"The Balance of Terror and
the Red Mercury Nightmare"
by J. R. Nyquist

On Thursday, March 21, WorldNetDaily posted an article from STRATFOR, a well-connected private intelligence firm. The title of the article was "Crisis looming between U.S., Russia." STRATFOR's article deals with CIA Director George Tenet's March 19 testimony before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. According to Tenet, Russia is hardly a reliable partner in the "war against terror." Instead, Russia is "the first choice of proliferant states seeking the most advanced technology and training," said Tenet.

What the CIA director could not say, and perhaps what makes President George W. Bush so desperately eager to wipe out the regime of Saddam Hussein, is that Russia may have given red mercury fusion technology to Saddam. According to one of my sources, Iraq possesses "s-megaton" micro-nuclear warheads. These are softball-sized two-megaton fusion bombs triggered by an irradiated and compressed compound of mercury antimony oxide. This device doubles the nuclear yield with a hundredfold reduction of weight. Using heavy hydrogen instead of uranium or plutonium to fuel its explosive reaction, this hand-held nuclear weapon cannot be detected by U.S. sensors.

It should be acknowledged that CIA Director Tenet singled out Russia for a reason. Only Russia has compression technology in advance of America's. Only Russia has worked long and hard to develop a perfect fusion bomb (the U.S. having abandoned its own effort decades ago). And now American intelligence has evidence of something dire, something they don't want to tell us. According to STRATFOR, "A severe crisis between the two sides [America and Russia] may now be forming." As STRATFOR further points out, "Now the director of the CIA has named Russia as the key source of WMD proliferation."

Perhaps we are now in a position to understand what Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader, meant when he said last fall that America would soon be destroyed. He did not say America would be crippled, or that America would be defeated. He said America would disappear. When a suspect in the Danny Pearl kidnapping and murder case was being escorted by guards in Pakistan a couple of weeks ago, he reportedly shouted to the press, "Sell your dollars! Soon America will be gone."

What does Al Qaeda know that we don't?

CIA Director Tenet was very clear when he spoke to the U.S. Senate committee last week. He holds Russia responsible for giving advanced mass destruction technology to Iraq. And Tenet evidently believes that Iraq is allied to Al Qaeda. As STRATFOR explained, "Tenet delivered a blunt message to Putin: The United States believes that WMD proliferation is official Russian policy." The Bush administration was offering a stern warning to Moscow. It must halt its technology transfers to rogue regimes or suffer the consequences. And what would those consequences be? STRATFOR claims that President Putin "faces the distinct possibility of attacks on Russian weapons facilities and the potential elimination of his country's nuclear capability."

This statement deserves further elaboration. But who dares to elaborate? Is America actually contemplating a nuclear strike on the Russian nuclear arsenal? Only a very desperate crisis would trigger such unthinkable verbiage out of our bloodless bean counters.

In fact, if STRATFOR's report is correct, the United States is holding Russia directly responsible for Saddam Hussien's future actions. And this should tell us, at the very least, that Saddam Hussein is a much more terrible threat than the general public has been led to believe. So terrible is the threat, that U.S. officials find it necessary to openly threaten Russia in order to reestablish the balance of terror in the wake of Moscow's secret connivance with Iraq.

The revelations of yet another respected intelligence firm, DEBKA File, dovetails with STRATFOR's information. According to DEBKA, the White House is seriously considering tactical nuclear strikes against Iraq. This drastic approach can only be explained - once again - by a dire, immediate and frightening Iraqi potential. If not for this, U.S. leaders would hardly expend precious political and diplomatically capital by pushing so aggressively for the eradication of Saddam's regime in Baghdad. According to intelligence sources close to DEBKA, [See article.] "The White House is considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons and planning the break-up of Iraq … in a broad military campaign set now for April."

And why the hurry?

Surely, only a very grave threat would inspire such urgency in U.S. policy-makers. DEBKA confirms that the reason for the U.S. urgency has to do with Iraq's possession of nuclear warheads, though DEBKA does not confirm that these are "s-megaton" micro nuclear devices. Why the U.S. would be concerned with large, more cumbersome and detectable weapons is a question that readers will have to sort for themselves. According to DEBKA, the main reason for a nuclear blitzkrieg against Iraq in April would be to "locate nuclear devices believed to be in the possession of Saddam Hussein." The idea would then be to destroy the weapons before they could be used to trigger a nuclear or biological holocaust. Judging by the tempo of U.S. moves, Iraq's nuclear capability will probably become effective some time after April 25. That is why, even though U.S. military authorities confess that we are unready to attack Iraq, an attack must go forward nonetheless. U.S. officials are also said to be planning nuclear strikes that would eliminate the top Iraqi leadership, opening the way for the negotiated surrender of individual Iraqi divisions and the creation of a Kurdish state in the north.

