Rev. Moon Calls for Establishment of New World Religious Body
World Culture and Sports Festival '99
Special Convocation, 'Family Ethics and World Peace'
Feb 4th -8th at the Lotte HotelRev.
Moon Calls for Establishment of New World Religious Body The Reverend Sun Myung Moon called for the establishment of a new, UN-related organization composed of leaders from the world's major religions. Citing the ultimately ineffective efforts of current peace organizations in securing world peace, Reverend Moon said that the success of world peace in the next millennium hinges on the involvement of united, world religious leaders. "The reality shows us, however, that political, economic, and technological efforts alone have not effectively achieved those goals(of world peace). Only if these efforts are supported by the more internal ones of religion, education, and culture can ideal results be secured," said Reverend Moon, as he addressed an internationally diverse group of more than 800 guests at a conference on "Family Ethics and World Peace", at the Lotte hotel yesterday. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, a group founded by Rev. Moon, convened the conference to solve the problems confronting society, most notably the breakdown of the family. Rev.Moon emphatically asked the assembly, composed of world leader from over 100 countries, to focus their energy during the next three days of the conference on the task of formulating this new religious governing body. The idea was warmly received by the participants and Rev. Moon was praised by Gen. Alexander M. Haig, Jr., who introduced Rev. Moon tithe assembly and credited Rev. Moon as being instrumental in overthrowing international communism.  

Again, from Moon's site:

Chicago, Illinois
Friday - June 29, 2001
We wanted to do something a little different, that was a BBQ.
The Cathedral Holy Bible BC people and FFWPU members were so excited, because of the BBQ and we did door to door, inviting the people to the BBQ. We divided the foods to prepare and came early in the evening and started cooking. Host church people set up most of the BBQ. Rev. Booker Person himself came early and helped us a lot. It was a nice cooking fellowship centered on BBQ. At same time 20 (over 10 years old) FFWPU young people came and did door to door centering on Mrs. Sometani and Mrs. Nagai. It was very hot weather, but they were so determined to do it, because it is 40 days special time now. About 200 people were gathered together for the BBQ. They all enjoyed BBQ and we all took pictures together in front of the Church.
The revival started 7:30pm. 500 people were there. It was such a special day because FFWPU President of North America, Rev. Michael Jenkins came. Rev. M. Walker, Rev. Owens, Rev. Stokes, Rev. James Hampton, Rev. Fred. Harris, Bishop Crawford, Rev. Connie Bansa, and many more pastors, over 15 Pastors and ministers were there. They all were happy to see Rev. Jenkins as well as they see Father Moon.
The majority of the audience was young, 10 to 18 years old, and came from Rev. Edward Davis's church and Rev. Booker J. Person's Church and CARP and FFWPU young people. Our CARP & STF members were great; they always supported this revival.
What a deception! Supposed ministers of God enticing children through a Bar-b-que, to seduce them into the doctrines of Rev. Moon! The approval of Moon began with our most highly positioned leaders. They in turn began to recruit ministers of the ranks right below them and then the levels below that. After Moon's release from prison, Tim LaHaye and Gary Bauer had their names on a mailing to ministers across the nation, inviting them to all expense paid trips to what appeared to be evangelical rallies and conventions.(1) Once there, they were recruited aggressively by Moon personally, as well as by others from his church, even handing out expensive gifts. I have received personal emails from certain of these men who were invited and refused when they inquired and found the were actually invited to an event promoting Moon.
Blessing '99 Report
(Blessing '99 was a gathering of leaders and spokespersons from more than 8 world religions)
A word or two on the religious leaders
From the Moon website
"The Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) was a co-sponsor of the Special Convocation of the World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF). Approximately 50 major leaders from the world's religions participated in the convocation. Their presence was important for a number of reasons, as there was an uncommon degree of emphasis on inter-religious dialogue and harmony from Father this time. This emphasis was particularly evident at the inaugural plenary of the newly founded Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP)."
"...Professor Mumtaz Ahmad spoke from the perspective of Islam, Professor Selengut from that of Judaism, Venerable Kongchinda offered a Buddhist point of view, Professor Smart, a Protestant (Anglican) perspective, and Archbishop Milingo a Catholic view. This session was inspiring and informative. Additionally the faith representatives who spoke themselves embodied these very ideals which they insisted could be fully embraced without internal tension. ...Professor Shivamurthy Swamiji of Karnataka offered Hindu prayers, Khamba Lama Dambajav from Mongolia offered Buddhist prayers, Rabbi Herzel Kranz offered Jewish prayers, Archimandrite Vikentiy Miskov offered prayers from the Christian Orthodox tradition, Archbishop Emanuel Milingo from the Catholic tradition, Reverend T.L. Barrett of Chicago offered prayers as a Protestant, and Professor Manjit SinghJathedar offered blessings from the Sikh tradition." (by Frank Kaufmann/Listed under Teachings/

