-Caveat Lector-


 by Joel Skousen
September 21, 2001
Copyright Joel M. Skousen
Quotations with attribution permitted.
Tom Brokow, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather lavished rare praise
President Bush following his Churchill imitating address to the
nation. Everyone, it seems, is caught up in the lemming-like fervor
to go to war against terrorism. Even Bush critic Pat Buchanan said
after the speech that Bush has finally risen to the full stature of a
President. I respectfully disagree. Everything about this speech was
a fraud. Even at the expense of appearing unpatriotic, someone has to
declare the truth: that the "emperor has no clothes."
Bush is no Churchill. Churchill was a master of oratory. He wrote his
own speeches. Churchill's resolve was real. The Bush "resolute look"
was tutored and practiced for hours in front of speech specialists,
helping him overcome many of the normal facial quirks that betray
this President's amateurish personality and phraseology. Bush's
speech was written for him by the slickest team of wordsmiths money
can buy--none of whom have any princi
ples. They write speeches based only on what will sell. Even if the words are true, 
the motives are not. They use a stock format developed to a fine art by the Clinton 
team during prior State of the Union speeches, includ
Carefully crafted generalities that promise something for everyone, and offend no 
one--all the while consciously omitting the specifics that would allow the listener to 
discern the contradictions with reality or principle
s that underlie each statement. My intent will be to clarify those contradictions.
Liberal use of emotional and patriotic catchwords and phrases, like God, prayer, 
liberty, and freedom, without any real correlation to a true devotion to these 
concepts that would make such references honest and without h
Praise for two or three token heroes brought into the galleries for special 
recognition. These people are being used for propaganda purposes and to provide images 
of support that leave no room for dissent or criticism. Th
e Bush team predictably brought in the wife of a courageous passenger, the PM of 
Britain, a fireman, plus the Mayor and Governor of NY.
Special emotional phrases meant to engender the spectacle of robot-like standing 
ovations at two minute intervals. So overdone is this mechanistic ploy that faces were 
dour at having to play along, and most hands were cla
pping in only token enthusiasm. And yet not a soul could afford, politically, to be 
seen NOT standing and not clapping. Even Hillary would reluctantly clap, while 
carrying on a diversionary conversation with Chuck Shumer
1) In response to his query, "Who attacked our country?" Bush said, "The evidence we 
have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations 
known as Al Qaeda. They are the same murderers in
dicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and responsible for the 
bombing of the USS Cole." This is possibly true, but the US really doesn't know this 
for sure. What this response does is purposely lead
 the listener to a specific blamable subject and allow the US to avoid hitting other 
terrorists that they have ongoing "arrangements" with. Indeed, it is impossible at 
this point to pin the blame on any single organizatio
n because of the cross-connections between all Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. 
Most of the known hijackers can be linked with any one of half a dozen different 
organizations--so take your pick. Bush is selectively
 picking only one because it matches the need to go after Afghanistan and the Taliban, 
which have the fewest friends, internationally, and which provide the best opportunity 
for a big first military thrust that will make
all this war hysteria justifiable.
2) To pacify the public about the long-term dangers of radical Islam, Bush said, "The 
terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by 
Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim cleric
s, a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists' 
directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans, and make 
no distinctions among military and civilians, includ
ing women and children." It is correct not to paint all Muslims as evil, but radical 
Islamic fundamentalism is far from a fringe movement. Indeed, it is very inaccurate to 
depict this radical movement as small and without
 support. It has broad based historical and doctrinal support going back centuries to 
when Arabs set out to conquer and forcefully convert whole continents. It has a huge 
following in all Islamic nations and threatens the
 balance of power within every country in the Middle East. I believe that the fervor 
and ideological hatred being generated by fundamentalist Islam is capable of crushing 
the moderates among them. One of the things that m
akes this possible is the irrational mob mentality that so easily captivates young 
Muslims. Whether this dangerous personality weakness is cultural or innate, it is real 
and millions of young Muslims are being radicalized
 in their hatred against the US as you read this. In downplaying this danger of 
Islamic Jihad (holy war), Pres. Bush is denying Americans a realistic understanding of 
the threat to world stability that Islamic Jihad repre
3) "The United States respects the people of Afghanistan — after all, we are currently 
its largest source of humanitarian aid — but we condemn the Taliban regime. It is not 
only repressing its own people, it is threatenin
g people everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and supplying terrorists. By aiding 
and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder." Clearly the Bush 
administration is going after the Taliban--not just Osam
a bin Laden. The capture of bin Laden would be too easy and let the air out of this 
campaign before it has achieved its hidden agenda. Going after the Taliban allows the 
US in intervene in affairs of an entire nation and
replace this hostile regime with one more compliant to the NWO. Bush claims to support 
the people of Afghanistan, but he leaves out many details that belie that support. 
