This is an old booklet dating back from 1977 giving details of what was
being planned for south africa. Apartheid was not a sustainable system for
both moral and demographic reasonss but could have developped into something
closer to the swiss system.(my prefferred option for SA). However the forces
arrayed against the country made sure that there would be war and terror. Be
as it may, this gives an interesting if dated look to what happened.


The War on South Africa-Aida Parker


THE SERIES of articles which recently appeared in The Citizen - “US Secret
War on South Africa” - and now collated in this booklet infuriated some
readers, delighted others, puzzled many more.
Why, they asked, should the rulers of the most powerful capitalist,
democratic nation on earth deliberately set out to “destabilise” the only
capitalist, democratic nation’ in Africa?
 South Africans are not alone in asking such questions.

 As far back as July, 1972, Fortune magazine in a special supplement on
South Africa commented editorially that “there must by now be a lot of
businessmen who are puzzled about the unique, emotionally charged character
of hostility to South Africa.

 “US and European businessmen who invest there, athletes who represent South
Africa at international events, and trade unionists who have represented it
at the International Labour Organisation have been treated as pariahs by a
considerable body of world opinion.
 “The same body of world opinion seems relatively unconcerned about the
whole denials of human and civil rights in the Soviet bloc, in much, if not
most the Third World’, end across most of Africa itself.”

 It is important to point out that while the Carter Administration has for
the first time brought the American attack on South Africcl into the open,
agencies of the US have in fact been busy trying to dislodge the established
South African Government for many years. Why?
 The Prusssian General von Claueewitz said the three main causes of war were
almost always:
 - A desire for someone else’s territory.
  -A desire for someone else’s markets.
- A desire for someone else’s wealth.
 To a great degree this is a war of strategic minerals South Africa has
them. America Wants them.

 But many Informed people today believe there is another and even more
sinister motive behind the US secret war on South Africa.
 Under President Jimmy Carter, almost all key decision-maker posts in the US
Administration are held by members of an elite international organization
known as the Trilateral Commission;

Founded and funded in July, 1973, by billionaire banker Mr David Rockefeller
as an offshoot of the enormously powerful Council on Foreign Relations
(America’s so-called “invisible Government”), the Trilateralists believe
that the time has come to make an energetic thrust for a New World Order.
 To achieve this New World Order they are already seeking an accommodation
with the Russians. And, as a further move, certain “obstacle” countries must
be removed. These include such fiercely independent sovereign states as
Israel and South Africa.
 Israel has already heard her warning signals. Now South Africa is hearing
hers. That is what this book is all about.

Secret US war on South Africa

THE CITIZEN today begins a series of startling disclosures on the secret war
which the Carter Administration is waging against South Africa. it is an
operation is which:
- Opinion against South Africa is being mobilized in such not seen in the US
on a scale and intensity since the anti-Vietnam War crusade.

- ‘Foreign Governments, through US embassies are being pressured into
withdrawing or reducing investment in South Africa.
- Agencies of the US Government are actively trying to destabilise the
postion here by generous assistance to resistance movements, Black
Consciousness bodies and would be Black leaders. ‘The US electorate
generally knows little, if anything, about the ramifications of a campaign
organised and sponsored by the liberal-international wing of the State
Department and its counterparts in the Central Intelligence Agency. This
liberal-international wing is now well-placed in the White House hierarchy
and is exercising a decisive influence on the Carter Administration’s
These elements have decided that the Whites of South Africa are finished.
The war now being waged is to ensure that the end of White rule, and the
substitution of Black majority rule, is achieved as speedily as possible -
and that when the Blacks take over, the US will have a special and friendly
relationship with them, whether they are pro- or anti-Marxist. My inquiries
prove that:

1. South Africa is now No 1 on the American liberal “hit list”, ranking
higher even than Rhodesia or Chile.
2. Over the past three years, in an attempt to slow or stop the rapid
erosion of goodwill between Pretoria and Washington, Pretoria has found it
expedient to tolerate gross interference in its domestic affairs, at an
ever-increasing rate, by various US agencies.

