-Caveat Lector-

You can wax on about freedom.
You can whine about government rules.
But the only way to change the way things are
is to take action against the Tyranny traipsing all over American lives.


With the current state of our society as well as the coming Y2K computer bug
we have put together a page of resources to help you deal with this
potential problem.
Be sure to take a look, your life may depend on being well informed.



Roy Masters

Will you be alive after the year 2000? For thirty-eight years I've been
warning you on the radio, on and off, of course, because it would get a
little hairy and nerve-wracking to dwell on the shape of things to come so
far ahead of time. I didn't know the exact date, but I knew it would be at
the end of the twentieth century. I didn't know what would trigger it
either, but I did know we were setting ourselves up for it. We are being
preconditioned for it as anyone with any brains can see.

Joseph Farrah will be joining me later. He is quite well-known in
journalistic circles and I'll have him tell you about his achievements when
he gets here. He works until two o'clock in the morning and may find it hard
to get up this early. He's a very nice fellow, head of the Western
Journalism Center with 200 journalists reporting to him, and I think he
worked for the Washington Post at one time. He started out as a Socialist or
Communist until he woke up and became a good Conservative when he saw where
his liberal friends were leading the nation. Incidentally, those socialists
are the people who have brought this country to its knees with their
serpentine cunning.

There's nothing much we can do about it now other than to prepare ourselves
emotionally and practically insofar as it's possible to weather the storm.
There simply aren't enough of us. We are ruled by a majority. We are not
even ruled by law any more. Everyone likes Mr. Clinton, so they let him off
with the flimsy rationalization that as long as the economy is good we can
forget the law and let him do what he likes. He can even commit crimes. We
have set him above the law and in doing so we have set the stage for chaos.
After all, if he can do as he pleases, so can we. Right?

That's how a lot of people think. Of course that doesn't 't apply to me. If
there were no law, I wouldn't disobey my intuitive knowing of what is
morally right anyway. The law is in my heart. But it's the millennium bug
that engages most of my attention these days. I know that many of you don't
think that it will come to much because you think the government will take
care of you, but the fact is that the government is far from ready to solve
the problem, and as soon as the welfare checks stop arriving, you're going
to see utter chaos. Or maybe it will start when the lights all go out. Just
one thing will set it off; one little thing will trigger it and pandemonium
will sweep across the land.

Of course, if you were all sensible like me and the people I know--calm,
sensible, prepared, rational, truly rational as opposed to the rationalizing
mindset of the liberals--well, you would know how to deal with life as we do
and you would be prepared as we are. But most of you are not; you even have
trouble with the smallest things. Someone steps on your toe and it ruins
your whole day. Or you lose your job and you go into a deep depression; you
have to take a handful of pills or head for the nearest bar. You don't know
how to face ordinary things, and the devastation resulting from the fact
that you can't face simple things properly is cumulative. It keeps adding
up, so the smaller things are, the more you are going to react to them and
the greater will be their effect on you.

But what about the big things? Like the panic we'll be facing with the new
millennium? Anyone with brains can see the horror of things to come,
including the possibility that two-thirds of the human race will not survive
it. I've been talking about it for a long time, but still some of you can't
see it. Well, some of you can and to you I say don't panic. You know how to
deal with reality, and by reality I mean the craziness of the people in the
world, such as the craziness of the people next door and the craziness of
your mom and dad. and the bigger craziness of your government. Or the
un-sanity, not the insanity, because the un-sanity of it all is terribly
frightening and if you are not careful it can drive you insane. It's the
un-sane that drives people insane. The very act of having to deal with it,
even looking at it, drives you into bizarre behavior. Of course, it is not
confusing to itself--to itself, it is sane, but it is confusing to us and we
tend to go into denial. Having to deal with this un-sanity everywhere we
look creates great conflict within us. We are not dealing with insanity.
Insanity in a person can be tolerated with love, passed off with some such
comment as "he's nuts," but the un-sane are clever truth twisters and they
abound in Washington, DC and the media.

The media have done a remarkable job of screwing with your brains. And so
has the school system. The same kinds of people are in charge in both places
and have trained their own kinds of people. People willing to be teachers in
today's system are willing to give up their principles. And people willing
to be psychologists sit down behind their desks, stroke their chins, smoke a
pipe, and look very important as they try to figure you out, even though
they have no understanding of themselves other than a belief in their own
importance as they put you under a microscope and give you advice that can't
work. But you pay your money and they grow strong in this insane
arrangement. There are many professions like that today, including the
medical profession. Eighty percent of them don't understand what they are
doing. Eighty percent? It may even be ninety-nine percent. The only ones who
know what they are doing are those who have wakened from the un-sane stupor
with a kind of "aha" experience, a now-I-see-how-it-works inner knowing that
the problem need never have been a problem and could never have existed in a
perfect world. Actually, it was a few doctors like that who saved my life

The same situation exists in society as a whole. If you could see your
reactions in the way you are relating to one another, the way you close your
eyes to many things as a way of dealing with them that we call denial, you
could perhaps change things, but most of you have fallen under the hypnotic
spell of the totally un-sane. You don't want to see that your husband is
running around with another woman because you're afraid of losing your
"security," or you don't want to see that your husband is molesting your
daughter. These things are happening all the time, but you don't want to say
anything because you don't want to face life alone, even if you are living
with a tyrant. So much of this kind of thing is going on in society today
that it has gotten to be part of life as we know it. The whole system caters
to that way of life with its drug pushers, legal and illegal, psychologists
and psychiatrists who have been trained in the school of un-sanity and its
denial of God, and a sweeping reprogramming of our mind-set and soul-set all
the way down to our kids who have been put on ritalin to spare the teachers
who lack the moral authority to deal with their restlessness (or would be
fired if they did the right and logical thing).

Getting back to Y2K, I don't know whether I have enough real information
about how to deal with it other than an intuitive knowing gained from
observing the world around me, as I have for the last thirty-eight years in
which I've begun to wake up to political realities. I don't actually deal in
facts, because when you deal with facts, or statistics, there are always
those on the other side who can take the same facts or statistics or
different ones and construe them to have the exact opposite meaning to what
is obvious to you. You wind up with an argument of statistics, devoid of
truth. Let's just open our eyes and look at the problem we have with
computers. They control everything, and supposedly the problem is so deep
and invasive, and our realization of its scope has come so late to our
attention that there probably is little hope for our being able to set it

Unthinkable as it is, the possibility exists that the whole thing was
planned. After all, if the problem existed forty years ago someone must have
known the havoc it could lead to, but it was left uncorrected and allowed to
grow to the monster we face today. Some systems, I hear, like Apple
computer, have managed to avoid much of the problem, but for the most part
the systems measuring time by the binary code will not be able to handle the
transition to the year 2000.

It has been predicted by many computer experts in the field, that after
midnight, December 31, 1999, and in some cases before that time because of
fiscal year differences, many systems will simply shut down. Electricity may
go out, and they quite possibly will not be able to fix it because it takes
years and years to find the chips that need changing. This could effect
every aspect of our infrastructure including our national defense. (Editor's
note: Please see the article "Roy Looks at Y2K with Joseph Farrah" in this

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