DEBKA further alleges that Vice President Richard Cheney received intelligence during his recent Middle East trip that Iraq had already transferred nuclear weapons to Al Qaeda, along with weaponized smallpox. Cheney was supposedly told that some of these munitions may have been smuggled into the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Many will dismiss the claims of DEBKA, but according to Dr. Robert Morey, an Islam expert who predicted the Sept. 11 attacks, three small nuclear devices have been smuggled into the United States and are being held in reserve for future use. Speaking with the Assist News Service (ANS), Dr. Morey said: "I have Middle Eastern friends throughout the U.S. who continually feed me information as to what the terrorists are up to." [See article.]

Then comes the most curious and frightening story of them all, which may tie everything into one neat package. This story comes out of Canada and involves a U.S. citizen who has been granted political asylum by Ottawa in accordance with international law. The U.S. citizen in question is Delmart Edward Vreeland. [See article.] The United States government says that Vreeland is a petty criminal. But Vreeland identifies himself as a lieutenant with the Office of Naval Intelligence who defected to Canada in December 2000 after retrieving documents from Moscow. One of these documents, a communiqué from K. Hussaine of Iraq to V. Putin of Russia, discusses "the initial phase of our planned assault against the United States in September of 2001 and after." Because of these shocking revelations, Vreeland maintains that he cannot return to the United States because the Russian mafia would assassinate him and because an important American official would assure Vreeland's death or imprisonment upon his return. The Russian document, in fact, refers to "our official in America" who can "assure" the desired results if security should be compromised. The document does not name the official in question, but Vreeland believes it is someone with great influence.

I interviewed Mr. Vreeland on Monday and reviewed a key document he allegedly retrieved from Moscow. The communiqué from K. Hussaine to V. Putin (referred to above) is dated June 13, 2000, and was used by Vreeland to successfully predict the Sept. 11 attack in a letter to Canadian prison authorities. The document, which names the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a nuclear power plant as the initial targets of Sept. 11, curiously describes these as "diversionary strikes" attributed to the work of "our brothers." The real attack, says the Iraqi official, will involve the use of "new s-megaton mini satellite [guided] rocket[s]." This is a weapon that would be smuggled into the United States, and better resembles a small robot aircraft than a missile. The striking power of this satellite guided toy rocket is listed as two megatons. The document says, "The shock wave from the air burst of our two megaton mini combined with its own reflection from the ground will form a blast wave of such power that everything will be destroyed … within 8 to 13 U.S. miles of ground zero." The document also refers to a top secret Russian stealth satellite termination system (called S.S.S.T.). According to Vreeland, this is a stealth orbital platform armed with clusters of electromagnetic pulse bombs capable of knocking out global communications and frying U.S. nuclear warheads leaving the Western Hemisphere.

If Vreeland's information is reliable, we might have a handle on why the United States is threatening Russia with nuclear strikes. Like a trapped animal the U.S. realizes the mistake it has made. Disarming after our alleged Cold War victory was an error. Now the U.S. must make terrible threats and take drastic action to restore the nuclear balance. To do this the United States must hold Russia directly responsible for Russian-supported and Iraqi-directed nuclear terrorism against the American homeland. By doing this, and by mopping up Iraq, the United States might reestablish that same "balance of terror" that kept the peace during the Cold War.

Readers may ask, "Is red mercury fact or fiction?"

U.S. officials have sometimes ridiculed red mercury as a hoax. But not former Russian Atomic Energy Minister Viktor Mikhailov, who once spoke of a new kind of bomb that could devastate "foreign territory" while carrying no risk of retaliation. During a Pravda interview almost a decade ago, Mikhailov described the existence of "little bombs" that "could appear by the year 2000." In 1993 General Y. Negin said that Russia had developed a special nuclear weapon, "in which a doubling of yield is achieved with a hundredfold reduction of weight compared to existing weapons." American scientist Sam Cohen, inventor of the neutron bomb, pointed out in 1995 that such an increase in nuclear efficiency would only be possible if the Russians had developed a red mercury device.

Today the Russian Defense Ministry says red mercury doesn't exist. Western officials treat the subject dismissively. After all, Russian smugglers have created fake samples of red mercury, which have conveniently fallen into the hands of Western authorities. But Russian sources, derided as "questionable," continue to report that red mercury - first produced in 1965 at a nuclear research center outside Moscow - is currently being mass-produced at six secret sites in the Urals at a rate of 150 pounds per year. United States officials would never admit that Russia had developed such a technology. Such an admission, after a decade of smug denials, would indicate incompetence and dereliction of duty in high places. It would indicate that U.S. strategic thinking has been blind, deaf and dumb. As any nuclear strategist might tell you: the development in Russia of a micro-nuclear fusion bomb would completely change the strategic nuclear balance. Undetectable from space, easy to deliver, such a device could not be tracked or counted by "national technical means." In addition, it would be the ultimate terrorist weapon.

Did Russia give Iraq red mercury fusion technology?

Last week CIA Director George Tenet pointed his finger directly at Russia for a reason. The United States now seeks the annihilation of Saddam Hussein for a reason. Mullah Omar and the killers of Danny Pearl say that America will soon be gone - perhaps with reason.

© 2002 Jeffrey R. Nyquist
March 26, 2002

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