3. in the US liberal-international campaign to overthrow the Whites there is
a massive and increasing flow of covert State Department-CIA funds into this
country to support resistance and other anti-Government groups and
4. There is good reason to suspect that much of this money is funneled into
the Republic through the US Embassy in Botswana, an office handling a daily
and busy traffic of South African dissidents.
 Prominent among this embassy’s regular visitors are senior members of BPC
(Black People’s Convention), SASO (South African Students Organisation) and
SSRC (Soweto Students’ Representative Council). These and others, including

Page 9

many banned persons, have easy access to large sums of money for their
 5. The CIA has over the years financially assisted in the creation of a
whole solar system of political, cultural, academic, labour, church and
social organisations, some of which are militant, has aimed to create a
Black -White polarisation and is out to destroy the existing order.
 6. There is ample evidence that among the first major CIA-backed
organizations was Mr Robert Sobukwe’s PAC (Pan-African Congress),
established in 1959 and formed, according to Harry Winston, a former
chairman of the US Communist Party, “in the luxurious offices of the USIS in
Johannesburg. “ANC witnesses made similar claims in a political trial in
Randburg earlier this year. It was the PAC-led defiance campaign that
finally led to the shootings at Sharpeville.
 In more recent years, the CIA has given covert support to organisations
such as the Black People’s Convention, SASO, SSRC, the Black Community
Programme, the Union of Black Jouinalists, the Black Allied Workers’ Union
and the National Youth Organisation.
 7. None of these organisations was aware of the ultimate origin of its
fundings, or that it was being manipulated for clandestine international
political purposes. Even now, all vehemently deny any American connection.
 So strongly did Steve Biko (30), ex-president of SAS0 and a founder member
of BPC, feel about the US that in April he turned down an official
invitation to visit America. Yet it is a well-established fact that two of
the CIA’s best-supported organizations were BPC and SASO.
 8. Many other Black radicals and activists unsuspectingly travel the world
as members of the CIA “jetset,” often on funds from such CIA conduits as the
Africa Bureau, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the
Africa-America Institute, the International University Exchange Fund, the
Congress for Cultural Freedom and similar “front” organisations.

And that is the mere tip of the iceberg. , My investigations also show that:

 The US Government pays for the defence of almost every major treason and
resistance triallist, through funds provided by CIA conduits such as the
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under The Law.
 Money is no object. Extensive trials earn extensive publicity. In last year
’s SAS0 trial, a total of R340 500 was made available to the defence. Of
this, a London firm of attorneys contributed R21 500; the SA Council of
Churches R98 000, the Africa-American institute (a CIA conduit) R221 000.

 Extraordinary efforts are made to conceal CIA involvement. Neither
trialists nor defence teams are ever told of the identity of the sponsors of
the funds -yet there is Scarcely a political trial in the country in which
the CIA is not somehow involved. Nearly all political trials are prominently
attended by US
diplomatic officials.
 There is evidence that USIS involvement in South African student, labour
and political affairs goes far beyond what might be regarded as acceptable.
 The USIS was the first (and only) foreign service to establish a Reading
Room in Soweto. This may, on the face of it, be regarded as an educational
and cultural service, with technical and other works being made available.
 However, there are many works dealing with the civil rights struggle which
Mr Andy Young and other US officials are trying to relate to the South
African situation, encouraging Blacks here to follow the American Negro
civil rights example.
 The USIS Soweto facility is also regularly used by the Azanian Poets and
Writers Association. Here, many Inflammatory works are read which try to
analogies between the American civil rights struggle and Black Power in
South Africa.

 Court records show that the USIS offices in Shakespeare House,
Johannesburg, have frequently been used after hours for duplicating illegal
revolutionary pamphlets, although it is not suggested that US officials are
directly involved in this.
 It was the Johannesburg USIS which arranged a Sunday afternoon meeting
between UN Ambassador Andy Young and an audience including some of the
country’s best-known political activists.

