah). This is meant to be an outline to keep the information short and
to the point. Each major point is in itself an entire paper. I cannot be
adamant about this, but I do believe it to be true. In short, here are the
main points. Click below 4 Full Story!

Police Chiefs Move to Create Government DNA Database
A plan by New York City police commissioner Howard Safir to take DNA samples
from everyone arrested has received the backing of an influential police
organization. Meeting at the New York Police Department headquarters, the
executive committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police
(IACP) on Saturday voted unanimously to approve Safir's resolution calling
for states and the federal government to fund the DNA sampling of criminal
suspects upon their arrest. Currently, the FBI coordinates a database of DNA
samples collected by 14 states. But each state collects DNA samples
according to its own laws and usually only from people who have already been
convicted of crimes. The IACP's resolution calls for a standardized
collection procedure of everyone who is arrested for a crime. The sample
would be destroyed if charges were dropped or the suspect acquitted. (yeah
right!) Click below 4 Full Story!

A little stretch of DNA can turn promiscuous, antisocial animals into
friendly and faithful mates, scientists said on Wednesday. A team at Emory
University said they had used genetic engineering to alter polygamous mice,
making them form strong bonds to their mates and offspring. The research may
have important, long-range applications in treating such human disorders as
autism, schizophrenia and Tourette's syndrome. Click below 4 Full Story!

"Since 1983, over 10 million Americans have reached the 12th grade
without having learned to read at a basic level. Over 20 million have
reached their senior year unable to do basic math. Almost 25 million
have reached 12th grade not knowing the essentials of U.S. history.
.. American 12th graders rank 19th out of 21 industrialized countries
in mathematics achievement and 16th out of 21 nations in science. Our
advanced physics students rank dead last." --Former Secretary of
Education Bill Bennett. Click below 4 Full Story!

To: Management
From: Systems Group
Re: Y-to-K Date Change Project Status

We are pleased to report that our staff has completed the 18
months of "Y-to-K" work, on time, and on budget. We have gone
through every line of code in every program in every system. We
have analyzed all databases, all data files, including backups and
historic archives, and completely modified dates in all software
and all data to reflect your new standards, as such:

* Months: Januark, Februark, Mak, Julk * Days: Sundak,
Mondak, Tuesdak, Wednesdak, Thursdak, Fridak, Saturdak

Our team is glad to help in any way possible, although honestly,
the urgency of this "Y-to-K" project has not made much sense to us,
with all push to complete this before the year 2000. Speaking of
which, what do you think we ought to do next year when the two-digit
year rolls over from 99 to 00? That could cause some problems.

System Group

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THE growth of drug-resistant "superbugs", such as E-coli and salmonella
can be blamed directly on the use of antibiotics on farm animals, Government
advisers said yesterday. They said it could undermine the medical advances
of the past 50 years. In the first official report on the transfer of
antibiotic resistance for 30 years, the advisers cautioned consumers against
panic, as some drugs were still effective against resistant strains. But
they urged ministers to curb the agricultural use of antibiotics. The
report, by the advisory committee on the microbial safety of food, said that
Sweden, which bans antibiotics in farming, had shown that good farming
practices worked. Click below 4 Full Story!

