-Caveat Lector-

The Real Cause of Hoof and Mouth Disease

There is growing evidence that foot and mouth is not viral
in nature.

Albert Howard, an Honorary Fellow of the Imperial College of
Science, was formerly the Director of the Institute of Plant
Industry and Agricultural Adviser to States in Central India
and Rajputana. His many years farming experience and
research into cattle disease and health led him to believe
quite firmly that FMD is an opportunistic disease arising as
a result of poor diet combined with intensive and therefore
unhealthy farming methods.

Howard's battle to establish these facts were at first
thwarted by his superiors. We discover that vested interests
were alive and well in the early part of the 20th century,
just as they are today. Please read the following concise
and very illuminating section. Links to the relevant
unabridged chapters can be found at the bottom of this page.

This article was written in 1945

Farming And Gardening For Health Or Disease

by Sir Albert Howard C.I.E., M.A.

Honorary Fellow of the Imperial College of Science,
Formerly Director of the Institute of Plant Industry,
Indore, and Agricultural Adviser to States
in Central India and Rajputana


The earth's green carpet is the sole source of the food
consumed by livestock and mankind. It also furnishes many of
the raw materials needed by our factories. The consequence
of abusing one of our greatest possessions is disease. This
is the punishment meted out by Mother Earth for adopting
methods of agriculture, which are not in accordance with
Nature's law of return.

About the year 1910, after five years' firsthand experience
of crop production under Indian conditions, I became
convinced that the birthright of every crop is health and
that the correct method of dealing with disease at an
experiment station is not to destroy the parasite, but to
make use of it for tuning up agricultural practice.

Foot-and-mouth Disease

If this holds for plants, why should it not apply to
animals? I therefore put forward a request to have my own
work cattle, so that my small farm of seventy-five acres
could be a self-contained unit. I was anxious to select my
own animals, to design their accommodation, and to arrange
for their feeding, hygiene, and management.

Then it would be possible to see:

1. What the effect of properly grown food would be on the
well fed working animal.

2. How such livestock would react to infectious diseases.

This request was refused several times on the ground that a
research institute like Pusa should set an example of
cooperative work rather than of individualistic effort.

I retorted that agricultural advances had always been made
by individuals rather than by groups and that the history of
science proved conclusively that no progress had ever taken
place without freedom. I did not get my oxen. But when I
placed the matter before the Member of the Viceroy's Council
in charge of agriculture (the late Sir Robert Carlyle,
K.C.S.I.), I immediately secured his powerful support and
was allowed to have charge of six pairs of oxen.

I had little to learn in this matter, as I belong to an old
agricultural family and was brought up on a farm which had
made for itself a local reputation for the management of
cattle. My animals were most carefully selected for the work
they had to do and for the local climate. Everything was
done to provide them with suitable housing and with fresh
green fodder, silage, and grain, all produced from fertile

They soon got into good fettle and began to be in demand at
the neighboring agricultural shows, not as competitors for
prizes, but as examples of what an Indian ox should look
like. The stage was then set for the project I had in view,
namely, to watch the reaction of these well chosen and well
fed oxen to diseases like rinderpest, septicemia, and
foot-and-mouth disease, which frequently devastated the
countryside and sometimes attacked the large herds of cattle
maintained on the Pusa Estate.

I always felt that the real cause of such epidemics was
either starvation, due to the intense pressure of the bovine
population on the limited food supply, or, when food was
adequate, to mistakes in feeding and management.

The working ox must always have not only good fodder and
forage, but also ample time for chewing the cud, for rest,
and for digestion. The grain ration is also important, as
well as a little fresh green food--all produced by intensive
methods of farming. Access to clean fresh water must also be
provided. The coat of the working animal must also be kept
clean and free from dung.

The next step was to discourage the official veterinary
surgeons who often visited Pusa from inoculating these
animals with various vaccines and sera to ward off the
common diseases. I achieved this by firmly refusing to have
anything to do with such measures, at the same time asking
these specialists to inspect my animals and to suggest
measures to improve their feeding, management, and housing,
so that my experiment could have the best possible chance of
success. This carried the day. The veterinarians retired
from the unequal contest and took no steps to compel me to
adopt their remedies.

My animals then had to be brought in contact with diseased

This was done by allowing them: (1) to use the common
pastures at Pusa, on which diseased cattle sometimes grazed,
and (2) to come in direct contact with foot-and-mouth

This latter was easy, as my small farmyard was only
separated from one of the large cattle sheds of the Pusa
Estate by a low hedge over which the animals could rub
noses. I have often seen this occur between my oxen and
foot-and-mouth cases. Nothing happened.

The healthy, well-fed animals reacted to this disease
exactly as suitable varieties of crops, when properly grown,
did to insect and fungus pests--no infection took place.
Neither did any infection occur as the result of my oxen
using the common pastures.

This experiment was repeated year after year between 1910
and 1923, when I left Pusa for Indore. A somewhat similar
experience was repeated at Quetta between the years 1910 and
1918, but here I had only three pairs of oxen. As at Pusa,
the animals were carefully selected and great pains were
taken to provide them with suitable housing, with protection
from the intense cold of winter, and with the best possible
food. Again no precautions were taken against disease and no
infection took place.

The most complete demonstration of the principle that soil
fertility is the basis of health in working animals took
place at the Institute of Plant Industry at Indore, where
twenty pairs of oxen were maintained. Again, the greatest
care was taken to select sound animals to start with, to
provide them with a good water supply, a comfortable,
well-ventilated shed, and plenty of nutritious food, all
raised on humus-filled soil.