 Senior Cabinet Ministers claimed this meeting directly contravened the
agreed terms of Mr Young’s visit. Presumably, it could not have been held
without the knowledge and approval of the US Ambassador.
 While rattling the sword of human rights, the Carter Administration does
not show the same delicacy about human lives. There is ample evidence that
US agents financially back militants who are busy trying to exploit the
delicate racial balance by inciting feelings against the Whites and the
 Prominent in this context is Drake *Koka, the militant Black, trade
unionist widely credited with being of the main instigators of last
year’s bloody Soweto riots. Koka later fled to Botswana, where he used CIA
funds to organise a “channel” for Soweto students wishing to jump the
border, often with the intention of going north for terrorist training.
 CIA funds helped to pay for the big charter airlifts of Rhodesian and South
African runaways to Zambia, Tanzania ‘and other places.
 There is evidence of a deliberate cultivation of a South African political
fifth column through Washington’s many so-called “cultural exchanges.”
 Efforts to obtain full lists of such US guests over the last three years
have failed. Mr Jake Jacobson, director of the USIS, said he was unable to
provide them to The Citizen because of America’s “privacy laws.”
 It is, however, known that lately about one Black a week has left on an
extensive tour of the US. Among them are known militants, including some
“students” detained after the Soweto riots.
It is not, however suggested that all are militants, though many are. The
Americans are very thorough. Not only do they invite established Black
leaders, they also go into the second and third echelons of those who might
one day shape as leadership material.

 Mr Andy Young has called on the US to train Blacks to take over the South
African  administration. In open grants, the US has this year allocated
nearly R3-million for Black students from South Africa in four programmes
alone. In certain cases, bursaries may only be granted if the application is
approved by a recognised “liberation” movement.
 There is evidence that several major US business houses with South African
subsidiaries are used both as covers and channels for anti-South African
political activity and as fronts for intelligence operations. Some are used
to employ black militants “too hot” to be employed by other businesses.
 In this campaign against White South Africa, it is known that various US
Government agencies carry out continuous “vulnerability and feasibility”
studies on South Africa, to devise measures aimed at damaging the country
and to exploit South Africa’s weaknesses.
 In addition, the CIA’s “covert action” division, comprising sociologists,
psychologists, historians and media specialists, maintains regular research
into the country.

 This group specialises in selecting “reachable targets,” including
students, intellectuals, academics, journalists, clergymen, missionaries and

 A declared tactical aim of the Carter Administration is to promote
disaffection, in the Republic by undermining the economy, on the assumption
that the masses will take affairs into their own hands if life becomes
sufficiently difficult. This is the basis of the current vigorously pursued
“disinvestment” policy.

 it is not, of course, the first time that the US, through the CIA, has
conducted operations against legal governments. Two spectacular previous
exam-pies were the campaigns against Fidel Castro in Cube and President
Allende in Chile.
 For four years, after the Bay of Pigs debacle in the Kennedy years, the CIA
tried to destroy the Castro Government, on a scale and in a way that is
almost a blueprint for the present South African operation. The secret war
against Cuba eventually required the services of several thousand men and
about Rl 00-million a year.
 The campaign failed in ail its objectives. instead of overthrowing Castro,
it consolidated him with his people. More importantly, it forced him into
the hands of the only Government willing to defy the US - Soviet Russia.

 South Africa has many lessons to learn from the Cuban experience, one of
most vital being that a people’s greatest danger can lie in ignorance of the
true nature of that danger.
 South Africa has been so obsessed with the overt danger from the Soviet
Union that it has more or less ignored the covert danger from the US posed
by the liberal-international element in the American Government.

