-Caveat Lector-


In a previous chapter there has been related the early history of the great
line that first joined the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans—the Union Pacific.
But the history of this property in recent years is almost as startling and
romantic as its story in the sixties and seventies. It was not until recent
days that the golden dreams entertained by these early builders came true.
The man who really reaped the harvest and who at the same time gave the Union
Pacific that position among American railroads which its founders foresaw was
the last, and some writers think, the greatest of all American railroad

The Union Pacific, a bankrupt railroad in 1893, lay quiescent under the
stress of the hard times that lasted until 1898. The long story of its
tribulations hardly made it a tempting morsel for the men who were then most
active in the railroad field. In 1895 or 1896 the several protective
committees which had been appointed to look after the interests of
stockholders and defaulted bondholders had tried to induce J. P. Morgan to
undertake the reorganization, but he had refused. To reorganize the Union
Pacific meant that not far from one hundred millions of new capital would
sooner or later have to be supplied, and there was no other banking-house in
America at that time which seemed strong enough for the task. Smaller
concerns were all involved in the Morgan syndicates or in other undertakings,
and a combination of these at the moment seemed out of the question.

About this time the German-Jewish bankinghouse of Kuhn, Loeb and Company
began looking into the situation. Kuhn, Loeb and Company were known as a very
conservative but very rich concern with close connections in Frankfort and
Berlin. Though it had been long established in New York it had not been
identified with the railroad reorganization movement nor had it been
prominent as an investing or underwriting institution. But now the active
partner of the business, Jacob H. Schiff, set out seriously to persuade the
various committees to adopt a plan of reorganization which he had devised.
Though he made some progress, he soon found much secret opposition and
thought that Morgan might be quietly attempting to secure the property.
Morgan, however, was not interested. The mystery was still unsolved.

The fact was that Edward H. Harriman, who for some years past had been a
powerful influence in the affairs of the Illinois Central Railroad but who
was unknown to the average Wall Street promoter and totally unheard of
throughout the country, had made up his mind to reorganize the Union Pacific
Railroad. He therefore began to work quietly with various interests in an
attempt to tie up the property. But soon he, like Schiff, encountered serious
opposition. He also immediately jumped to the conclusion that Morgan was
secretly at work, and he called on Morgan for the facts. Morgan replied, as
he had replied to Schiff, that he was not interested, but that he wished
Harriman success.

As Schiff continued to meet with difficulty, he soon called on Morgan again.
Again Morgan replied that he was not interested. "But," he said, "I think if
you will go and see a chap named E. H. Harriman you may find out something."

Who was Harriman? Schiff had hardly heard of him and had never met him. How
could a small man like Harriman, with no money, no powerful friends, no big
financial backing, reorganize a great system like the Union Pacific Railroad?
The idea seemed ridiculous. Nevertheless, as the opposition continued, Schiff
soon got in touch with Harriman. In the course of a conference, he warned
this daring interloper to keep his hands off the Union Pacific. But Harriman
was not moved by threats. On the contrary, he insisted that Schiff should
leave the Union Pacific alone; that he himself had already worked out his
plans to reorganize it. Schiff laughed at this idea, termed it chimerical,
and asserted that Kuhn, Loeb and Company were easily able to obtain the
needed one hundred millions or more through their foreign connections on a
basis of from four to five per cent, and that in America no such sum of new
capital could at that time be raised through banking activities at better
than six or seven per cent.

Harriman then sprang his surprise on Schiff. For some years he had been
financially interested in the affairs of the Illinois Central. This property
had at that time higher credit than any other American railroad; it had
raised large sums of capital in Europe on as low a basis as three per cent,
and on most of its bonds paid only three and one-half per cent interest. For
nearly fifty years the property had been paying dividends with hardly an
interruption, and altogether it had an enviable reputation as one of the
soundest investments. Harriman's influence in the affairs of the company had
been increasing quietly for years; the management had been left almost
completely in his hands; and the directors were in effect largely his
puppets, and a majority would do his bidding in almost anything he might

Harriman now announced to Schiff that he intended to have the Union Pacific
reorganized as an appendage of the Illinois Central. The necessary one
hundred millions would be raised by a first mortgage on the entire Union
Pacific lines at three per cent, and the mortgage would be guaranteed by the
Illinois Central, while the latter company would receive a majority of the
new Union Pacific stock in consideration for giving its guarantee.

