-Caveat Lector-

Bioterrorism tests begin near Goldsby

By Nick Trougakos
The Oklahoman

GOLDSBY -- A crop duster sprayed polyethylene glycol into the sky over a
field near Goldsby on Monday as the U.S. Army started its Multi- Mission
Sensor Test, a bioterrorism drill.

•Bioterrorism test info

The Army conducted about 20 releases of polyethylene glycol, which is a
thick liquid used in lotions and eye makeup. The first drop was shortly
after 2 p.m., Army public affairs specialist Mark Hughes said.

The tests were to start shortly after noon but were delayed because of a
minor mechanical problem, Army officials said. Tests were wrapped up
about 6 p.m.

Crop dusters will make 261 drops of powdered clay, grain alcohol and
polyethylene glycol over about three weeks to test whether the Oklahoma
City area's radar systems can detect the substances, which were chosen
because their physical characteristics similar materials that could be used
in a biological or chemical terrorist attack.

The Army hopes to establish an "umbrella" of radars, installing computer
software at more than 150 radar stations across the country. The goal is to
create a system of early detection and warning that could alert authorities
to the presence of a terrorist threat.

Radars from the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Weather
Service, as well as several commercial radars, will be put to the test.

"It's extremely important to our homeland security in the coming years,"
Goldsby Mayor Glenn Berglan said of the tests.

Berglan said public concern over the tests -- fueled by fear of allergic
reactions to the materials to be dispersed -- has died down since
powdered egg whites and an inactive pesticide were removed from the

Army Col. Chris Parker said the tests will go on regardless of developments
in Iraq.

"If anything, with the war, people are even more aware that this is a
critical thing that the nation needs to do," he said. "I think they're even
more supportive."

Robert Lyons, with the Army's nuclear, biological and chemical detection
program, said similar tests carried out in Maryland and Utah were designed
to advance capabilities of military radars. He said the Sept. 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks changed the focus of the tests.

"After 9/11, we were asked if we could transfer our work into homeland
defense," he said.

The Army conducted tests in April in Key West, Fla., dropping the same
substances used in the Oklahoma tests, with no adverse effects.

Each of the three test substances will be dropped 78 times, Lyons said.

An additional 27 "blind trials" will be conducted, where radar operators will
know a crop duster has gone up, but won't be told if a substance was

Lyons called these blind trials "the critical ones."

The tests, delayed from the original start date of Feb. 24 in response to
the allergy concerns, will be at three rural locations: near Goldsby,
Mustang and the Canadian River near Interstate 44.

Monday's tests were held at the Goldsby location and did not include
powdered clay or grain alcohol.

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