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From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TWA800: Pro-Govt Book Reviewed
Date: Monday, February 14, 2000 4:52 AM

  The following is a review of a new government-line book on
  Flight 800 posted at this site: http://twa800.webjump.com .
  The book was written by Christine Negroni, the CNN reporter
  who kept calling me over several days pleading with me to
  renounce the Navy-missile theory on camera for CNN. They
  wanted to fly a video crew down from New York to Maryland
  to record my renunciation of the Navy-missile theory, which
  I informed her I was inclined to do since I was afraid that
  the media would destroy me or someone would be gunning for
  me unless I decisively renounced the Navy-missile theory.
  While I wasn't laughing, she said a death threat against
  me merely displayed a "wicked sense of humor." I refused
  to do an on-camera interview and said I don't think this
  is newsworthy. I eventually agreed to write a statement.

  Christine Negroni also called Pierre Salinger hoping to
  arrange a joint renunciation. While in an act of self-
  preservation Salinger said he would stop talking about
  the Navy-missile theory, unlike myself, Salinger had the
  courage and experience with the media not allow himself
  to be intimidated into renouncing his beliefs, and thus
  he refused to be involved with CNN's scheme. I have yet
  to see Negroni's new book, but this sounds about right:


  Deadly Departure - Why the Experts Failed to Prevent the
  TWA Flight 800 Disaster and How it Could Happen Again

  Christine Negroni / Cliff Street Books  2000

  Reviewed February 2000 @ twa800.webjump.com

  Serious observers of the TWA Flight 800 disaster should
  contumeliously dismiss Ms. Negroni's book.  The author's
  understanding of this complex subject is so manifestly
  superficial that one presumes she is blissfully unaware
  of just how execrable this book is.  Surely she does not
  realize the extent to which her work is at times offensive,
  defamatory and factually misleading.

  Offensive?  Her ham-handed attempts to reconstruct the
  thoughts and actions of the flight crew after the initial
  explosion are in questionable taste.  Worse, she cites
  the names of individual passengers and describes their
  injuries in gruesome detail.  Apparently the author
  believes public understanding of this event is somehow
  furthered by revealing by name which individuals were
  "torn to pieces" and of whom only "bones were recovered."

  Defamatory?  Consider Ivor Thomas.  Mr. Thomas is considered
  one of the world's foremost authorities on aviation fuel
  systems with over forty years in the airplane industry. As
  a Boeing employee and a participant in the NTSB investigation
  into TWA 800, Thomas has devoted his career to enhancing fuel
  system safety.  After the public hearings, Thomas left Boeing
  to continue this work at the FAA.  Negroni smears his integrity
  as follows:

    "Thomas had disregarded the need for fuel system explosion
    protection mechanisms from the time he arrived on Boeing
    property in 1966.  Now he would be the person air safety
    regulators turned to for guidance."

  Consider Linda Kunz.  Kunz photographically documented
  irregularities with the NTSB procedures for tagging wreckage
  to identify which debris zone it was found in.  As a TWA
  representative and authorized party to the NTSB investigation,
  Kunz forwarded these photographs to her superiors in order
  to generate corrective action.  Negroni describes this action
  as being "in violation of the FBI rules at the hangar" and
  says that Kunz "very nearly got TWA kicked off the investigation."
  Negroni fails to examine why "FBI rules" were in effect in the
  hangar or how Ms. Kunz's action should be construed as misconduct.

  Consider the aviation industry as a whole.  Negroni's central
  thesis is difficult to identify since the book is constructed
  in random fashion, chaotically veering from topic to topic
  without regard to chronology or coherence.  However, it seems
  to be that "the experts", i.e. the airplane manufacturers,
  the airlines and the government regulatory agencies have long
  been engaged in a "conspiracy of inaction" with regard to the
  supposed hazards of fuel tank explosions.  She presents the
  rejection of fuel tank inerting systems on commercial
  airliners not as an engineering decision, but as a mercenary
  gamble with safety.