U.S. master plan to wreck S.A. economy

“‘GROUP ACTION,” latest US master plan aimed at collapsing the South African
economy, is a highly professional document - “so competently prepared that
it makes your blood go cold,” commented one analysys.
 Already it is being used as a basis for anti-South African activity in 1
000 US universities and thousends of US churches, community end labour
“Group Action” is the work of the American Friends Service Committee. in its
foreword, the 60-page document,
 “Action Guide on South Africa,” points out:
 1 - That the US is now South Africa’s third largest trading partner,
surpassed as a customer only by the UK and Japan, and as a supplier by the
UK and West Germany.
 2 - That there are approximately 400 US firms now active in South Africa
with investments of et least Rl 8OO-miiiion in book value.

3 - That the US now holds about 20 percent of ail foreign investment In
South Africa.
 Efficiently used says the document, this “Group Action” blueprint could
make possible “the first steps . . .for total corporate withdrawal from
South Africa.”
 The document then details how sympathisers, militants and activists,
Operating companies, state and national organisations, can assist in the
overall campaign to strangle the South African Government, financially and
it gives full details of methods for:
 1 - Arranging, sponsoring end promoting trade and sports boycotts.
 2 - Arranging, sponsoring end promoting an onslaught on all banks end
finance houses dealing with South Africa.
3 - How to set about wrecking sales of the Kruger Rand in America.
 4 - How to proceed against all companies, especially multi-nationals, Or
with subsidiaries doing business in this country.
 Because of the depth of penetration of American industrial, investment and
mining commitment into the South African economy generally, this document
then becomes politicai and economic dynamite.
 Should “Group action” succeed even partially in its objectives, the
national economy could be knocked sideways end the jobs of tens of thousands
of workers, Bieck end White alike, dangerously jeopardised.
 The immediate question then is: Just who end what is the American Friends
Service Committee? Who provides its funds - a campaign of this type can be
very costly, indeed? More particularly, is the American Government in any
way Involved in this effort?

 The Philadelphia-based AFSC, described as a “peace organisation” supported
by the Quaker Church, was initially organised in 1917 by the Quakers as a
welfare organisation. In its first 12 years AFSC enjoyed a widespread
reputation as a commendable welfare arm of the Quakers.
 Massive change, however came with the appointment of one Clarence Picket
(AFSC Executive Secretary, 1929-50). During his tenure AFSC became an active
political pressure group.
 Some of its associations were with communists and neo-communists. Some were
with American supporters of a One-World government. Others were with
organisations in sympathy with the so-called African “liberation” movements.
 These included the American Committee on Africa, Africa Defence and Aid
Fund, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
 In 1964 the US House Special Committee to investigate Tax-Exempt
Foundations reported that the AFSC assisted in the organisation of the
American Student Union, cited as a communist front; the War Resisters’
League; the Fellowship of Reconciliation; the Independent Communist Labour
League and other Left-wing, procommunist bodies.
 Despite this sympathetic link with communist or pro-communist
organisa-tions, don’t think for a moment that AFSC was dependent on funds
from communist sources.

 On the contrary, the Special Committee expressed concern that the Ford
Foundation had granted AFSC *‘a total of $1,340,000 of the public’s money,
notwithstanding the ASC’s history of political activity.”
 The Special Committee concluded that, when the Ford Foundation gave
tax-exempt funds to the politically active AFSC, the Foundation’s officers
“were guilty of gross neglect.”
 But was the AFSC really interested in underpinning communist sectional
activity, or was it more interested in the establishment of a “One-World

 The answer to that seemed to come in 1965, when AFSC published a special
study entit1e.d “Speak Truth to Power: A Quaker Search for-an Alternative to
Violence.” US senators attacked this study as “a combination of extreme
pacifism and defeat in the face of the international communist conspiracy.”
 Included in the study was a bitter denunciation of anti-communism. To
improve the US, the study recommended the “conscientious refusal to take
loyalty oaths (or) to do military service.”
 America, said the AFSC, “should get rid of its military establishment.
Various avenues might be taken to achieve this result. Many suggested that
the most probable and most practical approach would be through the simple
transfer of the security function to a world organization.”

