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March 30, 2000

Review & Outlook

The 'Crime-Fraud Exception'

In a recent scene from "The Sopranos," the popular HBO mafia
series, one of Tony Soprano's capos calls him about a murder
witness: "Tony, you know that witness who thinks he saw what you
and I know didn't happen? Well, he now says he forgot what he
thinks he saw."

Because of conversations like that, the legal concept of
"attorney-client privilege" has what is called the "crime-fraud
exception." If you are planning a caper at the Ravenite Social
Club, you can't make your conversations immune from inquiry just
by having your lawyer in the room. Wednesday Judge Royce Lamberth
ruled that the "crime-fraud exemption" applied to certain
conversations in the White House Counsel's office pertaining to
the use of government records to trash the reputation of Kathleen
Willey. Indeed, Judge Lamberth ruled that President Clinton
personally committed "a criminal violation of the Privacy Act."

Ms. Willey, recall, is the former White House aide who went on
"60 Minutes" to accuse the President of groping her near the Oval
Office after she requested a job promotion. The day that her
interview aired in March 1998, senior White House officials held
a meeting, with President Clinton on the phone from Camp David.
At the White House were Counsel Charles Ruff and deputy counsels
Cheryl Mills and Bruce Lindsey. The White House admits that the
President concurred with the recommendation that friendly letters
Ms. Willey had written him would be released from her employment
file. The idea, or "spin," was that the letters would distract
attention from Ms. Willey's charges.

Now, the Privacy Act is a law passed in 1974 in reaction to the
misuse of government files by the Nixon White House. Chuck
Colson, a Nixon aide then, went to prison for two years for
misusing a single FBI file. Too bad Mr. Colson didn't have the
benefit of the legal opinion Clinton mouthpieces were spreading
Wednesday, that the Act doesn't apply to the White House. At a
press conference Wednesday, the President says the law never
crossed his mind. But Judge Lamberth found that plaintiffs in his
court established "that the White House and the President were
aware that they were subject to the Privacy Act, and yet chose to
violate its provisions."

The plaintiffs in the suit are individuals contending that their
privacy rights were violated when the Clinton White House
gathered some 900 FBI files on Republican appointees; they are
represented by the conservative activist firm Judicial Watch.
Independent Counsel Robert Ray recently reported that there was
"no substantial and credible evidence" that senior officials or
the First Lady were involved in seeking the files. But he noted
that his office "did not investigate alleged violations of the
Privacy Act of 1974 because such offenses are excluded from the
jurisdiction of an independent counsel."

That is to say, criminal violations of the Privacy Act would have
to be prosecuted by Janet Reno's see-no-evil Justice Department.
The alternative is to seek redress through civil suits like the
one in Judge Lamberth's court. Judicial Watch has pressed
interrogatories exploring whether the Administration has abused
government records in trashing its political opponents.

After all, what else was the White House Willey meeting about?
James Carville has testified that Mr. Clinton called him after
Ms. Willey's interview and said "there was some letters that she
had written and his lawyers were considering making them public
and what did I think about it?" Terry Good, the director of White
House records, testified that he asked his staff to pull the
Willey letters after Cheryl Mills told him the President's
Counsel wanted the letters. Mr. Clinton himself testified before
the grand jury that "when everybody blew it up, I thought we
would release." Mrs. Clinton also got into the act. An official
Justice Department response in the Filegate case notes that in a
phone conversation between Mrs. Clinton and Clinton aide Sidney
Blumenthal they "agreed the letters should be released."

In one of a spate of silly Clinton defenses going on just now,
columnist Richard Cohen writes of Mr. Ray's findings, "so much
for Filegate," and asks that we and others apologize to the
Clintons. Whether files were "ransacked" may yet be established
by the Judicial Watch suit, as well as a separate Privacy Act
suit filed by Linda Tripp, whose employment records were released
by the Pentagon.

Whether or not the President initiated the acquisition of FBI
files, he clearly sets the tone of the White House, where the
smear is a standard tactic. FBI files on former Travel Office
chief Billy Dale were specifically sought seven months after he
was fired. He was trashed on national television by Clinton
lawyers, then indicted on embezzlement charges, but acquitted by
a jury in less than two hours. During the impeachment trial, Rep.
Lindsey Graham noted that Mr. Clinton told Mr. Blumenthal that
Monica Lewinsky was a "stalker-type person" shortly before
stories to that effect appeared in the press. Mr. Good also
testified that Ms. Mills asked him to pull "anything and
everything that we might have in our files relating to Linda

Now we have the case of the intimidation of potential witnesses
in the matter of e-mails that were not delivered in response to
subpoenas. Six Northrup-Grumman employees who worked under White
House contract testified before Congress that they were ordered
not to tell anyone about e-mails discovered missing in a computer
error. Betty Lambuth, the on-site Northrup manager, said a White
House official told her that if anyone talked "we would lose our
jobs, be arrested and put in jail." Many of the e-mails in
question were to Vice President Gore's office, and now reportedly
also include previously undisclosed e-mails between Monica
Lewisky and grand jury witnesses Betty Currie and Ashley Raines
during the investigation leading to impeachment.

We don't know how long "the Sopranos" will run, but this
Administration will last until next January 20.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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