What we have here, is exactly the same thing we had with the National Day of Prayer, in Washington D.C. in September, 2001. That day Billy Graham, and members of every major religion met to mourn and pray for the nation after the September 11th tragedy.That day Billy Graham, of all people prayed with all these men and religions to the homogenized god of Abraham, and Mohammed. This is the end goal of the Rev. Moon, and the end goal of Antichrist and the false prophet.
Promise Keepers & The Moon/Evangelical Unification Movement

(From the Moon site)
The latest Unification Movement Worldwide News
Report on a "Revival of Christianity" pastors meeting
Yesterday (February 23, 1999) I had the pleasure of attending a 1/2 day seminar for pastors and lay leaders hosted by Promise Keepers, Mission America and Mainstay Ministries. (For further info and
The theme for the day was the "Revival of Christianity." There was much talk on this theme and there seemed to be some genuine testimony that there was a beginning to a third great revival in the US today. There seemed to be an acknowledgement that the church has been pushed out of the center of the culture and that time has run out. There must be unity among the churches. Mission America is calling for every Christians home to be a light house for God and for all Christians to pray for their neighbors. Promise Keepers are calling for revival events to be held on Jan 1st, 2000 outside each state capital. Mainstay Ministries were calling for people to buy their products.
Of Course. And is it any wonder that the ecumenical group promise keepers is endorsed by Moon? What a dangerous day for the Christian faith.
The Following Is From Dave Hunt's "What's Happening To The Faith?"
Zondervan recently published a book titled 'More Than One Way?' Four Views On Salvation in a Pluralistic World. Echoing Billy Graham, who has said, "I respect other paths to God", Leighton Ford declared, "Preach the gospel, but don't be so negative as to refuse to endorse or work with those who belong to a group that proclaims a different gospel". Of course, for the Christian, there are no "other paths to God" and no "different gospels" to be "endorsed". And here is Jerry Falwell posing in a warm hug with Sun Myung Moon after speaking at a plenary session of Moon's "Christian Ecumenism in the Americas" conference in Montevideo, Uruguay. Falwell has called Moon an "unsung hero [to] the cause of freedom" who was "to be commended" for his determination, courage, and endurance in support of his beliefs. In fact, Moon is a cult leader who opposes freedom and whose mind control tactics have enslaved his followers.
And finally from Christianity Today magazine:
Christianity Today
Week of August 6
In Perspective: Why Are Pastors Flying to Moon?
Recent black clergy firings are only the latest chapter in Unification Church's efforts to court Christian leaders.
By Todd Hertz
posted 8/8/01
A Washington Post article reported on July 25 that approximately 35 African-American clergy have been fired or threatened with dismissal after tagging along with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon on his recent "We Will Stand" U.S. tour.The article alleges that the ministers, mostly from the South, "have been voted out of office by church boards that object to any affiliation with Moon." The article has been vehemently denied by a group of involved pastors (including Imani Temple archbishop George A. Stallings, who was married at a Moon mass wedding). This situation may be the boiling point in a mounting unrest over the increasing close ties between Moon's Unification Church and African-American clergy and on on-going mission for Moon.
Moon has found some pretty alluring ways to attract Christians to his cause. And he apparently has the funds to do it. While no exact numbers could be found on the church's worth, Moon-owned properties are connected to The Washington Times and a laundry list of other businesses. He's a regular travel agency with all the trips he's historically given out. And that's not to mention the free gifts as an April Washington Post article pointed out when Moon invited over 300 black clergy members to attend a recent tour stop at Washington, D.C. After his speech, Moon called more than 100 pastors to the stage, and each was presented with a gold Christian Bernard watch. "The gold watches are a personal expression from Reverend Moon, and the gold represents his unchanging love," the Rev.Phillip Schanker, a Moon spokesman, said in an interview.

Schanker said the watches were provided by a Moon-owned business and cost several thousand dollars apiece.Moon's also quite the matchmaker. He has married thousands of couples in his infamous mass weddings-some of them Christian clergy. Stallings, who broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1989 over issues of race,was recently married to a Japanese woman who worked for Moon.But the most publicized of the weddings came in the same ceremony as Roman Catholic Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo took the hand of a South Korean woman Moon provided. The Vatican didn't exactly send a toaster oven because-surprise-the Catholic church doesn't really see eye-to-eye with the whole clergy-getting-married thing.Milingo, the controversial "witch-doctor priest," has been given a deadline to give up his bride or he'll be excommunicated. So far, the archbishop hasn't made any real steps in meeting that ultimatum - such as leaving his new wife or disassociating from Moon. But he has released a public statement and sought an audience with Pope John Paul II.

Yesterday, he met with the Pope. In a letter to the Pope, Milingo wrote, "I know that the action I have taken is both surprising and difficult to understand, but I assure you that I am acting out of my deepest faith in Jesus, and my undying love for the Catholic Church."...Many conservative evangelical speakers have attended Moon-connected rallies including a Family Federation for World Peace event in 1986 where Ralph Reed, Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Robert H. Schuller spoke. A 1998 Christianity Today article reported: "Conservatives find Moon attractive because they share many of his moral and political values," says James Beverly, theology and ethics professor at Ontario Theological Seminary. "Those similarities are significant enough that questions of theological differences are put on hold." Beverly, who has studied Moon for two decades, also notes that speakers at such events often have their trips to exotic locales fully financed in addition to receiving generous honorariums. During Moon's tax-evasion trial, frequent rallies were held for "religious freedom."