Bush had to admit that the US is currently the "lar
gest source of humanitarian aid" to Afghanistan since this fact has been widely 
reported on the internet in the past week. But it wasn't humanitarian aid. What Bush 
neglected to tell his audience is that the $43 million B
ush authorized for Afghanistan in May of this year went directly to the Taliban 
supposedly for cocaine trade counter-measures--even though the Bush administration 
knows that the Taliban manages all cocaine trade in the co
untry. So, how can Bush claim to "condemn the Taliban regime" when it just gave the 
regime $43 million? Fact is, the money never went to the Afghan people and Bush knows 
it. Bush said that "by aiding and abetting murder,
the Taliban is committing murder," but in reality the Bush administration is aiding 
and abetting the very enemy they claim to condemn. The only true statement Bush makes 
here is that the Taliban is repressing its own peop
le. But they knew that before. Why give them aid then and pretend it went to the 
4) "The United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban:
Deliver to United States authorities all the leaders of Al Qaeda who hide in your land.
Release all foreign nationals, including American citizens, you have unjustly 
imprisoned, and protect foreign journalists, diplomats, and aid workers in your 
Close immediately and permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and 
hand over every terrorist, and every person in their support structure, to appropriate 
Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps, so we can make sure 
they are no longer operating.
These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion. The Taliban must act and act 
immediately. They will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate."
There are two levels of hypocrisy in this set of demands. First, the US never allows 
any of its allies (e.g., Israel, Ireland) to engage in these kinds of "take it or 
leave it" demands without condemning them for refusing
 to "engage" the terrorists in the "peace process." Second, Bush isn't telling his 
audience that these demands are specifically designed to be impossible to comply 
with--thus guaranteeing that the US will be justified in
attacking Afghanistan. No country can know when they have delivered "all the leaders 
of Al Qaeda" because no such list exists. First, there's the question of what 
constitutes a "leader," and second, most leaders of Al Qae
da are from other Arab nations and are not physically present in Afghanistan. The same 
goes for the demand to "hand over every terrorist, and every person in their support 
structure, to appropriate authorities." How does
anyone define support people? How do you know if you've complied without a US 
presented list? Of course, we know what the US means by "appropriate authorities" --a 
rigged UN tribunal lacking many essential rights to due p
For its part, the US has virtually no intelligence assets on the ground in 
Afghanistan. US military forces don't even have translators who speak the southern 
Afghan dialect. How would they know any of the specifics necess
ary to judge compliance with their demands? To say that these demands are "not open to 
negotiation or discussion" means that no clarification can be had on these ambiguous 
issues--a catch-22 situation that clearly indicat
es the Bush administration doesn't want a peaceful resolution. Shame on the Congress 
for applauding this radical agenda. China just signed a pact of mutual support with 
the Taliban a few days before this speech. Perhaps t
hat is one reason the Taliban's reaction today to Bush was defiant. Overall, I am 
skeptical of the Bush assertion that the US "respects the people of Afghanistan." I 
worry about the innocent people who are shortly to beco
me collateral damage in the wake of the US juggernaut.
5) "Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end 
until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." 
This is pure bravado. It can't be done. The Palest
inians rabble-rouse and radicalize more terrorists in a month than the US will 
eliminate in a year--and the US protects them from Israeli retaliation through various 
forms of pressure. Remember, this proclamation of inten
t to prosecute terrorism comes from a nation that has funded and made secret deals 
with terrorist organizations for at least 30 years. Why should we believe Bush now 
when the US has never even owned up to its illegal and
secret support of terrorists in past years? Some US double dealing has even been done 
in the light of day. Remember when the US rescued Yassir Arafat from defeat in Lebanon 
and used taxpayer moneys to send in the Marines
and fly hundreds of PLO terrorists to safety? Did that reform Arafat? Hardly. He's 
still at it, with the help of millions in US aid each year.
