-Caveat Lector-

The Secret Uses of Microwaves by British Police and Army
By Tim Rifat


The author of these articles, Tim Rifat, is Europe's foremost independent
author and scientist specialising in psychotronics, the use of biophysical
and electronic technology to influence and kill the human organism; his
forthcoming book: Remote Viewing, gives hints of the breakthroughs he has
made in the physics of psy-warfare.

The history of mind control at a distance, remote mind control technology
(RMCT) begins in America with the research of Dr Ross Adey and his
colleagues in the late '60's, working on the CIA-funded Pandora Project.
Adey found that ELF (extremely low frequency) signals on the region of 1-20
Hz (with 0.1 increments having different effects), had bioactive and
psychoactive effects. The research was important to the CIA for they wished
to find frequencies which could mind control humans from a distance (RMCT).
Pandora researchers discovered that the 6-16 Hz region had drastic effects
on brain and on nervous and endocrinal systems. This could enable major
dysfunction in the target victim if research on cats and monkeys could be
duplicated - the research on human victims still remains classified.

A major problem was that ELF transmissions need vast antennae arrays; Adey's
research showed that pseudo-ELF, caused by pulse or amplitude modulated
microwave, UHF or RF carrier waves at ELF frequencies not only duplicated
the psycho- and bioactive effects of ELF, but due to the highly penetrative
effects of S-band microwaves (low frequency microwaves) or UHF and RF these
combined to have a synergistic effect (especially microwaves) in disrupting
biochemical function to amplify the effects of pseudo-ELF. In layman's
terms, microwave and pseudo-ELF were more effective at mind control than
pure ELF. RMCT, the means of mind controlling and slowly killing victims
using pseudo-ELF - that is amplitude or pulse modulation of microwaves, UHF
or RF - at ELF frequencies was born.

This was developed into a whole array of weapons systems based on the
dramatic effects of pseudo-ELFs on mind controlling, elctro-chemically
zombifying or inducing cancer in victims. ELF or pseudo-ELF was also found
to be able to cut or damage DNA, which partially explains the carcinogenic
effects of pulse or amplitude modulated microwave, UHF or RF.

In Britain, microwave is defined as between 300 MHz to 300 GHz, or in USA
terms above 1 GHz.

Ross Adey's research was done on 450 MHz carriers used to broadcast
pseudo-ELFs via pulse or amplitude modulation, his colleagues carried out
the same research at 147 MHz (these frequencies have been defined as UHF and
VHF respectively in US terms).

This research allows the weaponisation of any microwave, UHF or RF
transmitter, if pseudo-ELF could be induced upon it by pulse or amplitude
modulation at ELF frequency. The new science of RMCT spawned a new range of
EM weapons to mind control and murder by use of pseudo-ELF.

For a specific example, the new TETRA system which will be used by the
police and emergency services in the UK for communication, uses between 380
and 400 MHz, which is switched on and off at such a pulse rate that a
pseudo-ELF of 17.6 Hz (17.6 times per second) is produced. this means the
brain and nervous system are hit by pulses of UHF (USA terms) microwave (UK
terms) every 1/17.6th of a second. This is rather like electrochemical
hammer blows to the head at a rate of 17.6 every second. Some of us find
hammer drills irritating to listen to, imagine 17.6 hammer-like blows being
delivered to the nervous and endocrinal system, at a cellular level - might
this not have a disruptive effect on the organism? Since the cells
communicate to each other in the ELF range, these hammer-like blows of
pseudo-ELF disrupts and derange cellular activities, leading to dysfunction,
behavioural changes and onset of carcinogenic proteins which can lead to the
organism developing tumours.

Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality

The UK Government is now spending £2.5 million to fully implement a
nation-wide deployment of CIA mind-control technology. The TETRA system
pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora
Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early '70s. Dr Ross Adey, the
chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a video to leading UK
researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF
zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and
the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive
hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and
physical states.

This system will be used by all UK police and emergency services by the end
of the year, as the Home Office has sold off all police frequencies, so they
are forced to use the new system.

