-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/5485/stevedstory.html">
By way of Konformist. -reformatted.
published in "Paronoia" magazine

It is written by a real sweet guy in NY that i have talked to with email and
on the telephone

Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 14:04:05 -0700 (PDT) From: steven deleno
Subject: High-Technology

The Electronic Concentration Camp

An overview of the New Mind Control Sciences and devices and their reported
trials on the citizens of Totalitaria

by Steven DeLeno

It has been many years since journalists, educators, and professionals in
industry and academia have been writing and producing media on the topic of
advanced technologies and how some of these advancements are going to improve
our life styles both at home, at work and in our leisure time. This sounds all
well and good, yet there is more than meets the eye at first glance. The
United States has enjoyed many improvements from everything small right up to
our automobiles that we drive today. Although there has been discrepancies
both large and small.

The passage of time along with education and awareness has bestowed attention
upon a dangerous situation in regard to the use and containment of the more
higher and esoteric technologies that go beyond the consumer level towards
industrial and laboratory domains. Here is were the utilization, testing, and
secretive uncontrolled experimentation can, has, and is taking place to the
chagrin of some and at the whim of others.

Does anyone think that for one minute the inventive process or the tinkering
with the unknown has stopped since the development of the electric can opener.
I don't think so. Just as competitive as a football game can be, we have all
seen with the passing of time the many Wars that America has toiled in, along
with those efforts of overpowering the adversaries. Yes, big business also
applies its competitive marketing strategies; but upon a peaceful populace,
and they are subject to regulatory review and accountability to at least some
degree that provides for remedy and redress. Where the concern grows is with
the less understood technologies and adverse techniques that go with their
development. These actions I am referring to is the somewhat obscure
application of hi-tech level electromagnetic devices in the nature of being
lethal and non-lethal weapons and devices that operate from a distance to do
their harm or less rarely good. The focus of this is the combined testing and
experimentation of such machinery along with psychological and physiological
objectives, which becomes the culmination of mind control and electronic
harassment as opposed to the corridor of legitimate uses for such equipment.

The functions of the human body has in part been a mystery to the medical and
science community for centuries as well as being unraveled everyday with new
discoveries. The brain, of all other parts, has been held to be one of the
most vital and most powerful influences over our functions. When the brain and
it's accompanying functions are inhibited or altered as to it's normal
interfaced environment, there will be adverse and negative changes that will
be perceptive not only to the brain itself but to the entire body. This can
partially develop from our everyday common environment. However, what is much
more paramount is the influences upon the brain and the human body by
concealed activities of a remote and external nature.

It is very apparent how the misguided use of this technology, which can
interact with and disturb basic human functioning, is possible. Even in
elementary science we all know that particles such as electrons do exist in
the absence of observers. Obviously things take place in the field of science
that are invisible to our human perception, yet nevertheless occur. It has
been academically noted that since the late 1980's researchers in West Germany
have developed a computer system that uses an opto-electric scanner to take a
digitized photo of a patient's hand. It then compares the hand to thousands of
other prints in the computers memory and scans for distinctive patterns known
to be associated with various hereditary disabilities and can rate the
patient's risk factors.

Like the scanning of the hand or with todays common x-ray, waves or
frequencies can interact with the body. To understand further, neuro-science
has shown that the brain itself emits an energy field in relation to the
components of its neuron and synaptic nerve system. In particular, everyone's
brain has a distinctive set of bioelectric resonating frequencies. If one
where to consider extensive studies relating to brain activity or processes
you may realize the concept that our brains have patterns of electrical energy
(the firing of the neurons) in part made up of linguistic and grammatical
programs unique to each of us besides other vital brain functions. This
"electrical" field of the human body is said to be it's bioelectric field
consisting of electromagnetic energy and corresponding gene information that
is emitted and specific to each individual. This field can also be detected
remotely by others using capable equipment that enables another to identify
you apart from someone else. How is this done you may ask ?. It has been
determined and reported (bearing some likeness to a laser beam, which you may
be somewhat familiar) that directing "pulsed-frequency" MASER beams (microwave
amplification by stimulated radiation) at specific brain centers can initiate
the rely of necessary feedback to inform the operator as to your state of
being as well as provide one who is bent on depravity and mayhem to also put
another person into states of confusion, extreme stress, along with
hallucinations and symptoms and feelings mimicking mental illness. Microwave
stimulation of the brain by way of these extremely low frequencies (ELF) can
also affect "motor control", simulate auditory sensations that bypass the ear;
evoking one to be led to a false sense of his surroundings. This type of
neural monitoring which enables encoded signals to be sent to the brain
provides for a menacing threat in the hands of unethical users.

