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From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TWA800: Suppressed Data Looks New in Paris
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 3:08 AM

 An important report from Insight
 Magazine reporter Kelly O'Meara:


Suppressed TWA Data Looks New in Paris

By Kelly Patricia O'Meara from Paris

Almost four years ago, a TWA jumbo jet exploded in
midair. Now, the families of the 42 French victims
are wondering why pertinent radar information has
been withheld.

Relatives of the victims of the as yet unexplained
1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island,
N.Y., want to believe they are being told the truth
by investigating U.S. agencies. Their faith in the
investigators is so strong, in fact, that when
confronted with evidence that has been withheld
from them for nearly three-and-a-half years, their
first instinct is to question the legitimacy of the
evidence rather than demand an explanation of the
omission. The classic catch-22 in this instance is
that while many family members believe the National
Transportation Safety Board, or NTSB, has lied to
them, they nonetheless are willing to accept as
authentic only the evidentiary pronouncements by
the board.

  This point recently was underscored when more
than a dozen French family members of the victims of
TWA Flight 800 met in Paris to discuss the status of
the ongoing $40 million official U.S. probe of the
downing of the jumbo jet. The families tell Insight
they feel isolated from the investigation, separated
not only by an ocean and language barriers but also
by a French legal system that prohibits their direct
participation. They expressed astonishment during
their first look at radar data that, to date, have
been published only by Insight (see "New Radar Blips
and TWA 800," Sept. 20, 1999).

   [ See: http://Flight800.org/flotilla.htm ]

  These data, which cover a much wider geographical
area than previously acknowledged, reveal that at
about the time of the accident, nearly two dozen
surface vessels and aircraft entered military warning
area known as W-105, which was in close proximity to
the site of the crash. Critics say such facts add fuel
to the fire of those who believe that the Department
of the Navy may have played a role in the crash.
Although this information was available to federal
investigators within hours of the disaster, inexplicably
it was withheld from NTSB Exhibit 13A of the CD-ROM
record of evidence provided at the December 1997
public hearings on the disaster in Baltimore. It
seemed incredible to the families, they report, that
the NTSB would withhold the data and that no other
news organization -- French or U.S. -- carried this
major news break concerning the investigation.

  "Why should we believe," says Catherine Breistroff,
who lost her 25-year-old brother, Michel, "that they
[NTSB] would give up the data? Why would they just
give you the information? Has the NTSB confirmed that
this interpretation of the data is correct? If we
write to the NTSB, who is to say they won't lie to
us? What difference will it make? Already we have not
been given all the information. Everybody lies to us
and we don't know what to believe."

  Christophe Delange also lost his brother, Sylvain,
on Flight 800 and voices the feelings of many others:
"I don't have any hope in the political process anymore.
I have stopped looking on a personal level, but it
really disturbs me that something is right here and
it appears as though it has been hidden from me. I
have no personal convictions, but this radar data is
very disturbing news. We have this new information,
but what do we do now?"

  Although the French families feel excluded from the
investigation, they nonetheless have taken one step
that their American counterparts have not. An attorney
representing some of them has hired a professional
aviation investigator, Serge Roche, to conduct an
independent enquiry into the cause of the crash. A
retired commercial airline pilot, Roche is an expert
in air-accident investigations and airline security.
He makes no bones about what he believes caused the
center wing tank, or CWT, of the Paris-bound 747 to
explode. As he presents evidence that supports a
likely missile involvement, he expects to be attacked
for disputing the official theory of a mechanical

  A source close to the investigation tells Insight
that "a lawsuit against Roche has been threatened if
he persists in pursuing the missile theory." Roche is
not concerned about such warnings and remains committed
to a thorough investigation. "I am doing my job, asking
questions. How can they sue me?" he asks.

  Though the FBI's lead investigator on TWA Flight 800,
James Kallstrom, has referred to the independent
investigators who have been publishing their findings
on the Internet as "bottom-feeders," such sources have
provided carefully authenticated information, some of
which Roche has verified and incorporated into his
analysis. Based on evidence he has collected on his
own, information gathered from the NTSB Baltimore
hearings and through other independent investigators,
Roche says he is sure that "the mechanical theory is
false." In fact, despite repeated reports in the press
that the NTSB has concluded the explosion was caused
by a spark inside the CWT, the official investigation
remains active and the NTSB has yet to provide any
evidence of the source of ignition inside the CWT.

  Roche believes that the NTSB has withheld important
information, but he also cites failures by the French
magistrate responsible for conducting an official
investigation for the families of French victims. And
he says that the press on both sides of the Atlantic
has failed to insist on answers.

  "In France," says Roche, "journalists are basically
hard-news writers. It's more day-to-day news. But they
also are very aware and worried about what happened to
[former White House press secretary] Pierre Salinger
when he came out with his report of the first radar
tape. More importantly, journalists never asked for
the NTSB CD-ROM [showing the radar scan of the area
at the time of the explosion] because they didn't
know about it. What we have to do is force the issue
by going back to the United States and interviewing
the eyewitnesses, going into the hangar and having the
ability to view the wreckage. Then I can bring this
information back to the press and hopefully they will
finally do their job. The revelation [by Insight] of
the new radar data should have been enough to get them
involved again, but although more than a dozen reporters
covered the Paris conference and saw and heard the
presentation of the new radar data, not one news
organization mentioned it."

