-Caveat Lector-


History Will Call Clinton To Account For Events That Lead Up To 9/11
Charles A. Morse

Toogood Reports [Thursday, November 1, 2001; 12:01 a.m. ET]
URL: http://ToogoodReports.com/
Eight years of cover-up and drift by the Clinton Administration
weakened our military and compromised our internal security leading
to the supine position we presently find ourselves in. Clinton
failed, pure and simple, to respond to the growing international and
domestic terrorist threat. He did nothing when American targets were
hit overseas and ignored the burgeoning domestic terrorist network.
Clinton has a lot to answer for but, based on past evidence, it is
doubtful he or his entourage will ever be held accountable for
Attorney General, Janet Reno, ran interference for Clinton and his
corrupt administration by blocking and slowing down congressional
investigations. When Reno wasn´t protecting Clinton, or firebombing
private homes filled with children in Waco, she focused most of her
attention on environmental violators or hate criminals. Such pursuits
seem rather quaint today when we look at the "environment" of lower
Manhattan, not to mention the "hate crime" perpetrated there on Sept.
11. Homeland security appears to have been a low priority for Reno
and her FBI director Louis Freeh.
The Clinton Administration did nothing of significance in response to the first World 
Trade Center bombing, the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Dahran, the downing of Pan 
Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, the bombing of the A
merican Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam or the bombing of the USS Cole in Aden. 
In fact, the Islamic terrorist network behind these mass murders continued to 
strengthen. It must have been obvious to the terrorists
that America wouldn´t strike back excepting the occasional and meaningless firing off 
of a missile for the benefit of the TV viewer and Clinton´s image.
Even more troubling is the possibility of a cover-up, by the Clinton Administration, 
of an Islamic terrorist connection to the Oklahoma City bombing. According to U.S.News 
Report (8/29) "a few top Defense officials think
Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh was an Iraqi agent."  U.S.News reports, "The theory 
stems from a never-before-reported allegation that McVeigh had allegedly collected 
Iraqi telephone numbers." The Clinton Administration´
s motive for covering-up this key aspect of the case; among other cover-ups around the 
Oklahoma City bombing is truly a mystery.
Former Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos and Senator John Kerry (D MA) have 
recently stated on television that terrorists destroyed TWA Flight 800. The Clinton 
Administration apparently refused to consider this eviden
ce, at least publicly, and instead chose to cover-up. In 1995, Ramzi Yousef, the 
mastermind behind the first World Trade Center bombing, revealed to federal 
investigators a plot called "Project Bojinka" which would have i
nvolved the hijacking of 11 US airlines on a single day with the intention of either 
blowing them up in mid-air or crashing them into US targets including CIA 
headquarters. The Clinton Administration covered up this infor
The Clinton Administration did nothing when UN arms inspector Scott Ritter reported 
violations regarding the Iraqi development of weapons of mass destruction. Nor was 
anything done when Iraq suspended the inspections alto
gether. Most damning, the Clinton Administration ignored the growing terrorist network 
in America, which included a large number of illegal aliens. Terrorists were 
laundering money through so-called charities and receivin
g para-military training and aviation training at American schools. Rather than 
encouraging the American citizen to learn about self-defense and the responsible 
handling of firearms, the Clinton Administration worked to d
is-arm the citizenry. Americans were told to trust the government with their safety.
A gauzy sense of unreality swirled around the Clinton years. The very core of 
Clinton´s being, his entire raison detre, was to cast himself in a favorable image. 
Everything about Clinton was always phony and narcissistic.
 This attitude pervaded our culture during those years and perhaps manifested itself 
in the willingness of all of us, to differing degrees, to suspend reality and focus on 
illusion. As a person obviously addicted to physi
cal pleasures, Clinton´s vision, or attention span, didn´t go much beyond the 
immediate. What mattered to Clinton was that which made him feel good and look good. 
After eight years of Clinton, the rest of us are now left
to grapple with reality.
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Charles A. Morse is a nationally syndicated talk show
 host heard on the American Freedom Network aptly named Boston Radio’s VOICE of REASON 
— Chuck is known for his incisive, insightful and sometimes controversial analysis of 
our political and social culture.  He is the aut
hor of Thunder out of Boston. Listen in Monday thru Friday from 8-10 PM ET on KHNC 
1360AM radio in Northern CO — 1370AM radio in Deer Trail, CO — via satellite — and 
live on the Internet.  AFN Radio Call-in Number 800/290
-4868, FAX: 800/551-2031.  E-Mail 'Chuck' at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
November 1, 2001

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