It does not take long to surmise that any coordinated efforts to effect
adverse conditions upon another is only a matter of possession of the devices
and delinquent demeanor. Furthermore, it is known that foreign industrial
countries as well as U.S. entities are constantly developing and refining both
defensive and offensive weaponry especially with the idle time that a peace
time status now allows. Researchers and Industry people have experienced and
reported on astonishing capabilities in the field of Electromagnetic
frequencies (EMF) and Microwave assisted transmissions that empower remotely
concealed operations which can affect a control on human beings as well as
mechanical, and electronic equipment. Discoveries and acknowledgements from
this field of advanced electromagnetics has reported "signal intelligence
networks" that are currently in place that further aid the tracking and
electronic telemetry of individuals and objects. By way of a biofrequency
model of the human body complete with the mapping of pertinent wave-lengths
measured in "hertz" and other denominations, make the above to be possible.
For example, the threshold of hearing is approximately between 20hz to 20,000
hz. Measurement by EEG (electroencephalogram) can record the small impulses
produced by the activity of the brain. Characteristic wave patterns can be
revealed which indicate disease as well as show the mental status of a normal
waking state (beta waves between 13 to 30hz) or periods of deep relaxation
(theta waves between 4 to 8hz). These and other emanated brain waves can be
acted upon beneficially as well as adversely by artificial means. EMF
contrived equipment in various modalities can duplicate and exceed modern
medical equipment to a high degree. While In conjunction with earth orbiting
satellites, monitoring and output transmissions are further advantageously
directed for the purpose of the operators.

There may be some legitimate security applications to this technology and
unfortunately it is not lawfully or totally contained to only national defense
or security. The irresponsible use of this technology has lent itself to even
further encroachment with the development of specific apparatus that have no
use except to add personal chaos to ones life. Borrowing from inventors of the
past, researchers and deviant experimenters alike have concocted an "anomalies
machine" which can pinpoint directed energy upon various surfaces and objects
(as in the likes of ones home). This has been used to create simulated and
false auditory disturbances to the targeted environment. There have been
countless effects created by this device including; vibrations to radiators
and heating system; impact noises to walls, windows, appliances; light bulbs
prematurely burning out (recurring hits to filament); replicated house-
settling noises; piercing click sounds that seem to emanate from any available
surface; a heavy thumbing sound to floor boards that mimic footsteps; mirrors
cracking; and the ringing of your doorbell. This intruding device became
possible from the applied principles of magnetics and acoustics, combined with
a few inventions that have been derived from electrical generators.

The discoveries in physics have now made possible the ability to pass wave
frequencies through solid objects while these wave forms carry information
back and forth to its source for interpretation or decoding. In as much as the
infrared telescope can see in the dark, it has been possible to enable the
collection of data and images from far away places and the capacity to do the
same through most any solid material such as walls and entire buildings. Thus
making x-ray vision possible.

Studies done with Electromagnetic fields (EMF) and living systems have yielded
aberrancies that have impeded or obstructed natural cell processes and their
cycles, both in vivo (in the living body) and in vitro (in a test-tube or
glass slide observation under a microscope). Nervous system development and
regeneration in low form organisms and chromosome deviations in plant life
have resulted from EMF exposure. Long term microwave and infrared laser
targeting causes A condition known as "autolysis" which is the adverse
softening of the human skin and tissue due to the destruction of surface
capillaries. This condition is identified by a suitable medical scan such as
an MRI or other types of non-evasive scans.

This biofrequency science has become more of a pertinent concern than
Democracy itself, yet it is becoming more disclosed and understood by
professionals who are beginning to ascertain to the cautions and exploitations
of it's use.

Taking on the second disturbing factor of this real problem, besides the
equipment itself, is the aspect of utilization and deployment. The only plight
of this strange electronic odyssey seems to be that of creating an "electronic
concentration camp" to be imposed upon innocent members of society (chosen to
be targeted) by the arbitrary and capricious fancy of a few.

This culture or program involved in such insidious practices is far removed
from any authentic law enforcement functions. This idea of a "camp" becomes
descriptive due to the around the clock eavesdropping and surveillance that is
commonly imposed upon a victim. To better understand the problem and the
delusions of this mock secret war, we can look for a moment at the comparison
of the Totalitarian-Dictorial state. This false sense of societal rule
implicates its own ruling class and cooperators to be themselves subject of
individual and collective brainwashing in a world of silent conspirators.
There is loss of self and much depersonalization with a "cold" shoulder of
communication and socializing the order of the day. An atmosphere of suspicion
is one item which directly attacks mental freedom. Under conditions of
confusion and turmoil, this regime of internal robotization occurs while the
citizenry of Totalataria are not all consciously aware that it has taken
place. With emptiness and no emotional interplay amongst the populace, the
Dictator becomes both the savior and ever present danger at the same time. In
equivalence, the schemers and associates who do this electronic control and
manipulation of emotional states, amount to a freakish type of caste system of
master and slave with nothing in between.