One detail of cattle-shed management was the provision of a
floor of beaten earth, which is much more restful for the
cloven hoof than a cement or brick floor. This was changed
every three months, the dry, powdered, urine- impregnated
soil afterwards being used as an activator in humus
production, for which it proved most suitable. In this way
it was possible to bank the spare urine under cover without
loss by rain-wash or fermentation. The result of all this
was a complete absence of foot-and-mouth and other diseases
for a period of six years.

But this is not the whole of the foot-and-mouth story. When
the 300 acres of land at Indore were taken over in the
autumn of 1924, the area carried no fodder crops, so the
feeding of forty oxen was at first very difficult. During
the hot weather of 1925 these difficulties became acute.

A great deal of heavy work was falling on the animals, whose
food consisted of wheat straw, dried grass, and millet
stalks, with a small ration of crushed cotton seed. Such a
ration might do for maintenance, but it was quite inadequate
for heavy work. The animals soon lost condition and for the
first and last time in my twenty-five years' Indian
experience I had to deal with a few very mild cases of
foot-and-mouth disease in the case of some dozen animals.

The patients were rested for a fortnight and given better
food, when the trouble disappeared never to return. But this
warning stimulated everybody concerned to improve the
hot-weather cattle ration and to secure a supply of properly
made silage for 1926, by which time the oxen had recovered

>From 1927 to 1931 these animals were often exhibited at
agricultural shows as type specimens of what the local breed
should be. They were also in great demand for the religious
processions that took place in Indore city from time to
time, a compliment which gave intense pleasure to the labour
staff of the Institute.

This experience, covering a period of twenty-six years at
three widely separated centers--Pusa in Bihar and Orissa,
Quetta on the Western Frontier, and Indore in Central
India--convinced me that foot-and-mouth disease is a
consequence of malnutrition pure and simple, and that the
remedies which have been devised in countries like Great
Britain to deal with the trouble, namely, the slaughter of
the affected animals, are both superficial and also
inadmissible. Such attempts to control an outbreak should

Cases of foot-and-mouth disease should be utilized to tune
up practice and to see to it that the animals are fed on the
fresh produce of fertile soil.

The trouble will then pass and will not spread to the
surrounding areas, provided the animals there are also in
good fettle.

Foot-and-mouth outbreaks are a sure sign of bad farming.

How can such preventive methods of dealing with diseases
like foot-and- mouth be set in motion? Only by a drastic
reorganization of present-day veterinary research. Instead
of the elaborate and expensive laboratory investigations now
in progress on this disease, which are not leading to any
practical result, a simple preventive trial on the following
lines should be started.

The animals should be carefully selected to suit the local
conditions and should first of all be got into first-class
fettle by proper feeding and management. Everything will
then be ready for a simple experiment in disease prevention.
A few foot-and-mouth cases should be let loose among the
herds, the reaction of both healthy and diseased animals
being carefully watched. The diseased animals will soon
recover. There will most likely be no infection of the
healthy stock. At the worst there will only be the mildest
possible attack which will disappear in a fortnight or so."

Originally Published 1945


My name is Trevor Osborne. I was trained as an agricultural
scientist and farm advisor in the UK in the early 1950's.
This was the time when the chemical farming era just began.
We were taught age old methods that worked with nature, not
against it as we now do. Pests and diseases were controlled
naturally by what was known as good husbandry... both crop
husbandry and animal husbandry. The premise was, if your
soils are healthy, then your crops will be healthy.

If your crops are healthy then your animals will be healthy.
Healthy crops and animals have natural resistance to all

If it were not the case those species would have died out
eons ago. Nature does not rely on drugs and mass slaughter
to control diseases, it relies on the species natural
immunity and they survive because that's the way nature
works... when you let it!

It seems we have chosen to ignore the lessons we learned
over many centuries. How long is it going to take for
humanity to wake up to this fact? What we need to do is
learn and practice "health creation" not "disease
eradication" both in agriculture and in human health. Then,
and only then will be start to reverse the disastrous
situation we find ourselves in both sectors.

This brings me to the current Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD)
situation. FMD is not a fatal disease under normal
classification methods.

It is akin to flu in humans... yes, people can die from it
but usually only the weak, elderly and undernourished. In
other words those people whose immune systems are low.
Simplistically, the same applies to FMD... those animals
with very weak immune systems may die. Those with weak
immune systems will suffer the symptoms and then recover.
Those with strong immune systems will not even exhibit the

This being the case the obvious LONG TERM answer to the
problem is, build the immune system of the animals. And this
is done by practicing good husbandry. This doesn't mean we
have to go back 50 or 100 years. No, it is about using what
we know of the old, and combining it with the new.

For example, it is well know in some circles that most
agricultural soils have been depleted of certain minerals
and humus... both of which are necessary for healthy and
nutritious crops. There is a quick and economic answer to
this. It involves applying mineral-rich volcanic rock dust
and organic carbon to the soils.

Two companies I know of in Australia are involved in this,
there are probably more in other counties:

1. International Mineral Consultants Pty Ltd:

2. Sustainable Agriculture & Food Enterprises Pty. Ltd.

To supplement my above statements I have attached a document
taken from Hansard (Australian Parliament records) and one
from the US Congress both of which elude to the importance
of soils to animal & human health. If you require more
evidence regarding the above please contact me at

I hope this brief overview may provide you with an inkling
of where we are collectively heading and what needs to be
done to change to a win-win-win direction.

Regards... Trevor Osborne, NDA


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