Thursday an 'angry' and 'frustrated' U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno
pledged to 'get to the bottom of' the Waco tragedy in which the Justice
Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation barbecued 80 'cult' members
to death on April 19, 1993 (Hitler's Birthday, OKC, Columbine, Day of Baal).
The Associated Press stories carefully stated Reno just now, only this very
week, learned of the FBI's use of incendiary devices at the compound site
(pyrotechnic CS/Sarin devices were banned by international treaty for use in
modern warfare). The information about the 'military-type' shells came to
light Tuesday in mainstream media when former assistant deputy FBI director
Danny Coulson mentioned them to The Dallas Morning News. Yet Reno,
confidently told reporters ``I have no reason at this point to believe the
FBI is responsible for the deaths of those people.'' So Wednesday the
confident Reno ordered another investigation into the FBI's role in the Waco
tragedy, appointing FBI Director Louis Freeh to head the probe and
reinterview 40 plus FBI agents involved in the massacre. (Are you dizzy
yet?) "I'm not embarrassed. I'm very, very upset,'' Reno said. (yeah I hope
We thought it was common knowledge that the FBI used these devices,
evidently Reno doesn't spend much time reading the documentation of her own
departments since it seems to have taken her by such surprise. Evidence and
documentation indicating malicious intent by the Federal Government has been
steadily surfacing for the past six years. This month additional evidence
and eye witnesses suggest the FBI agents murdered at the Davidian compound
were shot not by 'cult' members but by federal commandos as the undeniable
evidence of the explosive grenades used to incinerate the Davidians hit the
Internet. This evidence prompted Coulson to 'accidentally' leak the story to
the Dallas Morning News. In turn, well scripted, and just in time, Reno met
the nation to face the allegations and has promised America she, in
cooperation with the FBI, is on the case. ``It is absolutely critical that
we do everything humanly possible to learn all the facts as accurately as
possible and make them available to the Congress and public.... I will not
stop until I get to the bottom of this.'' ( This is your cue to go back to
sleep, they are getting to the bottom of it). News Bites!
This month 'potential' senatorial candidate Hillary Rodham Klinton and her
'faithful' presidential husband went house hunting in several of the richest
neighborhoods in New York City. The Klinton's paroused over several
multimillion dollar estates in which to hang their hat. Last month the
viktim Clinton's were unable to pay their own legal bills, and were still
soliciting and receiving donations from the sympathetic Amerikan people to
help pay their personal legal fees incurred while in office. Happy to see
their fortune has changed. News Bites!

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(AP) A study of survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing found that nearly
half developed port-traumatic stress disorder or had other psychiatric
illnesses, such as depression for problems with drugs and alcohol. The
researchers said they were surprised by the degree of suffering and hope the
results help mental health professionals focus their efforts after
disasters. The study published in Wednesday's Journal of the American
Medical Association looked at 183 adults who were inside or just outside the
federal building when the bomb went off in 1995, killing 168 people and
injuring nearly 700. Survivors were interviewed six months after the blast.
Forty-five percent of those studied were found to suffer illnesses that
included chronic depression and drug and alcohol related problems. Bomb
survivors have described nightmares, a fear of entering tall buildings, loss
of trust and flashbacks triggered by loud noises. "I can still smell the
smoke," said Martin Cash, a former counselor with the Veteran Administration
who lost an eye in the bombing.

Healthy adults are facing previously unsuspected threats from air pollution.
Tiny particles can zoom through human lungs up to two times faster and
penetrate more deeply than assumed before, a University of Delaware
scientist says. Children and the elderly are at even greater risk. For full
text and graphics visit:

FEEDBACK 2000 - "I'm On 2 You!"
MessageType: Comment
SubjectOther: Stuff
UserName: M. Wood
Date: 8/26/99
Time: 11:09:34 PM
Comments: Admit it. You guys are really agents of the anti-christ. I'm on to
Reply: OK, You caught us! Damn U R good:-)

What gave it away? The expose on the government and church? The expose on
project Monarch & MK Ultra mind kontrol? The story on Columbine, the
prophecies of Revelation? Our coverage of Y2K, the Jubilee Year, and cosmic
awareness? Perhaps it was the time and money we are trying to raise in order
to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and cure cancer; or is it the
research we fund to save the ozone? I bet it was our pledge of world peace &
Human unity, that gives us away all the time. I admit it is hard being
agents of the antichrist these days with clever guys like you out there
catching us in the act. Seriously though, thanks for the post, at least you
must care about something. I hope U can make a positive difference in this
world. Take care.

Love & Peace B2U,
Editor, Surviving The Millennium 101

ps - Please tell everyone you know we are agents of the antichrist. It
should help improve our ratings:-)
Send Us Feedback! We'll put it above, below, and everywhere in between!
Feedback form: http://www.mrr2001.com/millenium_monument.htm

=========FEATURES U MAY HAVE MISSED==========

~~~WILL U sink, swim, or WILL U RIDE THE WAVE?~~~
Editor-In Chief: )o+>
Production Assistance: Kaos
Biblical Consultant: Theos
Spiritual Advisor: Cosmos
Technical Support: Oz-Online, Inc.
Advertising: Penn Media Inc., T.E.A.Inc.

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The Millennium Resource Report (tm) is a publication of Zygote Media
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dedicated to promoting environmental and spiritual preservation and the
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Surviving The Millennium 101, The Millennium Resource Report(tm) is a
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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