-Caveat Lector-

The cover-up

At the height of the six-day war in 1967, Israel attacked a US spy ship,
killing 34 men and injuring many more. The Israelis claimed it was an
accident, the Americans backed them up. But, as James Bamford reveals in his
new book, both governments concealed
the horrific truth

Special report: Israel and the Middle East

Wednesday August 8, 2001
The Guardian

Early in the morning of Thursday June 8 1967 and the first rays of sun
spilled softly over the Sinai's blond waves of sand. A little more than a
dozen miles north, in the choppy eastern Mediterranean, the USS Liberty
headed eastward. But the calmness was like quicksand - deceptive, inviting
and friendly - until it was too late.

As the Liberty passed the desert town of El Arish, it was being closely
watched. About 4,000ft above was an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft. At
6.05am, the observer on the plane reported back to Israeli naval
headquarters: "What we could see were the letters
written on that ship and we gave these letters to ground control," he said.
The letters were "GTR-5" - the Liberty's identification. "GTR" stood for
"General Technical Research" - a cover designation for the National Security
Agency (NSA)'s fleet of spy ships.

The Liberty was in dangerous waters at a dangerous time. The six-day war, in
which Israeli air and ground forces launched a massive attack on Egypt,
Syria and Jordan, was raging. Fearing involvement in a Middle East war, the
US joint chiefs of staff needed rapid
intelligence on the ground situation in Egypt. Ships were considered the
best option for the job. They could sail relatively close and pick up the
most important signals. Also, unlike aircraft, they could remain on station
for weeks at a time, eavesdropping, locating transmitters, and analysing the

And so the Liberty, which was large, fast and had been stationed relatively
close on the Ivory Coast, had been ordered in. Throughout the morning, the
ship sailed on, with reconnaissance repeated at approximately 30-minute
intervals. At one point, an Israeli air force Noratlas Nord 2501 circled the
ship and headed back towards the Sinai. "It had a big Star of David on it
and it was flying just a little bit  above our mast," recalled crew member
Larry Weaver. "I was actually able to wave to the co-pilot. He waved back
and actually smiled  at m e - I could see him that well. There's no question
about it. They had seen the ship's markings and the American flag. They
could damn near see my rank. The underway flag was definitely flying,
especially when you're that close to a war zone."

By 9.50am, the minaret at El Arish could be seen with the naked eye like a
solitary mast in a sea of sand. Although no one on the ship knew it at the
time, the Liberty had suddenly trespassed into a private horror. At that
very moment, near the minaret, Israeli forces
were engaged in a criminal slaughter.

Three days after Israel had launched the six- day war, Egyptian prisoners in
the Sinai had become a nuisance. There was no place to house them, not
enough Israelis to watch them, and few vehicles to transport them to prison
camps. But there was another way to deal with them.

As the Liberty sat within eyeshot of El Arish, eavesdropping on surrounding
communications, Israeli soldiers turned the town into a slaughterhouse,
systematically butchering their prisoners. An eyewitness recounted how in
the shadow of the El Arish mosque, they lined up about 60 unarmed Egyptian
prisoners, hands tied behind their backs, and then opened fire with machine
guns until the pale desert sand turned red.

This and other war crimes were just some of the secrets Israel had sought to
conceal since the start of the conflict. An essential  element in the
Israeli battle plan seemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a
carefully constructed curtain of lies:
lies about the Egyptian threat, lies about who started the war, lies to the
US president, lies to the UN Security Council, lies to the press, lies to
the public. Thus, as the American naval historian Dr Richard K Smith noted,
"any instrument which sought to
penetrate this smoke screen so carefully thrown around the normal 'fog of
war' would have to be frustrated".

Into this sea of deception and slaughter sailed the USS Liberty, an enormous
spy factory loaded with the latest eavesdropping gear.

About noon, as the Liberty was again in sight of El Arish, and while the
massacres were taking place, an army commander there reported that a ship
was shelling them from the sea. But that was impossible. The only ship in
the vicinity was the Liberty, and she was eavesdropping, not shooting. As
any observer would have recognised, the ship was a tired old second world
war vessel crawling with antennae, and unthreatening to anyone - unless it
was their secrets, not their lives, they wanted to protect.

By then the Israeli navy and air force had conducted more than six hours of
close surveillance of the Liberty off the Sinai and must have positively
identified it as an American electronic spy ship. They knew she was the only
military ship in the area. Nevertheless, the order was given to kill her and
at 12.05pm, three motor torpedo boats from the port of Ashdod, about 50
miles away, departed. Israeli air force fighters, loaded with 50mm cannon
ammunition, rockets and napalm, followed.

