-Caveat Lector-


H  A  R  O  L  D     H  I  L  L  M  A  N  Mb BSc PhD


Approximately 750, 000, 000 animals and 650, 000 tons of fish are
slaughtered each year for food in Britain. The number of fishes is not known
because they are weighed, and small fishes are thrown back dead into the
sea, because it is illegal to land them. Anglers catch an additional number
of fish, and an unknown number of birds and rabbits are shot.  (Table 1)

Methods of Slaughter

Farm animals are stunned by electricity or percussion, and killed by cutting
the blood vessels in the neck, causing exsanguination. The halal and
shechita method, used by Moslems and Jews, involves cutting the neck
without stunning the animals. Shooting may be at close quarters, e.g. of
horses, or from a distance, e.g. birds and rabbits. Fish caught at sea or by
anglers die of asphyxia, when they are taken out of the water; anglers
sometimes throw fish back after withdrawing the hooks; the fish may then
die of inability to eat, or microbial or fungal infections. Trapping, snaring
and hunting are rarely used in Britain for animals which are to be eaten.

Two Kinds of Stunning

Most animals in Britain are stunned. Bailhere's Comprehensive Veterinary
Dictionary (1988) defines it as ?producing unconsciousness of head in
carbon dioxide, gas, electrical shock ... all of them aiming to allow the
animal to bleed out while it is still alive. An animal that is dead before it has
bled out will be unsuitable for marketing.? The latter definition regards
stunning as rendering an animal unconscious, and the exsanguination as
the cause of death. However, the Oxford English Dictionary (1989) says
that the aim of stunning is ?to deprive of consciousness or power of motion
[my italics] by a blow, a fall or the like.? The author of this entry gives
paralysis as an alternative to loss of consciousness.

The captive bolt may penetrate the skull and destroy brain tissue, or cause
a considerable rise in intracranial pressure. These result in instantaneous
loss of consciousness (as a knock-out does in boxing), followed by
collapse of the animal. If the brain tissue is not destroyed, the animal may
come round, if the carotid arteries and jugular veins are not cut soon
(?sticking?). Instant unconsciousness occurs if the aim is accurate, the
animal is still, and the device works. Electrical stunning involves passing a
large voltage across the animal's brain. Slaughtermen, butchers, the Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the People's Dispensary
for Sick Animals, Compassion in World Farming and most people who eat
meat, assume that the electric current causes instantaneous
unconsciousness, so that the animals feel no pain. Unfortunately, there is
evidence that this assumption may not be warranted.

Sensory and Motor Nervous Systems

Early in the 19th century, the neurologists Sir Charles Bell in Britain and
Francois Magendie in France recognised the distinctions - both anatomical
and physiological - between the sensory and motor nervous systems.
Electric stimulation of the skin with low voltages and currents causes a
tingling sensation, while higher power causes pain and burns, due to action
on the sensory nerve endings in the skin. Stimulation of motor nerves or of
muscle directly with low voltages and currents, causes muscles to contract,
while higher powers causes spasm and paralysis. It is an everyday
experience that, for example, a patient whose finger is anaesthetised
locally to lance a whitlow, can still flex it. A spastic person can still feel. It is
not permitted to do experiments on paralysed animals, because they can
still feel. Every physiologist, doctor and nurse, encounters examples
showing the distinction between the sensory and motor systems.

Can an Electrically Stunned Animal Feel Pain?

There is evidence from human beings that electrical stimulation is painful.
Electrical current is widely used to torture people in South America/ the
Middle East and China; cattle prods or electric batons are used. Victims of
torture attest that the larger the voltage or current, the more painful it is; they
do not go unconscious immediately. The power used to torture people is of
the same order as that used to stun animals. Greater energy used in the
electric chair kills the victim after some minutes, or spoils the taste of meat.
Of course, the voltages and currents experienced by the human beings or
animals are much lower than those coming out of the devices they use,
because the electrodes can not be applied accurately and firmly, and there
are alternative pathways across the skin, through the skin and into the
tissues. In the case of prisoners in the electric chair, the electrodes are
moistened and bound firmly to the head and foot to ensure good contact.