Use of the TETRA system by the police will lead to psychotronicaly
controlled officers who may be totally controlled in any situation and are
very useful for states of economic or social chaos where extreme and violent
behaviour is needed without any conscious or moral compunction - so-called
police robots.

30,000 transmitters will be placed around the country to maximise the
effects on the local UK population - mass mind control. Anyone who has
complained of these transmitters has received a letter from the Government
informing them that if the transmitters are not positioned where the
Government wishes, there can be no guarantee then of police protection,
which will lead to higher insurance premiums for the householder.

A leading UK newspaper tried to run this story, but had the item quashed by
high-level Government intervention.

Murder and Mind Control - the Secret Uses of Microwaves by the British Army

Greek Cypriots have been rioting outside the British military base in
Southern Cyprus, protesting against the destruction of 190 foot microwave
towers, which are to be used by the British Army and NATO to broadcast
high-power microwaves.

A Greek MP was arrested by the police and the 1000+ Greek Cypriots stormed
the jail and broke him out.

It appears that these microwave antennae are to be used by the British and
NATO for 2 purposes:

A massive build up of NATO forces in Cyprus in order to support Ariel
Sharon's forthcoming genocidal war against the Palestinians and to occupy
the Lebanon as a so-called peace-keeping force after Israel has sterilized
the area. This situation comes about because ultra-rich Jewish families own
the West via the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, and most of the
multi-national companies that trade in the so-called free world.

The Turkish government has refused NATO carte blanche passage through its
country and the Turkish military have refused NATO's request that the
Turkish armed forces come totally under their control if the need may arise.
This dictates that there is no passage for NATO to support Israel unless
they use Cyprus.

Cyprus is a perfect situ for the NATO strategy of causing war between 2
belligerent parties and then taking over that country as a so-called peace
keeping force; examples of this being Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia - where NATO
arms, organises and co-ordinates both sides of the conflict - and the failed
Chechen rebellion which was armed and co-ordinated by America and Britain.

To stir up a war in Cyprus, the British are building these transmitters with
an aim to mind controlling the Greek Cypriots into a state of mindless
violence; the frequency for this being 11.3 Hz, amplitude or pulse modulated
from the microwave transmitters. This frequency will cause the Cypriots in
the South to feel uncontrollable anger and British and NATO hope will cause
a far-ranging conflict in Cyprus so NATO can bomb the Turks into submission
and take over the island as an English stepping-stone to aid Israel.

This may seem far-fetched, but the British government is in the process of
mind controlling the entire UK population using CIA research from the
Pandora Project and the so-called TETRA system which costs £2.5 billion will
place 30,000 transmitters in every urban conurbation in the UK. Further to
this, the British Army has long experience of using microwaves for murder
and mind control in Northern Ireland. In 1977, the CIA contacted Margaret
Thatcher and gave her all the details, elf frequencies, to induce cancer,
paranoia (4.5 Hz), depression (6.66 Hz), manic rage (11.3 Hz) --- To support
this assertion that the British Amy have been targeting Catholic areas with
high-power microwaves, Dr Damien Burn - 38 years General Practitioner in the
Falls Road, West Belfast - and Mary Allen, South Armagh Cross Maglen - have
protested vehemently that British Army bases are broadcasting high-power
microwaves, causing massive cancer deaths among the Catholics.

Strange cancers which never would occur are being found in many Catholics
and the largest cause of death in Catholics now is cancer. Whole
street-fulls of Catholics next to army bases are dying of cancer. This was
reported by Amanda Doherty in the Sunday Mirror, 12.07.98, in the Features
Eire edition: Living in Fear, the Cancer that Stalks our Streets.

The microwaving of peace protesters in Greenham Common, a US airbase in
Britain, is common knowledge. The murder and mind control by the British
Army of the entire Catholic community of Northern Ireland is not. Taking
this into account with the TETRA system that seeks to turn British police
and the public into zombies using microwave and elf, the deployment of
microwave transmitters in Cyprus has a more covertly nasty raison d'etre
than simply extending NATO's communication network.

