-Caveat Lector-

Mapping the Real Deal…
The Real Deal About Enron

... an interview with Scoop Real Deal Columnist Catherine Austin Fitts
Part Two Of Seven Parts
By Daniel Armstrong*
Originally Published By Sanders Research Associates

[*Daniel Armstrong is a writer and novelist based in Eugene, Oregon. Mr.
Armstrong is a graduate of Princeton University and attended the
University of Oregon School of Journalism.]

If my years working on the clean up of BCCI and the S&L crisis taught me
one thing that I would communicate today to the shareholders, retirees
and employees who have been harmed, it is this: people like those on the
board of Enron absolutely make money from insider trading, bid rigging and
fraud, and they do so with help from the highest levels.
-- Catherine Austin Fitts.

IMAGE: Enron - Click Through To Original Article


(Click Here for Part One

http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0304/S00031.htm )

In Part One, we introduced the subject of this interview Catherine Austin
Fitts and described some of her experiences in taking on the criminal
powers who lie behind the modern U.S. Governmental apparatus.



DA: In 1989 and 1990, Catherine, you worked for HUD Secretary Jack Kemp
in the first Bush Administration. Kemp was a member of the oversight board
for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) that was set up for the S&L
cleanup. Part of your responsibilities at HUD was to provide regulatory
support to Kemp and to the RTC people and its operation, regarding
mortgage and property disposition. Also, between 1994 and 1996 you
served as a board member of First American Corporation, after former New
York Banking Commissioner Harry Albright was appointed Trustee of the
First American Resolution. You were there to assist in selling First
American financial assets and unraveling its BCCI connections.

CAF: That's correct. I was initially brought into the Bush Administration to
ensure that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) at HUD was sound
and to help clean up the IranContra Fraud at FHA/HUD. There were also
fraud issues related to regulatory responsibility in the Freddie Mac, Fannie
Mae, Federal Housing Loan Bank system, and the U.S. mortgage market---
that dovetailed into the S&L work. After I left HUD, I became a board
member of Carteret Savings & Loan to help some old partners with more
S&L clean up. Since my days at Dillon, Read, I had a reputation for
successfully reengineering financial situations that others thought were

DA: Beginning in 1996, your company Hamilton Securities, Inc, which was
on a competitive contract with HUD as a financial advisor, was sued by HUD
contractor Ervin Associates and then investigated by the Department of
Justice for alleged insider trading, bid rigging, fraud, and conflicts of
interests. No basis was found to support any of those allegations by their
investigators in 1996, then again in 1999, and finally a year ago, they
dropped all investigations. Those allegations against Hamilton are similar to
those filed against Enron Corporation. So not only have you been part of
the clean up of several large and complex fraud cases, but you have also
been on the receiving end of a DOJ investigation---on allegations not
terribly different than those in the Enron case. Additionally, you were a
member of the SEC's Emerging Market Advisory Committee from 1990 to
1993. Clearly, you must have a pretty good sense of corporate law and first
hand knowledge of what goes on in government fraud investigations. I
know from articles you have written that you are not fully convinced the
investigation of Enron is in good faith---also that you feel a lot of mistakes
and omissions were made in the way the DOJ initiated its investigation. Can
you explain some of this?

CAF: There are seven steps that should have been taken if the federal
intelligence, investigation, regulatory and prosecution agencies were
serious about stopping the Enron fraud, getting our money back and
holding guilty parties accountable. All seven are based on two fundamental
principles that you always see working when prosecutors and investigators
are doing a competent job. The first fundamental principle is: Make sure
you have control of all the data and information about money and how
that money is used in the organization. The second fundamental principle
is: Make sure you use that control---of the data and information---to gain
control of any cash that was stolen or wrongfully used. Let me emphasize
at the outset that Enron's management and board of directors and their
accountants and banks have admitted to securities violations, gross
negligence, sham transactions, and obstruction of justice. So let's not skirt
the issue: we have a self- proclaimed criminal enterprise. I believe that
Enron was also engaged in additional financial fraud and money laundering.

DA: Michael Kopper, the first Enron employee to be arrested, pleaded
guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one
moneylaundering charge in late August of this year. [1]Is this what you
mean by additional financial fraud?