Here was a poser for Schiff, who saw at once that if Harriman could use the
Illinois Central credit in this way, he certainly could carry out his plan.
Schiff soon found that Harriman would have no difficulty in using Illinois
Central credit. The upshot of the matter was that the two men got together
and jointly reorganized the Union Pacific. Harriman was made chairman of the
Board of Directors, and Kuhn, Loeb and Company became the permanent bankers
for the new railroad system.

Thus with one bound Harriman had leaped to the forefront in American railroad
finance and by a bold act which was characteristic of the man. For Edward H.
Harriman was not only a hardheaded, practical business builder who like
Morgan thought in big figures, but he was also a bold plunger, which Morgan
was not. Possessing a vivid imagination, he not only saw far into the future
but he also planned far into that same future. Morgan was also a man of
vision, but his vision did not carry him far beyond the present. The things
Morgan saw best were those immediately before him, while the things that
Harriman saw best were at a distance. Morgan's big plans of procedure were
based on what he saw in a business way in the near future; he reorganized his
railroads with the idea of making them pay their way as soon as possible and
of showing a good return on the capital invested. He thought little of what
might be the outcome a decade or two hence or of what combinations might
later be worked on the chessboard as a result of his immediate moves.
Morgan's mind was not philosophical; it was intensely practical.

While Morgan declined the proffered control of the Union Pacific on the
theory that it was only a "streak of rust" running through a sparsely settled
country and across an arid desert, Harriman dreamed of the great undeveloped
West filling up with people during the following generation, of the empty
plains being everywhere put under cultivation, and of the arid desert
responding to the effects of irrigation on a large and comprehensive scale.
He foresaw the wonderful future of the Pacific States—the opening up of
natural resources in the mountains, the steady stream of men and women who
would ultimately emigrate to this vast section from the East and from foreign
lands and who would build up towns and great cities. At the same time, with
that practical mind of his, Harriman calculated that the Union Pacific
Railroad—situated in the heart of this huge area, having the most direct and
shortest line to the Pacific, and with all traffic from the East converging
over half a dozen feeder lines to Omaha and Kansas City—would haul enormous
amounts of tonnage just as soon as the Western country revived from the
depression under which it had been struggling for half a dozen years.

When Harriman took hold of the Union Pacific he had already determined to
absorb the Oregon lines, with their tributaries running up into the Puget
Sound country and to the Butte mining district; to get hold of the Southern
Pacific properties at the earliest possible moment; and to link the Illinois
Central in some way to the Union Pacific so that the latter would have its
own independent outlets to Chicago and St. Louis. All these plans he
ultimately accomplished, as well as many others, some of which his farseeing
imagination may have conceived then.

While Harriman was able very promptly to carry through his first scheme and
recapture the Oregon lines, which had been separately reorganized as a result
of the receivership, he found it a far more difficult matter to secure a
dominating interest in the great system of railroads controlled by Collis P.
Huntington. Huntington was a hard man to deal with. Himself one of the
practical railroad magnates of his time, he also had the gift of vision and
undoubtedly foresaw that the ultimate result must be a consolidation of the
properties; but he fully expected that his company would absorb the Union
Pacific. Had it not been that during the panic period the Southern Pacific
had heavy loads of its own to carry and that its credit was none too high,
Huntington might then have attempted to gain control of the Union Pacific.

Events finally worked to the benefit of Harriman. When Collis P. Huntington
died in 1900, it was in most people's minds only a question of time as to
when the powerful Harriman interests would take over the Southern Pacific
properties. Consequently there was no surprise when in 1901 announcement was
made that the Union Pacific had purchased the holdings of the Huntington
estate in the Southern Pacific Company and was therefore in virtual control.

By a master stroke the railroad situation in the West had been radically
changed. The Huntington system comprehended many properties of large and
growing value, which were now feeling the full benefit of the agricultural
prosperity at that time spreading throughout the great Southwest. Aside from
this prize, the Union Pacific acquired the main line to the Pacific coast
which it had always coveted and thus added to its system over nine thousand
miles of railroad and over four thousand miles of water lines, besides
obtaining a grip on the railroad empire of this entire portion of the
continent not to be readily loosened by competitors.

