Taking Over
The Homeland

by Fintan Dunne,
23 September, 2001

What a piece of astute prediction in Michael Rivero's New Republic post from 20 months ago ( here). Read it well for the modus operandi of the proto-dictators behind the WTC attack.

'It's the oldest trick in the book', Michael writes, 'dating back to Roman times'; creating the enemies you need. Then he reminds us about 70 BC, and an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus Licineus Crassus, who wanted to rule Rome.

Crassus, is credited with invention of the fire brigade. More like brigands than brigade, these guys would let the building burn unless the owners accepted an offer of a tiny fraction of it's worth.
That's a far cry from the gallant men and women of the NY Fire Department. They gave their lives for others. Like the many who have given their lives for civil liberties. Their memory does not deserve what is being done in the name of 'security'.

Those who watch over civil liberties in America have observed with growing concern the widening reach of Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA); have seen how their emergency powers constitute a nascent police state.

They are devastated by President Bush's announcement of the new independent National Homeland Security Agency (NHSA) --with responsibility for planning, coordinating, and integrating various U.S. government activities involved in homeland security. No wonder.

Because FEMA will be a morphing into SuperFEMA -the new NHSA, with the Coast Guard, the Customs Service, and the Border Patrol- transferred to it.

Just for good measure, the NHSA Phase III planning report advocates that the National Guard should be "reorganized, trained, and equipped" to undertake a homeland security mission. In case they felt left out.

Another equally disturbing reccommendation is that NHSA would: "assume responsibility for overseeing the protection of the nation's critical infrastructure, including information technology."

In other words, SuperFEMA running the Internet -under emergency powers.

Wonderful!; .NOT.

But hold on, you caution, sutrely there are 'safeguards' for civil liberties?

Oh yes!: "The observance of these guarantees in the event of a national security emergency would be safeguarded by NHSA's interagency coordinating activities-which would include the Department of Justice-as well as by its conduct of advance exercises."

So when they arrest you without charge, just tell them that they can't, because of "interagency coordinating activities". That should do the trick.

Let's just quote from another section of the planning report -in case we are being too subtle for you:

"Finally, we recommend that Congress reorganize itself to accommodate this Executive Branch realignment, and that it also form a special select committee for homeland security to provide Congressional support and oversight in this critical area."

An "Executive Branch realignment, eh?

Yeah you could call it that.

But all this emotional crisis athsmophere amy make you a little confused; nervous even; suggestible -definitely.

And happy to just let things slide into dictatorship.

So don't.

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