IMAGE: One Of The Little Guys

CAF: This is just the narrowest sense of what I was suggesting. I will expand
upon that as we go along. The first thing a serious investigation, regulatory
and enforcement effort does is to establish control of both the records
that document how the money works and the cash. It helps to compare
financial fraud such as Enron participated in to a game of basketball. The
ball is the cash and you want to keep your eyes on the ball at all times.
Keeping that in mind, let's walk through the seven steps of what a
competent investigation and prosecution effort should have done. The
first step is to get control of all the documents. By all the documents I
mean all the papers and digital records of Enron and its 3,000 subsidiaries
and special purpose entities that inform "how the money works'', both
onshore and offshore. You also make sure you get control of all the
Enronrelated records at their banks, auditors and other vendors, both
onshore and offshore. It's impossible for us to tell, from where we are, the
exact extent of the subpoena or other discovery actions that have been
taken, but clearly there's a great deal that has not been done, particularly
offshore, just based on the public record.

We know the government permitted extensive shredding of documents by
Arthur Andersen and Enron, something that is incredibly disturbing
because it proves that months into an investigation, the SEC and DOJ
chose not to assert the initial control that was essential to the success of
any such investigation.

DA: And, in your case with Hamilton Securities, an instance where
government auditors later verified your innocence, the DOJ wasted no
time, seizing your office, your records, and your cash.

CAF: Yes. To me this is the big giveaway. The DOJ simply did not take
timely control of Enron's documents. In Hamilton's case, DOJ and their
informant were responsible for destroying the digital infrastructure of a
company whose operations and equity value was dependent on those
databases, software tools, and documentation. They took extreme
measures to get control of all digital and paper records---even when their
own investigators had documented there was no need. In Enron's case, the
DOJ politely skipped over all of this--- and the second step in an
investigation: you never allow the transfer of assets before you assert the
appropriate controls. And yet we've seen the government readily permit
the transfer of Enron Online to the Just one of the little guys Union Bank
of Switzerland (UBS), one of Enron's largest creditors. So now it's very
possible that a great deal of information that would be needed for a
proper investigation is under the protection of the privacy laws of a Swiss

DA: As I understand it, Citigroup and MorganChase, who have both been
mentioned in the Enron web, were also part of the bidding process for
Enron Online that took place in January of 2002. [2]

CAF: Yes, one would expect that. Like UBS, they were major Enron
creditors. But what's interesting, and perhaps quite significant to note, is
that a recent addition to the UBS board is Lawrence Weinbach, a former
chairman of Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm that shredded Enron
documents. DA: I saw that. Lawrence Weinbach had been the CEO at
Unisys since 1997. Prior to that he spent nine years as managing partner
and chief executive for Andersen Worldwide---which includes Arthur
Andersen where Weinbach began his career in 1961. [3]UBS announced
Weinbach as Chairman of their Audit Committee Board on February 22 of
2002. [4]UBS bought Enron's North American wholesale electricity and
natural gas trading business on January 18, 2002. [5]The timing is certainly

CAF: Enron was also permitted to sell and transfer its gold bullion and gold
derivatives trading operation. Understand that to be able make these two
sales and transfers of Enron Online and the gold operations, as quickly and
quietly as they were, in the middle of an initial bankruptcy filing, was
nothing short of miraculous based on what I'm told by bankruptcy
attorneys. In combination with the illegal shredding, it would have
permitted the coordination of the cover-up of possible money laundering
or financial fraud between the banks and Enron Online. These sorts of
things will be easier to keep hidden because one of the creditors and
trading partner banks now controls what is probably the most likely guilty
entity. Thus the ability of any prosecutor to play the banks and the target
off against each other in the discovery and investigation process is diluted
or lost.

DA: So the government allowed the transfer of assets in a way that may
prevent access to the documents and personnel necessary for a
successful investigation and recapture of stolen monies. Does this also
mean that the bank records can be coordinated with Enron Online
discovery behind the protection of attorney client privilege?

CAF: It would appear that way. Sales and transfers of assets have
proceeded without complete and timely federal control of paper and
digital records, including computers and all data storage devices. Unlike
Enron, Hamilton did not shred documents and provided redundant copies
of records and back up computer tapes to counsel who provided
assurances to the federal government that no originals would be
destroyed. The documents sequestered by Hamilton included records of
all subsidiary entities.