 Other recommendations included the support of great “social revolutions”
throughout the world. Since the mid-60s AFSC has shown an almost total
commitment to this concept, with South Africa as a particular target country
for destabilising activities.
 How should AFSC today be listed? As a communist-front organisation? Or as
an offshoot of America’s liberal-international “New World Order” wing, the
concept of a world “supra-state” as advocated by the Rockefeller-dominated
Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral commission, now in effective
control of the Carter Administration?
 Best answer to that lies in one of AFSC’s main sources of funding: from the
giant Rockefeller Foundation.
 Now let’s look at some of the 74 organisations which have pledged their
sup-port and backing to the “Group Action” onslaught on South Africa. Many
are “zombie” groups without any real political muscle. Others are
heavyweights, the most important being:
 The American Committee on Africa. Staff 16; members around 20 000, lncuding
Congresswoman Bella Abzug; labour leader Victor Reuther; actor Sidney
Poitier; writer James Baldwin.
 ACOA is the parent organisation for virtually all non-church, non-racial
Marxist, anti-South African groups in the US. Since its founding, it has
been a focal point for both US political and financial support of African
liberation movements.
 It set up the Africa Defence and Aid fund (US); has mobilised prominent
sport and entertainment figur-es to boycott South Africa; has initiated
action and CO- operates with other organisations in public demonstrations,
pickets and rallies.
 it played an important role in the outlawing of US imports of Rhodesian
chrome; during the Angola War worked feverishly to support the Marxist MPLA;
controls the publication of the quarterly journal, Africa Today, which is
anti-South African and is found on almost all US campuses and In most US
public libraries.
 ACOA is the prime source behind the publication of the bi-monthly magazine,
Southern Africa, highly regarded in the African liberation movements and
with a wide circulation.
 ACOA has played a leading role in the US “disinvestment” campaign against
South Africa. It was largely responsible for the church-sponsored boycott of
ITT, Motorola, IBM and Control Data. It challenged ITT’s investments in
South Africa.
 ACOA staffer Paul Irish helped to form the coalition to prohibit the
importation ‘of South African coal. ACOA was behind the legal suit to
prohibit US new-spapers from accepting advertisements for jobs in South
 ACOA earlier this year sponsored an “Apartheid Kills” poster contest, with
a first prize of $500 for the best poster which would “dramatically awaken
people to the murder, injustice and oppression which is apartheid.”
 ACOA is also behind the “Stop the Kruger Rand” campaign, equating the
purchase of the Kruger Rand with “investment in oppression.”
 ACOA has been financially supporting African liberation movements since the
mid- 19 60’s.
 Does the US Government disapprove or attempt in any way to restrict ACOA

 Well, again, the best answer to that lies in ACOA’s funding. While it is
very difficult to work one’s way through the labyrinthine maze of US
foundation support for these various anti-South African groups, in this case
it can be disclosed that ACOA is officially financed from the Africa Fund.
 A “charitable and educational” foundation, the Africa Fund was set up to
allow ACOA to receive tax-deductable contributions and to provide’ it with a
more efficient method of receiving and disbursing funds for ACOA activities
and programmes.
 Among the Africa Fund’s most regular and generous patrons are the Samuel
Rubin Foundation and the Norman Foundation both stated to be regular CIA
conduits. Like the Africa Fund, both are also tax exempt.
 Immediately a fund or foundation is declared “tax exempt”, it means, in
effect that it has Government support. No Government would allow any fund or
foundatlon to continue as “tax exempt” if it was considered that such a body
operated against the Interests of that Government.

 It can be assumed then that ACOA and others like it operate with at least
the tacit approval and consent of the Washington Administration.

