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From: "John Covici" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Covici Computer Systems
Reply-To: "John Covici" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   Evidence that Pike was Chief Judiciary Officer of the KKK
Status: RO


In Response to the Scottish Rite/ADL Desperate Defense of The
KKK's National Monument.

The city councils of Birmingham and Tuskegee, Alabama; Austin,
Texas; Newark, New Jersey; Buffalo, New York; and New Orleans,
Louisiana, have all called for the removal of the statue of
Ku Klux Klan founder Albert Pike from Judiciary Square in Washington,

Meanwhile, the Council of the District of Columbia, considering
whether to pass a resolution similar to those passed in the
other U.S. cities, has been warned by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith {not }to move
to take down the KKK monument.

Albert Pike, national KKK chief
judiciary officer and Grand Dragon of the Arkansas Klan after
the Civil War, is buried in a crypt at the headquarters Temple
of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, at 16th and S Streets,
Washington. Pike was Grand Commander of that masonic group when
he and his confederate clique organized the KKK.


Why has the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), a self-proclaimed ``anti-bigotry'' lobby, acted to save
the KKK's national monument? For starters, the ADL is officially
subordinate to the B'nai B'rith, a pro-slavery masonic secret
society formed under Scottish Rite control in the 1840s. The
ADL, the Scottish Rite, and the Klan appeared openly together
in the early 20th century as elements of the ``British party''
within American political life.  In shameful national public
statements and private actions, B'nai B'rith and the ADL denounced
and viciously sabotaged all 1930s anti-Hitler protests by Jews.
>From its inception, the ADL has fronted for organized crime
figures including Meyer Lansky.

The Scottish Rite and the ADL, in their telephone calls and
visits to Washington, D.C. Council members, say that ``there
is {no evidence }that Pike was a member of the KKK''; or, that
``there is no {credible }evidence of Pike's role in the Klan'';
or, that {``we can find }no evidence'' of such a role. As a
fall-back, the ADL has also said that ``there is no {real }evidence
of Pike's role in the Klan; and {even if there is} such evidence,
the issue is not important.''

In the recent voluminous reporting on the subject of the Pike
statue, news media have often quoted Scottish Rite representative
Walter Lee Brown with variations of these defenses of Pike.
In an October interview with the author, Brown said that he
did not care what any historian has ever written about Pike.
In his view, {all }evidence of Pike's evil acts put forward
in the 20th century ``is simply repeating slanders that were
used against Pike when he was alive.''

Brown, who is writing an official biography of Pike for the
Scottish Rite, contended that {no }condemnation of leaders of
the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan can be legitimate, because of
the lack of documentary evidence against them. This applies
as well to the notorious KKK Grand Wizard, slave-trade millionaire
and wartime racial murderer Nathan Bedford Forrest. ``General
Forrest did not actually admit that he was in the Klan,'' Brown
explained. ``So, where is your proof that he or anyone else
actually ran the Klan?''

How Pike's Role Was Revealed

In considering the evidence of Albert Pike's KKK career, one
must keep in perspective the mode of operation and legal status
of the perpetrators in question.

The KKK of the 1860s-1870s was a secret, terroristic society
whose disguised members carried out thousands of murders, tortures,
arson of schools and churches. The United States government
sent troops into the southern states to put down Klan terrorism.
One should not expect the KKK to have published membership and
officers lists, to accommodate prosecution and suppression.

Confederate General Albert Pike's
KKK career has been widely known among historians, southerners,
and federal government officials since about 1905, four years
after the Pike memorial statue was dedicated.

It was in 1905 that the Neale Publishing Company, New York and
Washington, published {Ku Klux Klan:  Its Origin, Growth and
Disbandment}, written and edited by Walter L.  Fleming, incorporating
earlier published material by J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson.

Historian Walter Fleming's introduction to this 1905 book explains
that he has been given ``information in regard to Ku Klux Klan,
by many former members of the order, and by their friends and
relatives.'' Dr. Fleming states that ``General Albert Pike,
who stood high in the Masonic order, was the chief judicial
officer of the Klan.'' On a page of illustrations of important
founders of the KKK, Dr.  Fleming places General Pike's portrait
in the center, makes it larger than the six others on the page,
and repeats this information as a caption: ``General Albert
Pike, chief judicial officer.''

Dr. Fleming attaches as an appendix to his book, a KKK ``prescript''
or secret constitution which had then recently been discovered.
This document sets forth the regulations of the Klan's ``judiciary''
department, over which Albert Pike ruled. This is the internal
disciplinary or counterintelligence department. It also corresponds
to Pike and the Klan's influence over the regular court system
and the legal profession in the post-civil War southern states.
As the boss of all the southern secret societies and simultaneously
president of the Tennessee Bar Association, Pike was the grand
strategist of Klan ``justice.''

It is to be stressed that Walter Fleming's book was not a slander
or hatchet job against Albert Pike. Though it revealed much
important data for the first time, it placed the KKK and Pike
in the most favorable possible light.  The book was a hit among
diehard Confederates and Anglo-Saxon ``race patriots,'' and
it launched Fleming's career as the dean of southern historians.
Fleming became the leading apologist for the KKK, and was the
father of the modern historical line that Reconstruction was
a corrupt oppression of the South.

In September 1903, Fleming had written in the {Journal of the
Southern History Association}: ``The very need for such an organization
in the disordered conditions of the time caused the Dens [KKK
local units] to begin to exercise the duties of a police patrol
for regulating the conduct of thieving and impudent negroes
and similar `loyal' whites....''