DA: In these first two steps, controlling records and assets, above and
beyond collecting Arthur Andersen's documentation, communication with
Enron's banks surely must be a critical part of this initial process. We've
already mentioned MorganChase and Citigroup as Enron creditors. But
there is a specific accusation that senior credit officers at Citigroup
manipulated records to hide a $125 million Enron debt to Citigroup.[6] From
what I've read, it's unclear if the federal investigators will fully pursue this.
But don't the banks have to be largely involved? Compliant, perhaps
complicit, to the point of assisting?

CAF: Indeed, both Citigroup and J.P. MorganChase, Enron's two lead banks,
were called to task and to testify before the permanent subcommittee on
investigations of senate government affairs committee on July 23rd . Both
banks had been verified as complicit in creating "special purpose entities''
(SPEs) to round trip transactions as a way to loan money to Enron without
calling it a loan. In the course of this maneuver, Enron and its trading as
well as lending partner, MorganChase, created the façade of a
business/trading activity as opposed to a borrowing activity thereby falsely
boosting their revenues. While both banks denied this, the testimony and
documents provided to the Senate, clearly support the Senate's position---
making this even more egregious and suggesting the banks themselves
created and controlled the SPEs.

DA: On September 13th a federal judge dismissed MorganChase fraud claims
against its insurers, perhaps, preventing the bank from collecting $935
million in loses on gas and oil trades with Enron. [7] Then in its own
defense, MorganChase attorneys argued, incredibly, that the insurers
knew the deals were shams intended to hide loans to Enron. What does all
this doubletalk by MorganChase mean?

CAF: That we need to know if Enron or, at least, Enron Online was
essentially a SPE for New York Fed member fraud and money laundering.
This brings us to a question critical in getting to what was really going on
at Enron---the part outside investors played in the Enron game. We can get
to that from the third step of our investigation. You always get document
and cash control, if you can, before a bankruptcy filing.

DA: Enron filed for bankruptcy protection on December 2nd. [8]

CAF: Yes, Enron filed for bankruptcy before the feds asserted control, and
well after numerous members of the Bush Administration were informed
that Enron was teetering on the verge of collapse, and after what appears
to be many efforts by the administration to help them keep going, and long
after SEC investigations had begun. When Enron filed for bankruptcy, its
own board worked over a fourmonth period to "investigate what went
wrong.'' This was only possible because of DOJ complicity at the time. And
this is important. A bankruptcy filing gives Enron additional powers and
rights to protect themselves, particularly from the class action lawsuits
that, on a private basis, could dig out some of the data about how the
money worked and those bank relationships you brought up---even if the
DOJ and SEC don't succeed in digging this out or are, in fact, covering it

DA: What you're saying is, yes, an investigation is going on, but as
congressional investigators slowly stumble through the testimony---it's been
a year now, they have given Enron a chance to work over or obliterate the
evidence. And you feel this is deliberate?

CAF: It looks that way. Enron's bankruptcy filing created a stay against all
suits against Enron. Those directed at board members and management
could proceed. Hence private discovery of Enron's records may be limited.
Watching this process, my question is did the DOJ specifically help Enron
get into bankruptcy, and define their investigations, so as to protect the
information from class action investigation?

IMAGE: What's In The Box?


1 http://www.msnbc.com/news/796841.asp?cp1=1
2 http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/special/enron/dec01/1180417
3 http://www.ubs.com/e/index/about/our_organization/
executivebodies/boardofdirectors/ lawrence_a_weinbach.html
4 http://www.ubs.com/e/index/media/media_global/mediareleases/200202
5 http://www.ubs.com/e/index/media/media_global/mediareleases/200201
6 http://securities.stanford.edu/1025/C0201/
7 http://www.forbes.com/2002/03/06/0306topnews.html
8 http://money.cnn.com/2001/12/02/companies/enron_filing/


In Part Three the interview continues.


Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc. ( http://solari.com)
and a former Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing
Commissioner in Bush I. She is currently litigating with Ervin and Associates
(acting on behalf of the government ) and the Department of Housing and
Urban Development. If you would like to support her litigation efforts, you
can through Affero/ Venture Collective: http:// www.solari.com/vote.php
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 Anti©opyright Catherine Austin Fitts, March 2003
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