Secret U.S. war on S.A.- new disclosures

THE US secret war against South Africa shows increasing signs of flaring
Into an open confrontation.
 Both at official and unofficial levels, economically, politically and
psychologically, the Carter Administration is stepping up the pressure to
subvert and destabilise South Africa. In one of Washington’s most disturbing
recent moves, the all-power National Security Council, the President’s chief
policy-making body, ordered a top confidential, highly-classified survey of
ail American contacts with South Africa over the last year in the field of
trade, science and technologies such es coal gasiflcation, chemicals and
0 All files in the public sector are being checked on the South African
involvement, and in the private sphere people have been asked to make
available all details of official end non-official dealings with South
Africa in the preceding 12 months.
Although the precise purpose of the NSC survey is not yet clear, well-placed
observers fear it could be a preliminary to cut-off in any scientific end
technological information that could help South Africa to develop its own
 Further interference in South African trade is also regarded es e distinct
possibility once the information has been collated. A top New York
industrialist told me:
“if they ere not already doing, this might be a good time for the South,
Africans to start stockpiling, especially in the communications,
aeronautical end general technological fields.”
Top London bankers report there is “absolute, direct unhidden” American
pressure on Britain to shrink trade with South Africa “The present pressure
goes far beyond mere harassment,” said one banker.
 ‘The Carter Administration gives every indication of wishing to precipitate
a major decline in South Africa by punitive economic sabotage.”
Apart from the British, major West German, France end Swiss banks also
report they are being strongly coerced by the US not to lend to South
 0 Most potent example of the growing strength of the private, professional
anti-South African lobby in America is “Action Guide on South Africa,”
issued by the American Friends Service Committee, a far-left organisation
enjoying substantial support from a number of big American foundations, and
a prime recipient of CIA money.

0 Sixty pages long, the “Action Guide” lists 74 organisations in the US and
in various foreign countries, which can be relied on to give maximum Support
and pressure campaigns against corporations dealing with South Africa nr
with South African subsidiaries, consumer boycotts, stockholder revolts and
anti-sport activities.
0 These organisations include the well-funded, strongly anti-South African
American Committee on Africa; the Anti-Apartheid Movement of the USA, a
re-cent offshoot of the British movement; the Episcopal Churchman for South
 Africa; the February 1 Movement; the interfaith Center on Corporate
Responsibility; international Defense and Aid; Liberation Support Committee:
Southern Africa Committee: US Catholic Conference; World Council of Churches
to Com-bat Racism; Afro-American information Service; Africa Legal
Assistance Project: Amnesty international, USA; African Studies Association:
National Conference of Black Political Studies; Southern Africa Research
Foundation; Congress of African People; Campaign for Global Justice; Task
Force on Southern Africa, end the United People’s Cempaign Against Apartheid
and Racism.
0 Some of these ere perfectly respectable church groups opposed to South
Africa because, as humanist, they reject any form of race restriction.
Some are far-left revolutionaries, some ere anti-White and anti-capitalist.
Some are funded by the CIA, some are privately funded, some seek to gain
support from Cuba and other Marxist Stetes.
 But one thing that it Is essential for South Africans to understand is
this: though represent an increasingly powerful force in America;
universally, these groups are dedicated to South Africa’s destruction; and
they are far more numerous  better financed and far more efficient than most
South Africans realise.
  One of the main strategies laid down by this leftist “think-tank” is the
radicalisation of the universities in this new anti-South African onslaught.
 Revamping the civil rights strategies of the 60's, the groups heve already
been in touch with more than 1 000 universities, trying to force an end to
involvement with any company or corporation doing business with South
0 The second stage of the campaign is to have activists attend the annual
general meetings of every major financial institution providing loans to
South Africa.
 Here group action has already scored some success. The Rockefeller
Chase-Manhattan Bank was the first to announce it would in future not
underwrite loans to South Africa *’ which could uphold apartheid in any
  Apart from annual general annual meeting activity, Group Action is also
spearheading Sustained protest against any company dealing with South
 IBM, for instance, which is accused of doing business directly with the
South African Defence Force and the Atomic Energy Board, is currently the
subject of intense lobbying by the anti-South African movements.
 The strategy here is to insist that the South African connection is by no
means crucial to US conglomerates and that it could be ended without serious
financial sacrifice. ??American sales of the gold Kruger rand have been a
particular target. Group Act ion says: “The South Africans recently signed a
$5-million contract with Doyle, Dane and Bernbach of New York to mount a
huge advertising campaign in 25 American cities for the South African Kruger
rand.”    it then urges: “Call 800-243-6000, the toil-free KR number, to
lodge a protest against South African presence in the US.
 “Calll 800-243-6000 to find out what dealers in your area handle the KR
coins. Approach these local dealers (usually banks and coin dealers), about
their involvement.
 “Offer the dealers a decal for their windows: ‘We do not deal in apartheid.
No Krugerrands sold here.’ ”