6) "Why do they hate us?" Bush asks rhetorically. "They hate what we see right here in 
this chamber, a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. 
They hate our freedoms — our freedom of religion,
 our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote." This is NOT why the radical Muslims hate 
us. If this were the real reason, terrorists would be attacking other democratic 
nations like Switzerland or Japan. The real reason th
ey hate the US because it has become the bully of the world, intervening under 
globalist pretenses into every nation on earth. The proclaimed motive is always to 
"protect human rights," but the real purpose is to establis
h global hegemony over every nation on earth and reduce national sovereignty to a 
euphemistic label. Muslims and Arabs hate the West because the West has betrayed them 
for centuries and betrayed every agreements they have
 made. Finally, they hate the West because they are allied with Russia, who has 
faithfully supplied them with weapons and explosives (for its own hegemonic 
ambitions), and who is inexorably leading Islam into a future war
 with the West of horrific proportions. The globalist insiders who call the shots for 
Bush also want war to bring about their vaunted NWO purposes, and I believe that the 
true hidden agenda behind this proclaimed war on t
errorism is to further antagonize and polarize the world prior to the coming war on 
the West. However it is probable that the young Bush doesn't know the ulterior motives 
behind his bold war of agitation. His father proba
bly knows, but I think Dubya is just reading a script.
7) "They want to overthrow existing governments in many Muslim countries, such as 
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. They want to drive Israel out of the Middle East. They 
want to drive Christians and Jews out of vast region
s of Asia and Africa." What Bush says here is true, and with this statement the speech 
writers have given us a hint of what this new war is all about. I believe that in the 
name of SAVING other countries from terrorism, t
he US will now have a new and unique excuse to intervene with and bully the world. 
This is borne out by the Bush statements of how broad ranging and varied the attacks 
will be, as well as the indefinite timeline he lays o
"Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. 
Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we 
have seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on tel
evision, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of 
funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is 
no refuge or rest. And we will pursue nations tha
t provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a 
decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this 
day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or supp
ort terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." These are 
very threatening statements and are hypocritical as well. The US through FINCEN has 
long tracked the trail of money feeding terrorism. Th
e US has even provided much of this money through the cover of aid to the very 
countries which harbor terrorism--who are all known to US intelligence. The primary 
nations supporting terrorism are RUSSIA, followed by CHINA
. Any bets about whether Bush is going to attack these two monsters? The new Bush war 
will be highly selective. That is why this statement is both true and a lie.
8) "Today, dozens of federal departments and agencies, as well as state and local 
governments, have responsibilities affecting homeland security. These efforts must be 
coordinated at the highest level. So tonight I announ
ce the creation of a Cabinet-level position reporting directly to me — the Office of 
Homeland Security. These measures are essential. But the only way to defeat terrorism 
as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, elim
inate it and destroy it where it grows.... We will come together to give law 
enforcement the additional tools it needs to track down terror here at home. We will 
come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities t
o know the plans of terrorists before they act, and find them before they strike." 
These words reflect hints that the government spokesmen have been dropping for the 
past week--the need for more power and further reductio
n of private liberties. I've seen an advance copy of Attorney General Ashcroft's new 
legislative proposal for increased law enforcement powers. They are ominous, but 
really only seek to legitimatize what government alread
y does illegally. Even though this legislation is being justified as a means to 
fighting terrorism, it's amazing how much of Ashcroft's proposals have nothing to do 
with terrorism. How does expanding the types of private
property that can be confiscated by the feds for drug busts affect the war on 
terrorism? But sadly, Congressional opposition has dried up. Out of fear of appearing 
an obstructionist to this holy war, there is a de facto s
ilencing of voices of reason. Whether America will seriously beef up its homeland 
defense remains to be seen. We have far more facilities to protect than we have police 
and military combined, so I think we will still rema
in relatively vulnerable to most small scale terrorist strikes.