Well-respected Christian leaders such as Tim LaHaye spoke at these events. LaHaye told Christianity Today at the time: "By no stretch of the imagination does my participation in that rally indicate that I support Reverend Moon's doctrine. Frankly, I don't really know what his doctrine is. But in America, Reverend Moon and Reverend Sileven (Nebraska pastor) and every other religious organization ought to have the freedom to communicate their doctrine within the framework of the law."**
A Moon employee estimated that half of the several thousand pastors attending such a rally in Washington D.C. in 1984 were in attendance on a free ticket. Darrel Malcolm, at the time was senior pastor of Webber Street Church of Christ in Urbana, Illinois."I felt there was a hidden agenda of trying to buy legitimacy (for Moon)within the Christian community," Malcom said in the Christianity Today article. "I am not ready to grant that I do not consider their group Christian."Not all of this evangelical-courting is necessarily in the past. It continues.

While not many Christian leaders may have realized it at the time, Moon sponsored George W. Bush's Inaugural Prayer Luncheon for Unity and Renewal on Jan. 19. More than 1,400 ministers, civic and political leaders attended the event. Moon spoke to the attendees while church members handed out Unification books and pamphlets. Southern Baptist Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman told Baptist Press:"I was shocked to see that Sun Myung Moon was on the program and in essence, the host. I was even more surprised on the way out of the banquet hall to be given a propaganda book on the Unification Church.(The experience) will serve to remind evangelical Christians that the world increasingly is filled with wolves in sheep's clothing."And although he is 81-years-old, it seems Moon will continue making headlines with such methods of attracting spiritual leaders to his Unification Movement. In a speech at his 80th birthday celebration he said a union of religions is the only way to prepare for the "last days."

**Note: An interesting side note here. A man by the name of Lon Mabon, was a recent member of Tim LaHaye's CNP. This is a man who truly would never support the unity of various religions at the cost of compromising the faith, neither would he follow these men into the NWO. He held a conservative rally, where a lesbian reporter showed up uninvited and began heckling while there. Mr Mabon asked she be escorted out. She sued both Mabon and the man who escorted her out and was awarded $60,000 between the two. Mr Mabon was subsequently jailed, and to date Tim LaHaye, who rallied for Moon, has yet to put forth the time and energy for this man who truly stood for what LaHaye claims to stand for. Of course it is documented that the Rev. Moon received LaHaye's full support. Also of interest, several people have been banned from the official "Left Behind" website BBS for expressing their religious views in opposition to the doctrines set forth by the pseudo-novel by LaHaye and Jenkins. So much for standing up for religious freedoms!) - Eric Jewell

Final Comments

Jesus told a parable many are familiar with. The parable of the ten virgins. These were bridesmaids who were expecting the coming of the Groom, and were waiting to accompany Him to his wedding. We are told that five of them were wise, and five were foolish and did not prepare themselves by having sufficient oil for their lamps. The next statement though is very revealing... all ten, the wise and the foolish slumbered and slept. He told another parable of the wheat and the tares. The wheat was planted but while the workers slept, an enemy came in and sowed tares (weeds) among the wheat. At the harvest they were separated. It would appear that it is time for those calling themselves "Christian" to wake from their sleep.

I am currently looking for firsthand information concerning the use of evangelical organizations as cover for covert activities in Central America, and nations in Africa or Asia. If you have such info please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . All names etc. will be held in the strictest confidence. Thank you.
Notes & References:
(1) Christianity Today Magazine/ Classic: With Their Leader in Prison, Moonies Pursue Legitimacy. Tim LaHaye and other Christians are helping the Unification Church battle the perceived threat of government intrusion.
By Beth Spring | posted 8/8/01 (This article originally appeared in the September 7, 1984, issue of Christianity Today.) As follows:
But a number of pastors are wary of the Moonies' motives. Darrel Malcom, senior pastor of Webber Street Church of Christ in Urbana, Illinois, accepted an offer for an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to attend the massive "Pageant for Religious Freedom" on July 25. He learned of the event from two Unification Church members in Urbana. Their involvement gave him pause, but he says he accepted their invitation because he respects LaHaye. LaHaye is co-chairman of the Coalition on Religious Freedom, the group that sponsored the event. Malcom says he enjoyed the lavish production, but returned home feeling "a little bit used."
"There are some issues we need to be aware of, but I personally do not perceive as great a threat as some who sponsored the rally," he says. "I felt there was a hidden agenda of trying to buy legitimacy [for Moon] within the Christian community. I'm not ready to grant that."
When Malcom returned home, Unification Church members asked him to consider sponsoring a local rally in support of Moon. "They wanted to meet and discuss getting Christians together," he says. "I said I do not consider their group Christian."
Lori Antolock, deputy assistant to Moon's top aide, says half of the several thousand pastors who attended the Washington rally were offered expense paid trips.  

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