This is a particularly effective campaign, for it not only Jams up the line
for people genuinely interested in buying the Krugerrand, but also means it
costs the protesters nothing. South Africans are paying for their call,
which is charged to the South Africajn interests organising the campaign to
sell Krugerrands.
0 One victim of the anti-Krugerrand campaign has been. the Manufacturers
National Bank in Detroit. Not only has this bank and its various branches
been repeatedly picketed, but churches, companies, schools, universities and
others are being pressured not to do business with this institute as long as
it handles South African gaid coin sales.
 Editorial comment in one anti-South African Detroit paper reads: “The
Krugerrand is a one-ounce gold coin sold by the racist White Government of
South Africa.
 “Presently Zj60 000 KR a month are sold for a total of $50-million. This
money is used, to buy tanks, guns and planes to maintain the racist regime
and enforce the ttarrtible oppression of the Black working class.”

0 Group Ac’tion, church groups and Black militants are jointly organising a
nation-wide boycott of South African and South West African (Namibian)
consumer products - but It appears this is easier said than done.
 Group Action reports: “Sardine can labels give no clue when their contents
come from Namibia, for instance. Nonetheless, Smith-Corona-Marchand, through
its subsidiary Durkee Famous Foods, markets Namibian sardines under the
trade name ‘Granadaise.’ Star-Kist markets Namibian sardines through the
French Sardine Company of California, using the name ‘E&-well.’
 “In fa,ct, the US Department of Defence - contrary to a 1971 ruling by the
International Court of Justice - bought $1,2-million worth of Namibian fish
from Star-Kist in 1976.
 “OlsoMonte also sells Namibian fish illegally, as do the Norwegian Fish
Im-porte’Is and the Mitsubishi International Corporation. .
 “Since there are still other distributors of illegal Namibian catches . . .
it becomes hard to buy any can of sardines with a clear conscience.”
 Clearly, Group Action is calling for a boycott of the products it names.
Group Action is also planning the first concerted American effort to sever
all sporting links with South Africa.
 Here it is working with a new group called the American Co-ordinating
Committee for Equality in Sport and Society -the key adviser is Dennis
Brutus of SANROC.

 Anti-South African acitivity is also rapidly and vigorously developing in a
variety of other spheres.
 The New York State legislature recently debated a Bill designed to “reward”
corporations and companies that do not do business with South Africa.
 Introduced by Assembly-man Albert Vann, chairman of the Black and Puerto
Rican Legislative Caucus, this Bill calls on the State to give preference to
cor-porations which do not do business with South Africa.
0 Among those invited to give evidence on the Bill were New York
represen-tatives of the ANC, PAC and other South African “liberation
 The Bill has very strong support from the Black labour unions, which claim
that South African imports into America “deprive” US workers of jobs and
ex-ploit cheap African Black labour.
 Interestingly, a number of Western intelligence agencies and newspapers
have recently claimed that CIA destabilisation “specialists” who were in
Chile in 1973, Portugal in 1974 and Mozambique just before it received
independence are now in South Africa.
 Writing in the influential Israeli newspaper, “Ma’ariv”, published in Tel
Aviv, commentator Daniel Drooz said: Their appearance in South Africa at
this time is not coincidental. It Is a warning that the American ‘nutcracker
’ is applying pressure, that the US ha8 begun an active effort to undermine
the South African Government.”


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