At the same time that Harriman was strengthening his position on the west and
south, the Great Northern and Northern Pacific properties, both now operated
under the definite control of James J. Hill, were following a policy of
expansion fully as gigantic as that of the Union Pacific. The Great Northern
lines operating from Duluth to the Pacific coast had become powerful elements
in the Western railroad situation, and Hill had devised many plans for
diverting to the north the through traffic coming from the central section of
the continent. He had established on the Great Lakes a line of steamships
running from Duluth to Buffalo, and was also operating on the Pacific Ocean
steamship lines which gave him a connection with Japan, China, and other
oriental countries.

After the reorganization of the Northern Pacific Railroad, which fell under
the domination of Morgan, the affiliations of the Hill and Morgan interests
became very close, and in a short time Hill had as secure a grip on the
Northern Pacific as he had always had on the Great Northern. This powerful
combination looked like a menace to the Harriman-Kuhn-Loeb interests which
controlled the territory to the south and radiated throughout the State of
Oregon. When, therefore, the Northern Pacific began a little later to build
into territory in Oregon and Washington which the Union Pacific regarded as a
part of its own preserves, much bad feeling was engendered between the two
interests. Matters were brought to a climax in the spring of 1901 when the
Harriman people suddenly made the discovery that the Hill-Morgan combination
had been quietly buying control of the valuable Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Railroad, which operated a vast system west and northwest of Chicago,
penetrated as far into the Union Pacific main-line territory as Denver, and
connected at the north with the eastern terminals of both the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific systems. This move meant but one thing to Harriman: the
Hill-Morgan interests were trying to surround the Union Pacific and make it
powerless, just as the Southern Pacific had attempted to do many years

Harriman now played one of his bold strokes. He immediately began to purchase
Northern Pacific stock in the open market in order to secure control of that
property. It was well known that while the Hill-Morgan alliance dominated the
Northern Pacific, it did not actually own a majority of the stock, and to
secure this majority was Harriman's purpose. This move would effectually
check the invasion of the Union Pacific territory by giving the Harriman
interests a voice in the control of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy.

The price of Northern Pacific common stock soared day after day until on May
9, 1901, it sold at $1000 a share, and a momentary panic ensued. At the time
Morgan was on the ocean and could not be reached. His partners were
apparently not equal to the emergency. But Harriman was. When the panic
reached its height, both interests had purchased far more than a majority of
Northern Pacific stock—in contracts for future delivery. It was seen that to
insist on the delivery of shares which did not exist would not only bankrupt
every "short" speculator, large and small, but would undoubtedly bring all
Wall Street tumbling down like a house of cards. So, in the midst of the
excitement, the two interests reached a compromise.

The outcome was the formation of the Northern Securities Company with a
capital of $400,000,000, nearly all of which was issued to acquire the
capital stocks of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads. All the
properties, including the Burlington, thus came under the joint control of
the Harriman and Hill groups. The division of territory on both the east and
the west was worked out amicably: the Northern Pacific abandoned some of its
plans for extensions in Oregon, and the Burlington system remained as it was,
with the understanding that no extensions should be built to the Pacific
coast. Later the Burlington acquired control of a cross-country system, the
Colorado Southern, extending south to the Gulf, but to this day has made no
attempt to build beyond the lines it owned to Wyoming in 1901.

As is well known, the Northern Securities Company was subsequently declared
to exist in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and on a decision of the
United States Supreme Court in 1904 it was practically dissolved and all its
securities were returned to the original holders. This dissolution left the
Hill-Morgan interests in undisputed control of the Burlington properties, but
harmonious relations had in the meantime been established among the
contestants, assuring an equitable division of territory and traffic. The
final outcome was that the Union Pacific Railroad Company, which had
purchased with its large surplus and by the use of its high credit many
million dollars' worth of the capital stocks of the Great Northern and
Northern Pacific railroads, received these stocks back after several years of
great prosperity and after the appreciation in the market values of the
stocks had exceeded $60,000,000. There was no further necessity for holding
them and most of the stocks were sold at the high prices of 1905 and 1906,
with actual net profit for the Union Pacific Railroad in excess of
$50,000,000. No such gigantic financial transaction as this had ever before
been carried through by an American railroad corporation.