  Meanwhile, Roche and the families tell Insight
they believe much of the blame for the lack of press
enthusiasm about the story should fall on the French
magistrate. "She has been totally unresponsive to the
families' wishes," complains Roche. "The magistrate
is put in place to conduct an investigation. This
magistrate has no background in aircraft accidents
and one year after the accident, and after the NTSB
preliminary report was prepared for the Baltimore
hearings, she finally traveled to the United States
and came back with the NTSB CD-ROM of the investigation.
When pressed by the families for information, she
complained that she didn't have the correct software
to read the CD-ROM, then complained that she could
not interpret the information. I have written to
her numerous times, including one letter that posed
more than 100 questions about the investigation,
but to this day I've not re-ceived even one response.
Because she won't do what is required, I am obliged
to go around her, but without the magistrate's
intervention I cannot get into the hangar at Calverton
[New York] to view the wreckage. I have no doubt that
the NTSB and FBI have not provided all the truth, but
I also need to see the physical evidence firsthand."

  Under French law, family members are prohibited
from making direct contact with the NTSB and FBI, and
therefore are forced to work through the magistrate.
However, based on the discussion among the family
members who attended the weekend conference, it
appears they are ready to make a formal request to
get the current magistrate replaced with someone
better suited to investigate aviation disasters and
more responsive to the families' inquiries. They
will take up the matter when all of the families of
the 42 French victims meet in Paris in late March.

  But even within this small group of people there
are divisions. "The families who attended this
conference," says Roche, "believe in the possibility
that something other than a mechanical problem caused
the CWT to explode. The other families believe what
the NTSB is telling them because they are the official
agency. Some of the families even have suggested that
I am being paid by Boeing and that's why I'm pursuing
the missile scenario. This is absurd."

  Lawsuits have been filed on behalf of the French
families against Boeing, TWA and the Federal Aviation
Administration, or FAA. However, according to Maitre
Portejoie, the Paris-based attorney representing just
two of the French families and under contract with
Frank Granito, the New York attorney representing a
large number of French and American families, "I am
just the executor of my clients' wishes. I am paid
to represent my clients who believe the cause of the
explosion was mechanical." Many consider this an odd
response given that Portejoie hired Roche to investigate
the cause of the crash. Two days after the conference
with the French families, and nearly five months after
Insight published the new radar data, Portejoie still
had not seen the radar data and had not deposed the
NTSB, FBI or eyewitnesses, let alone reviewed the
eyewitness statements.

  Back in the states, Granito also has not seen the
new radar data nor has he deposed the eyewitnesses,
the NTSB or the FBI. According to Granito, "It's hard
for the families to understand that we are retained
to represent them in a civil suit, not a criminal
suit. My job is to establish by a preponderance of
the evidence the probable cause. I don't have to
prove Boeing was negligent. I don't have to find out
with 100 percent certainty. I only have to prove that
the product was defective at the time of the accident."

  When questioned about why Boeing continues to pursue
the missile theory when he is so sure the cause was
mechanical, Granito says, "I don't know why. But the
Boeing attorneys and their engineers are not together
on this. It makes Boeing very happy because it keeps
the conspiracy theory alive. There is no credible
evidence that this is a missile. I haven't seen the
radar data so I don't know what you're talking about.
Would it surprise me that there are more ships and
aircraft in the area? Yes. But it's a big leap in
logic that because there are ships out there that
they shot a missile at this aircraft. This information
isn't relevant. The bottom line is we’re never going
to know what was the initiating spark inside the CWT.
I have more access to the evidence than anyone, and
all of the evidence points to the interior of the CWT."

  Granito's remarks raise a number of questions. For
instance, if he "has more access to the evidence than
anyone," how is it that he is unaware of the newly
released radar data? Did the NTSB fail to make the
radar data available to the lead attorney for the
families? Why did the FBI withhold unrestricted
access to the eyewitness accounts from the NTSB
investigators until the bureau's criminal investigation
was put in an inactive/pending status? Why did lead
FBI investigator Kallstrom formally request that the
eyewitness reports be withheld from the NTSB public
hearings in Baltimore? And why has the NTSB yet to
release the eyewitness reports to the public for
review, despite Public Law No. 93-633, which requires
that the NTSB report its findings and make them
available to the public?

  So far, the NTSB has withheld from the public two
important pieces of the investigation -- the radar
data and the eyewitness reports. Would it be
unreasonable for the families to question why the
investigative bodies consider this information
important while the attorney who represents them
does not? Would it be relevant for the families to
wonder what other information about the crash that
took the lives of their loved ones is being kept
from them?

  Although Granito's job may only be to settle the
claims, the families are interested in the truth.
Bernard Jacquemot, who lost his son, Benoit, aboard
TWA 800 is one who attended the Paris conference.
"The new radar data is important," he tells Insight,
"and raises many new questions about the cause of
the crash. I have no idea why the NTSB would hide
this information, but I would like them to explain
the reason. I would like to know what the ships are
that show up on this data. I am surprised that this
information was not released in the press, and I
find it strange that no one would cover it. All the
information we get is from the American families'
newsletter [The Families of TWA Flight 800]."

  Jacquemot agrees with Roche that the French press
has done little to investigate the incident because
maybe they "consider it an American story and now
they are more interested in things that are happening
today" -- things such as two more mysterious airline
disasters -- one in South Africa and one off the
coast of California -- which occurred during these
interviews. "I want to express very much my deep
emotion for the families of those who died," says
Granito. "Every time this happens, it brings it all
back to us. We have to have a meeting with the
French magistrate and the NTSB so they can answer
some of these questions. We need to know why they
withheld the radar data. So far, there has been no
pressure to make the data public, and now we need
to put pressure on them to explain it."


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