If the British succeed in building these microwave mind control
transmitters, expect renewed conflict in Cyprus between Greeks and Turks,
deployment of NATO forces to quell violence, and massive support for Israel
by the West in the forthcoming Middle East War.

Update on Murder and Mind Control: The Secret Uses of ELF Modulated
Microwave and RF by the British Army

The CIA-funded Dr Ross Adey to investigate the mind-controlling and
hormonal-effecting uses of pulse and amplitude-modulated microwave and RF
(radio frequencies). Ross Adey experimented with 450MHz, which in the UK
system is microwave, as the British take 400MHz to 400GHz as microwave. His
associate, Dr Blackmore, experimented with RF frequencies at around 150MHz.
This was developed by the British Army, the Secret Police, into a variety of
pulse-modulated, or amplitude modulated, radio frequency or microwave
transmitters, which focussed on the target ELF which had bioactive effects
to kill or mind control their targets. The amplitude or pulse modulation of
the carrier wave allows the British Army/Secret Police (MI5) operatives to
induce ELF frequencies on the victim, even though the carrier wave is in the
RF or microwave range.

British Build Their Own 21st Century Version of HAARP in Greek Cyprus

The British Army are building an immensely expensive ultra-sophisticated
version of HAARP, the US mind-control/weather-control weapon of mass
destruction, in their large army base at Greek Cyprus. 200 metre antennae
are being constructed, powered by megawatt power stations to fire pulse
radio frequency at between 8 and 16 MHz.

Apart from its use as over-the-horizon RADAR, the pulse modulation of the RF
can be modulated at ELF frequency to mind control the surrounding countries.
The British have stated it is targeted on Iran and Iraq and like the system
in Norway, which can bounce RF off the ionosphere, the British version has
the ability - like HAARP - to bounce its millions of Watts of 8MHz
transmissions off the ionosphere to control the weather, destroy
communication networks, and to violently upset whole populations by inducing
ELF behavioural changes, neurological changes, and physical trauma. British
computers can change the frequency to 16MHz, so it acts in its ionosphere
back-scatter mode; this allows focussed beams of megawatt RF to be targeted
on Baghdad, Tehran, Damascus...etc. In the 16MHz mode, the inhabitants of
cities can literally be traumatised into submission, or so behaviourally
disorganised that the city is made uninhabitable.

As well as this capability, 16MHz beam can bounce off the troposphere -
which is much lower than the ionosphere - causing atmospheric pressure
inversions, which can literally knock aircraft out of the sky.

Considering Southern Cyprus allows this British super-HAARP to attack
Turkey, Russia, the Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other
surrounding areas, its deployment by the British Army puts them on par with
the Americans as a military superpower. Considering their track-record of
microwave genocide in Northern Ireland, the use of CIA research by Dr Ross
Adey, in the form of TETRA, to mind control British Police and the UK
population, the targets of the British super-HAARP should not be surprised
if murder and mind control are beamed down upon them with megawatt ferocity
by the British Army.

Further articles by Tim Rifat on microwave mind control - see

The Truth Campaign magazine will be running an extensive article on this
subject, in a forthcoming edition.

Check out these links for more on these frequencies:


http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,487344,00.html from which
comes the following quote:

The fear centres on the operating frequency of 17.6Hz assigned to Tetra when
the system was being established. This means that it emits radiation in
pulses occurring 17.6 times a second, a level some scientists believe can
penetrate deep into the brain, damaging cell communication.

Roger Coghill, an independent research scientist and a member of the
Department of Health's UK mobile telecommunications health research
programme, said: "A criminal could not have come up with a better system.
They couldn't have chosen a better frequency with which to disarm and
debilitate the very forces that are trying to secure their arrest."

Alasdair Philips, an expert on the biological effects of electromagnetic
radiation and director of the campaign group Powerwatch, said Tetra had the
potential to become the "next asbestos".

"It is beyond belief that any one could be contemplating the rollout of a
system like Tetra because of the evidence about the dangers of pulsed
frequencies," he said. "To design a communications system based on these
principles is mind numbing. The effects we may see could well be on a par
with Gulf war syndrome."

Contributed by Ivan Fraser - editor/founder The Truth Campaign

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