-Caveat Lector-

>From http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/020801/7/1ykhg.html

Thu Aug 1,12:02 PM ET

By Ted Rall

Back to Baghdad for Bush's Bullies

NEW YORK-Should we send in 250,000 ground troops or will 25,000-pound bombs be enough? 
Do they have
nerve gas, and if so would they use it? What about the Republican Guards-are they as 
fierce, smart and loyal
as advertised?

How many people will die?

It's the middle of a Bush administration, so it must be time to distract a 
recession-battered public with saber-
rattling tirades equating Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ( news - web sites) with Adolf 
Hitler. How else can Bush
get his approval rating back up from 65 to 92 percent? But selling Americans on Gulf 
War ( news - web sites)
Boondoggle 2: The Revenge will likely prove more difficult than convincing them to 
show up for the 1991
original. As Congressmen Chuck Hagel (R-NE) points out, "There are a number of 
difficult questions that need
to be asked before Congress would support a resolution of war against Iraq."

First, there's no inciting incident: Saddam hasn't invaded Kuwait. The guy is making 
no effort to dis us
properly. Second, the highly- anticipated ending of the first Gulf War, in which 
columns of victorious American
troops were to be showered with roses and free oil by liberated Iraqis, never 
materialized. Third, the Afghan
action epic Tora Bora Bora, though initially well-received, is now considered trite, 
clichéd and banal. Fourth,
this expensive sequel would probably be financed exclusively by America. A July 27 
London Times poll shows
that most Britons, our biggest partners in the original GWB, are not up for a sequel.

The rationale for attacking Iraq changes by the day, according to administration 
insiders. First came the
unfinished-business argument: Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, used chemical gas and 
remains a threat in
the Middle East. Never mind that the Iraqi dictator worked for our CIA ( news - web 
sites) when he did that
stuff, and that nothing worse has transpired in the last 12 years than garden-variety 
Third World repression.
Then Bush declared Iraq a member of an "Axis of Evil" along with Iran and North Korea 
( news - web sites),
unrelated countries that share neither common ideological nor geopolitical aims. 
Finally, Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld implied a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda in planning September 11th. 
Rummy says
"absolute proof" isn't necessary to justify an invasion, which merely confirms that 
they don't have any.

"[The Bushies] don't seem to have a cohesive message to describe the threat," a U.S. 
government analyst
commented to Reuters' Carol Giacomo. "They seem to be throwing things at the wall to 
see what might stick
and nothing's taking hold."

"When there is a democratic Iraq-and that is our goal-an Iraq that truly cares for the 
welfare of its own
people, it won't only be the people of Iraq who benefit from that. It will be the 
whole world and very much
the region," a deluded U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz claimed on July 
17. "Turkey stands to
benefit enormously when Iraq becomes a normal country."

Remember, that's what they said about Afghanistan ( news - web sites) in October. Now 
Osama, Mullah
Omar and the Taliban are running loose in Kashmir ( news - web sites), radical 
Islamist movements are on the
rise in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, and U.S. Special Forces are 
guarding Afghan president
Hamid Karzai, a despised and ridiculed American puppet whose bribed soldiers can't be 
trusted not to kill him,
much less defend their Kabul city-state. As bad as the Taliban were, the thugs who 
replaced them may be
even worse.

And getting rid of Saddam could lead to even-more-apocalyptic consequences.

Saddam's principle opponents are Iranian-backed Shiite groups and 20 million Sunni 
Kurds whose
"peshmerga" fighters are struggling to create an independent Kurdish homeland 
comprising northern Iraq,
southeastern Turkey and extreme northwestern Iran. The Shiite Supreme Council for the 
Islamic Revolution
in Iraq (SCIRI), the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of 
Kurdistan (PUK) agree that
we should depose Saddam, but no one wants another strongman to replace him. "Our 
viewpoint regarding
regime change is that it has to be at the hands of the Iraqi people. We will not 
permit there to be foreign
interference, whatever its nature, in orchestrating this change," SCIRI's Mohammad 
al-Hariri says.