9) There is a globalist sweep to this agenda. Bush calls for world unity behind the 
war: "We ask every nation to join us. We will ask, and we will need, the help of 
police forces, intelligence services, and banking system
s around the world. The United States is grateful that many nations and many 
international organizations have already responded with sympathy and with support. 
Nations from Latin America, to Asia, to Africa, to Europe, to
 the Islamic world. Perhaps the NATO Charter reflects best the attitude of the world: 
an attack on one is an attack on all." Nice words, but the truth is the US has had 
deep connections with all the world's police and int
el forces for years--and such connections have never helped eradicate terrorism 
before. Most of these forces are too busy reaping the profits from government 
sponsored drug pipelines. Most terrorist groups form portions o
f these drug networks, sharing in the profits to finance their works of death. If 
things change now, it is only because the Powers That Be are switching agendas from 
supporting or tolerating terrorism to selective eradica
10) Lastly, there is the promise of a bailout for everyone: "We will come together to 
improve air safety, to dramatically expand the number of air marshals on domestic 
flights, and take new measures to prevent hijacking.
We will come together to promote stability and keep our airlines flying with direct 
assistance during this emergency...We will come together to take active steps that 
strengthen America's economy and put our people back t
o work." Bush and the FAA are refusing to allow the most simple and
cost effective of the air safety alternatives (arming the aircrews).
Instead he asks for us to be patient with the millions of dollars and
man hours lost due to the new spat of restrictions. Instead of
allowing the airlines to get back to normal fast, we will keep them
hog-tied with inefficiency, spend billions in direct assistance, and
force up ticket prices as well. And what about all the other people
harmed by this event? What will the socialist Republicans say to the
victims' families, the insurance companies, the travel agents, and
every other sector of society who wants a bailout too? Going down
this path is a recipe for financial disaster and a guaranteed tax
bite that no one will relish. The most dangerous words I'm hearing
lately from Capitol Hill are "money is no object." When money is no
object, then someone is about to play loose with financial
responsibility, and our liberties.
Here's the bottom line--two tests for determining Bush's true resolve
on this matter:
1) If this is a real war on terrorism, Bush will actually do what he
claims: He will hit all terrorists everywhere, including host nations
like Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, and China. This
will never happen.
2) If this war is real, terrorism will fight back with increased
fanaticism and will strike the US constantly and steadily, with
everything from petty bombings to biological and chemical attacks. If
we DON'T SEE a massive increase in terrorism, I will be very
suspicious that someone is still controlling terrorism and making it
appear as if this phony war is successful. If you want to see what a
legitimate fight against terrorism looks like, watch Israel. Its
government plays the game with one hand tied behind its back, and the
results are daily attacks against Israeli civilians. If we don't see
the same thing here, with our much weaker military and police
presence on the streets, something will be very wrong with this
I'm pleased to announce the selection of my brother Mark Skousen as
the new president of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).
Mark, as many of you know, is the editor of the popular economic
newsletter, Forecasts and Strategies, and holds a doctoral degree in
economics. FEE is the oldest and most respected free-market think-
tank in America, and has stayed absolutely true to its stated course
of defending liberty. Its monthly publication, Ideas on Liberty, is a
treasure trove of short, readable essays, each month presenting
cogent arguments in defense of sound economics and ideas on how to
counter leftist notions that abound. This is the primary source I use
to teach my children how to argue the controversial issues of the
day. I want to encourage all of my subscribers to support FEE by
either becoming a "Friend of FEE" with a $100 contribution (tax
deductible) and/or by simply subscribing to Ideas on Liberty, for a
$30 contribution. Be sure to request a copy of the current September
issue of Ideas on Liberty. It contains a gem of an article by British
professor Norman Barry entitled, "Phony Marketeers." It is frankly
the finest short exposition I have ever read on the political and
economic deception in Britain and Europe, and has great application
here in America for our understanding of how the Democrats and
Republicans operate to undermine real liberty,
while pretending to support it. This is a must read and a must keep
for your library. You can call FEE with your contributions at (914)
591-7230 or send by mail to FEE, 30 So. Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533
» Archive of previous articles written by Joel M. Skousen
The full weekly edition of the World Affairs Brief is available for
$24 per year.
Mr. Skousen's analysis is posted each Friday evening.
See www.joelskousen.com for details.
Copyright 2001 by Joel Skousen
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