  Factually misleading?  Negroni posted the following comment
  to amazon.com:

    "My book is a trip into the heart of the most massive and
    expensive crash investigation ever conducted and the only
    account of what caused the 25-year old jumbo jet to self-

  Of course, the book offers no such account.  The subject of the
  ignition source is oddly addressed, with a half-hearted nod to
  the expected NTSB probable cause of a wiring spark within the
  center wing tank.  Negroni supports her claim that the aircraft
  self-destructed by saying:

    "the plane could have exploded because of a microscopically
    small buildup of chemicals on tiny wires in the heart of the

  This is a reference to the NTSB theory that a short circuit in
  the Fuel Quantity Indicator System (FQIS) could have been the
  ignition source, but Negroni does not state that this happened,
  nor does she point out the absence of physical evidence to
  support that theory.

  Negroni cites examples of accidents from the 1950's and 1960's
  where aircraft fuel tanks were ignited as a result of lightning
  strikes and runway collisions.  She does not seem to understand
  how these externally caused accidents fail to support her claim
  that TWA 800 "self-destructed."   Negroni's analysis appears to
  be marred by an inexplicable misconception, as if she were
  convinced that establishing the TWA center wing tank as
  potentially explosive somehow rules out the possibility of an
  external ignition source.

  The most obvious potential external source, based on eyewitness
  accounts, is of course a missile.  Instead of conducting even
  a modicum of investigative journalism on this subject, Negroni
  parrots official pronouncements of the FBI and NTSB.  In an
  astounding passage, she writes:

    "Still, investigators didn't need witnesses to tell them
    if a missile shot down the plane.  If that had happened
    there would have been plenty of evidence on the wreckage
    and very likely debris from the weapon itself in the
    water along with the plane."

  With more than eight tons of TWA 800 wreckage still unrecovered,
  Negroni is somehow confident that evidence of a missile attack
  could not have escaped detection.

  She further discredits eyewitness accounts, citing psychologist
  Elizabeth Loftus and describing the recollections as "contaminated
  by the rampant speculation immediately following the crash."  She
  also seems to have confused the CIA theory that eyewitnesses
  mistook a supposedly climbing, noseless aircraft for a missile
  with an even more bizarre theory espoused by yet another
  psychologist, Dr. Donald Mershon.  He seems to believe that a
  second explosion of fuel mist traveled in a

    "vertical path (that) probably gave the appearance of
    something going up toward the plane.  It could have given
    the impression of something reaching another object and exploding."

  Negroni is content to present these theories without critical
  examination and makes no mention of the contradictory findings
  in the still officially suppressed NTSB Exhibit 4A.  Negroni
  seems to operate in a skepticism-free zone with regard to the
  official investigation.  A minor, but telling example relates
  to the prosecution of James Sanders. Negroni writes:

    "Since Sanders was a journalist, law enforcement had to
    get clearance from the Department of Justice to obtain phone
    records and track down his source inside the hangar."

  In fact, "law enforcement" broke the law in this matter.  Justice
  Department regulations do indeed require the approval of the
  Attorney General prior to issuing a subpoena for telephone
  records of journalists. (Section 28, 50.10 of the Code of
  Federal Regulations)  But according to the August 21, 1998
  issue of Editor and Publisher magazine:

    "The U.S. attorney for the eastern district of New York,
    working with the FBI, had said it did not need Reno's
    permission for the March 1 subpoena because James Sanders,
    the target of the investigation, was not a working reporter.
    John Russell, a Justice Department spokesman, said that
    Reno gave written approval for the subpoena on Aug. 1. 'We
    didn't think he was a newsman when the subpoena was issued
    in March,' said Russell, a former reporter for the Scripps-
    Howard newspaper chain. 'But we subsequently determined he
    was a bona fide journalist.'  The subpoena in this case was
    sought by Valerie Caproni, the assistant U.S. attorney in
    charge of a federal grand jury investigation, and Benton J.
    Campbell, another assistant U.S. attorney.  Russell declined
    to say whether Caproni, Campbell, or the person they report
    to, Zachary Carter, U.S. attorney for the eastern district,
    would be disciplined."

  Not an important issue with respect to the tragedy of TWA Flight
  800, but a good reporter or a careful researcher wouldn't miss it.
  Deadly Departure makes it abundantly clear that Ms. Negroni is neither.

  Reviewed February 2000 @ twa800.webjump.com

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