Without warning, the Israeli jets - swept-wing Dassault Mirage IIICs -
struck. On board Liberty, Lieutenant Painter observed that the  aircraft had
"absolutely no markings", their identity unclear. He then attempted to reach
the men manning the gun mounts, but it was  too late. "I was trying to
contact these two kids," he recalled, "and I saw them both; well, I didn't
exactly see them as such. They were
blown apart, but I saw the whole area go up in smoke and scattered metal. At
about the same time, the aircraft strafed the bridge area. The
quarter-master, Petty Officer Third Class Pollard, was standing right next
to me, and he was hit."

The Mirages raked the ship from bow to stern with armour-piercing lead. A
bomb exploded near the whaleboat aft of the bridge, and  those in the
pilothouse and the bridge were thrown from their feet. Commander William L
McGonagle grabbed for the engine order annunciator and rang up all ahead

In the communications spaces, radiomen James Halman and Joseph Ward had
patched together enough equipment and broken antennae to get a distress call
off to the Sixth Fleet, despite intense jamming by the Israelis. "Any
station, this is Rockstar," Halman shouted, using the Liberty's voice call
sign. "We are under attack by unidentified jet aircraft and require
immediate assistance."

"Great, wonderful, she's burning, she's burning," said an Israeli pilot.

At 2.09pm, the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, operating near Crete,
acknowledged Liberty's cry for help. "I am standing by for further traffic,"
it signalled.

After taking out the gun mounts, the Israeli fighter pilots turned their
attention to the antennae so the ship could not call for help or pick up any
more revealing interceptions. Then the planes attacked the bridge, killing
instantly the ship's executive officer. With the Liberty now deaf, blind,
and silenced, unable to call for help or move, the Israeli pilots proceeded
to kill her. Designed to punch holes in the toughest tanks, their shells
tore through the Liberty's steel plating like hot nails through butter,
exploding into jagged bits of shrapnel and butchering men deep in their
living quarters.

As the slaughter continued, neither the Israelis nor the Liberty crew had
any idea that witnesses were present high above. Until now,  that is.
According to information, interviews and documents obtained, for nearly 35
years the NSA has hidden the fact that one of its planes - a Navy EC-121
ferret - was overhead at the time of the incident, eavesdropping on what was
going on below. The interceptions from that plane, which answer some of the
key questions about the attack, are among the NSA's deepest secrets.

The ferret had taken off from Athens for its regular patrol of the eastern
Mediterranean, and at about the time that the air attack was getting
underway, Navy Chief Petty Officer Marvin Nowicki heard one of the other
Hebrew linguists on the plane excitedly trying to get his attention on the
secure intercom. "Hey, chief," he shouted, "I've got really odd activity on
UHF. They mentioned an American flag. I don't know what's going on." Nowicki
asked the linguist for the frequency and "rolled up to it". "Sure as the
devil," said Nowicki, "Israeli aircraft were completing an attack on some
object. I alerted the evaluator, giving him sparse details, adding that we
had no idea what
was taking place."

Deep down in Liberty, Terry McFarland, head encased in earphones, was
vaguely aware of flickers of light coming through the bulkhead. He had no
idea that they were armour-piercing tracer bullets slicing through the
ship's skin. Larry Weaver had run to his  general quarters station but it
was located on an old helicopter pad that left him exposed and vulnerable.
He grabbed a dazed shipmate and pushed him into a safe corner. "I said,
'Fred, stay here, you've just got to because he's coming up the centre',"
Weaver recalled.
"I got in the foetal position," he said, "and before I closed my eyes I
looked up and I saw the American flag and that was the last thing I saw
before I was hit. I closed my eyes, just waiting for hell's horror to hit
me. And I was hit by rocket and cannon fire that blew
two and a half feet of my colon out and I received over 100 shrapnel wounds.
It blew me up in the air about four and a half, five feet. And just blood

Stan White raced through the sick bay for the enclosed NSA spaces. "Torn and
mutilated bodies were everywhere," he said. "Horrible sight!"

As soon as the Mirages pulled away, they were replaced by Super Mystere
fighters which raked the ship. A later analysis would show 821 separate hits
on the hull and superstructure. Now, in addition to rocket, cannon, and
machine-gun fire, the Mysteres attacked
with 1,000lb bombs and napalm. Deafening explosions tore through the ship
and the bridge disappeared in an orange-and-black ball. Lying wounded by
shrapnel, his blood draining into his shoe, was Commander McGonagle. Seconds
later the fighters were back. Flesh fused with iron as more strafing was
followed by more rockets, followed by napalm.

As the last fighter departed, having emptied out its onboard armoury,
turning the Liberty's hull into a flaming mass of grey Swiss cheese, sailors
lifted mutilated shipmates on to makeshift stretchers of pipe frame and
chicken wire. Damage control crews pushed
through passageways of suffocating smoke and blistering heat, and the chief
petty officer's lounge was converted into a macabre sea of blood-soaked
mattresses and shattered bodies.