With an overflowing treasury in the Union Pacific, Harriman immediately
turned his face toward the East. It had for years been one of his dreams to
control a continuous line of railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific. As
early as 1902 he had all but completed negotiations for the acquisition of
the New York Central lines in the interest of the Union Pacific; but this
plan had met with opposition from the Vanderbilts and Morgan and had been
dropped. Harriman now took advantage of an opportunity which presented itself
to acquire for the Union Pacific what was practically a dominating interest
in the Baltimore and Ohio, a large block of whose stock was disposed of by
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Harriman had already largely added to the Union
Pacific's holdings in the Illinois Central. Jointly with the Lake Shore of
the Vanderbilt system, the Baltimore and Ohio had, as already described,
acquired a dominating interest in the Reading Company, including all the
latter company's interests and affiliations as well as its entry into the New
York district through control of the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Harriman, therefore, by a single stroke, now found himself in practical
possession of a coast-to-coast system of railroads extending all the way from
New York to San Francisco, Portland, and Los Angeles, and passing through all
the important cities of the country. The Illinois Central system, operating
nearly five thousand miles of road southward from Chicago to New Orleans,
passing through St. Louis, with an arm reaching out to Sioux City on the west
and a network of branches covering the Middle States, had thus become the
great link welding together the eastern and western Harriman systems.

Later the Union Pacific acquired large interests in other properties and
purchased substantial amounts of stock in the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe,
the New York Central. the St. Paul, and the Chicago and North Western
railroads. It also acquired a dominating interest in the Chicago and Alton
property, operating from Chicago to St. Louis, with Western branches. In the
panic period of 1907, Harriman personally purchased from Charles W. Morse,
who had acquired the property from Morgan a short time before, the entire
capital stock of the Central of Georgia Railway, which he later turned over
to the Illinois Central. The Central of Georgia lines connect at several
points with the Illinois Central and have given the system various outlets on
the South Atlantic seaboard.

Harriman died in September of 1909, and with his death the wizard touch was
clearly gone. What would have been the later history of the Union Pacific had
he lived can be only conjectured. The new management, with Judge Robert S.
Lovett at its head, continued the broad and efficient operation which had
characterized Mr. Harriman's regime, but it soon abandoned the policy of
further growth and expansion. This alteration in policy, however, was perhaps
more the result of changing conditions than of relinquishment of Harriman's
aims. Many new laws for the regulation of the railways had been passed, and
in 1906 the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission were greatly
augmented. A period of reform had now begun, and after 1909 a wave of
"progressivism" overspread the country. New interpretations were given to the
Sherman Act, and suits were soon under way against all the railroads and
industrial combinations which appeared to be infringing that statute. The
great Standard Oil and Tobacco trusts were dissolved in this period, and a
suit which was brought to divorce the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific
Company was finally decided against the Union Pacific, with the result that
the two big properties were separated. The Union Pacific turned a large
amount of its Southern Pacific stock holdings over to the Pennsylvania
Railroad, in exchange for which it received from the Pennsylvania the
remainder of the Baltimore and Ohio stock which the Pennsylvania interests
had retained after the sale to the Union Pacific in 1906. Immediately after
this, the Union Pacific management, seeing no particular advantage in
retaining an interest in the Baltimore and Ohio, gave the shares to its own
stockholders in a special dividend.

Thus, since Harriman's death, the Union Pacific Railroad has once more
returned to very much its original condition prior to its acquisition of the
Southern Pacific. It still controls the Illinois Central and the Chicago and
Alton and has investment interests in a large number of other railroads. It
is still the premier system of the West and promises to remain so
indefinitely; but the bold Harriman touch is gone and will never return.

Courtesy The James J. Kelly Library of St. Gregory's University, Alev Akman.
Scanned by Dianne Bean.
Proofread by Stephanie Manke.

Also available as unformatted text  for unrestricted download via ftp.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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