Dr. Fleming's biases have not hurt his reputation with established
authorities. The {National Cyclopedia of American Biography}
calls his 1905 Ku Klux Klan history ``an authoritative account
of that organization.'' The {Dictionary of American Biography}
states bluntly: ``Fleming covered the Civil War and Reconstruction
in the South more fully than any other man. His works are characterized
by ... scholarly objective. A Southerner, Fleming wrote of the
sectional conflict with Southern sympathies yet he was more
objective than most Southerners of his generation. The historiography
of the Civil War and Reconstruction owes much to his indefatigable
research, his breadth of scholarship, and power of interpretation.''

Basing his career on his defense of Pike's KKK, Fleming became
dean of arts and sciences at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,

Pike's Tennessee Klan Command

It was in Nashville that Albert Pike and other Confederate generals
met in 1867 to form a southern states-wide terrorist KKK, expanding
the little project they had started two years before in Pulaski,
Tenn. The organization he formed in Nashville designated Pike
its chief judiciary officer, and its Grand Dragon for Arkansas.

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee, {Daily Appeal{,
Albert Pike wrote in an editorial on April 16, 1868: ``With
negroes for witnesses and jurors, the administration of justice
becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League of negroes can
cause any white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges
it chooses to have made against him.

``The disenfranchised people of the South ... can find no protection
for property, liberty or life, except in secret association....
We would unite every white man in the South, who is opposed
to negro suffrage, into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood,
with an organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a
few should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very
existence should be concealed from all but its members.'' (A
copy of that issue of Pike's paper may be viewed at the Library
of Congress, as may the books mentioned in this article.)

But it was as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish
Rite, and the recognized boss of the southern white masonic
order, that Pike exercised the great clandestine power that
welded the KKK together.

Dr. Walter Fleming designates Confederate Major James R. Crowe
as the pre-eminent source for his 1905 {KKK History}, and describes
Crowe as one of the original KKK founders in Pulaski.  Fleming
says that Major Crowe ``held high rank in the Masonic order.''

In his honor roll of ``well-known members of the Klan,'' Dr.
Fleming places ``General John C. Brown, of Pulaski, Tennessee''
and ``Colonel Joseph Fussell, of Columbia, Tennessee.''

General Brown and Colonel Fussell, like Major Crowe, are identifiable
as soldiers of Albert Pike's masonic order.

General Brown had been a master mason in the Pulaski lodge for
15 years when the KKK was formed there, and became grand master
of Tennessee Masons and governor of Tennessee during the Klan's
era of power. Colonel Fussell was commandant of Tennessee's
masonic Knights Templar during the Klan rule.

The preceding masonic information is taken from {Tennessee Templars:
A Register of Names with Biographical Sketches of the Knights
Templar of Tennessee} by James D. Richardson. This James D.
Richardson was himself the Commandant of Knights Templar and
Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee, and was speaker of the
Tennessee House of Representatives during the era of the Klan

This same James D. Richardson was
Albert Pike's successor as commander of the southern Scottish
Rite masons. It was this {same Richardson who ordered the Pike
statue to be erected in Washington, D.C.} It was Richardson
who, as a {U.S. congressman from Tennessee, introduced} into
the U.S. House of Representatives the infamous 1898 resolution:
It called for the federal government to provide federal land
to Richardson's masonic organization, on which to put up their
statue honoring the master strategist of KKK terror.

The KKK on Parade

Susan Lawrence Davis's 1924
{Authentic History, Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877} repeats the pattern
Fleming created in 1905, revealing Pike's KKK role but treating
him and the Klan sympathetically. The Davis book was written
to celebrate the new, 20th-century KKK, which was just then
staging full-dress mass marches in Washington and northern cities
such as Detroit. In her chapter on General Pike's leadership
of the Klan, Miss Davis applauds Pike's clever stewardship of
the KKK secret organization. She reproduces in her KKK history
an oil portrait of Albert Pike {given to her for the KKK book
by Pike's son. }

The same is true of other book-length histories of the Klan
and numerous published biographies of Albert Pike: Pike's role
as Klan leader or KKK boss of Arkansas is discussed, but treated
as if KKK terrorist murder of African-Americans was ``regrettable''
but ``only natural'' and ``understandable.''

In his book, {The Tragic Era}, Claude Bowers describes the KKK
as patriotic southerners defending their way of life from out-of-control
blacks and northerners. Bowers, who served many years as the
U.S. ambassador to Spain and to Chile, described Albert Pike
as one of the handful of distinguished, respectable founders
of the KKK and the Klan's leader in Arkansas. Bowers wrote that
much of the KKK's alleged violence was actually perpetrated
by negroes disguised in Klan robes to wreak vengeance on other

Rather than quake in fear when the white southern masons or
the ADL puts the muscle on, a citizen or his political representative
ought to put this question to General Pike's defenders:  ``Do
you say that Professor Fleming, Miss Davis, Mr. Bowers, and
all the other pro-Confederate historians were liars when they
wrote of Pike's marvelous deeds as KKK founder and leader?''

They want to have it both ways:  first to issue propaganda justifying
Klan terrorism as the work of ``respectable'' men like Pike;
later, when their hero is under attack, to claim that their
own propaganda slanders their man!

         John Covici
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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