Most experts expect Iraq to disintegrate into civil war after an overthrow of Saddam's 
oppressive Ba'ath
Party. From 1994 to 1998 the KDP and PUK fought a brutal over control of the "no fly 
zone" created by the
American-led allies to protect Iraqi Kurds north of the 36th parallel. And a Turkish 
Kurdish group, the
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), has split off from Iraqi Kurds as it launches 
guerrilla attacks within Turkey. A
post-Saddam power vacuum will encourage the Iraqi Kurds to fight for the spoils within 
Iraq, with the winner
taking on the Shiites. Iran would likely evict its own Kurds, most of whom arrived as 
refugees from the Gulf
War, while arming the Shiites. Just this month, 2,000 PUK troops fought pitched street 
battles against
Islamist guerrillas of the Jund al-Islam group, leaving at least 20 dead in the 
northern Iraqi city of Halabja.
And Turkey, which has already lost 30,000 lives in its own Kurdish civil war, will 
undoubtedly see a renewed
drive for a free and independent Kurdistan carved out of its mountainous east to join 
whatever Kurdish state
emerges from a shattered postwar Iraq.

European and Middle Eastern, secular and Islamic, Turkey is the economically fragile 
strategic lynchpin that
holds together eastern Europe and the Balkans. If Turkey falls apart, all hell will 
break loose between Muslim
separatists and Slavic nationalists in what's left of Yugoslavia and Albania. Gulf War 
2 could ultimately lead to
millions of deaths spread across three time zones.

Opinion of the United States is now at an all-time low among Muslims around the world. 
One reason is our
continued support of Israel's military campaign against the Palestinian Authority ( 
news - web sites). Another
is that we replaced what was seen as the world's purest Muslim regime, the Taliban, 
with an oil-company
stooge. Going after Iraq will make matters worse. Why give radical anti-American 
Islamists even more political
ammunition with which to recruit suicide bombers and attract the financial donations 
that fund their assaults?

The administration calls attention to Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction," but a 
former U.N. weapons
inspector says that Iraq possesses neither nuclear nor biological devices. (Of course, 
no one ever calls upon
the U.S. to account for its weapons of mass destruction. Presumably white male 
Protestants are intrinsically
more trustworthy than swarthy male Sunnis.) If and when Iraq attacks its neighbors or 
American interests,
U.S. retribution might be justified. Until then, the current combination of weekly 
bombing raids and
devastating economic sanctions should serve as sufficient punishment for whatever it 
is that Saddam did to
offend delicate American sensibilities.

As if it wasn't bad enough that we have no moral justification for or strategic 
interest in attacking Iraq, the
Bushies' irresponsible war talk is hurting an economy already battered by accounting 
scandals, the dot-com
hangover and fleeing foreign investment. War rhetoric and the resulting increased 
threat of terrorist attacks
against the U.S. are driving up oil prices and making markets more volatile, says 
Allen Sinai, chief global
economist at Decision Economics in Boston. "An invasion of Iraq raises a huge number 
of unanswered
questions, and that kind of uncertainty is deadly for financial markets." Oil is now 
going for about $26 per
barrel, up from $22 in January-before Bush dubbed Iraq part of an Axis of Evil. Given 
that Iraq produces four
percent of the world's oil supply, a jump like that, at a 30 percent per annum rate, 
boosts gasoline, heating
and transportation costs significantly, slamming the two-thirds of our economy that is 
dependent upon
consumer spending. And the more the Bushies trash talk about the big ass-whuppin' 
they're going to give
Saddam, the more oil prices will rise. "In the oil market, it's just starting to dawn 
on people that something big
might be happening," says Roger Diwan, managing director of Petroleum Finance Co., a 
consulting firm.

As we saw during World War II, defense spending can spur economic growth-but only if 
the war and the
government spending to fight it is long and sustained. "In what is likely to be a 
reasonably quick and decisive
operation, there isn't going to be time for a war economy to develop," asserts Anthony 
Cordesman, an
analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Do the Kurds deserve a homeland? Sure. Would Iraq be better off without Saddam? 
Probably. But if we're
smart, we won't be the ones to blow over this particular house of cards. We have too 
much to lose and too
little to gain in the mess that would certainly ensue.

(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of the Afghan war 
titled "To
Afghanistan and Back," is now in its second edition. Ordering and review-copy 
information are available at

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