Without concern or emotion by collaborators, unconsented experimentation which
has been done intermittently for decades, can now add these new assorted
gadgets to their tool box. The basis of all this activity seems to be as
irrational and obscure as the operators themselves. It might be seen that some
political or financial gain can be usurped by design and application of this
technology, yet all else which is harmfully done is pure insurgency, a
proclivity to be sadistic, and to implement suffering. There seems to be some
speculation as to theories possibly believed by these perpetrators that
influence them to these tasks. Feelings of being superior by the power at
their hands and promises of reward in regard to what would normally seem to be
vague stipulations to the average person. Enacting such close-to-detail
scrutiny and remote monitoring practices by operators tends to shed some
information as to the sacrifice they make themselves with their own time and
lives. In exchange of surpassing reasonable and legitimate privacy boundaries,
they (the operators) put themselves in an unclassified segment of existence
that would be repugnant to even the devil himself.

Their functioning and behavior while implementing their electronic escapades
has lent much credibility to them being cold zombies, adapt at a bored
existence painstakingly occupying a void with very little required to keep
them occupied and detained so long as their eyes always lay on someone elses
life. If any such human characteristics they do have, it stops at the toddler

Instigating this personal interference against one's human rights can begin
covertly and subtly in the beginning and soon over time escalate to overt
activity that is now gradually engineered to make you aware that you are a
targeted victim of threatening provocations. Having experienced these EMF
violations against my fundamental human rights and through contact with other
victims, the education learned points directly to a real and present ongoing
danger of illegal activities that exploits every technique and device written
about herein. Victims have acknowledged similar assaults that all seem to
include eavesdropping into their homes via audio intercepting devices and
spying into their living spaces with EMF video or thermal imaging. This
imparts privacy deprivation to the selected individual. The advanced stage of
the technology even allows for viewing through multiple walls, the ability to
view whatever you are watching on your television, along with the fine focus
to observe what one is reading or writing in their own home and all in vivid
color. Their methods against individuals involve their preference to get close
to your residence and setting up their remote shop. Common to personal
interference actions have included harassing noise campaigns and ultrasonic
sound directed at victims for their experimental gratification. The more
unfortunate acts of these violations have been to induce involuntary spasms,
tingling sensations in the skin and muscles, voices and horn sounds by-passed
to the brain, electronic wake-up signals and chemical harassment or
contamination of belongings leading to skin exposure. The general atmosphere
under which they operate leaves hardly any civility for the miscellaneous and
standard procedures invoked such as phone surveillance, fake wrong number
calls, the mimicking of automobile doors closing, and false knocks at your
front door, all helping to lend to your despondency.

The congruency of reports by victims has revealed the existance of tailored
psychological campaigns devised against them which initiate annoying sound
emissions that coincide with key words and phrases that are spoken or in their
thinking (sub-vocalized). This is the intrusive aspect of being able to
decipher your thoughts. The idea of plain old personal privacy may seem to be
changing rapidly unless civil and ethical concerns are raised by the mass
public and acted upon sufficiently.

Fear and mystery are the elements of oppression used by these cowards who seem
joyous to bring despair to others while hiding behind the shadow of
concealment. Anyone to take a delight in such tyranny would certainly fall
into the category of dementia and lunacy.

There are still more involved processes that are utilized in unconsented
experimentation and perhaps there maybe some gaps of knowledge that are
somewhat complex that explains the cohesion of machine and the human body. One
such biological method that is accorded the possible ability of aiding in the
interface and operation of this technology is known as "remote viewing" among
the parascientific community. Although this concept has some skeptical
concerns, it is said to enhance the bodys natural sixth sense in relation to
perceptivity. Some people can be trained to function on this higher level
through meditation while listening to music or sound tapes at the theta level
of about 4 to 8hz. It is estimated that we all have this dormant trait in us
which remains mainly undeveloped. The premise with remote viewing is that one
can extend their visionary reach to a distant place or setting.

Imagine the improvements in medicine and healing methods that may be gained if
the positive implications of this electronic knowledge was emphasized and
studied. Years of painstaking research might very well be saved in the search
for a cure or remedy for the many diseases that remain unsolved.

With the concern about the excessive secrecy of these electronic endeavors and
the present harm from their misguided use, it is paramount to bring disclosure
and oversight of such operations to a proper forum such as public involved
committees, or at least in conjunction with our elected representatives in an
impartial role. Otherwise we are looking at further infringements to our
liberties right here in the United States and elsewhere.

Be it noted that this information is not to imply that all members of any
Government agency, Intelligence services or operatives are responsible for or
involved in the activities as described and this is not to imply that their is
no venue to conduct legitimate security or defense research. The activities
and subjects which this article is concerned relates to lawless and sinister
actions that brings calamity to a civilized society.


"Bioelectromagnetics" (journal) 1995: Vol:16 "Clinical Psychopharmacology"
John Preston PsyD. James Johnson M.D. "The Holographic Universe" Talbot,
Micheal "Mindwaves" Blakemore, Colin and Greenfeild, Susan "Mutation Research"
(journal) 1994 June Vol:324 "Nexus" magazine apr/may 1996
"Nexus" magazine oct/nov 1996
"Nexus" magazine dec/jan 1997 The Poltergeist Machine (p.43) "The Rape of the
Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing" Joost
A.M. Meerloo, M.D. 1956-World Pub.Co. "Self-Directed Behavior" Watson, David
L. -------------------------------------------------end

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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