Burns occur at the sites of contact with the electrodes. Those due to torture
of human beings may be very small. They have been detected histologically
in biopsies taken from victims at the Rehabilitation and Research Centre
for Torture Victims in Copenhagen. Massive burns and charring are seen
at the sites where the electrodes are attached when the electric chair is
used. Patients who are given electroshock for manic depression, are
anaesthetised because of the stress and pain which would be caused.
Other patients, whose hearts require defibrillation with large amounts of
energy, are now anaesthetised, because those who recovered complained
of the pain. Powerful muscle contraction causes painful cramps in athletes.
Perhaps the most obvious evidence is that it is painful to touch the electric
mains. Why, then, is it so widely believed that electrical stunning is

Why Electrical Stunning is not Believed to be Painful

Firstly, the public, the slaughterers, the farmers and the butchers, have not
understood the division of the nervous system into sensory and motor
systems. Secondly, animals and people subjected to large currents, being
paralysed, can not exhibit the obvious sign of pain - evasive and violent
movements. Thirdly, people believe that unconsciousness in animal
slaughter (as in the electric chair) is instantaneous. Fourth, N Gregory and
S Wotton of the Department of Meat Animal Science of the University of
Bristol in 1985 applied the electric current to the heads of sheep for too
short a period to stun or kill them; when the current was turned off, the
sheep walked away, apparently without distress. They also saw no burns
beneath the electrodes. Nevertheless the same research group was of the
opinion that ?electrical stunning does not cause de-afferentation of the
visual cortex in a consistent and prolonged manner.? Fifthly, no one wants
to know that animals might have suffered severe pain every time they eat a
ham sandwich, hold a barbecue or put on their sheepskin liberty bodices.

Industrial Slaughter

Large numbers of animals are slaughtered rapidly in an assembly line.
Chickens are lifted by their legs when they are fully conscious. Their heads
are immersed in water to make electrical contact, but some flutter and are
not stunned. Chickens and pigs are subjected to scalding water to remove
their feathers and hair. When stunning is not done properly or
exsanguination has not progressed enough, a significant proportion of
animals is burnt before going unconscious.

Ritual Slaughter

Halal and shechita are both widely used in Britain. The animals are not
stunned either by percussion or electrical current. Their necks are exposed,
and their carotid arteries and jugular veins cut rapidly with a sharp knife;
they die by exsanguination. The restraint and sudden exposure of their
necks must be stressful, and the neck incision must be painful. Those who
practice this method justify it on the grounds that: (a) their religions and holy
books have sanctioned it for centuries; (b) cutting with a sharp knife is not
painful; (c) the animal becomes unconscious immediately; (d) other
methods are also cruel; (e) animals do not suffer pain, or it does not matter.

Slaughter of Fish

The slaughter of fish has received remarkably little attention. Fish die by
asphyxia when they are taken out of the water, or when they are ground up
in vacuum fishing. If they have been caught in nets, they may be exhausted
from the attempts to free themselves. Some customers in Britain prefer the
fishes to be sold with their heads still attached. Sometimes fish are gutted
while their hearts are still beating, and the beating is prolonged when they
are put into ice. There is no reason to believe that fish do not feel pain, and
suffer stress in the nets and during their agonal asphyxia.


Few people who eat meat or fish, or products made from them are aware
how the animals are killed. Penetrating captive bolts kill the animals most
quickly, and percussion is also effective, if they are stuck before they come
round. Electric stunning is probably very painful, because the animals are
fully conscious when they are electrocuted. It would be impractical to
anaesthetise the animals before exsanguinating them, and the procedure
of slaughter with carbon dioxide is too slow, although the animals die quite
quickly. The challenge to the meat and fish industry is to devise methods of
killing animals and fish in more humane ways, but this may not be possible
on an industrial scale. It is likely that kinder and less stressful methods
would make meat and fish more expensive.


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