After landing back at Athens airport, Nowicki and the intercept crew were
brought directly to the processing centre. "By the time we  arrived at the
USA-512J compound," he said, "collateral reports were coming in to the
station about the attack on the USS Liberty.
The NSA civilians took our tapes and began transcribing. It was pretty clear
that Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats attacked a ship in the east
Med. Although the attackers never gave a name or a hull number, the ship was
identified as flying an American flag. We logically concluded that the ship
was the USS Liberty."

At 2.50pm (Liberty time), 50 minutes after the first shells tore into the
ship and as the attack was still going on, the aircraft carrier USS America,
cruising near Crete, was ordered to launch four armed A-4 Skyhawks. At the
same time, the carrier USS Saratoga was also told to send four armed A-1
attack planes to defend the ship. "Sending aircraft to cover you," the Sixth
Fleet told the Liberty at 3:05pm (9.05am in Washington). "Surface units on
the way."

At that moment in Washington, President Johnson was at his desk, on the
phone, alternately shouting at congressional leaders and  coaxing them to
support his position on several pieces of pending legislation. But four
minutes later he was interrupted by Walt  Rostow, national security adviser,
on the other line. "The Liberty has been torpedoed in the Mediterranean,"
Rostow told Johnson excitedly.

The NSA's worst fears had come true. "After considerations of personnel
safety," said deputy director Tordella, "one of my immediate concerns,
considering the depth of the water and the distance of the ship off shore,
had to do with the classified materials on board." Tordella got on the phone
to the Joint Reconnaissance Centre (JCS) and spoke to the deputy director, a
Navy captain named  Vineyard. "I expressed my concern that the written
material be burned if at all possible, and that the electronic equipment be
salvaged if that were possible," he said.

But Tordella was not prepared for what he heard.

According to NSA documents - classified top secret- he was told that some
senior officials in Washington wanted above all to protect Israel from
embarrassment. "Captain Vineyard had mentioned during this conversation,"
wrote Tordella, "that consideration was then being given by some unnamed
Washington authorities to sink[ing] the Liberty in order that newspaper men
would be unable to photograph her and thus inflame public opinion against
the Israelis. I made an impolite comment about the idea." Almost
immediately, Tordella wrote a memorandum for the record, describing the
conversation, and then locked it away.

A cover story for the Liberty was then quickly devised. "She was a
communications research ship that was diverted from her research
assignment," it said, "to provide improved communication-relay links with
the several US embassies around the entire Mediterranean during the current

On the Liberty, black smoke was still escaping through more than 800 holes
in the hull, and the effort to hush up the incident had already begun.
Within hours of the attack, which left 34 men dead and two-thirds of the
rest of the crew wounded, Israel asked President Johnson to quietly bury the
incident. "Embassy Tel Aviv," said a highly secret, very limited
distribution message to the state department, "urged de-emphasis on
publicity since proximity of vessel to scene of conflict was fuel for Arab
suspicions that the US was aiding Israel." Shortly thereafter, a total news
ban was ordered by the Pentagon. No one in the field was allowed to say
anything about the attack. All information was to come only from a few
senior Washington officials.

Later that morning, Johnson took the unusual step of ordering the JCS to
recall its fighters while the Liberty still lay smouldering,  sinking,
fearful of another attack and with its decks covered with the dead, dying
and wounded. On board the flagship of the Sixth Fleet, Rear Admiral Lawrence
R Geis, who commanded the carrier force in the Mediterranean, was angry and
puzzled at the recall and protested to the secretary of defence, Robert S

Geis was shocked by what he heard next. "President Lyndon Johnson came on
with a comment that he didn't care if the ship sunk, he would not embarrass
his allies." Geis told Lieutenant Commander David Lewis, head of the NSA
group on the Liberty, about the comment but asked him to keep it secret
until after Geis died. It was a promise that Lewis kept.

In the days following the attack, the Israeli government gave the US
government a classified report that attempted to justify the claim that the
attack was a mistake. On the basis of that same report, an Israeli court of
inquiry completely exonerated the government and all those involved. No one
was ever court-martialled, reduced in rank or even reprimanded. On the
contrary, Israel chose instead to honour motor torpedo boat 203, which fired
the deadly torpedo at the Liberty. The ship's wheel and bell were placed on
prominent display at the naval museum, among the maritime artefacts of which
the Israeli navy was most proud.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that Israel had attacked the ship and
killed the American servicemen deliberately, the Johnson administration and
Congress covered up the entire incident. Johnson was planning to run for
president the following year and needed the support of pro-Israel voters.

A mistake or mass murder? It was a question Congress never bothered to
address in public hearings at the time. Among those who have long called for
an in-depth congressional investigation is Admiral Thomas Moorer, who went
on to become chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. "Congress to this day,"
he said, "has failed to hold formal hearings for the record on the Liberty
affair. This is  unprecedented and a national disgrace." Perhaps it is not
too late.

• Extracted from Body of Secrets by James Bamford, published by Century at
£20 © 2001 James Bamford

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